The Bakersfield Californian from Bakersfield, California (2024)

the the I I I I THE BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1937 15 STOCK DROP ON SEC THREAT TO WALL STREET TENDENCY TO LOWER LEVEL Pre-Holiday Indecision Seen and Prices Gyrate on Both Sides By VICTOR EUBANK (Associated Press Leased Wire) NEW YORK, Nov. ruled the stock market today, and while prices gyrated on both the plus and minus sides, the final tendency was to lower levels. What rallies there were lacked steam. although offerings were abjorbed without much trouble. The gave ground at the opening but recovered later as selected shares were picked up.

Another setback and another mild rally followed. The trading pace, slow at first, quickened a bit in later dealings. actions approximated 1,000,000 shares Traders found little in the news to assist in formulating a policy and their indecision was reflected in the market's slow pace. Utility Gains Slight President Roosevelt's statement that only a area of the try could possibly be served by federal power plants aroused interest in some utility shares, but gains, where they occurred, were in mere fractions. The general opinion seemed to be much time must elapse before a lasting "truce" between the administration and the companies could be achieved.

Bonds were mixed in quiet trading. Commodities generally tended a little higher. Toward the fourth hour gains and losses were about evenly distributed the stock list. At that time, United States Steel was down a point. Wheeling and National Steels were a little higher most of the time while Bethlehem and Youngstown Sheet and Tube were on the minus side.

Up-but down from best of the day--were Western Union, Monsanto Chemical, International Har. vester, Coca-Cola, Allis Chalmers, Owens-Illinois, Johns-Manville, Columbian Carbon, Phillip Morris, General Foods, Boeing, Douglas Aircraft and United Aircraft. Unchanged, Losers Unchanged to a bit lower were Chrysler, General Motors, Anaconda, Kennecott, American Telephone and Consolidated Edison, Losers of a point or more included Allied Chemical, Du Pont and Union Carbide. The statement of administration leaders in Congress that tax revision was unlikely to come up before the session in caused regular, disappointment January, Street, although it met general tions. A strike in a Ford assembly plant at St.

Louis was watched closely as a possible indicator of further labor troubles in the automotive 1 industry. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, Nov. 24. (A. 15,000, 104015c higher, bulk good and choice top $8.15, few butchers 3200D360-lb.

7.85, most good packing sows Cattle 10,000, calves 1500, fed steers 7.50, few best lightweights up to $7.65, and yearlings generally steady, common and medium grades steady to weak, early top $14.75 paid for dium weights fed with show steers, several loads but bulk of crop short-feds selling at too many heifers here, trade weak; cows slow, steady, scarce; bulls also scarce, fully grown at $6.50 down; vealers 50c lower, mainly $10 down, few $10.50. Sheep 5000, fat lambs 15c higher, good to choice native and fed comeback offerings $909.25, early top $9.35 to shippers, some held higher; sheep mostly steady, slaughter ewes feeding lambs scarce. Los Angeles Cash Grain LOS ANGELES, Nov. 24. (A.

Current local grain quotations were reported by the Federal -State ket News Service as follows: "(Prices quoted are field run, in car lots only): No. 2 yellow corn, bulk, prompt rail delivery, $1.40. Argentine corn, quick delivery, bulk, California wheat, sacked, No. 1 soft and hard white, $1.60. California barley, sacked.

44 No. 2 bright western. a California barley, sacked, 46 No. 1 bright western, California yellow milo, No. 2, sacked, Markets at a Glance NEW YORK, Nov.

24. (A. Stocks easy, steels, motors lower. Bonds mixed, U. S.

loans Improve. Curb soft, utilities sag. Foreign exchange steady, sterling lower. Cotton irregular, trade buying, southern selling. lower, Increased new crop offerings.

Coffee easy, lower Brazilian markets. Los Angeles Hay LOS ANGELES, Nov. 24. (A. Hay, f.o.b.

Los Angeles, per ton: Choice barley, Choice oats, $20.50021.50. Alfalfa delivered Hynes or El Monte: U. S. No. 1 extra leafy, U.

S. No. 1, U. S. No.

2. No. leafy, 0 Bar Silver NEW YORK, Nov. 24. (A.

-Bar silver. unchanged. MEMBERS NEW YORK, LOS ANGELES, SALT LACE STOCK EXCHANGES; NEW YORK CURB (ABB0C.) CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Stocks--Bonds COMMISSION stocks, orders bonds, exand commodity futures for institutions and individuals. Orders executed in all important markets in any size or denomination. J.


Cotton moved. irregularly today with December steady on spot house cov. ering against fewer notices than anticipated. Distant months, after foreign support, eased under liqui. dation.

