D-Day Decrypts - Transcripts (2024)

Time of intercept 23:58 on 5 Jun 1944

To: all units of the Second Defence Division

Time of teleprint to ADM 02:22 on 6 Jun 1944

Immediate readiness”

Time of intercept 00:08 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

to Admiral CHANNEL

Time of teleprint to ADM 02:45 on 6 Jun 1944


From 0121 onwards second degree of readiness enforced at order of 319th Infantry Division.”

Time of intercept 00:18 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

to Admiral CHANNEL

Time of teleprint to ADM 02:36 on 6 June 1944

“Some of the parachutists reported were straw dummies.”

Time of intercept 00:24 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

to Admiral CHANNEL

Time of teleprint to ADM 02:54 on 6 June 1944

“Some parachutists captured, Landings continue.”

Time of intercept 00:24 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

to Admiral CHANNEL

Time of teleprint to ADM 03:12 on 6 June 1944

“Enemy target in BF 3551 attacked by army costal gallery 1/1262 with so far 4 rounds of bracketing fire.”

Time of intercept 00:35 on 6 Jun 1944

from Admiral CHANNEL coast

to all four Sea Defence Commandants

Time of teleprint to ADM 03:15 on 6 June 1944


All harbour defence vessels ready to proceed are to occupy stations immediately as reinforcements.”

Time of intercept 00:57 on 6 Jun 1944

Time of teleprint to ADM 03:29 on 6 June 1944


Immediate readiness for all subordinate vessels in CHERBOURG, CHANNEL ISLANDS and ST. MALO.”

Time of intercept 00:58 on 6 Jun 1944

from Admiral CHANNEL coast

to Sea Defence Commandant CHANNEL ISLANDS

Time of teleprint to ADM 03:31 on 6 June 1944

“Airborne landing at south end of east side of COTENIN peninsula.”

Time of intercept 01:12 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant SEINE-SOMME

to Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 13:04 on 6 June 1944


Query: situation?”

Time of intercept 01:54 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 04:17 on 6 June 1944

“Attack landing boats off PORT EN BESSIN and GRANDCAMP.”

Message sent 01:54 on 6 Jun


Time of teleprint to ADM 04:28 on 6 June 1944


Attack landing boats off OUISTREHAM and CABOURG.”

Time of intercept 02:03 6 Jun 1944

to Sea Defence Commandant SEINE-SOMME

Message recieved at 04:32 on 6 June 1944

“Everywhere along the East coast up to the edge of your area parachute landings and bombing attacks.

In some places landing boats. Situation still confused.”

Time of intercept 02:10 on 6 Jun 1944


to all

Time of teleprint to ADM 04:34 on 6 June 1944


Enemy landing in SEINE BAY between CABOURG and MARCOUF.”

Time of intercept 02:41 on 6 Jun 1944

to 61E A-Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 05:10 on 6 June 1944

“As soon as state of tide permits, both groups are to attack enemy landing boats off GRANDCAMP.”

Time of intercept 02:47 on 6 Jun 1944

From Sea Defence Commandant

to S.O. S-Boats

Time of teleprint to ADM 05:16 on 6 June 1944

“No location in sea area to North-eastward owing to failure of ‘FUMO’. 5th S-Flotilla has sailed.”

Time of intercept 02:48 (TOI) on 6 Jun 1944

from Admiral CHANNEL coast

to Sea Defence Commandant

Time of teleprint to ADM 05:14 (Time To ADM) on 6 June 1944

“Be prepared for employment of heavy rocket bombs by 4-engined bombers against coastal fortifications. New explosive.”

Time of intercept 02:58 on 6 Jun 1944

Message received 05:24 on 6 June 1944

“Ref. message 0427:

6th A- Flotilla will leave PORT EN BESSIN and ST. VAAST at about 0800.”

Time of intercept 03:02 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 05:28 on 6 June 1944 and states :

“Enter port.”

Time of intercept 03:02 on 6 Jun 1944

Time of teleprint to ADM 05:55 on 6 June 1944

“Our torpedo boats, patrol vessels, A-Boats, M-Boats and R-Boats are being operated against enemy landing formations in sea area LE HARVE to ST. VAAST and off DIEPPE until after dawn.”

Time of intercept 03:06 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 05:40 on 6 June 1944

“Most Immediate

Abreast of MARCOUF ISLAND 15 dark spots,

Course south.”

Time of intercept 03:08 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 05:50 on 6 June 1944

“Beach spots at sea spotted near ST. VAAST.

Presumably enemy vessels.”

Time of intercept 03:09 on 6 Jun 1944

from Admiral CHANNEL coast

to Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 05:36 on 6 June 1944

“What is the situation at Galleries on the East coast of COTENIN, and between DIVES and ORNE?”

Time of intercept 03:10 on 6 Jun 1944

Time of teleprint to ADM 05:57 on 6 June 1944


Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY reports:

Bombing attacks on LONGUES.”

Time of intercept 03:15 on 6 Jun 1944

from S.O. S-Boats

Time of teleprint to ADM 05:49 on 6 June 1944


The 9th S-Flotilla is reconnoitring square 3519 to westward. “

Time of intercept 03:26 on 6 Jun 1944

from Naval Communications Office LE HARVE

Time of teleprint to ADM 05:55 on 6 June 1944

“LE HARVE departures 0455 3 torpedo boats, 6 patrol vessels.”

Time of intercept 03:30 on 6 Jun 1944

from GRUPPE WEST to All

Time of teleprint to ADM 06:50 on 6 June 1944


Special discrimenant (‘ABZEICHEN’) laid down in GRUPPE WEST s.o. only 5880 A 4 of 26/2 is in force for area of Second Defence Division.

Instruct coastal defences.”

Time of intercept 03:39 on 6 Jun 1944

Time of teleprint to ADM 06:04 on 6 June 1944


RALL reports:

In BF 3683 range enemy naval forces.”

Time of intercept 03:45 on 6 Jun 1944

from S.O. Group ‘A’ 46th M/S Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 06:13 on 6 June 1944

“Left CHERBOURG 0515 for station with 3 boats.”

