Xmas Stocking; - Catholic Courierlib.catholiccourier.com/1905-october-1908-july-catholic-journal... · Our plans for serving you promptly and Mtisfactorily «w ... and do all, and - [PDF Document] (2024)

Xmas Stocking; - Catholic Courierlib.catholiccourier.com/1905-october-1908-july-catholic-journal...· Our plans for serving you promptly and Mtisfactorily «w ... and do all, and - [PDF Document] (1)

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GTT PARISH NEWS itttreatiag Budget of Hapjwittiif

Citbered by Our City Reporter!

' St. Joseph's.

Rev. J. V. Marphy of St. B e ­rnard's Seminary lectured before the Xdterary last Thursday erening. A. large number was present and all felt well repaid for their efforts. The speaker discussed the tragedy of Macbeth in a masterly way and dem­onstrated not only that he was a powerful and interesting speaker, but also that his knowledge of Shakes-peariazia was almost unlimited. The next of the series will be giren on the last Thursday in January and it the number present continues to increase the meeting room will not be krge enough to hold all those who may wish to attend.

On Christmas day at all the prin­cipal Masses the annual collection for the orphans at the parish asylum will be taken up. Monday will be a day of fast and abstinence being the vigil of Christmas. In the aft­ernoon and evening confessions will be beard.

On Tuesday, Christmas day, the first Mass will be at 5 o'clock. They will be continued at short intervals until 8 o'clock. At 9 o'clock will be the childrens' Mass and at 10:30 there will be a solemn High Mass. In the evening there will be solemn Vespers and Benediction.

The regular quarterly meeting of the C. Y. M. A. will take place next Thursday evening in the club rooms. At this meeetlng officers will be elected for the coming year. On New Year's Day the members will have an open house and will be pleased to have their friends call and Inspect the club quarters.

*3 mmmJJEnwfttmmLfm jroiw win M * raMHwr *i ***i

Absolutely Pure A Cream of Tartar Powder,

fraa from al«jm or phot-phatle add


(BunatMlat# Ooacejttoiu

At the mwtin* of the Youag ladles' Sodality last Sunday after­noon, Rer. Father Byan gav« an J n struetton on the JBleiaed Virgin. It was an elwiiwnt '•tr$bnt« ko our Blessed Motnerl whi^h gre|tly im pressed toe large number at young ladles present.

The new constitution in its cor­rected and complete form was read and approved* It will go Into ef­fect January i, 1807.

A special meeting of the Young Ladies' Sodality was held on Tues­day night. There was an exhibition of the Christina* work tor ike or­phans which has been done by the membere.

The Ladies* Aid Society met last Sunday afternoon.

Sunday will be Communion Sun­day for the men and boys of the

OUB LADY OF VICTORY. jP*rish-Offlcers elected by Our Lady ofl T n e Masses on Christmas day will

Victory. Branch 485, L. C. B. A.: *** a t midnight and the hours Of the President, Miss Katherine Dowl-'Sund*y Masses.

ing; first vice president, Mrs. Ele»-i nor Mirguet; second rice president, Mrs. Angele Ayette; recorded, Ifiw Anna Whitley; assistant recor^or, **& the men and btHrajof th* pariah Miss Marie Whitley; financial secre- *** invited to receive Holy Com-tary. Miss Emma'Slatteir: treatnrerjamnion at the 7:30 o'clock Mass.

St. Michaels.

Jfra. Ixiulaa Koesterer; marahal, Miss Mary fiarard; guard, Mn. Bertha Savard; trusteed. Miss Mary Savard and Mrs. Elizabeth Dowllng; delegate, Mrs. Laura Piter; alternate, Miss Katherine Dowllng; medical ex­aminer. Dr. J. A. Cormier.

The Requiem Masses for this week were for Mrs* Catharine Staub, Mre. Hoffman, Mrs. Wunsch and Mrs During.