March reacted from 8.00 to 7.95 and in midafternoon was selling at 7.97, with list at that time ranging from 4 points higher to 2 lower. Futures closed steady, 5 higher to 1 lower. December 7.89@7.90; January 7.88; March 7.95: May 8.01; July 8.02; October 8.08. Spot steady; middling 8.04. New York Close NEW YORK, Nov.

24. Cotton Futures Stock- Close Atchison 341 Baltimore Chesapeake Erie Great Northern 243 Illinois Central. 91 Missouri Pacific. New York Central. Northern Pennsylvania Union 80 Industrials American American Tel.

Borden's Cities Service Caterpillar 49,, Cuban Gas Consolidated 1 Corn Products 53 Curtiss- Wright First National 3012 Fox Film 20 General Electric General Foods 287 Gold Dust Goodyear Tire and 1834 International Harvest 56 International Tel. Johns-Manville 69 Montgomery Ward North American 20 Pacific Gas Electrie. 25 Radio Corporation 078 Safeway Stores 22 Sears -Roebuck U. S. 2314 Union Carbide Carbon United Aircraft Warner Brothers Western Union 271 Westinghouse Electrie Woolworth 353, Penney.

Transamerica Metals American Smelting 43 Anaconda 257 Bethlehen Steel International Nickel 381 Kennecott Copper Republic Steel U. S. Steel Vanadium Steel Tobacco and Sugar American Sugar American Tobacco 66 American Tobacco "3" Cuban American R. J. Reynolds 43 Oils Atlantic Refining Consolidated Mexican Seaboard 20 Phillips Pete 371 Shell Union 15: Standard of 29 Standard of New 42 Socony Vacuum 'Texas Company 351 14 Tidewater Ass'n.

n. new. Motors Auburn Motors Chrysler General Motors Hudson Packard Motors 4 Studebaker Tinken Roller Bearing. Equipments American Car Foundry. 19 American Locomotive Baldwin General Tank 35 Stewart Warner Chicago Grain CHICAGO, Nov.

24. (A. --Increased selling, largely from traders dispirited by action of securities. led late today to wheat market setbacks that almost erased moderate gains, Pit specialists said maintenance of wheat price advances was not to be oxpected until European buying of North American wheat broadened. It was asserted that although on a theoretical basis much heavier export purchases of United States wheat appeared sooner or later inevitable, continued backwardness of foreigners to enter the market on a liberal scale was undermining confidence of speculative holders.

At the close, Chicago wheat futures were lower to higher compared with yes yesterday's finish, December 89 May corn down, December May and oats off to up. Grains closed: Wheat--December May 80 Corn--December July Miay July Oats--December May July Soy beans -December 92c; May Rye-Decemher May July 63c. L. A. Honey Market LOS ANGELES, Nov.

24. (A. Honey prices were barely sleady with trading limited and offerings by beekeepers moderate to liberal last week, the Federal-State Market News Service reported today. The market undertone continued to indicate to beekeepers, f. b.

ton lots southern or more, per pound, 0. California warehouses and docks: Orange, extra white to water white, white mostly, 6c, few Sage, extra white to water white, white, Buck light amber to extra light, Beeswax, Sales f. 0. b. country points: Alfalfa, light amber to extra light amber Arizona, case; Imperial Valley, Cotton, alfalfa and cotton, blue curl, San Joaquin valley, extra light amber to white, case; light amber, Treasury Report WASHINGTON, Nov.

24. (A. The position of the Treasury on November 22: Receipts, expenditures, balance, receipts for the month, 083,411.45. Receipts for the fiscal year since July 1. $2,247,218,440.19: expenditures, $2,095,591,798.14, including 353.24 of emergency expenditures: excess of expenditures, gross debt, $37,082.428,142.87, an increase of $1.141,469.70 above the previous day; gold assets, $12,779,024,426.66, including $1,247,472,172.41 of inactive gold, Foreign Exchange NEW YORK, Nov.

24. (A. eign exchange steady: Great Britain in dollars, others in cents: Great Britain, demand 5.00⅛. cables 5.00⅛, 60-day bills 4.99½: France, demand 3.40, cables 3.40; Italy, demand 5.26½, cables 5.26½. Demands: Belgium 17.02; Germany, free 40.43, registered 21.05, 25.50: Holland 55.60: Tokio 29.16; Shanghai 29.79; Hong Kong 31.28; Mexico City 27.80: Montreal in York 100.00⅜; Montreal in New York 99.90⅝.

Los Angeles Livestock LOS ANGELES, Nov. 24. (A. Hogs, 50; steady to 10c higher; grainfeds Cattle, 800; holdovers, 879; slow, mostly steady: medium to good fed steers few stock steers good fed heifers $8.00: grass heifers cows cutter grades bulls Calves, 100; slow, few sales steady; few slaughter calves stock calves $6.50. Sheep, 250; steady; medium to good wooled lambs $9.00.

