Surface architecture of Histoplasma capsulatum · 2017. 4. 12. · REVIEW ARTICLE published: 18 November 2011 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2011.00225 Surface architecture of Histoplasma capsulatum - [PDF Document] (2024)

Surface architecture of Histoplasma capsulatum· 2017. 4. 12.· REVIEW ARTICLE published: 18 November 2011 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2011.00225 Surface architecture of Histoplasma capsulatum - [PDF Document] (1)

REVIEW ARTICLEpublished: 18 November 2011

doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2011.00225

Surface architecture of Histoplasma capsulatumAllan J. Guimarães1,2*, Mariana D. de Cerqueira3 and Joshua D. Nosanchuk 1,4*

1 Department of Microbiology and Imunology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, Bronx, NY, USA2 Departamento de Imunologia, Instituto de Microbiologia Paulo de Góes, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil3 Departamento de Microbiologia Geral, Instituto de Microbiologia Paulo de Góes, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil4 Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, Bronx, NY, USA

Edited by:

Michael H. Perlin, University ofLouisville, USA

Reviewed by:

Bjorn Sandrock, University ofMarburg, GermanyJose M. Diaz-Minguez, University ofSalamanca CIALE, SpainErika Kothe, Friedrich SchillerUniversity, Germany


Allan J. Guimarães, Departamento deImunologia, Centro de Ciências daSaúde, Bloco I, Instituto deMicrobiologia Paulo de Góes,Universidade Federal do Rio deJaneiro, Avenida Carlos Chagas Filho373, Rio de Janeiro 21941-902, Brazil.e-mail: [emailprotected];Joshua D. Nosanchuk, Albert EinsteinCollege of Medicine, 1300 MorrisPark Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461, USA.e-mail: [emailprotected]

The dimorphic fungal pathogen Histoplasma capsulatum is the most frequent cause ofclinically significant fungal pneumonia in humans. H. capsulatum virulence is achieved, inpart, through diverse and dynamic alterations to the fungal cell surface. Surface compo-nents associated with H. capsulatum pathogenicity include carbohydrates, lipids, proteins,and melanins. Here, we describe the various structures comprising the cell surface of H.capsulatum that have been associated with virulence and discuss their involvement in thepathobiology of disease.

Keywords: Histoplasma capsulatum, surface, cell wall, architecture, proteins, carbohydrates

INTRODUCTIONHistoplasma capsulatum variety capsulatum (Hc) is the causativeagent of classical histoplasmosis (Meloan, 1952; Kwon-Chung,1972, 1975; Bradsher, 1996) and the fungus has a worldwide dis-tribution. The fungus is heterothallic and compatible (+) and(−) mating types unite to form the ascomycetous perfect stagedesignated Ajellomyces capsulatus.

Hc is a dimorphic fungal pathogen with two distinct mor-phological forms, filamentous and yeast, depending on a varietyof nutritional factors and temperature (Maresca and Kobayashi,1989). Hc is found in nature primarily as a saprophytic mold, andexists in soils enriched with organic nitrogen sources, like animalexcrements (Emmons, 1950, 1956a,b; Zeidberg et al., 1952; Alteras,1966; Emmons et al., 1966; Disalvo et al., 1970; Smith, 1971a,b).Additionally, the fungus can grow as a mold when cultured on lab-oratory mediums at less than 35˚C. The mold form is composedby hyaline septate hyphae that are 1–2.5 μm diameter. Moreover,hyphae produce two different hyaline asexual reproduction struc-tures. Macroconidia are large, thick-walled, round,and 7–15 μm indiameter, typically tuberculate, knobby, or with short cylindricalprojections, although they occasionally may be smooth. Micro-conidia are smooth-walled spherical, pyriform, or cigar shaped,ranging in size from 2 to 6 μm in diameter (Edwards et al., 1960;Pine, 1960; Berliner, 1973; Garrison and Boyd, 1977). In contrast,the pathogenic single, budding yeast-like form is predominatelyisolated from infected tissue specimens and occurs when the

microbe is grown at ≥37˚C on specific media (Smith, 1971a,b; Hay,1992). Hc var. capsulatum are generally small yeast cells (2–4 μmin length), thick-walled and ovoid with a narrow base at the smallerend, whereas variants found predominantly in Africa (Hc varietyduboisii) produced larger yeast cells (8–15 μm in length).

Infection typically occurs after disturbances in the environ-ment which results in aerosolization of fungal propagules withsubsequent inhalation of microconidia or hyphal fragments bya susceptible host (Guimaraes et al., 2006). Histoplasmosis is notgenerally associated with person to person spread of disease. How-ever, vertical transmission was once observed in a human neonate(Kwon-Chung and Bennett, 1992). Rarely, histoplasmosis can beacquired by cutaneous inoculation of the fungus.

Histoplasmosis is a cosmopolitan fungal infection with areasof high endemicity. However, patients are usually unaware of theirpotential exposure (Wheat, 2003). Generally, the environmentalconditions present in areas of high endemicity are a moderate cli-mate with a relatively constant humidity (Maresca and Kobayashi,1989). Endemic regions in North America are located in the Mid-western and Southeastern parts of the United States (USA), espe-cially the Mississippi, Ohio, and Missouri river valleys, where 80%of the resident population has been shown to react to histoplasminby skin testing (Ajello, 1971; Goodwin and Des Prez, 1978; Wheat,1997). It is estimated that Hc is responsible for approximately halfa million new human infections in the USA each year, making itthe most prevalent pulmonary fungal pathogen (Cano and Hajjeh, November 2011 | Volume 2 | Article 225 | 1

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Surface architecture of Histoplasma capsulatum· 2017. 4. 12.· REVIEW ARTICLE published: 18 November 2011 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2011.00225 Surface architecture of Histoplasma capsulatum - [PDF Document] (2)

Guimarães et al. Surface architecture of Histoplasma capsulatum

2001). In Latin America, the most prevalent areas of endemicity arepresent within Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, andArgentina (Borelli, 1970; Wheat, 1997, 2001). In Brazil, endemicareas are located in the Midwestern and Southeastern portions ofthe country (Zancope-Oliveira et al., 2005; Guimaraes et al., 2006),where the prevalence ranges from 4.4 to 63.1% and 3.0 to 93.2%,respectively (Londero and Ramos, 1978; Zancope-Oliveira et al.,2005; Guimaraes et al., 2006).