Time of intercept 03:47 on 6 Jun 1944

from S.O. S-Boats

Message received 06:08 on 6 June 1944


4th S-Flotilla reports destroyers west of BOULOGNE.”

Time of intercept 03:47 on 6 Jun 1944

from ((RALL))

Message received 11:25 on 6 June 1944

“Am being fired at by heavy enemy units.”

Time of intercept 03:52 on 6 Jun 1944

to NAV

Time of teleprint to ADM 06:18 on 6 June 1944

“Enter port.”

Time of intercept 03:53 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

to Sea Defence Commandant SEINE-SOMME

Time of teleprint to ADM 06:15 on 6 June 1944

“What is the situation?”

Time of intercept 03:53 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

to Sea Defence Commandant SEINE-SOMME

Time of teleprint to ADM 06:15 on 6 June 1944

“What is the situation?”

Time of intercept 03:55 on 6 Jun 1944

to 6th A-Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 06:26 on 6 June 1944

“Do not leave.”

Time of intercept 03:59 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

to admiral CHANNEL coast

Time of teleprint to ADM 06:29 on 6 June 1944

“Not in touch with LONGUES. Batteries on East coast of COTENIN are firing at landing boats and one in order. MARCOUF gunfire from sea. VIRE-ORNE 1 to 3 in order.”

Time of intercept 04:00 on 6 Jun 1944

from RALL

Time of teleprint to ADM 06:42 on 6 June 1944


Forced back by heavy units.”

Time of intercept 04:06 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 08:31 on 6 June 1944


Heavy artillery fire from battleships and enemies, am remaining off LE HARVE.”

Time of intercept 04:08 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 06:45 on 6 June 1944

“Go up the SEINE.”

Time of intercept 04:09 on 6 Jun 1944

Time of teleprint to ADM 06:28 on 6 June 1944

“North of OUISTREHAM 80 medium-sized warships.”

Time of intercept 04:13 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 06:40 on 6 June 1944


Enemy is laying black smoke-clouds in from of Batteries by gunfire.

Time of intercept 04:13 on 6 Jun 1944

from RALL

Time of teleprint to ADM 06:45 on 6 June 1944


Boat 1509 hit and sinking.”

Time of intercept 04:16 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 06:46 on 6 June 1944


North of CHERBOURG several hundred A/C presumably freight – carrying gliders.”

Time of intercept 04:25 on 6 Jun 1944

Time of teleprint to ADM 06:51 on 6 June 1944

“6 Battleships, about 20 destroyers, torpedoes expended in attacking. Heavy consumption of ammunition. Am off LE HARVE.

(Dept. Note: No signature)”

Time of intercept 04:30 on 6 Jun 1944

from 11th U/B Flotilla



U 348 (SCHUNK)

Time of teleprint to ADM 07:28 on 6 June 1944

“Immediate readiness. There are indications that the invasion has begun.”

Time of intercept 04:36 on 6 Jun 1944

Time of teleprint to ADM 07:02 on 6 June 1944


KARL reports:

Off ST. VAAST 5 Battle cruises on battleships, 7 destroyers. Smaller vessels have withdrawn. The enemy is using A/C to put up a smoke screen.”

Time of intercept 04:36 on 6 Jun 1944


to 81th Z-flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 07:05 on 6 June 1944

“Make ready for sea immediately. Transfer to BREST.”

Time of intercept 04:41 on 6 Jun 1944

Time of teleprint to ADM 07:06 on 6 June 1944

“BOULOGNE Naval signal station reports at 0603:

8 S-Boats left 0510 southbound.”

Time of intercept 04:46 on 6 Jun 1944

from FOIC Western Defences

to All FOIC Western Defences forces in the CHANNEL, 5th T-Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 07:19 on 6 June 1944

“After full daylight sets in proceed into port under enemy targets are sighted.”

Time of intercept 04:47 on 6 Jun 1944

from 5th S-Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 07:15 on 6 June 1944

“Arrived in CHERBOURG by 0600.”

Time of intercept 04:51 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 07:25 on 6 June 1944


Off LE HARVE 6 battleships and about 20 destroyers.”

Time of intercept 04:52 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

to Third Defence Division

Time of teleprint to ADM 07:25 on 6 June 1944

“Propose that ALBRANDT enter CHERBOURG.”

Time of intercept 04:52 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 07:26 on 6 June 1944

“Enter port.”

Time of intercept 05:01 on 6 Jun 1944

from RALL

Time of teleprint to ADM 07:35 on 6 June 1944

“SEINE Bar not passable until 0930”

Time of intercept 05:05 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant SEINE-SOMME

to Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Message recieved at 07:36 on 6 June 1944


Nothing fresh.”

Time of intercept 05:09 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 07:43 on 6 June 1944

“If possible enter LE HARVE.”

Time of intercept 05:09 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant CHANNEL ISLANDS

to admiral CHANNEL coast

(L/T W/T)

Time of teleprint to ADM 07:59 on 6 June 1944

“Situation report 1900/5 – 0700/6:

From 0303 to 0420 frequent fluctuating locations in square BF 2666-2669 and 3544, 3547. Presumably air targets. From 0430 once again large numbers of A/C overhead. Except for raising degree of readiness nothing else to report.”

Time of intercept 05:25 on 6 Jun 1944

to Location reports collecting station NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:13 on 6 June 1944

“Leave all the sets switched on.”

Time of intercept 05:29 on 6 Jun 1944

from S.O. 8th Z-Flotilla

to Z 24

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:04 on 6 June 1944


Report arrived in ROYAN.”

Time of intercept 05:36 on 6 Jun 1944

from Naval Communications Offices LE HARVE

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:10 on 6 June 1944

“3 T-Boats and 13 boats of 38th M/S Flotilla arrived LE HARVE.”

Time of intercept 05:37 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

to admiral CHANNEL coast

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:35 on 6 June 1944


0700 report about landings was premature.

  1. VAAST – MARCOUF Bay clean. Gunnery dual between coast and ships continues. Ships are putting up a smoke screen.”

Time of intercept 05:38 on 6 Jun 1944

from Second Defence Division

to G.A.F.