Metals Market NEW YORK, Nov. 24. (A. steady, electrolytic spot and future $10.75, export $9.80. Tin steady, spot nearhy and future Lead steady, spot New York East St.

Louis $4.85. Zinc steady, East St. Louis spot and future $5.50. Iron, aluminum, antimony, quicksilver, platinum and wolframite unchanged. L.

A. Produce Market LOS ANGELES, Nov. 24. (A. Demand and trading was very slow, supplies heavy, prices barely steady to weaker.

Artichokes: Castroville 48s. 2.60 box: 60-728 $2.7502.85: Davenport 489. $2.40 2.50; 60-726 $2.50 2.60; Arroyo Grande 48s, $2.000 2.25; $2.25 2.50: 72-84s $1.7502.00 box. Asparagus: Imperial valley, Regal 20c fancy standard 15c. standard 10c; special C.

Avocados: Fuertes, best fair 12c; Pueblas, large in to medium 10 Beans: small Local lb. Kentucky Wonders, fancy 40 fair green pod brown seed (3c, best poorer Coachella valley Kentucky Wonders. fancy 506c, fair 40 ordinary brown seed. best limas, local Bush 214 60 Santa Barbara county, 35-lb. crates local best 4c San 'Diego county 405c: Santa Barbara county 5c: 35-Jb.

crates $1.65401.75. Cauliflower: Local Snowball. ordinary 10 fair 10G 20c crate, fancy large 250, late sales 50. Lettuce: Dry pack Lompoc 4-dozen $1.25 1.33, late sales $1.00: 5-dozen 85c Guadalupe and Santa Maria 4s, 85001.00. by 4i 85c; San Fernando valley, $1.0001.25.

ordinary 55 75490e: Delano, $1.50: Salinas 49, 85001.00; late sales 60075c crate. Peas: San Joaquin valley Pole, Coachella valley Bush ordfancy in se fair 546c, ordinary 3 inary Imperial valley ordinary 3 culls 1 Potatoes: Brokers' sales, Stockton good Burbanks and Prides $1.30001.35 per 100-lb. sack, fair ordinary 850 95e; N. S. No.

1 Idaho Russets street sales Kern county Bliss Triumphs, bushel cartons $1.404 1.60: lugs 1.00: local and Kern county White Rose, lugs 65 Poultry, Butter and Eggs LOS ANGELES, Nov. 24. (U. Butter Extras, 3Tc. Prime firsts, 36c.

Standards, Undergrade, Candled Eggs Large--Clean extras, 31c; light dirty extras, 30c; clean standards, 28c; light dirty standards, 25c; checks, 25c. -Clean extras, 27c; light dirty extras, 260; clean standards, 240; light dirty standards, 230; checks, 24c. Small -Clean extras, 22c; dirty extras, Case, counts, 19c. Poultry Prices Hens, Leghorns, to 15c. Hens, Leghorns, over aud up to 4 16c.

Hens, Leghorns, over 4 17c. Hens, colored, to 4 23c. Hens, colored, over 4 Ibs. up, 24c. Broilers, over 1 up to 22c.

over and up to 23c. Fryers, Leghorns, over and up to 3 1Sc, Fryers, colored, and up to 24c. Fryers, colored, over and up to 4 24c. Roasters, soft hone. Barred Rocks, over 4.

lbs. and up, 25c. Roasters, soft bone, other than Barred Rocks, over 4 lbs. and up, 25c. Stags, 15c.

Old roosters, 12c. Ducklings, Pekin, over lbs. and up, 20c. Ducklings, Pekin, under 17c. Old ducks, 11c.

Geese, 19c. Young tom turkeys, 15 lbs. and up to 18 18c. Young tom turkeys, over 18 Jbs. and up, 19c.

Hen turkeys, 8 lbs. and up, 20c. tom turkeys, 16c. Old hen turkeys, 20c. Squabs, under 11 lbs.

per dozen, 24c. Squabs, 11 lbs. per dozen up, 28c. Capons, under 7 24c. Capons, 7 lbs.

and up, 25c. Rabbits, No. 1 white, to 15c. Rahhits. No.

1, mixed colors, to 414, 16c. Rabbits, No. 1 old, 14c. San Francisco Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 24.

(A. -Hogs 450, not enough on sale early to make a market, nominally stendy, few head at around 210-lb. butchers $8.35, two loads of good to choice butchers held above $8.35. Cattle 200, rather slow, scattered sales steady to weak, load medium to mostly good 910-lb. fed steers $8.60, load plain to medium 820-lb.

steers off beet tops $7, few medium to good feeder steers medium helfers $6.25 down, good cows absent, quoted to bulls nominally steady, medium grades eligible $5.50 down. Calves none, nominal good to cholce vealers quoted Sheep 2000; lambs active, steady at week's decline; two doubles medium to good 84-lb. Idaho wooled lambs $9, sorted 10 per cent: double good 94-lb. weights 89, sorted 15 per cent; good around 70680-lb. wooled lambs quoted to $9.25, other classes absent: wooled slaughter ewes quoted mainly at $3.25 down.