Tuesday being Christmas, there will be midnight Mass and Masses a t 6 o'clock, 7. 7:30, 9:15 and 10:30.

.The annual Christmas collection Holy Rosary. w i l 1 b e taken up at all Masses.

anday the Cadets of St. John' Mra- S e i i oi Avenue B and Mrs. ill receive Holy Communion a t ||KJlnfler of K*ppel Place have gone

to New York to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. HavIU.

The school is closed during the

Have no fear, belated shopper, as to where is the best plat* tions, *Bie *<Fe|^>p|fi^ ,^M^.o^.^p^.ittdlfteme^^it*m: shopping. Our plans for serving you promptly and Mtisfactorily «w wiUbeafactorwortr»|^y«»eaj^wt;Att^^0|i* " ^

" c Don't Tort** iff. Joys; :$^$r^^^mem^%h Iromevery clime and tiatioa-̂ too long? to enumerate hsreH tftt the last tt^ote^r-f%4* * #* >kfM „ ' s

- •" The Dohs vrill be fourrd on the main floor and here, toovthere's of the day. Such exclaniations of praise for our Doll show

and do all, and oar low i

thousands of q yowiifsjw

the greatest IWy k0 " " • M I ! i ' - iiiiMiiiiM'j.iKU'1'.niJjt-; ....,,,11 iimynTTi

Headquarters fogI *.<*£


We want to call etpedal attention to the CathoHa of

Books and Beads suitable for Chrltuius giftav JJTo«Tl the rery lowest, only one or two itema aro lufluamd are hundred! of othera to chooae fronu -f*—-

o'clock Mass. They will hold tbeir conference after Vespers.

lA collection for the orphans will Saturday is a day of fast and | be taken up at all the Masses Ch^lst-iaol,(,**', tJ11 January. I

abstinence. Sunday is conference Imas day. ! and monthly communion day for the A meeting of the C. M. B. A. will: 8S, PETER & PAUL'S. married men of the Holy Famiily. be held Wednesday at 8 p. m., and| — — — — — — — — — — — — _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ There

S o m e Helpful

Rockers - - 58c to $ 6 5 Dressing Tables $7.50to$35 Draperies $ 1 .SO to $ 2 5 Morris Chairs $5.85 to $ 3 5 China Cabinets $ 1 5 to $ 7 5 Iron Cribs $ 4 . 3 5 to $ J 8

will he midnight mass on Cb-riBtmas Day, and the other masses will be the same as on Sundays.

The usual Christmas collection will be taken up at all the masses on Christmas Day.

iMiss Elizabeth Dengler, wife of Charles Dengler, died at St. Mary's I Hospital last Tuesday, aged 43 years

M a k e OUt y o u r C h r i s t m a s {She leaves her husband, her mother and jix children. The funeral was held Thursday morning at'S.3Q from

T o i l W i l l b e S u r p r i s e d hOW j h e r home, 293 Brown Street, and at 4 1 , ^ . ._ 9 o'clock from the church. Mrs.

promptly and satisfactorily \QBVL%\^ waa a member or Branch 62, L. €. B. A. -

Mrs. H. Stabel, of Buffalo, is spending the winter in Rochester with her son, Joseph Stabel and family, at the home of Mrs. Stahel's imother, Mrs. V. Kuder, on Saxton Street.

The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Roch­ester Liederkranz, elected the fol lowing officers at their last nreetlng President, Mrs. Louisa Haltz; secre­tary, Mrs. filary Rrezlnski; treat

$5 .75 to $ 6 0 urer, Mrs. Carrie Barber. 35cto $ 6 5 0


F o r the

Xmas Stocking; list, then come right here.