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:08 on 6 June 1944

“No own vessels at sea between OUISTREHAM and CHERBOURG.”

Time of intercept 05:40 on 6 Jun 1944

from S.O 8th Z-Flotilla

to Fourth Defence Division GRUPPE WEST

Message received 08:20 on 6 June 1944


Z32, ZH1 ready in ROYAN to transfer, Z24 at war readiness in BORDEAUX. Request immediate outward-bound escort for destroyers.”

Time of intercept 05:40 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Message received 08:21 on 6 June 1944


Ships between MARCOUF and the mainland brought under fire, 1 ship exploded.”

Time of intercept 05:41 on 6 Jun 1944

from 9th Z-Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:09 on 6 June 1944

“9th S-Flotilla arrived CHERBOURG by 0630.”

Time of intercept 05:42 on 6 Jun 1944

Message received on 08:26 on 6 June 1944


Off GRANDCAMP and NORTH of the ORNE numerous landing craft, among them large ships.”

Time of intercept 05:49 on 6 Jun 1944

from: Z24

to S.O. 8th Z- Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:22 on 6 June 1944

“Ref. W/T message 0706:


Time of intercept 05:51 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:32 on 6 June 1944


Enemy cruises after fire ((from)) MARCOUF sank at 0720. Battery unserviceable, 1 gun sustained direct hit.”

Time of intercept 05:55 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:34 on 6 June 1944


4/1261 shelled destroyer, ship is sinking, making smoke. Crew is abandoning ship and landing on MARCOUF island.”

Time of intercept 06:03 on 6 Jun 1944

from M 4621

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:35 on 6 June 1944

“Entered CHERBOURG 0715 with 2 boats.”

Time of intercept 06:07 on 6 Jun 1944

from Second Defence Division

to G.A.F.

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:31 on 6 June 1944

“No own vessels at sea in CHERBOURG – ZEEBRUEGGE area.”

Time of intercept 06:17 on 6 Jun 1944


to S.O. 8th Z- Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:40 on 6 Jun 1944


Await arrival of Z24.”

Time of intercept 06:21 on 6 Jun 1944

from KARL

Time of teleprint to ADM 09:01 on 6 Jun 1944

“Shot down two 4-engined bombers at 0615.”

Time of intercept 06:31 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:58 on 6 June 1944


North of CAP DE LA HAGUE about 40 kilometres off probably 2 destroyers proceeding to and fro.”

Time of intercept 06:38 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 19:01 on 6 Jun 1944


Heavy cruises south of, light cruises North of ST. VAAST. Assemble craft approaching the coast.”

Time of intercept 06:40 on 6 Jun 1944

from 4th Defence Division

to S.O. 8th Z-Flotilla, M 277

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:59 on 6 Jun 1944


M 277, 292 will provide ‘GBT’ escort for Z32, ZH1, M-Boats 2 ‘GBT’ forward, 250 metres astern of each 1 destroyer with one ‘GBT’ forward. Lateral distance 1000 metres.”

Time of intercept 06:44 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 09:01 on 6 Jun 1944


Several ship targets about 40 kilometres distant from COTENTIN North Coast.”

Time of intercept __:__ on 6 Jun 1944

from Naval Communications Offices LE HARVE

Time of teleprint to ADM 10:11 on 6 Jun 1944

“S.O. 15th V- Flotilla with 5 vessels has arrived LE HARVE.”

Time of intercept 07:04 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant TRONDHIEM

Message received 07:04 on 6 June 1944

“Enemy measures on the CHANNEL coasts suggest the beginning on major actions. Vigilance should be increased.”

Time of intercept 07:11 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 10:06 on 6 Jun 1944


MARCOUF reports:

A great many landing craft approaching, protected by battleships and cruises.”

Time of intercept 07:17 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 10:00 on 6 Jun 1944


MARCOUFF area under heavy artillery fire.

Between VIRE and ORNE, principally at VIERVILLE and COLLEVILLE, enemy tanks on land. Steep coast mean PONT DU HOE ascended with scaling ladders, fighting in progress.

No news from area RAVENOVILLE to VIRE estuary.”

Time of intercept 07:28 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 10:01 on 6 Jun 1944


JOBURG locates several enemy targets west of ALDERNEY. Targets lost again.”

Time of intercept 07:39 on 6 Jun 1944

from S.O. 38th M/S Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 10:08 on 6 June 1944

“Impossible for RA-Boats to use armament.

Request orders.”

Time of intercept 07:40 on 6 Jun 1944

from Naval Communications Officer LE HARVE

Time of teleprint to ADM 10:50 on 6 June 1944

“4 R-Boats left DIEPPE at 0430.”

Time of intercept 07:59 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 10:35 on 6 Jun 1944



5 tanks (‘PANZER’) have landed near ASNELLES.

English artillery is firing inland (‘HINEIN’).

There seems to be a fairly large landing near VER-SUR-MER, as large formations are patrolling there. Continuous air raids, severe bombing attacks. Over 200 units including destroyers have been sighted.”

Time of intercept 08:00 on 6 Jun 1944

from FOIC Western Defences

to Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

S.O. Mining and Barrage Command CHERBOURG.

Time of teleprint to ADM 10:25 on 6 Jun 1944


Make preparations for laying ‘BLITZ-SPERREN’ from BERK-SUR-MER as far as CHERBOURG.

Further message follows.”

Time of intercept 08:09 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 10:32 on 6 Jun 1944


The ship targets reported North of COTENIN are turning away at high speed to the Northwest. No observations since 0922.”

Time of intercept 08:31 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 08:15 on 6 June 1944


North of ARROMANCHES heavy enemy units within visual range.”

Time of intercept 08:40 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 11:01 on 6 Jun 1944



35 tanks (‘PANZER’) destroyed near ASNELLES.

Further landings. Defence by own artillery.

LONGUES is still being shelled.”

Time of intercept 08:46 on 6 Jun 1944

Time of teleprint to ADM 16:13 on 6 Jun 1944


Enemy landing craft are proceeding into VIRE ((one group)).”