Exposure to Hc is exceedingly common for persons livingwithin areas of high endemicity (Wheat and Kauffman, 2003).The clinical manifestations of disease range from asymptomaticinfection or a mild influenza-like illness to a disseminated sepsisform that may involve virtually any tissue (Meloan, 1952; Csil-lag and Wermer, 1956; Goodwin and Des Prez, 1978; Wheat, 1994;Bradsher, 1996). These manifestations depend mainly on the mag-nitude of exposure (i.e., the number of fungal particles inhaled),the immunological status of the host, and the virulence of theinfective strain, indicating that environmental and genetic factorsregulate the manifestation of disease (Goodwin et al., 1981; Kauff-man, 2007). The vast majority of infected persons have either nosymptoms or a very mild illness that is never recognized as beinghistoplasmosis (Wheat et al., 2007). In fact, 95–99% of the primaryinfections are not recognized in immunologically normal hostsin endemic areas (Saliba and Beatty, 1960; Isbister et al., 1976;Goodwin et al., 1981). Although the majority of symptomaticinfections follow primary exposures to Hc, reactivation of latentinfection can result in significant disease, particularly in the settingof immunosuppression, such as individuals chronically receivingsteroids or patients on chemotherapy (Kauffman, 2007). Further-more, reactivation disease can be developed in liver transplantrecipients with disease originating from latent infections in thetransplanted organs (Limaye et al., 2000). Additionally, reactiva-tion has increasingly occurred in patients receiving anti-cytokinetherapies, especially inhibitors of gamma interferon (INF-γ) andtumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α; Deepe, 2005; Deepe et al.,2005; Scheckelhoff and Deepe, 2005). Individuals with advancedHIV disease are also at significant risk for severe infection due toprimary disease or reactivation of latent lesions, and disseminateddisease occurs in 95% of individuals with AIDS (Wheat, 1996).Additionally, in the setting of severe immunocompromised, Hcstrains previously considered avirulent have been able to causefatal disease (Davies et al., 1978; Wheat et al., 1990).

Hc is a model dimorphic pathogen for the study of invasivemycotic diseases. After inhalation, the fungal propagules reach theterminal bronchioles of the lung and deposits in alveoli, undergo-ing conversion to the pathogenic yeast form (Couto et al., 1994;Allendoerfer et al., 1997). As a facultative intracellular parasite, theinteraction of Hc with macrophage cells is a critical component ofthe host response to infection (Newman, 2005) and is a complexand obscure phenomenon. Hc yeasts also have critical interactionswith inflammatory neutrophils, and with dendritic cells (DCs) inthe lung and other organs. Indeed, recent evidence suggests thatDCs can restrict the differentiation of conidia into yeast (Newman,2005; Newman et al., 2011) and may be the key antigen-presentingcells that initiate cell-mediated immunity (Deepe et al., 2008). Hcyeast cells must survive and/or subvert the hostile anti-microbialenvironmental within phagocytes (Allendoerfer et al., 1997),including fungicidal mechanisms dependent on hydrogen

peroxide and products of the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) path-way (Eissenberg and Goldman, 1987). Yeast cells actively inhibitphagolysosomal fusion, thereby preventing exposure to the acidichydrolytic enzymes of the lysosomes. Hc also prohibits accumula-tion of vacuolar ATPase, which is important for proton accumula-tion in phagosomes, and the fungus can actively alkalinize phago-somal pH to 6.5 (Strasser et al., 1999). Within the phagocytes, yeastmay travel to hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes where they cangain access to the blood circulation for dissemination to variousorgans, such as liver and spleen (Wheat and Kauffman, 2003).

YEAST CELL SURFACEThe components of the yeast surface are the main interface of Hcto communicate with its environment and to interact with cells ofthe immune system. In particular, Hc yeast display several surfacemolecules involved in entry and survival within the host (Figures 1and 2). The cell wall is essential to diverse aspects of Hc biologyand pathogenicity (Table 1). As discussed, uptake of Hc yeast bymacrophages provides a protected environment for yeast growthand replication. However, in promoting its phagocytosis, Hc mustalso subvert or avoid activating macrophage antifungal defenses.

CELL WALL CARBOHYDRATESThe cell wall is composed of about 80% of saccharides in dryweight (Bernard and Latg, 2001). The monosaccharide compo-sition consists in glucose (Glc), which is the most abundantmonosaccharide in filamentous and yeast cell wall, followed bymannose (Man), and galactose (Gal). Structurally, the sugars forma rigid polysaccharide structure that varies in composition ratiosdepending on the chemotype of the strain (Reiss, 1977; Reiss et al.,1977). Although different glycans comprise the structure; somefluctuations can occur in certain isolates from a single chemotype,such as shown with a major fibrillar chitin skeleton component, α-1,3-glucan, β-1,3-glucan, and soluble galactomannan (Kanetsunaet al., 1974).

The yeast and mycelia phases of Hc contain different chitin fib-ril arrangements within their cell walls (Kanetsuna, 1981). Thesestructures are the foundation of the dynamic immunoreactiveconstruction that comprises the Hc cell wall.

The α and β-glucans present in the cell wall also change duringmorphogenesis and have different biological roles (Domer et al.,1967; Domer, 1971). At room temperature, the production of β-glucan is favored, resulting in increased amounts of this glucanswhich is predominant in the fungal mycelial phase. Also, inductionof 3-glucanase activity promotes a decrease of cell wall rigid-ity, resulting in elongation or budding (2, 3). The β-1,3-glucanconsists of a linear β-1,3-glucosyl-linked backbone with β-1,6-glucosyl-linked side chains that vary in length and distribution,while forming a complex tertiary structure stabilized by inter-chain hydrogen bonding (Kanetsuna et al., 1974). This structure isantigenic and participates in the modulation of the host immuneresponse (Gorocica et al., 2009).

A shift to 37˚C favors α-1,3-glucan synthesis and low β-1,3-glucan synthetic activity during yeast growth. During phasetransition from mycelia to yeast, the synthesis of α-glucansincreases rapidly (Kanetsuna et al., 1972; Kanetsuna, 1981) andthis effect is strictly dependent on temperature, with a lower syn-thesis at 20 than 37˚C. Hc α-glucan contains α-1,3-glucosyl linear

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FIGURE 1 | Biosynthesis of important cell wall components of Hc.