Government Bonds NEW YORK, Nov. 24. (A. S. bonds closed: Treasuries 31s, 41, 106.23.

47-43, 107.12. 45-43, 106.25. 46-44, 106.20. 49, 44, 111.22. 47-45, 103.4.

3s, 48-46, 104.20. 31 49-46. 105.9. 52-47, 116.6. S.

51-48, 101.7. 31s, 52.49, 105.4. 58-49, 98.26. 51-51, 100.16. 3s, 55-51, 103.19.

60-55, 101.5. 59-46, 100.6. Federal Farm Mortgage 47-42, 102.8. 3s, 49-44, 102.22. Home Owners Loan 49-39, 101.1.

44-42, 100.26. 3s, 54-44, 102.21. San Francisco Stocks SAN FRANCISCO, (A. Stock- NOTHING Close Crown Zellerhach Crown Zellerbach 65 65 Marchant Cale. 13 Pacific Lighting 371 Pacific Pub.

Svc. 51 Pacific Pub. Sve 1st pid. Republic Pet com. 31 Roos Bros.

16 16 Southern Pacific 177 Standard Oil California. 2934 Transamerica Western Pipe 17 Chicago Cash Grain CHICAGO, Nov. 24. (A. wheat, No.

4 red corn, No. 3 mixed 53c. No. 2 yellow No. 3 white 5314 oats, No.

1 mixed No. 1 white 32, No. 2 white rye. No. 2 soy beans, No.

2 yellow barley, foed malting Wheat mostly lower, export dull. Corn easy, increased rural offerings. Cattle about steady to 25c up. Hogs 10(15c higher, top $8.15. Los Angeles Stocks LOS ANGELES, Nov.

24. (A. Stocks were lower this morning on the LOS Angeles stock exchange. Trading volume continued slow with only 6000 shares changing hands by 11 o'clock. Chrysler Motors, Pacific Distillers and Samson preferred made new year lows.

Quotations at 11 A. High Last Central Investment 00 22 Chrysler Corporation 53 53 General Motors 33 33 Kinner Airplane .20 .20) Republic Petroleum 416 Southern Pacific 18 18 Transamerica 1014 Union Oil of 1976 Mining Stocks Calumet Gold Trend of Staple Prices NEW YORK. Nov. 24. (A.

Associated Press weighted wholesale price index of 35 commodities today advanced to 76.12. Previous day 16.02. week ago 77.84, month ago 80.62, year ago 84.77. Range of recent years: 1937 1936 1935 1933-34 High 95.14 89.22 78.68 74.94 Low 76.02 71.31 71.84 41.44 1926 average equals 100) PRICE CHANGES AT S. F.

SMALL Sagging Tendencies Dominate Market and Trading Is Sluggish (Associated Press Leased Wire) SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. ging tendencies again dominated the market here today, but the preholiday trading was rather sluggish, and most price changes were small. Marchant Calculating Machine stock. went against the trend to rise 1 point, and Pacific Lighting gained Roos Brothers and Southern Pacific were up 14 point each in forenoon deals. Fireman's Fund lost California Cotton 2, Coast Counties Gas 1 and General Motors, Victor preferred and Western Pipe were down to Transamerica settled to New York Bonds NEW YORK, Nov.

24. (V. -Domestic corporate liens declined, on the average, to the lowest levels in three years today, but rallied slightly in late trade on a mild recovery in stocks. S. governinent funds were narrowly mixed after early easiness.

Foreign bonds turned irregular with South Americans under pressure. Rails showed resistance. Baltimore Ohio issues. which recorded early gains ranging to almost 2 paints, had fractional losses in late trade, but Missouri-Kansas-Texas First of 1978 held a 1 point gain. grade rails met relatively better demand than the second grade carriers.

Steel, motor and packing shares featured a weak industrial list. Pressed Steel 5s broke 5 points to a new low at 70 then came back to the previous close. However. Republie Steel, Otis Steel and Youngstown Sheet Tube funds were off to some 3 points. Studebaker 69 lost more than a point, and Armour of Delaware Issues had losses of some 3 to 5 points.

International Hydro-Electric 69 had more than a point loss, while International Mercantile Marine 68 of 1941 halved yesterday's S-point recession. Dried Fruits YORK, Nov, 24. (A. Evaporated apples steady; choice 8 Prunes steady: California 30-40s Oregon 30-408 Apricots steady; choice 11c; extra choice fancy 13c. Peaches steady; fancy, choice extra choice steady; loose Muscatels 70 choice to fancy seeded, seedless Figs steady; California fancy, Black Mission Adriatic, fancy Kadota nominal.