Time of intercept 08:51 on 6 Jun 1944

from Captain (V/B) NORWAY

to ‘GRIMM’ and ‘TRUTZ’ groups

Time of teleprint to ADM 11:37 on 6 Jun 1944

“Landings by numerous gliders and parachute troops in the SEINNE BAY began at 0100/6/6.

6 Battleships are off LE HARVE. Subsidiary actions on often fronts are to be expected.”

Time of intercept 08:53 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 11:14 on 6 Jun 1944


About 600 paratroops near TURQUEVILLE.”

Time of intercept 08:58 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 11:26 on 6 Jun 1944


Ships guns firing at 6/1261. Landing activity by about 30 small units near RAVENOVILLE. Landing boats are under fire from 2/1261, which is in full firing order.”

Time of intercept 09:25 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant CHANNEL ISLANDS

to admiral CHANNEL COAST

(L/T W/T)

Time of teleprint to ADM 11:55 on 6 Jun 1944

“At 0713 4 TYPHOONS from the direction of 190o to 320o attacked LES CASQUETS base with A/C armament from a height of 40 meters. Many hits on the lighthouse and living quarters, the lighthouse being damaged and put out of action. No casualties. Ammunition expended: 10 rounds of ((2 cm)).”

Time of intercept 09:46 on 6 Jun 1944

from Second Defence Division

to R 48

Time of teleprint to ADM 12:10 on 6 June 1944

“Carry out task envisaged during the night 6/6 – 7/6. No lateral protection owing to the laying out of ‘BLITZSPERREN’. Put into DIEPPE on completion.”

Time of intercept 10:01 on 6 Jun 1944

from Captain (V/B) NORWAY

to ‘GRIMM’ and ‘TRUTZ’ groups

Time of teleprint to ADM 13:03 on 6 Jun 1944

“Landings by numerous gliders and parachute troops began at 0100/6/6 in the SEINNE BAY. Apparently it commencement of the invasion in the west.”

Time of intercept 10:02 on 6 Jun 1944

from NORDT

to: Second Defence Division

Admiral CHANNEL Coast

Time of teleprint to ADM 12:58 on 6 Jun 1944


100 ‘KMA’ are ready for laying. Give further instructions.”

Time of intercept 10:02,10:07 and 11:54 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 15:18 on 6 Jun 1944


Interim report:

  1. Tactical situation: No reports from the ST. MALO area. West side of COTENIN ((-nothing)). Off the ((north)) coast there are no ship-targets in the area of the batteries but there are distant targets to the Northwest. The situation in the CHERBOURG area is quiet. Scattered groups of paratroops have been captured in the fortiers area. Shelling by ships, guns on the East side of COTENIN from ST.VAAST as far as VIRE. Army costal batteries are firing, and MARCOUF will be ready to fire in 30 minutes. Parachute descents and landing activity at RANOVILLE, heavy flow of landing boats at the mouth of the VIRE. ISIGNY is in our hands but there is enemy penetration at ARROMANCHES. Tank landings at ASNELLES. The LONGUES battery is firing. No new reports from the mouth of the ORNE.

2. Internal situation; fortiers area is quiet. TODT organisation has been released for YORCK and HAMBURG by the ‘KORPS’.

3. Casualties reported so far:

MARCOUF- 5 dead, 12 severely wounded

LA PERNELLE- about 25 men entombed.

4. Nil return.”


Time of intercept 10:11 on 6 Jun 1944 from

Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 13:32 on 6 Jun 1944

“The GATTEVILLE Battery is engaging a large enemy unit.”

Time of intercept 10:13 on 6 Jun 1944 from

Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

to admiral CHANNEL

Time of teleprint to ADM 13:34 on 6 Jun 1944

“Request short situation report in respects of SEINE-SOMME and PAS DE CALAIS.”

Time of intercept 10:17 on 6 Jun 1944

from Admiral Skagerrak

to ‘Karl Galster’

2nd S-Boat training flotilla (to acknowledge)

Time of teleprint to ADM 14:19 on 6 Jun 1944

“Large-scale landing in the channel area.

3-hours readiness.”

Time of intercept 10:26 on 6 Jun 1944

from Location reports collecting centre NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 13:30 on 6 Jun 1944

“Situation report for the NORMANDY ‘FUM’ network:

ARROMANCHES, ((LA)) PERNELLE sets out of order. No longer any communication with PERCEE and LONGUES ‘FUMB’. Other sets in order.”

Time of intercept 10:55 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 18:09 on 6 Jun 1944


‘Fumo’ ARROMANCHES is under fire from ships guns ((and surrounded) by tanks and infantry.”

Time of intercept 11:04 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

to Admiral CHANNEL Coast

Time of teleprint to ADM 18:12 on 6 June 1944

“Most immediate

Situation at ASNELLES: Further disembarkation between about 1 kilometre to 10 kilometres is eastward. Tanks and infantry ((are operating )) against ASNELLES. ARROMANCHES is under fire. Reinforced our reconnaissance. LONGUES is still under fire.”

Time of intercept 11:06 on 6 Jun 1944

from R221

Time of teleprint to ADM 14:10 on 6 Jun 1944

“The BENOUVILLE bridge over the CAEN canal is in the hands of the British. Two gliders have landed. Am withdrawing after a brush with the enemy.”

Time of intercept 11:21,11:45 and 12:43 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant CHANNEL ISLANDS

to Admiral CHANNEL coast

Time of teleprint to ADM 19:10 on 6 Jun 1944

“Situation report from 1200

  1. From 0943 to 1036 spasmodic location by ‘FUMO 2’ (Gurnsey) at different distances in squares of BF 2660 to 2690. No visual reports despite good visibility conditions. The CHANNEL islands sea area is free of the enemy.

Our situation: Strong formations flew over from North to South about 0945. Several enemy A/C were seen to crash Northwest of GURNSEY

Additional to W/T message 0759: LES CASQUETS base shot down an enemy bomber in square BF 3841, centre. Ammunition expended: 62 rounds 2CM. Ammunition expended by HS-Flotilla: 201 rounds of 2cm.