FIGURE 2 | Schematic model showing the composition of the Hc cell wall.

residues and topographically overlaps the β-glucan surroundingthis last polymer in the yeast cell wall and it is considered relevantfor Hc yeast virulence (Klimpel and Goldman, 1988; Rappleyeet al., 2004).

Based on the α-1,3-glucan content of the yeast cell wall, Hcis classified as chemotype I or II (Domer et al., 1967; Domer,1971). A strain is classified as chemotype I when the α-1,3-glucanis absent and it the fibers are entirely β-linked (Davis et al.,

1977). A chemotype II cell wall contains a mixture of α and β-1,3-glucans.

ChitinThe major cell wall component is an inner layer of chitin, apolysaccharide composed by polymers of glucans and β-1,4-N -acetyl-glucosamine (GlcNAc) residues (Kanetsuna et al., 1974).The chitin fibrils are considered to be the skeleton of the cell November 2011 | Volume 2 | Article 225 | 3

Surface architecture of Histoplasma capsulatum· 2017. 4. 12.· REVIEW ARTICLE published: 18 November 2011 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2011.00225 Surface architecture of Histoplasma capsulatum - [PDF Document] (4)

Guimarães et al. Surface architecture of Histoplasma capsulatum

Table 1 | Components of Hc cell surface and their role in pathogenicity/virulence.

Surface component Role in virulence/pathogenicity


Chitin Maintenance of cell wall integrity and rigidity, as well as in resisting the extracellular environment (Ruiz-Herrera and Osorio,

1974); immunomodulatory; and immunosuppressing molecule recognized by dectin-1 (Mora-Montes et al., 2011) inducing

activation of anti-microbial activities of macrophages and PBMCs, (Rementeria et al., 1997; Mora-Montes et al., 2011); bind

diverse products in supernatant, such as polysaccharides such as Cryptococcus neoformans capsule or self-proteins like

YPS3 (Bohse and Woods, 2005).

β-1,3-glucan Major constituent of the cell wall of the filamentous phase of Hc (Davis et al., 1977); promotes inflammatory cell recruit-

ment and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines including TNF-α (Figueiredo et al., 1993; Medeiros et al., 1999, 2004;

Anjos et al., 2002). Dectin-1 and DC-SIGN (CD209) are receptors for β-1,3-glucan polymers (Brown, 2006).

α-1,3-glucan Presence correlated with virulence (Kugler et al., 2000; Rappleye et al., 2007); regulates yeast proliferation inside host

phagocytes (Kugler et al., 2000) by protecting the yeast within phagolysosomes (Eissenberg and Goldman, 1991), result-

ing in a state called intracellular latency (Eissenberg et al., 1996, 1997); Hc displaying α-1,3-glucans can persist for several

weeks inside these cells and induce the formation of granulomas, which result in chronic infected tissues (Klimpel and

Goldman, 1988); loss of α-1,3-glucan impaired Hc yeast proliferation within macrophages killing of cultured macrophages

(Rappleye et al., 2004); in vivo, loss of α-1,3-glucan resulted in reduction in lung colonization (Marion et al., 2006); subverts

the host immune mechanisms of recognition of cell wall components and contributes to yeast survival. By blocking the

innate recognition of the fungal PAMP β-1,3-glucan by its PRR dectin-1 receptor on host phagocytes (Rappleye et al., 2007).

Gallactomannan Involved in DTH with inhibition of macrophage migration factor release (Azuma et al., 1974; Reiss et al., 1974). In Paracoc-

cidioides brasiliensis, it appears to be involved in the protection against its own serine-thiol protease, an enzyme associated

with pathogen dissemination through the extracellular matrix (Matsuo et al., 2006).

Lectin-like components Binds to a 68 KDa galactosylated surface molecule (mainly β-anomer) on murine macrophages (Taylor et al., 1998; Duarte-

Escalante et al., 2003), and participates in macrophage activation, and regulation of phagocytosis (Maldonado et al., 1998).

Also involved in agglutination of human erythrocytes (Taylor et al., 2004).

Mannoproteins Highly antigenic and can lead to dendritic cell maturation and activation with pro-inflammatory cytokine production, (Pietrella

et al., 2006). Also involved in host tissue adherence (Ross, 2002).


Ceramide monohexoside Expressed in almost all fungal species (Barreto-Bergter et al., 2004); found in the mycelia and yeast phases of Hc (Barr

and Lester, 1984; Barr et al., 1984) and appears to be required for fungal survival (Dickson and Lester, 1999).

Extracellular vesicles Carry lipids, proteins, polysaccharides, and pigment-like structures involved in diverse processes including metabolism,

cell recycling, signaling, and virulence (Yoneda and Doering, 2006; Rodrigues et al., 2007, 2008a; Albuquerque et al., 2008;

Vallejo et al., 2011); some proteins found in Hc vesicles are pathogenic determinants and/or are involved in host–pathogen

interactions. Hc extracellular vesicle may function as a “virulence bag,” since virulence factors are concentrated within

them and these molecules can modulate the host–pathogen interaction and immune response (Albuquerque et al., 2008;

Rodrigues et al., 2008b; Casadevall et al., 2009; Oliveira et al., 2010).


Hsp60 Major ligand that mediates attachment of Hc to macrophage/monocyte CR3 integrin (CD11b/CD18; Long et al., 2003),

resulting in phagocytosis (Long et al., 2003; Habich et al., 2006); it is also an immunogenic molecule, being a potential

target for passive immunization therapy (Guimaraes et al., 2009, 2011a); contributes with cell wall changes that allow the

pathogen to survive under stress conditions (Shaner et al., 2008); interacts with a large diversity proteins in both cyto-

plasmic and cell wall fractions, participating as a key regulator of several cellular processes, including amino acid, protein,

lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism, cell signaling, replication, and expression of virulence associated proteins (Guimaraes

et al., 2011c).

Hsp70 Recombinant Hsp70 elicits a cutaneous delayed-type hypersensitive response in mice; however, vaccination with Hsp70

did not confer protection against Hc infection (Allendoerfer et al., 1996); Hsp70 is highly expressed by the fungus when

undergoing transition from mycelium-to-yeast (Kamei et al., 1992) and has its peak of expression at 37˚C (Shearer et al.,

1987). Hsp70 synthesis increases soon after heat shock (Lambowitz et al., 1983; Shearer et al., 1987) and we demonstrated

more interactions between Hsp70 and Hsp60 at elevated temperatures.