) we can supyly every want ^ \ H * V ^ at a saving of your time

and money.

estions: Parlor Tables 89c to $ 2 5 Administer Rugs $2.25 to $25 Parlor Cabinets $6.50 to$501 Easy Chairs $3.75 to $ 5 8

At 17c—A191 page Prayer Book with leatherette cover good

. 25c *aU*ee at*oly 1 7 « £ ^ f. • * At SSe—Large'iHie,dota^bmuldr^

Prayer Books,227 pagres.regular value 50e*~specia| at 35<?,

At 59c~-Manual of the SacreoT Heart, leather bound, gilt edge

leaves,355 pages,wortli 75c and al.0O at, each 59c.


^ » - i a f t 'WyfljHf

B ^ ^ ^ j . ._hAw ___W__t__t

(garnet; rw»jr» 1% «te,,

T *


If^aJ ~ ̂ vMMjfi/fm, % ^r*/1'-H* \



69c For a Ladies' Scinch, frst ^ la(*^v^?!3rr)» i^

500 Ladies* fast black taffettaj Hml|WU«Ji with fancy or natural wood handles, regular price $1.50, sale price, each 98c.

250 Ladies' fine taffeta silk Umbrellas with gold or silver mounted handles, worth up to «4.00, all marked to sell at, each $1.98.

Couches -Tabonrettes Dinner Sets $6.90 to $75 Lamps - $1.80 to $25 Library Tables $5.75 to $38 Book Cases $6 to $65

The foya and young men are in­vited to Holy Communion next Sun

The "funorjLl.j»Ljl3»0i« O'Hanlon

Our Holiday Basem*nt Ston lOc t o $100 x

is the range of values shown in our basem*nt store. Don't fail to visit this department. In addition to the host of useful articles at little prices—there are many very attrac­tive gift suggestions.

Vases Clocks Lamps Globes Gas Portables China Plates Jardinieres Silverware

Chafing Dishes Dinner Sets Carving Sets Steins Pern Dishes Japanese Goods r._ Whie SeJ&a -

Water Sets Bon Bon Dishes Chocolate Sets

Sole Agents for the McDoofall Kitchen Cabinet

Pictures framed to Order We make a specialty of this work. All the popular subjects in Framed Pictures in our Picture Department in the basem*nt.

WEIS a FISHER CO. 50-54 State St. TWO STORES 441-445 Clinton Ave.N.

took place from nil home, 27 Aim* rotb Street; -Tueiday morning and

Ini %ere taw* to TTtlca for burial. _ . _ _

CFne faneral of Frederick J. Gun-ninsbani took place Wednesday morning from the home of his moth er, 106 Pearl Street, at 8.30 and from the church at 9 o'clock. In terment at the Holy Sepulchre.

High masses of requiem were cele­brated last week by Rev. Father Connors as follows: Monday morn­ing for Mra. Bridget Murray; Tues-

van - Thursday morning for Margaret

Nolan & McLaughlin Wiilly Paymt jinlirs

Are now located a t 197 Main St! E a s t

opposite Glenny's

Watches, Diamonds, Clocks

Jewelery, Silverware Society Pins

van Foley and Mary Buckley; Saturday morning for Mrs. Jane Boheme

Tickets for the midnight masa will be given out at all the masses Sun­day. The masses on Christmas Day will be at the same hours as on Sun­day, 7, 9, 10.30 o'clock. Midnight mass and the 10.30 o'clock mass will be solemn high- masses. The parish loners are invited to send donations of Sowers or plants for the adorn­ment of the altars for Christmas.

Confessions will be heard on Mon­day afternoon and erening.

Great credit is due Miss Kather­ine (Burns and also the teachers for the pains taking care with which the children were prepared lor TEeEFre spective parts in the entertainment glvem during the past week. The operetta was in every way a success and a handsome sum was realized.