2. Apart from w/t messages 1008 and 1011 nothing to report.”

Time of intercept 11:25 on 6 Jun 1944

from S.O. 8th Z – Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 14:08 on 6 Jun 1944

“Most Immediate

Shall leave Royan at 1230 with z32, z24 and zH1, speed 26 knots from GARTEN on wands.

Shall be at 334 at 0200/7/6. Request measures at appropriate times.”

Time of intercept 11:31 on 6 Jun 1944


to All recipients of reg. No. GRUPPE WEST, ops staff, MOST SECRET 6216 (S.O. only)A 1 Ops of 14/5/44

Time of teleprint to ADM 18:13 on 6 Jun 1944

“Publish proclamation forthwith.”

Time of intercept 11:32 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant CHANNEL ISLANDS

Time of teleprint to ADM 17:45 on 6 Jun 1944


2 Enemy MTB’s have been sighted in square BF 2666, middle upper edge, beyond the range of our batteries.”

Time of intercept 11:40 on 6 Jun 1944

from ‘GALSTER’

to Admiral SKAGERRAK

Time of teleprint to ADM 02:54 on 7 Jun 1944

“W/T message 1159 is acknowledged, 3 hours notice.”

Time of intercept 12:05 on 6 Jun 1944

from S.O. 8th Z-Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 18:09 on 6 Jun 1944


In W/T message 1157 alter speed to 24 knots.”

Time of intercept 12:31 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 17:?? on 6 Jun 1944


Heavy bombing attack on GATTEVILLE Battery at 1405. No further details known.”

Time of intercept 12:33 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 17:?? on 6 Jun 1944


The left-hand MARCOUF island is occupied by the enemy.”

Time of intercept 12:41 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMADY

Time of teleprint to ADM 18:02 on 6 Jun 1944

“Continuous arrivals and departures from the VIRE estuary. Slight artillery activity.”

Time of intercept 12:43 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 17:?? on 6 Jun 1944

“Heavy accumulation of transports off MARCOUF island. MARCOUF battery is not yet ready to fire.”

Time of intercept 13:32 on 6 Jun 1944

from Admiral CHANNEL COAST

to Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 17:49 on 6 Jun 1944

“SEINE-SOMME Sector: North of the SEINE – quiet so far. South of the SEINE has been cleared of air landing troops, no landings from the sea.

PAS DE CALAIS Sector: No enemy reports.”

Time of intercept 14:19 on 6 Jun 1944

from Second Defence Division

to All

Time of teleprint to ADM 17:88 on 6 Jun 1944

“Leave at 2300 for patrol of wishore waters and leave positions ordered at daybreak. Positions for flotillas are en route by T/P. ‘OTTER’ to ‘HERING’ will be occupied without a break. Look out for encounter.”

Time of intercept 14:26 on 6 Jun 1944

from M4610

Time of teleprint to ADM 17:28 on 6 Jun 1944

“Fighter-Bomber attack, 1 shot down.”

Time of intercept 15:08 on 6 Jun 1944

from Admiral CHANNEL Coast

to All Sea Defence Commandants

Time of teleprint to ADM 18:47 on 6 Jun 1944


  1. in C. Of Gruppe West orders that all destruction measures be made ready in harbours.”

Time of intercept 15:30 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 20:55 on 6 Jun 1944

“Enemy is established between ((sic)) RAVENOVILLE. Assault detachment has returned 3 dead.”

Time of intercept 15:31 on 6 Jun 1944

from sea Defence Commandants NORMANDY


Time of teleprint to ADM 20:15 on 6 Jun 1944


MARCOUF is under heavy fire from 38cm guns. Second gun ((2 corrupt)) put out of action by direct hit. Several men wounded.”

Time of intercept 15:34 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 18:23 on 6 Jun 1944


Fairly large shipping formations, also landing craft, stationary, northeast to east of Barfleur, 40 to 50 kilometres distance.”

Time of intercept 15:47,15:59 and 16:27 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY


Time of teleprint to ADM 19:28 on 6 Jun 1944


  1. Tactical situation: west coast of COTENTIN – nothing off the North Coast, there are only shipping formations near BARFLEUR, 10 to 15 miles off, including troop transports which are stationary, apparently disembarking into the boats. Bombing attacks on the east coast on 7/1261 Battery, which is ready to fire. MARCOUF is being heavily shelled by 38cm guns. 2 guns go out of service following a direct hit on the embrasures (‘SCHARTEN’). Several wounded. Landings near 2/1261 is firing landing damage fire. Bridges have been captured on both sides of the canal near BLAINVILLE and our troops are slowly withdrawing.
  2. Internal situation: Nothing to report
  3. Further casualties reported: 2 dead, several seriously wounded.
  4. Nil return.”

Time of intercept 15:49 on 6 Jun 1944

from Location H.Q. collecting centre NORMANDY

to Location H.Q. Channel

Time of teleprint to ADM 18:28 on 6 Jun 1944

“Most Immediate

ARROMANCHES base surrounded at 1500. Sets blown up. Communications have broken down.”

Time of intercept 15:51 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 18:17 on 6 Jun 1944

“Report Situation.”

Time of intercept 16:09 on 6 Jun 1944

from 2nd Defence Division

to All,

Sea Defence Commandant SEINE-SOMME

Sea Defence Commandant PAS DE CALAIS

Time of teleprint to ADM 18:57 on 6 Jun 1944

“All measures periodically during the night of 6/6/ – 7/6.”

Time of intercept 16:10 on 6 Jun 1944 f


to S.O. S-Boats

Time of teleprint to ADM 18:42 on 6 Jun 1944

“Instructions for night 6/6 – /7/6

4th Flotilla Reconnaissance patrol in area of patrol line (roman) IV

5th and 9th S-Flotillas thrust in the MARCOUF area, dependent upon enemy situation. Await further orders in this respect.”

Time of intercept 16:17 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

to Admiral CHANNEL

Time of teleprint to ADM 19:04 on 6 Jun 1944


On MARCOUF 1 gun set up in a field position is ready to fire and is shelling destroyers drifting near the island.”