M antigen Major diagnostic antigen of Hc as it elicits intense humoral and cellular immune responses (Hamilton et al., 1990; Deepe,

1994; Deepe and Durose, 1995; Hamilton, 1998; Zancopé-Oliveira et al., 1999; Guimaraes et al., 2006). Its cell surface

localization makes the M antigen the most important catalase for detoxification of host derived peroxides, protecting the

fungus against oxidative stress, and also makes this protein accessible to host immune cells and antibody (Guimaraes

et al., 2008).


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Surface architecture of Histoplasma capsulatum· 2017. 4. 12.· REVIEW ARTICLE published: 18 November 2011 doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2011.00225 Surface architecture of Histoplasma capsulatum - [PDF Document] (5)

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Table 1 | Continued

Surface component Role in virulence/pathogenicity

H antigen Involved in nutrient acquisition (Woodward and Wiseman, 1982) or modulation of cell wall architecture (Kruse and Cole,

1992; Deepe and Durose, 1995; Akiyama et al., 1998; Fisher et al., 1999; Fisher and Woods, 2000); vaccination with H

antigen protected mice in a pulmonary histoplasmosis model (Deepe and Gibbons, 2001) associated with production of

IFN-γ, GM-CSF, IL-4, and IL-10 by splenocytes and in parallel, there was major expansion of CD4+ or CD8+ cells in spleens

of mice (Deepe and Gibbons, 2001).

H2B Important in cell–cell signaling and modulation of the immunoresponse by the fungus (Nosanchuk et al., 2003); mAbs

againt this protein enhanced levels of IL-4, IL-6, and IFN-gamma in the lungs of infected mice. The mAbs increased phago-

cytosis of yeast by J774.16 cells through a CR3-dependent process and uptake of the opsonized yeast cells was associated

with yeast cell growth inhibition and killing (Nosanchuk et al., 2003; Nosanchuk, 2005). The altered intracellular fate of the

opsonized Hc yeast was characterized by significantly enchanced macrophage phagosome activation and maturation and

also a reduced ability of the organism to regulate the phagosomal pH. Opsonization also increased antigen processing and

reduced negative PD-1/PDL-1 co-stimulation in macrophages, resulting in more-efficient T-cell activation (Shi et al., 2008).

YPS3 YPS3 is able to bind chitin and it is linked to Hc virulence in vivo and associated with increased fungal burden in

phagocyte-rich tissues, such spleen and liver (Bohse and Woods, 2007b).

Melanin Hence, Hc cell wall melanin protects the fungus from a myriad of insults and the polymeric nature of the pigment enhances

its structural strength. It protects against extremes in temperatures, radiation, and predation in the environment, free rad-

icals, defensins, and other toxic responses within a host. Melanization of Hc protects the fungus against chemotherapy

with amphotericin B or echinocandins (van Duin et al., 2002; Gomez and Nosanchuk, 2003).

wall, playing a structural role in maintaining cell wall integrityand rigidity, as well as in resisting the extracellular environment(Ruiz-Herrera and Osorio, 1974). The chitin layer is attached tothe non-reducing end of the outer β-1,3-glucan chain by a β-1,4linkage (Mol and Wessels, 1987), and as for the number of chitin-β-1,3-glucan linkages compared to the total number of linkages inthe cell wall, the ratio is about one chitin–glucan bond per 8,000hexose units. Experiments with appropriate mutants lacking suchlinkage, have shown that their cell wall are weaker and more proneto damage (Bulawa et al., 1995).

The immunoreactivity of Hc chitin with host cells has notbeen formally investigated. Nevertheless, several chitin-bindingproteins had been described, such as RegIIIg (HIP/PAP), a C-typelectin expressed in the neutrophil-like Paneth cells of the smallintestine (Cash et al., 2006), and FIBCD1, a calcium-dependentacetyl group-binding receptor that is also expressed in the gas-trointestinal tract (Schlosser et al., 2009). The cells of the immunesystem seem to use dectin-1 to recognize Candida albicans (Mora-Montes et al., 2011) through chitin, but in Hc, the role of chitinin the interaction with the components of the immune systemis unclear. However, it is possible that chitin functions as animmunomodulatory molecule, immunosuppressing, or activatinganti-microbial activities of macrophages and PBMCs, as describedin C. albicans (Rementeria et al., 1997; Mora-Montes et al., 2011).Intriguingly, Hc chitin can bind diverse products in supernatant,such as polysaccharides from the capsule of Cryptococcus neo-formans or self-proteins like YPS3 (Bohse and Woods, 2005),described later in this essay. Hence, chitin plays diverse roles ininteracting with host cells and diverse compounds in the localenvironment.

β-1,3-glucanSurrounding chitin, there is a layer comprised of glucans polymerslinked by a β-1,3 linkage. This polymer is a major constituent

of the cell wall of the filamentous phase of Hc and in chemo-type I Hc yeasts, where the glycan layer is entirely β-linked (Daviset al., 1977). Some biological functions have been attributed tothe β-1,3-glucan, such as promotion of inflammatory cell recruit-ment to the site of infection and production of pro-inflammatorycytokines including TNF-α (Figueiredo et al., 1993; Medeiros et al.,1999, 2004; Anjos et al., 2002). Intriguingly, β-glucans possessmany of the characteristics attributed to PAMPs and are knownto be potent triggers of innate immunity (Brown, 2006). Dectin-1and DC-SIGN (CD209) are receptors for β-1,3-glucan polymers(Brown, 2006). Dectin-1, a non-classical C-type lectin major non-opsonic β-glucan receptor, was one of the first PRRs identified thatcan mediate its own signaling or act synergistically with Toll-likereceptors (TLR) to initiate specific responses to infectious agents.Dectin-1 has been shown to mediate inflammatory responses tofungi and facilitate pathogen clearance (Steele et al., 2005). Detec-tion of glycosylated fungal components by this receptor occursin DCs, neutrophils, natural killer, and subsets of T cells andcan result in the induction of cellular responses, including liganduptake by phagocytosis and endocytosis, DC maturation, respira-tory burst, and synthesis of a number cytokines, including TNF,IL-10, IL-2, IL-23, and IL-6 as well as chemokines like CXCL2(Brown, 2006; Dennehy and Brown, 2007). DC-SIGN, anotherC-type lectin involved in recognition of β-glucans, is expressedprimarily by DCs (Koppel et al., 2005) and has been proposed tomediate engulfment of certain fungi (Cambi et al., 2003; Koppelet al., 2005; Serrano-Gomez et al., 2005).