Hops steady: Pacific coast, 1937s, 19 1936s, New Members in Red Cross Group (Continued From Page Nine) Renfro, Dr. Lena Twoner, W. T. Rau, W. T.

Rau, Richard Brates, E. L. Brothers. S. R.

Metcalf, Emanuel Abbott, P. E. vier, Paul Hornung, C. L. Smith, Paul C.

Vucovich, K. A. Ericson, Hornung, Frank Harrison, Jerry Abbott, Dr. H. L.

Klakoff, Alice Wilcox, Francis Leeds, Lowell store, Brass Rail, Ralph Smith Grocery. Additional turned in from C. E. Baer and Arthur Theile of Cirgonian Club, $8 from Nathan Strauss and Son, Danice Harris, Kolhn, Edna Ratliff, J. F.

Novak, F. W. Woolworth Company. Turned in by C. B.

Neely and Har. Ferguson, $16 from C. M. Hamb. let, Lelah T.

Hamblet, Louis Strinbaugh, Ed Jarner, Oildale Bakery and Creamery, Fay O. Whitaker, Elmer Corson, Twin Peppers, Valley Finance Company, Harold Ferguson, Andy Coats, C. Bakery, Thrasher and Tyler Turned in by J. K. Thrasher and William Tyler, $62 from O.

Thomas, Evelyn Williams, Louis Johnson, W. R. Warren, F. G. R.

Schamblin, William Woodson, W. V. Kirby, Alvin Reimer, Ralph Ware, B. Gibbons, 0. G.

Actis, A. C. Neilson, Charles Norton, George Snider. E. C.

Williams, Ed McCaffrey, Clair Dragoo, Kenneth Owen, Margery Smith, Violet Burr, Naomi Anderson, C. H. M. Schamblin, T. A.

Beaty, Wilbur L. Miller, Leo A. Schamblin, Erma Heinriche, Leo P. Jarvis, E. D.

Blanton Winona Schmidt, Bert Halestrap, Carson McMurtey, C. C. Sturm, Flora Schamblin, A. E. Randon, Ploneer Mercantile Company, Belford Hotel, Hap Moore.

Turned in by S. E. Dillon and George Crome, $22 from Howard Porter, Il Trovatore, Fred Hunter, Henry Houston, Alta West, J. N. Cheney, J.

Fore, Sam Bailin, California Theater, California Theater Dress Shop, Franze, Miss Sny. der, William Leong, H. Ruben, cent Barber Shop, N. C. Cornell, James Gee, Charles Daley, A.

Friedman. H. Nightingale, Rex Sweet Shop. Turned in by Harry Tibbett and Freeman L. Spreyer, $33.50 from L.

J. Benzino, Padre Bowling Alley, Sam Moss, McMahan Furniture Company, Louise Herod, W'eaber R. L. Platt, Garrett Blacker, Kendall Jones, Pete Bellas, Charlie Bellas, Betty Thompson, G. Clerou, A.

McKinnon, R. A. Moore, Georgia Fox, R. W. Henderson, Dr.

C. F. Clampitt, L. Lanin, C. Matly, Fred Shaw, I.

M. Miller, Dick Hiett, Sholars Market, Williams P. T. $1. Rosedale Union School, $6 from Miss Gertrude Hegler, Miss Dorothy Holzgrafe, Miss Claire Koffel, Mre.

C. Newman, J. Clark McGinnis, Miss Mary Fast. Join Red Cross Turned in by H. Tanaka, $15 from K.

Okuno, S. Tatsund, Y. Okahara, T. Kizuka, K. Miyaji, Y.

Ono, Y. Mohri, K. Tanaka, Y. Sugimura, M. M.

Tanigawa, B. Kato, H. Tatsuno. Hara, T. Kinosh*ta, a Mrs, M.

Yura, San Joaquin Cotton Oil Company, $11 from Joe Comer, J. F. Wilson, 0. L. Frost, Jack Dunn, Edith Adolpson, A.

L. Armstrong, E. S. Boland, G. E.

Gilmore, W. W. Simons, Torn Rollow, Phil McNeil. Consolidated Pipe Company, $10 from A. C.

Harper, C. F. Harper, Oscar H. Harper, Mrs. G.

F. Terry, Leila Nelson, Paul Taylor, C. F. Johnson, A. E.

Dalton, J. A. McCaff. rey, Harry D. Myers.

Standard School student body, $14.35. Mother of Sheriff Biscailuz Dead (Associated Press Leased Wire) SANTA MONIC.A Nov. Ida Warren Hunter. 72, mother of 'Sheriff Eugene Biscailuz of Los Angeles county, died at his home here today. A native Californian, her birthplace was on the present site of the Los Angeles hall of records and her family's history was Inextricably linked with that of the state.