Time of intercept 16:25 on 6 Jun 1944


to All

Time of teleprint to ADM 19:24 on 6 Jun 1944

“The enemy landing DEAUVILLE – ST. VAAST now in progress is recognisable as a major operation. The proclamation by the allied leaders and the disposition of enemy forces point to further major operations, but no details are available regarding their targets. Be prepared for surprise attacks in further ((areas)).”

Time of intercept 16:39 on 6 Jun 1944

from Admirial SKAGERRAK

to ‘Karl Galster’

2nd S-Boat Training Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 00:37 on 7 Jun 1944

“One hour’s notice from sunset until sunrise until further notice.”

Time of intercept 17:08 on 6 Jun 1944

from 2nd Defence Division

to All

Time of teleprint to ADM 19:55 on 6 Jun 1944

“Reference ‘BLITZ’ barrages

If owing to enemy action the barrage cannot be laid in the place ordered, the alternative area for laying active ‘GES’ is the coastal strip to landwards of the 15 metre line, except for immediately off harbours. In doing this, remember the ‘BLITZ’ and ‘KMA’ barrages that have already been laid.”

Time of intercept 17:24 on 6 Jun 1944

from KARL

Time of teleprint to ADM 19:55 on 6 Jun 1944

“6 Battleships and heavy cruisers on a line GRANDCAMP- BARFLEUR. About 20 destroyers, 30 to 50 transports and escorting vessels over the horizon.”

Time of intercept 17:30 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 20:03 on 6 Jun 1944

“Shell-fire from cruiser at the MARCOUF battery and presumably 3/1261 at 1810. The intact gun of the MARCOUF battery has forced a destroyer to turn away. A new type of rocket shell has been fired into the MARCOUF area from the sea.”

Time of intercept 17:37 and 19:11 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant CHANNEL ISLANDS

Time of teleprint to ADM 23:40 on 6 Jun 1944

“Situation report up to 1900:

Sea area continues to be free of the enemy:

Air Situation:

Battery ‘ELSASS’ (ALDERNEY) opened fire at 1412 on 2 ‘THUNDERBOLTS’. Hit(s) on right wing. 3 Bombs dropped in water in front of battery, no casualties. Ammunition expended: 120-2cm. Bomb dropped on ALDERNEY harbour boom at 1410, boom in order. ‘FUMO 1’ (GUERNSEY) opened fire on 2 ‘LOKE ((sic)) LIGHTNINGS’ at 1515, no hits. Ammunition expended: 43-2cm. Battery ‘ANNES’ (ALDERNEY) opened fire on one ‘FORTRESS’ at 0002, hits on fuselage and co*ckpit, on 2 ‘LIBERATORS’ at 0420 without hits, on 2 ‘LIBERATORS’ at 0447, hits on engine, wing, fuselage, no fire from aircraft, no losses. Ammunition expended: 520- 2cm.”

Time of intercept 17:39 and 17:43 on 6 Jun 1944

from Gruppe West

to All

Time of teleprint to ADM 20:37 on 6 Jun 1944

“Only air landings in the area DEAUVILLE to the ORNE. Area has been cleaned up. The focal point of the enemy landings is ORNE – PORT EN BESSLIN, especially to eastwards of ARROMANCHES. The enemy is on both sides of the ORNE canal as far as to northwards of BLAINVILLE. Powerful countermeasures are in progress. Air and sea landings between PORT EN BESSIN and VIRE have been cleaned up for a pocket of resistance at ST.PIERRE. Between ST.VAAST and ((VIRE)), in the MARCOUF area, fairly large air and sea landings, also landings between VIRE and RAVENOVILLE. The whor* area is under our control. The enemy is employing powerful air and naval forces. BARFLUER and ST. VAAST shelled from the sea. West of LE HARVC, presumably thrusting towards the TROUVILLE area, there are powerful surface forces, consisting of Battleships, Cruisers and numerous destroyers.”

Time of intercept 17:51 on 6 Jun 1944

from 2nd Defence Division

Time of teleprint to ADM 20:14 on 6 Jun 1944

“Measures are being operated according to period ‘B’.”

Time of intercept 17:52 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY


Time of teleprint to ADM 20:36 on 6 Jun 1944


  1. in C. GRUPPE WEST orders that all destruction measures be made ready in harbours. Naval W/T station ST. MALO is to transmit to GRANVILLE.”

Time of intercept 18:02 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY


Time of teleprint to ADM 21:07 on 6 Jun 1944


Artillery commander 118 requests permission for the immediate blowing up of MORSALINES lighthouse (LFV (roman)4/637) as it is an aiming point for enemy ships’ guns.”

Time of intercept 18:29 on 6 Jun 1944


to ALL

Time of teleprint to ADM 21:32 on 6 Jun 1944

“The Western CHANNEL is closed for A/S hunt as far as a line CAP DE LA HAGUE to PORTLAND BILL.”

Time of intercept 18:32 on 6 Jun 1944

from 40th M/S Flotilla

to Subdivision v715

Time of teleprint to ADM 21:05 on 6 Jun 1944

“Be at point 344 at 0200/7/6 as ‘GB’ escort for Z32, Z24 and ZH1 to BREST.”

Time of intercept 18:49 on 6 Jun 1944


to S.O.S. Boats

Time of teleprint to ADM 21:32 on 6 Jun 1944

“The enemy situation BARFLEUR and MARCOUF is fluctuating, but there are constantly worthwhile targets in the area. Carry out the operation of the 5th and 9th s-Flotillas ordered in the coastal neighbourhood of the MARCOUF are without fixed limits. Return to CHERBOURG at dawn.”

Time of intercept 18:52 on 6 Jun 1944

from Admiral CHANNEL Coast

to Sea Defence Commandant SEINE- SOMME,

Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 21:28 on 6 Jun 1944

“The ‘BLITZ’ mines on hand at CHERBOURG and LE HAVRE, which are not laid tonight, and also the ‘KMA’ that are on hand, may be used for preparations for harbour demolition.”

Time of intercept 19:05 on 6 Jun 1944


to Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 21:34 on 6 Jun 1944


Reference W/T message 1950: agreed.”