Due to its immunogenicity and predominance in cell wall, β-glucans have been studied as a potential target for vaccination.In fact, a vaccine based on glucan-laminarin conjugate with therecombinant diphtheria toxoid CRM197 (Lam-CRM197) recentlytested was able to induce a protective immunity against differentpathogenic fungi, such as C. albicans and A. fumigates in vivo(Torosantucci et al., 2005; Bromuro et al., 2010). Limitation of November 2011 | Volume 2 | Article 225 | 5

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β-glucan exposure is one mechanism shaping the overall patho-genic potential of different medically important fungi includingHc. However, several membrane components, such as CR3 caninteract with β-glucan (Kataoka et al., 2002). Consequently, theabrogation of the host immune response by blocking Dectin-1may be circumvented by other β-glucan receptors during naturalhost interactions. However, certain Hc pathogenic strains maskβ-glucan by an outer α-1,3-glucan layer.

α-1,3-glucanMorphological transition from filamentous to yeast phase mod-ifies the biosynthesis of the glucans pool, with the productionof the α-1,3-glucan, which is a specific attribute of the Hc yeastphase (Kanetsuna et al., 1974; Klimpel and Goldman, 1988). α-1,3-Glucan is also common to most medically important fungi,including all the other dimorphic pathogenic species. However,the cell walls of Hc chemotype I strains lack the α-1,3-glucanpolymer, but contain more chitin and less glucan than chemo-type II (Domer et al., 1967; Domer, 1971). Some strains of Hcspontaneously produce variants lacking α-1,3-glucan that displayreduced virulence (Kugler et al., 2000; Rappleye et al., 2007). Suchphenomena can also be induced by successive laboratory pas-sages of the Hc yeast (Klimpel and Goldman, 1988; Hogan andKlein, 1994). In other dimorphic fungi, spontaneous loss of α-1,3-glucan also correlates with reduced virulence, indicating thismay be a conserved mechanism of fungal pathogenicity (Klimpeland Goldman, 1988; Hogan and Klein, 1994). In general, severalstudies have demonstrated that virulent Hc strains contain up to1,000-fold more α-1,3-glucan than avirulent strains.

Most recently, the importance of α-1,3-glucan in chemotype IIHc virulence was examined in spontaneous mutants, and by RNAinterference and traditional allelic replacement of the gene thatencodes for α-1,3-Glucansynthase (ags1; Rappleye et al., 2007).Loss of α-1,3-glucan does not impair growth of Hc in vitro. How-ever, the loss significantly impaired the proliferation of the yeastin macrophages in vitro and these yeast were less able to kill cul-tured macrophages (Rappleye et al., 2004). In an in vivo model,loss of α-1,3-glucan resulted in a substantial reduction in lungcolonization, suggesting that α-1,3-glucan might be a virulencedeterminant designed specifically for survival and replication inmurine respiratory infection models (Marion et al., 2006).

The regulation of α-1,3-glucan occurs upstream AGS-1, by thefunction of the amy1 and ugp1 gene products, respectively, anα-1,4-amylase involved in the synthesis of α-1,3-glucan (Marionet al., 2006) and an UTP-glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferasethat synthesizes UDP-glucose monomers. As observed with AGS-1, loss of AMY1 and UGP1 function reduces the virulence of Hc,with attenuation of yeast to grow within or kill macrophages, anda reduced capacity to colonize murine lungs (Marion et al., 2006).

However, the exact mechanism for how α-1,3-glucans altersHc pathogenesis remains poorly understood and, to date, thereis no identified receptor to Hc cell wall α-1,3-glucans. In aPseudallescheria boydii model, this carbohydrate seems to beimportant in phagocytic internalization, which stimulates thesecretion of inflammatory cytokines trough the involvement ofTLR2, CD14, and MyD88 (Bittencourt et al., 2006). As describedabove, the explanation for their modifying effect on virulence

may primarily be due to their influence in the host–pathogeninteractions achieved by subverting the host immune mechanismsof recognition of cell wall components and contributing to yeastsurvival. As the α-1,3-glucans are expressed as the most exter-nal cell wall layer, they block innate recognition of the fungalβ-1,3-glucan by dectin-1 receptor on host phagocytes (Rappleyeet al., 2007). Blockage of this receptor suppresses the productionof pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α, consisting in an importantvirulence mechanism for Hc, but it also helps explain mechanis-tically the higher native pathogenicity of dimorphic fungi. Yeastswhich also lack α-1,3-glucan have reduced capacity to cause signif-icant disease. Consistent with this hypothesis, the parasitic formsof the dimorphic fungal pathogens each possess α-1,3-glucan andcan cause disease even in the face of normal host immune func-tion. However, this does not explain how chemotype I strainsmaintain virulence in the absence of α-1,3-glucans. Additionalfunctions have been attributed to α-1,3-glucans, such regulationof yeast proliferation inside host phagocytes (Kugler et al., 2000) byprotecting the yeast within phagolysosomes (Eissenberg and Gold-man, 1991), thus resulting in a state called intracellular latency(Eissenberg et al., 1996, 1997). Hc displaying α-1,3-glucans canpersist for several weeks inside these cells and induce the forma-tion of granulomas, which result in chronically infected tissues(Klimpel and Goldman, 1988).

GalactomannansHc galactomannan–protein complexes have antigenic activities,and can induce delayed-type hypersensitivity (DHT) in guineapigs with inhibition of macrophage migration factor release(Azuma et al., 1974; Reiss et al., 1974). It is noteworthy that fungalgalactomannan complexes in the related dimorphic fungus Para-coccidioides brasiliensis appear to be involved in the protectionof the organism against its own serine-thiol protease, an enzymeassociated with pathogen dissemination through the extracellularmatrix (Matsuo et al., 2006).