All parishioners who wish to ar* invited to send their annual Christ­mas donation of baskets of pro­visions for the poor of the parish. They -.mm- a* f»i& fe» t«« Jbatt; not later than Monday noon where there will fee some in char«e to nt&n them*

A4v.V^t'fc_t__t _^Tja

rirnnernftneliss^^ *fe< $1.00, while they last onl$r

100 Menf« fast black taffeta oiatMraU f0oa<-ttM|d||i**^$4tt^. vajft* for 'Hi;6^jjp^iJ> •***&:4B& natural wood or fancy horn handle* fri^-wrWfJMJO^WrJ1special, inch

We also have a fine assortment of ladies' and men's Umbrellas from 12.60 up to 124.9$, f

Holiday SMpp©ri# No better Christmas giftibrji^me^ber oltha family than a nice pair of Slippers, " T - 7

for Men—Everett and Opera Slippers, in tan jw^bla f̂e^»ki«ifettfa^^ at •1.00, $1.25 and %\M> Men's Romeo Slipper-in tan and black letthersr»lso;Rorneoarvdth flexible leather soles, specially priced at $1.45.

For Wometi—Women's Felt Slippers,in black, brown, gray, blue and red, trimmed with fur to match, at 80c, 98c, $1.25 and #1.48,

Ladies' Patent Leather 3-Strap Dress Slippers with Cuban or French heels; also patent evening slippers, with low Louis heels, at $1,50, $1.60, $2.00 and *2.50.

for Children-Children's and'Misses' Felt Slippers, with or without fur trimmings, from 50cto*1.00.


L-adies N e c k w e a r Special Holiday Sbowinr

Ladies' pretty Swiss embrolder -̂tttrifiov^r collars, two in a box, fine selection of dainty effects, a very pretty gift for 26e*

Ladies' fancy Collars in tftf newest embroid­ered and spangled effects, same styles at most stores for 50c, put up m box, o^urprpft^i

Ladies Jancyl^h^LJliLjfgj^datt^^boR trimmed, lace and snangle e j f | ^ » ^ p e t y at, each 49c. ^^»^^-^t^^r^

Ladies' silk crepe ^Sca^#^m£%|stefi^Mnd blue, two yards \<mm mm^0:^l^g^

• Ladies' fency Scariajff ' s U k i n r ^ S i f c pretty amber or floral effecta from fl.

Orocerlea faiti tTro rriirrfnr fftf liiffatiii

t^saisrtEsr^^ Cleaned Currants, per % lb. p

?fffr ; ; per Jb., 100, - 0 » d « n ^ M i i ^ - 1 i ^ _ ^ _ „ pies, 8c per pkg* 0r2 pbm, tor lle»

Sanitas toatNd Com Flakes, 9ep<r for 26c.

JBgr-0-Sse, par pkg., 7e. Crosby's Best Bread FioUr, per barxefeffe

25 lb, sack, 60c « ~ ** Shredded Whett,per.box, 12c. , Finest imported Cluster Raislns,l lb.p CalifornisKaval Orantf̂ , 20c to 46c New Mixed Nuts, laTicjSSfc. Pf New Cocoanuts, 8e saeh or 2 for 15c. New Smym Layer Figs, 12 l-2c per lb. A can of Condensed Cream free with

pound of Coffee

JELL-0, h tteafthy. Pore Dctsatt A" f b w s - 3 f^gs. far 2 f c ^

Our denvrastrator will teach you how ornaments] designs from Jell-O. Free U\ day.* <J J


Specials ier To-dsy aod Satarday 6 a ^ Ox-Heart Chocolate Croquettes, sold

where for 25c—our pnee, per lb 19c , Ox-Heart Chocolate Peanut Ctuatss

25c a lb,—reduced to 20c SPECIAL—Mis-Dip ChwotaM,

and 40c reduced for two day* to! 30c and 36c ChocoUtee, put up hi for 19c

Full line of W M Baker's Cheooktia,̂ boxe« from 30c to 90c a*i

Crystallised Gum Drops, per lb.,

Xmas Stocking; - Catholic Courierlib.catholiccourier.com/1905-october-1908-july-catholic-journal... · Our plans for serving you promptly and Mtisfactorily «w ... and do all, and - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.