Time of intercept 19:15 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 21:48 on 6 Jun 1944


Hundreds of gliders are continuously streaming over the North Coast of COTENTIN. The first wave landed near ST.VAAST at 2055.”

Time of intercept 19:17 on 6 Jun 1944

from V214

Time of teleprint to ADM 21:44 on 6 Jun 1944

“Heavy fighter-bomber attack on Granville loads by 18 fighter-bombers, no casualties so far, bombs dropped.”

Time of intercept 19:17 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 21:48 on 6 Jun 1944


The Second wave of gliders has landed near ST. VAAST, over 100 aircraft.”

Time of intercept 19:20 on 6 Jun 1944

from KARL

Time of teleprint to ADM 21:45 on 6 Jun 1944

“The 2 aircraft reported as having been shot down early today were twin-engined bombers of the ‘BOSTON’ type.”

Time of intercept 19:29 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant SEINE- SOMME

Time of teleprint to ADM 22:37 on 6 Jun 1944


Strong formations of transport. A/C with freight carrying gliders, approximate direction CAEN.”

Time of intercept 19:34 on 6 Jun 1944

from 3rd Defence Division

to S.O 8th Z-Flotilla

S.O. 26th M/S Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 22:36 on 6 Jun 1944

“Patrol positions 48,47,46,45,50 and 51 are occupied.”

Time of intercept 19:38 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 22:27 on 6 Jun 1944


30 parachutists near THEVILLE airfield. In the direction of CARENTAN 40 to 80 aircraft circling, apparently supplying enemy troops, then onward flight over the sea.”

Time of intercept 19:38 on 6 Jun 1944

Time of teleprint to ADM 23:10 on 6 Jun 1944

“KARL reports:

At 2010 fighter-bomber attack on A66, 71. 13 seriously wounded and likely wounded. Request ambulance.”

Time of intercept 19:40 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 22:39 on 6 Jun 1944


II MTB’s (‘S-Boote’) East of ST. VAAST, course ((soults)).”

Time of intercept 19:44 on 6 Jun 1944

from Senior Officer to Boats on Station

Time of teleprint to ADM 03:14 on 7 Jun 1944

“Apropro of large-scale landing on the channel Coast, surprise appearance of enemy is to be reckoned with in this area also. Heightened vigilance.”

Time of intercept 19:45 on 6 Jun 1944

from S.O. S-Boats

Time of teleprint to ADM 22:21 on 6 Jun 1944

“4th S-Flotilla at 2300 reconnaissance patrol via point 236 in area of patrol line (roman) IV. Execution in accordance with orders for inshore waters surveillance in the event of a ((landing)). If no encounter with the enemy, proceed into BOULOGNE at first light.”

Time of intercept 19:47 on 6 Jun 1944

from S.O. 8TH Z-Flotillas

Time of teleprint to ADM 22:26 on 6 Jun 1944


Square 6×6 centre attack by 60 ‘MOSQUITOES’. Slight damage and casualties. Aircraft flew off to the Northwest.”

Time of intercept 19:51 on 6 Jun 1944

from 3rd Defence Division

to V717’s group, Subdivisions UJ 1415, Patrol subdivisions off Brest

Time of teleprint to ADM 22:17 on 6 Jun 1944

“At about 2145 3 destroyers will pass point 356 at 24 knots, bound for BREST, at about 2400 5 modern M- Boats Point 356 at 12 knots, bound for BREST.”

Time of intercept 20:01 on 6 Jun 1944

from 2nd Defence Division

Time of teleprint to ADM 22:36 on 6 Jun 1944

“Measures between mouth of AUTHIE and ST. VALERY EN CAUX burning permanently.”

Time of intercept 20:06 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 22:47 on 6 Jun 1944

“Are boats operationally effective?”

Time of intercept 20:08 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 23:02 on 6 Jun 1944


Over the mouth of the VIRE 3rd wave of 100 aircraft, apparently supplying. Railway battery 725 with 2B 28cm is going into position near ST. LO. Operation delayed as a result of railway damage. Objective (‘KAMPFAUFTRAG’) BANC DE MADELEINE.”

Time of intercept 20:08 on 6 Jun 1944


to All Sea Defence Commandants in CHANNEL Coast Area

Time of teleprint to ADM 23:50 on 6 Jun 1944

“Reference. W/T message 1700:

Précis of our MOST SECRET 3381 to admiral CHANNEL:

Insert explosives into galleries forthwith. If at all possible extend destruction. ‘BLITZ’ mines and ‘KMA’ available are released for this purpose. In accordance with the orders of C. In C. West The army must help out in the event of shortage of explosives.”

Time of intercept 20:17 on 6 Jun 1944


to S.O. 5TH T-Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 22:55 on 6 Jun 1944


The situation demands that the orders for all-out torpedo operation for the night 6-7/6 should stand. S.O. Flotilla will decide independently time of sailing and form of execution. Recommend combination with operation by ‘BLITZ’ laying groups.”

Time of intercept 20:18 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant BRITTANY

Time of teleprint to ADM 23:35 on 6 Jun 1944

“If at all possible secure heavy rocket bomb duds and report by ‘EMERGENCY’ T/P message.”

Time of intercept 20:32 on 6 Jun 1944

from FOIC Western Defences

to All FOIC Western Defences Forces

Time of teleprint to ADM 23:21 on 6 Jun 1944


When attacking the landing boats approach as close as possible to them, thereby rendering it very much more difficult for enemy battle forces to intervene effectively with their guns owing to the difficulty of distinguishing between friend and foe.”

Time of intercept 20:40 on 6 Jun 1944

from 3rd Defence Division

to S.O. 2nd Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 13:07 on 6 Jun 1944

“Most immediate

Watch out for U-Boats leaving ((BREST)).”

Time of intercept 20:46 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 23:32 on 6 Jun 1944


Bomb dropped on MARCOUF battery inside Battery. Heavy smoke screen at the coast.”

Time of intercept 21:02 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 23:37 on 6 Jun 1944


130 transport aircraft with fighter cover near CAP LEVI, course southeast.”