Lectin-like componentsInteractions between carbohydrates and lectins are considered thebasis of recognition of target particles by phagocytes (Sharon,1984). The expression of lectins by pathogenic microorganismshas been correlated to the organism attachment and invasion tohost tissues (Mendes-Giannini et al., 2000; Singh et al., 2011).Interestingly, Hc has components with lectin activity on the yeastsurface that can bind to surface molecules on murine macrophages(Taylor et al., 1998; Duarte-Escalante et al., 2003). It has beenshown that a lectin-like molecule plays a role in the bind-ing to macrophage surface proteins suggesting that the specificreceptor for histoplasmin components on macrophage could bean oligosaccharide–protein complex containing galactose (mainlyβ-anomer) as determinant, since enzymatic cleavage of galacto-syl residues or a galactose N -acetyl-d-galactosamine compoundreduced this interaction (Maldonado et al., 1994, 1998; Tayloret al., 1998). The macrophage surface ligand is a 68 kDa proteinand seems to participate in macrophage activation and regulationof phagocytosis (Maldonado et al., 1998; Taylor et al., 1998). Hcalso has the ability to bind and agglutinate human erythrocytesusing this lectin-like component (Taylor et al., 2004).

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Hc also expresses a 50 kDa lectin that recognizes sialic acidresidues on laminin, a key component of the membrane base-ment protein (Mcmahon et al., 1995) and might function as apossible mechanism for dissemination or is involved in cell–cellinteractions.

Other cell wall associated carbohydratesSeveral additional carbohydrates contribute to the composition ofthe Hc cell wall. Mannans and mannosylated proteins are found inthe cell wall of Hc and several fungi, and their importance has beenbest described in C. albicans (Lipke and Ovalle,1998; Pietrella et al.,2008). These mannoproteins are highly antigenic and can leadto DCs maturation and activation followed by pro-inflammatorycytokine production, which drives a protective T-cell response(Pietrella et al., 2006). In addition, mannans have been implicatedin host tissue adherence (Ross, 2002).

CELL WALL LIPIDSLipids have recently emerged as important bioactive molecules infungi in addition to being critical structural components of cellu-lar membranes. Several structurally and functionally distinct lipidshave been characterized in fungi. Based on simple extractions withorganic solvents and determination of the total lipid content in Hccell wall fractions, earlier reports have shown that it correspondedto 3–10% of the cell wall dry weight (Macwilliam, 1970; Cox andBest, 1972). For example, ceramide monohexoside (CMHs) con-sists of a lipid (ceramide) moiety linked to a single sugar residue.This molecule is the simplest glycosphingolipid of eukaryotic cellsand it is expressed in almost all fungal species (Barreto-Bergteret al., 2004). In C. neoformans, glucosylceramide has been shownto be cell wall associated and concentrates at specific sites duringcell division (Rodrigues et al., 2000). Additionally, antibodies toglucosylceramide have been shown to inhibit C. neoformans and F.pedrosoi growth and budding (Rodrigues et al., 2000; Nimrichteret al., 2004), block mycelium formation in the plant pathogenColletotrichum gloeosporioides (Da Silva et al., 2004), interferewith filamentation in P. boydii, and inhibit germ-tube forma-tion in C. albicans (Pinto et al., 2002). CMHs components havebeen identified in neutral lipids extracted from both filamentousand yeast Hc (Toledo et al., 2001a). Indirect immunofluorescenceusing an IgG2a monoclonal antibody (mAb) to glucosylceramide,termed MEST-2, labeled the surface of Hc yeast suggesting a cellwall/membrane localization of this molecule (Toledo et al., 2001b).In Hc, the significance of this molecule has not been elucidated.However, the glycosylinositol phosphorylceramides found in themycelia and yeast phases of Hc (Barr and Lester, 1984; Barr et al.,1984) appears to be required for fungal survival (Dickson andLester, 1999).

EXTRACELLULAR VESICLESMacromolecules need to be transferred from the intracellular tothe extracellular space through the rigid, complex, and dense cellwall environment.

Recently, Hc extracellular vesicles composed by a lipid bilayerhave been described and appear to be secreted through and arepresent at least transiently in the cell wall (Albuquerque et al.,2008). Using transmission electron microscopy, biochemistry,proteomics, and lipidomics analysis, we and other investigators

have described the vesicular transport in fungal pathogens (Yonedaand Doering, 2006; Rodrigues et al., 2007, 2008a; Albuquerqueet al., 2008; Vallejo et al., 2011), including C. neoformans, C. albi-cans, C. parapsilosis, Sporothrix schenckii, Saccharomyces cerevisiae,P. brasiliensis, and Hc. The cellular origin of the extracellular vesi-cles remains unknown but there is evidence for the participation ofdifferent pathways of cellular traffic in vesicle biogenesis (Oliveiraet al., 2010). Remarkably, morphological and biochemical featuresindicate that they are similar to mammalian exosomes (Rodrigueset al., 2008b; Casadevall et al., 2009).

Compositional analysis of Hc vesicles have revealed a verydiverse pool of molecules. The lipid content included commoncomponents of biological membranes that can be involved inimmune response, such as phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidyl-ethanolamine, and phosphatidylserine (Gilbreath et al., 1986; Ara-maki, 2000; Hoffmann et al., 2005; Albuquerque et al., 2008).In addition, 206 proteins were identified in Hc vesicles with abroad range of functions, such chaperones (Hsp30, Hsp70, andHsp60), superoxide dismutase, catalase B, signal transductionproteins, vesicle formation, cell wall and cytoskeleton regula-tion, cell growth, and sugar, lipid, and amino acid metabolism(Albuquerque et al., 2008).

Hence, some proteins found in Hc vesicles are pathogenic deter-minants and/or are involved in host–pathogen interactions, so,hypothetically, the concentration of these molecules could pro-vide an efficient release mechanism of virulence factors into hosttissues and during infection could directly mediate host cell dam-age (Rodrigues et al., 2008b; Casadevall et al., 2009; Oliveira et al.,2010). In conclusion, Hc extracellular vesicle may function as “vir-ulence bags,” since virulence factors are concentrated within themand these molecules can modulate the host–pathogen interaction(Rodrigues et al., 2008b; Casadevall et al., 2009; Oliveira et al.,2010). In accord with this hypothesis, proteins extracted from Hcvesicles reacted with immune sera from patients with histoplas-mosis, showing that vesicles can modulate the immune response(Albuquerque et al., 2008).

CELL WALL PROTEINSThe dynamic nature of the cell wall of Hc includes the chang-ing composition of several proteins that participate in sens-ing the environment, modifying host–pathogen interactions, anddefending the fungus against oxidative stress.