Her great grandfather was superintendent of the construction of San Gabriel Mission, where his grave is located. Her father. William (Billy) Warren. WAS city. marshal and police chief in Los Angeles during the 18608.

Mrs. Warren's first husband was Martin Biscailuz, an attorney, whom she bore three children. Two died carly in life. As.a widow. she later married Captain Jesse Hunter, chief detectives under three Los Angeles district attorneys, who died seven years ago.

They are survived by three children, James Hunter, Warren Hunter and Mrs. Carol Flewelling, all of Los Angeles. Addresses Feature Institute Sections (Continued From Page Seven) where the permanent pasture program of the farm, under supervision of the local agricultural department, was in progress. The safety section, held in the administration building of the high school, proved worthwhile for the many who witnessed it, ing the materials and services available to the schools of Kern county from the Automobile Club of ern California. L.

G. Colgate and Don P. Young from the auto club, by means of motion pictures with sound, and bulletins, demonstrated the many safety techniques now in use in the high schools of the county and California. Among the porjecta were the safety exchanges, safety papers issued by the club monthly; safety awards, in conjunction with the safety committees of the schools; the 'safety patrol; safety manuals; and the familiar safety "signs" for every classroom. Physical Education Miss Rhoda W.

Smith acted A8 chairman of the physical education section, held in the boys' gymnasium, and introduced the following demonstrations: rhythms in primary games, including dramatic play and stunts for the first grade, by Miss Clementine Newman, teacher of the class at Rosedale School; rhythm play for the second grade, by Miss Wildman, teacher of the at the Rockpile School; and folk dances for the third and fourth grades, by Miss Carrie Mull, teacher, Norris School. Demonstrations of small team games in elementary and secondary schools included the deck tennis game, shown by Miss Jean Durnal, of the Aztec School faculty; paddle tennis, by Jack HIll, teacher of physical education at Vineland School; table tennis, by Miss Helga Hildebrand, of the local physical ucation department. Frank Corwin, physical education teacher of Beardsley School, strated the use of the shuffle board, table shuffle board, quoits, and tether ball. Miss Helen Ludy, teacher of Pondham School, showed the bean bag board; Eugene Lindblom, of the Elk Hills School, demonstrated the techniques in box hockey; and the game of Badminton was played by Cal Wiliams and Lloyd Allen. Health Section Dr.

Myrnie A. Gifford, of the Kern county health department, acted as chairman of the health section, held in the science building of the high school. health films, showing the development of the bryo of various amphibian forms, including the waterdog, were shown to the small group. How the bryo changes was sh wn In cessive stages of development, through the use of the motion picture projector. Music Demonstrated Demonstrations in all phases music instruction marked the meeting of the music section held yesterday in the local Junior college building in room 106 with Miss Gertrude Ganzenhuber, supervisor of music, in charge.

Vocal music was demonstrated by the Vineland School chorus directed by Miss Esther R. Keeter, and by the Wasco girls' glee club, directed by Miss Dorothy Tamblyn. Instrumental music was demonstrated by the rhythm band of the Greenfield School, directed by Miss Alice Van Horn with Miss Beulah Weldon as the accompanist. Chromatic song bells were strated by a group from the ham School with Mina Helen Ludy as the director, and orchestra work was demonstrated by A group of children, Norris, from the Rockplle, Buena Rogodale Vista, Lost and Vineland Schools with Lawrence Foster directing. Arms Manufacturer, Douglas Vickers Dies LONDON, Nov.

Vickers, 76, former arms manufacturer, died last night. He was chairman of Vickers, from 1918 to 1926 and was a former member of Parliament. DOLLAR IMPROVES LONDON, Nov. 24. (A.

United States dollar improved 3-16 of 8 cent today. In trading the unit was quoted to the pound New York over French francs compared with 15.0014 for sterling in closed 147.12 to the pound against 147.16 yesterday, 29.42 FRANCS TO DOLLAR PARIS, Nov. 24. (A. P.

United States dollars closed today at 29.42 francs (3.399 cents to the franc) compared with 3.420 cents to the franc In New York overnight. Exchange on London 147.12, OIL HEIRESS TO WED HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 24. (A. A January wedding is planned by Barbara Morrison, oil heiress and divorced Morrison Mor.

rison, and a local business man, Abe Post. BATTLED FOR LIFE'S SAVINGS Aftermath of a bizarre, bloody battle between a Sonoma county rancher using a Chinese sword and a pistol against a masked robber wielding a butcher knife found the rancher, Thomas Elliott, 79, above, fighting for life in a Santa Rosa hospital and the would-be robber dead. During the fight the robber, Identified as James T. Jenkins, lost a hand. Elliott said Jenkins picked up his own hand, deposited it in a coat pocket.