Time of intercept 21:17 on 6 Jun 1944

from S.O.S- Boats

to 2nd S-Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 23:53 on 6 Jun 1944

“Reconnaissance patrol square 8728 to square 8745 lower left corner. Back to OSTEND. Sailing at 0000.”

Time of intercept 21:35 and 21:44 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 02:14 on 7 Jun 1944


Day’s report:

  1. Tactical situation up to 1600 as in morning, intermediate and evening reports. Have blown up ARROMANCHES installations ourselves. Northeast and East of ST. VAAST fairly large fighting and landing vessels readiness. From 2055 onwards landing near ST. VAAST in separate waves of freight-carrying gliders.
  2. Internal situation: CHERBOURG fortress quiet.
  3. Naval casualties reported: 20 dead, 40 seriously wounded, about 25 entombed, several lightly wounded. Fate of ARROMANCHES personnel uncertain. No reports from LONGUES.”

Time of intercept 21:52 on 6 Jun 1944

from S.O. 2nd A- Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 00:45 on 7 Jun 1944

“Leaving BOULOGNE with 10 A-Boats at 2300, Arriving in DIEPPE at 0700.”

Time of intercept 21:10 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 00:10 on 7 Jun 1944


‘WN’ in front of MARCOUF battery occupied after bombing attack, smoke screen. Embrasure 2 MARCOUF on fire, cannot be extinguished.

Suggest IRON CROSS (1st Class) be awarded to S.O. MARCOUF for his outstanding achievements.”

Time of intercept 21:12 on 6 Jun 1944


to ALL

Time of teleprint to ADM 00:21 on 7 Jun 1944

“If Naval Communications Division West drops out, Naval Communications Division North will take over W/T control on Command wave (G.A.F- Navy).”

Time of intercept 21:30 on 6 Jun 1944

from S.O. S-Boats

to 8th S-Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 00:36 on 7 Jun 1944

“Reconnaissance patrol square 8 ((5)) 45 of upper edge, square 8491 upper left corner, of square 8497 lower left hand corner. Departure as early as possible, if necessary, proceeding to the Hook when it becomes light.”

Time of intercept 21:23 on 6 Jun 1944

from S.O. S-Boats

Time of teleprint to ADM 23:44 on 6 Jun 1944


14 own S-Boats leaving Cherbourg to attack shipping concentrations MARCOUF- BARFLEUR. Returning to port at first light.”

Time of intercept 21:38 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 00:30 on 7 Jun 1944

“Endeavour to reach CHERBOURG. Attack enemy formations as long as ammunition lasts.”

Time of intercept 21:40 on 6 Jun 1944


to ALL

Time of teleprint to ADM 01:27 on 7 Jun 1944


From 0000 own A/C out, flying low, GULF OF ST. MALO-CAP DE LA HAGUE-North of Cherbourg. Return flight from 0100.”

Time of intercept 21:55 on 6 Jun 1944

from 2nd Defence Division

to ALL

Time of teleprint to ADM 00:35 on 7 Jun 1944

“8 S-Boats left BOULOGNE via Point 236 for coastal waters patrol. Returning by the same route at about 0500.”

Time of intercept 21:57 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 01:25 on 7 Jun 1944

“Report time of departure.”

Time of intercept 22:10 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY


Time of teleprint to ADM 01:24 on 7 Jun 1944

“Ambulance ordered in ST. LO. Do not let ((it)) be taken away.”

Time of intercept 22:11 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

to 5th S-Flotilla

Time of teleprint to ADM 00:54 on 7 Jun 1944

“3 M-Boats test-sweep from CHERBOURG as far as CAP LEVI from 2230 until first light.”

Time of intercept 22:14 on 6 Jun 1944

from Sea Defence Commandant NORMANDY

Time of teleprint to ADM 00:45 on 7 Jun 1944


Danger for embrasure of MARCOUF battery removed.”

Time of intercept 22:16 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 00:45 on 7 Jun 1944


IX th FLIEGERKORPS from 0200 bombing attack on beach between OUISTREHAM and PORT DE VER as well as on shipping concentration immediately Southwest of LE HAVRE.”

Time of intercept 22:24 on 6 Jun 1944


to ALL

Time of teleprint to ADM 03:09 on 7 Jun 1944

“In the event of control stations dropping out, following will take over W/T control:

  1. BREST, LA ROCHELLE on coastal area wave (ATLANTIC),
  2. BREST, CHERBOURG on channel coastal short wav,
  3. Naval Communications Division West, CHERBOURG on coastal area wave (Channel).

Second Station only when first drops out.”

Time of intercept 22:25 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 01:22 on 7 Jun 1944

“Maintain position.”

Time of intercept 22:38 on 6 Jun 1944

from Location Report Collecting Station NORMANDY

to S-Boats

Time of teleprint to ADM 01:30 on 7 Jun 1944


At 0016 ‘FMB’ ST. PIERRE EGLISE enemy target line bearing (‘STRICHPEILONG’) 66 degrees.”

Time of intercept 23:02 on 6 Jun 1944

from KARL

Time of teleprint to ADM 04:23 on 7 Jun 1944

“Ambulance no longer required ((rest corrupt)).”

Time of intercept 23:14 on 6 Jun 1944

from KARL

Time of teleprint to ADM 01:36 on 7 Jun 1944

“Left ST. VAAST with 4 boats at 0040.”

Time of intercept 23:36 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 02:50 on 7 Jun 1944

2Boats are harbouring in heavy beam sea, no use of armament. Request orders.”

Time of intercept 23:37 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 02:04 on 7 Jun 1944


Ref. W/T message 2327:

Own aircraft out again from 0230. Same route.”

Time of intercept 23:48 on 6 Jun 1944


Time of teleprint to ADM 02:57 on 7 Jun 1944

“Report situation.”

Time of intercept 00:02 on 7 Jun 1944

Time of teleprint to ADM 03:18 on 7 Jun 1944

“HAXTHAUSEN reports:

Laying impossible owing to high cross sea. Shall be of DIEPPE AT 0?30. Request orders.”

D-Day Decrypts - Transcripts (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.