Heat shock proteinsHeat shock proteins (Hsps) are among the most evolutionaryhighly conserved proteins across all species (Lindquist, 1986).Hsps are essential for maintaining cellular functions, playing cru-cial roles in protein folding/unfolding, preventing aggregationof nascent polypeptides and toxicity by facilitating protein fold-ing, directing assembly and disassembly of protein complexes,coordinating translocation/sorting of newly synthesized proteinsinto correct intracellular target compartments, degradation ofa*ged/damaged proteins via the proteasome, regulating cell cycleand signaling, and also protecting cells against apoptosis (Li andSrivastava, 2004; Saibil, 2008). As a key component of the heatshock response, Hsp expression is markedly upregulated when acell is exposed to challenging conditions (e.g., high temperature, November 2011 | Volume 2 | Article 225 | 7

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oxidative stress, radiation, inflammation, exposure to toxins, star-vation, hypoxia, nitrogen deficiency, or water deprivation; Wu,1995).

Hsp60A Hsp of 60 kDa (Hsp60) has been identified on the surface ofHc, as well as within the cell and within vesicles. Hsp60 can bevisualized as clusters on the cell wall by immunogold electronmicroscopy (Long et al., 2003). It appears to be the major lig-and that mediates attachment of Hc to macrophage/monocyteCR3 integrin (CD11b/CD18; Long et al., 2003), resulting inphagocytosis (Long et al., 2003; Habich et al., 2006). Interest-ingly, a study of seven different Hsp60 species from microbesand mammals revealed that all proteins bound the CR3 recep-tor, although using different binding sites, and all elicited aninflammatory response in mouse macrophages (Habich et al.,2003). This implies the existence of distinct receptor structuresresponsible for Hsp60 binding and for Hsp60-induced releaseof pro-inflammatory mediators. In addition, the interaction ofHsp60 with immune cells exhibits immunoregulatory properties,controlling innate, and adaptive immune reactions (Habich andBurkart, 2007). Besides the interaction of Hsp60 from Hc withCR3 receptor complex on the cell surface of macrophages (Longet al., 2003), this protein could be interacting with other criticalmacrophages surface proteins, regulating the effector functionsof these cells, or even exerting other important chaperonin-likefunctions that modify the pathogenesis of Hc (Guimaraes et al.,2011c).

Hsp60 from Hc is also an immunogenic molecule and hasbeen described as a potential target for passive immunization ther-apy (Guimaraes et al., 2009, 2011a). Vaccination with Hc Hsp60induces protection in a lethal murine infection model. The deple-tion of CD4+ cells during vaccination completely abolishes thisprotective effect (Gomez et al., 1995; Deepe and Gibbons, 2002).However, studies in the expressive phase of vaccination show thatthe elimination of CD4(+) or CD8(+) cells does not significantlymodify fungal recovery from organs of infected animals or survivalfrom a lethal challenge. Passive immunization with antibodies toHsp60 offered protection against Hc, as mice treated with IgG1 orIgG2a mAbs to Hsp60 have significantly prolonged survival, witha reduction in the pulmonary and splenic CFUs after a week anda decrease up to 2.5 logs of yeast numbers in the lungs at 2 weeks(Guimaraes et al., 2009, 2011b).

Hsp60 expression levels are strain and temperature depen-dent, with an expression peak between 34 and 37˚C (Sheareret al., 1987). The mechanism by which the heat shock responseto environmental stressors occurs has not been fully elucidated.However, some evidence suggests that an increase in damagedor abnormal proteins activate Hsps (Santoro, 2000). Our grouphas shown that Hsp60 levels increase in response to tempera-ture stress in both cytoplasm and cell wall subcellular fractions(Guimaraes et al., 2011c). However, Hsp60 cell wall levels was notsignificantly changed during heat shock, suggesting that in theconditions tested Hsp60 had a constitutive and regulatory func-tion in the cell, orchestrating traffic of proteins to the cell surfacewhere it is present at levels close to saturation, independent ofoverall expression in the cell.

The capacity of the Hsp60 to interact and work as a carrier mol-ecule suggests innumerous regulatory functions of these proteins.Differential interactions have been dissected in both cytoplasmicand cell wall, and we identified common and unique interactionswithin each subcellular compartment (Guimaraes et al., 2011c).The interactome reveals that Hc Hsp60 engages nuclear chaper-ones, small chaperones,and Hsp90 families. Temperature increasesinteractions between Hsp60 and Hsp70 in the cell wall. Further-more, cell wall Hsp60 more broadly interacts with enzymes relatedto carbohydrate metabolism, suggesting a trafficking function ofHsp60 related to enhanced energy acquisition under stress con-ditions. Additionally, Hsp60 apparently contributes with cell wallchanges that allow the pathogen to survive under stress conditions(Shaner et al., 2008). Hence, this protein participates as a key reg-ulator of diverse cellular processes, including amino acid, protein,lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism, cell signaling, replication, andexpression of virulence associated proteins.

Hsp70Hsp70 is a putative chaperone secreted by Hc to the extracellularmilieu, probably within vesicles (Albuquerque et al., 2008), butalso found on the cellular surface of the fungus (Gomez et al.,1992, 1997; Lopes et al., 2010). Little is known about the functionof this protein in Hc. Recombinant Hc Hsp70 elicits a cutaneousdelayed-type hypersensitive response in mice. However, vaccina-tion with Hsp70 did not confer protection against Hc infection(Allendoerfer et al., 1996). Hc Hsps, such as Hsp70 and Hsp82(an Hsp recently associated with virulence, albeit by unknownmechanisms (Edwards et al., 2011), display a similar expressionpattern to Hsp60 (Caruso et al., 1987; Minchiotti et al., 1992).Hsp70 is highly expressed by the fungus when undergoing tran-sition from mycelium-to-yeast (Kamei et al., 1992) and it is alsostrain and temperature dependent, having its peak of expressionat 37˚C (Shearer et al., 1987). Hsp70 synthesis increases soonafter heat shock (Lambowitz et al., 1983; Shearer et al., 1987) andwe demonstrated more interactions between Hsp70 and Hsp60at elevated temperatures. Thus, Hc Hsp70 interacts with Hsp60,in various cellular compartments, and might communicate withother intracellular chaperones, composing a heat shock reguloncomplex.