FOUR ACES TAKE BRIDGE CONTEST Vanderbilt 1937 Match Won by Jacoby, Burnstine, Schenken, Maicr (United Press Leased Wire) NEW YORK, Nov. Four Aces held the Vanderbilt cup, contract bridge's blue ribbon award, for the third time today. The team, composed of Oswald Jacoby, David Burstine, Howard Schenken and M. D. Maier with Sherman Sterans as alternate, won the 1937 Vanderbilt championship last night after a full week of play.

The Four Aces defeated the team captained by Harold S. Vanderbilt, donor of the cup, by 4080 points in a 72-board finals match. The victory marked the fourth time Jacoby and Burnstine had played on A team of four winning the Vanderbilt trophy, and the third time for Schenken. Vanderbilt's associates were Waldemar Von Zedtwitz, twice a member of a victorious Vanderbilt cup team; Theodore A. Lightner, also a previous cup winner; B.

Jay Becker, and Charles Lochridge, alternate, The winners overcame a 1060 point Vanderbilt lead to capture the championship. Old-Age "Rackets," Relief to Be Probed (United Press Leased Wire) LOS ANGELES, Nov. rackets and various other relief matters will be investigated next week by the Assembly interim committee on social welfare, Speaker William Mosely Jones announced today. Delays in payment of old age benefits because of failure of local county relief officials to complete their investigation and certification of applicants will be investigated, Jones said. The committee also will attempt to determine whether any of the "panacea clubs" that are cashing in on the craving of elderly people to obtain assurance of security in their declining years, are operating outside the law, Jones said.

Ex-Tax Collector at San Luis Is Accused (Associated Press Leased Wire) SAN LUIS OBISPO, Nov. Frances S. Leland, veteran former tax collector of San Luis Obispo county, was charged in a grand jury indictment today with perjury, bezzlement. misappropriation of public funds and falsification of public records. Sheriff Ilarry Haskins detained Miss Leland yesterday after the dictment had been returned and a bench warrant issued by Superior Judge T.

A. Norton. Ball was set at $7500. Miss Leland resigned her office recently. HUNTED MAN KILLS SELF TATUM, Nov.

24. (A. Angus Williams, 35-year-old Negro sought for the slaying yesterday of Constable Elbert Grigsby of Tatum, shot and killed himself in his farm horne near here early today. INTENTIONS TO WED 26, Fresno, and Mattie Ba. Smith, Taylor, 24.

of Bakersfield. MILLER Geneva M. -Henry Presley, J. 21, Miller, both of Bakersfield. SCHAEFER-CARMEAN Albert G.

Schaefer, 21, and Janet mean, 1S, both of Pasadena. BAUER PECK -Leo J. Bauer, 35, and Irene A. Peck, 18, both of Wasco. WALLACE-COTNER Robert R.

Wallace, 21, and Ruby N. Cotner, 18, both of Bakersfield. GENE GEYE-RUSSELL-Lawrence Geye, 24, Nola M. Russell, 19, both of Bakersfield. NEWTON- MURRAY-John B.

New25, of Arvin, and Mabel R. Murray, 24, of Bakersfield. STONE Shafter, and Reba A. E. Evans, Stone, 25, 20, of Tulare.

GUHL-MIRANDE-Ernest. H. Guhl, 35, and Mary V. Mirande, 22, both of Oildale, STOCK EXCHANGES FACE SEC THREAT Douglas Warns Wall Street It Must Co-operate or Face Restriction (Unitel Press Leased Wire) WASHINGTON, Nov. man William O.

Douglas of the curities and exchange commission today offered the nation's stock markets the choice between co-operative "progressive action" to eliminate alleged abuses, or subjection to federal control. He spoke in the middle of the worst market slump since 1929. A self-styled "conservative fellow from the old school" is Douglas, who raised over the markets the club of the securities exchange act of 1934 which permits the SEC, as a last resort, to suspend any exchange for one year, Blunt Warning His blunt warning called on the exchanges to reorganize for more adequate self -regulation, policing and detection within the letter and the spirit of the 1934 exchange act. ing this, he warned, the only ing alternative was "Immediate and more pervasive administration directly by the commission" of all phasca of exchange business within the of the 1934 securities authoritY. He promised an early commission decision on the next stop.

Douglas presented this five point critique of the stock market setup: 5-Point Criticism 1. Management of the larger changes was in the hands of profesalonal traders engrossed in their own businesses. 2. It was questionable whether recent trading activity provided an income sufficient to justify the "huge" exchange membership. 3.

Professional traders tended to sell "short" for speculative profit at a time "when public dietress adds a factor of demoralization" to a declining market. 4. Exchange members trading for themselves were responsible for sharp price fluctuations. 5. There was evidence that during recent crucial market periods some stock dealers failed to pass on to the market the full support which purchases by little investors might have afforded.

RACKETEER PROBE AT L.A. DEFERRED Senate Committee Resumes Civil Service Hearing oll January 20 (United Press Leased Wire) LOS ANGELES, Nov. A8- sembly Interim committee today postponed its investigation of "civil service racketeering' until January 20 while a subcommittee studied reports an employe of the state board of equalization is being forced out beCAURO she successfully defied the state personnel board. At the January meeting a will be conducted the personnel board's new salary schedule. berg of the board explained to the Assembly committee that the scale provides wAge increases of $761,000 annually, with 91 per cent of that amount going to workers recelving less than $200 a month.

Mrs. Bertha M. Garrett, collector for the retail sales tax division of the equalization board, testified she is about to be "railroaded" out of the atate's employ aftor 2. Los Angeles court ordered her reinstatement with 10 montha back pay. testified that because of this successful suit.

she has been "under fire" since reinstatement, and that the classification of collector in being abolished A8 a means of eliminating her from the state's pay roll. Ford, Eight Others Free on UAW Count Associated Press Leased Wire) DETROIT, Nov. Judge Lester S. Moll dismissed today charges of felonious assault against the Ford Motor Company and eight individuals as the result of the beating of United Automobile Workers' organizera near the Ford rouge plant last may 26. Judge Moll ruled that evidence produced at a preliminary hearing was inaufficient to warrant holding the defendants for trial.

Nearly a score of union members were beaten in fighting that their attempt to distribute followed. literature near the huge Ford plan in suburban Dearborn. 'The charges filed, however, concerned only the Injuries of William Merriweather, claimed to have suffered a who broken back. $2,000,000 Building for Giannini Bank (United Press Leased Wire) SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. Bank of America, one of the world's largest banks, Is planning A scraping $2,000,000 building in San Francisco to house all its scattered central offices, it was disclosed today, The site under consideration is the old Spreckles property west of Lick street and running north and south AL full block from Post to Sutter street.

This property is owned by the bank. It 18 presently occupied by several office buildings and stores. U. S. Blessings Told by Secretary Roper (Associated Press Leased Wire) WASHINGTON; Nov.

employer-employe ships are among many things AmerIca should give thanks for tomorrow, Secretary of Commerce Roper: said today. He added that the nation has abundant harvests, peace other nations, a safe banking system, improved social security, and a spirit of co-operation. UNION CEMETERY FURNISHES MONUMENTS GRAVE MARKERS FLOWER CONTAINERS PRICES REASONABLE SEE OUR Monumental Display at Cemetery Entrance Phone 2237 Overcast Weather in Bay Region Looms SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. Overcast weather without rain, will probably prevail over the San Francisco bay region Thanksgiving day, despite a new storm brewing over the Pacific, the S. Weather Bureau predicted today, Heavy rains will fall along the from Eureka to Puget Sound tonight, forecasters said.

Cloudiness la expected. throughout central California over the holiday. Showers fell over the San cisco area last night, bringing the season's precipitation to 3.36 inches, equaling the normal seasonal fall to date. Six Coeds Defeat Chorines at IQ (Associated Press Leased Wire) DETROIT, Nov. Wayne University coeds defeated six chorus girls in an Intelligence test last night but the margin was small----115 points to 95.

The chorus girls challenged any six college girls to the test in a letter to a Detroit newspaper, protesting a feature story which said they spent most of their time ing romance and detective stories. Some of the questions asked Edgar Willis of the Detroit Board Education, were: "Are there more red than white stripes the American flag?" "Under our laws, can a woman be Prealdent the United States?" "Which of Jesus' disciples was a physician?" The chorus girls were rather proud of their record. The contest was held back-stage at the theater where they dance. Jealous Wife Kills Her Woman Employe CHICAGO, Nov. Ada Sczytkowaki; 31, owner of a bakery and mother of three children, summoned her red-haired counter girl, Irene Kersteln, 26, last night and accused her of accepting "du and an accordian" from her band, Rudolph Sczytkowski, 31.

When the girl made no answer, Mrs. Sczytkowski shot and killed her. THE WEATHER San Joaquin valley: Fair tonight and Thursday; cooler tonight. Southern California: Fair and mild tonight and Thursday; cloudy west portion tonight. San Francisco bay region: Generally cloudy tonight and Thursday; moderate temperature.

Northern California: Fair south, increasing cloudiness north portion tonight and Thursday; probably rain extreme north coast; cooler south portion tonight. Sierra Nevada: Fair but becomIng cloudy over northern ranges tonight and Thursday; colder night. Sacramento and Santa Clara valleys: Increasing cloudiness tonight and Thursday; moderate temperature. Flickinger-Digier CHAPEL You alone determine the funeral price here. Ours helpful service.

TELEPHONE 97 Chester Avehue at Thirteenth J. C. Flickinger Frank Dicker Ambulance Service.

The Bakersfield Californian from Bakersfield, California (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.