M antigenThe M antigen is the major diagnostic antigen of Hc as elicitsintense humoral and cellular immune responses (Hamilton et al.,1990; Deepe, 1994; Deepe and Durose, 1995; Hamilton, 1998;Zancopé-Oliveira et al., 1999; Guimaraes et al., 2006). Antibod-ies to M antigen appear soon after infection and, importantly,antibodies to M antigen can indicate prior exposure, acute diseaseor a chronic progressive disease. The M precipitin reaction canpersist for up to 3 years after disease resolution and people whohave never had contact with Hc can become reactive after skintesting with histoplasmin (Klite, 1965; Kaufman, 1992).

Based on its amino acid sequence and cross reactivity of mAbsraised against the M antigen with other fungal catalases, the M pro-tein has been characterized as a B catalase (Hamilton et al., 1990;Zancopé-Oliveira et al., 1999). The M antigen has been detectedin cell-free extracts and in solution after permeabilizing Hc yeast,

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suggesting that the M antigen is a secreted enzyme (Howard, 1983).Hc expresses two other catalases, CatP, and CatA, both locatedintracellularly, and all of these proteins are involved in detoxifi-cation of reactive oxygen species generated by fungal metabolismand respiration (Johnson et al., 2002).

Our group sought to further characterize the M antigenand confirm its catalase activity. Initially, we constructed a 3-D rendering by hom*ology modeling, and found structures anddomains that closely resembled characterized catalases. SpecificmAbs against recombinant M antigen labeled the yeast cell sur-face of Hc and provided a single band in immunoblots usingcell wall/membrane preparations. Hence, these mAbs further con-firmed the cell surface location of the M antigen. Additionally, wedemonstrated that the majority of catalase activity was concen-trated in fungal surface preparations. The localization of the Mantigen to the cell surface makes the M antigen the most importantcatalase for detoxification of host derived peroxides, protecting thefungus against oxidative stress, and also makes this protein acces-sible to host immune cells and antibody (Guimaraes et al., 2008).However, its importance during establishment of infection and asa vaccine candidate awaits characterization.

H antigenThe H antigen has been described as a secreted component ofhistoplasmin, the most important immunodiagnostic reagent ofHc obtained from culture supernatant of the filamentous cultureof the fungus (Ehrhard and Pine, 1972a,b; Zancope-Oliveira et al.,1994; Guimaraes et al., 2006). This antigen consistently reacts withsera from histoplasmosis patient, and antibodies to the H antigenmay be detected 1–2 years after the resolution of acute disease.Antibodies to the H antigen usually disappear more quickly thanthe anti-M antibodies (Davies, 1986). The H precipitin rarely isdetected after HMIN skin testing.

Although this protein has been extensively studied as animmunodiagnostic reagent for more than 50 years, its biologicalfunction has not been precisely elucidated. The deduced aminoacid sequence of the H gene displays hom*ology to secreted fungalβ-glucosidases and has a molecular weight from 108 to 120 kDa.However, recombinant protein expressed in a prokaryotic host(Fisher et al., 1999) did not demonstrate β-glucosidase enzymaticactivity, probably due to incorrect folding and altered proteinstructure. Subsequently, expression in the native organism hasresulted in production of a full-size, glycosylated H antigen withfunctional β-glucosidase activity (Fisher et al., 1999). Potentialbiological activities for this enzyme include nutrient acquisition(by the breakdown of environmental cellulosic or carbohydratesubstrates to acquire glucose; Woodward and Wiseman, 1982) ormodulation of cell wall architecture (Deepe and Durose, 1995;Fisher et al., 1999; Fisher and Woods, 2000; by the breakdownof cell wall polymers and carbohydrates; Kruse and Cole, 1992;Akiyama et al., 1998).

Recombinant H antigen can stimulate splenocytes from miceimmunized with viable yeast or with antigen suspended in adju-vant (Deepe and Durose, 1995; Deepe and Gibbons, 2001). How-ever, despite stimulating a cell-mediated immune response, vac-cination with the antigen was not able to protect against either alethal or a sub-lethal intravenous inoculum of yeast (Deepe and

Durose, 1995). Interestingly, vaccination with H antigen protectedmice in a pulmonary histoplasmosis model (Deepe and Gibbons,2001). The protective immunization was associated with pro-duction of IFN-γ, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulatingfactor (GM-CSF), interleukin-4 (IL-4), and interleukin-10 (IL-10) by splenocytes and in parallel, there was major expansion ofCD4+ or CD8+ cells in spleens of mice (Deepe and Gibbons,2001).

Histone 2BHistones are proteins commonly associated with DNA and havehigh conserved structure and functions. Although they are clas-sically located in the nucleus, cell surface histones have beendescribed in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. His-tones have been described in the plasma membrane of leukocytes(Rekvig et al., 1987), T cells (functioning as proteoglycan recep-tors; Ojcius et al., 1991; Khan et al., 1998), B cells (Mecheri et al.,1993), and a human lung carcinoma cell line (as an adhesin tothe extracellular matrix; Bilozur and Biswas, 1990). A histone 2Bof Mycobacterium leprae can be located on the bacterial cell sur-face and this expressed protein facilitates invasion of Schwanncells (Shimoji et al., 1999; De Melo Marques et al., 2000) bybinding laminin on peripheral nerves (Pessolani et al., 1993; DeMelo Marques et al., 2000). Similarly Mycobacterium smegm*-tis binds to laminin on human pneumocytes and macrophagesthrough a histone-like protein located on its surface (Pethe et al.,2001). We have described a histone 2B-like protein of 17-kDaantigen expressed on the surface of Hc, and it is speculatedthat the protein is important in cell–cell signaling and modula-tion of the immune response by the fungus (Nosanchuk et al.,2003).

Administration of mAbs that bind histone 2B-like protein onthe surface of Hc has been shown to reduce fungal burden, decreasepulmonary inflammation, and prolong survival in a murine infec-tion model (Nosanchuk, 2005). The protective response mediatedby these mAbs was associated with enhanced levels of IL-4, IL-6, and IFN-γ in the lungs of infected mice. The mAbs increasedphagocytosis of yeast by J774.16 cells through a CR3-dependentprocess and uptake of the opsonized yeast was associated with yeastgrowth inhibition and killing (Nosanchuk et al., 2003; Nosanchuk,2005). The altered intracellular fate of the opsonized Hc yeastwas characterized by significantly enhanced macrophage phago-some activation and maturation and also a reduced ability ofthe organism to regulate the phagosomal pH. Opsonization alsoincreased antigen processing and reduced negative PD-1/PDL-1co-stimulation in macrophages, resulting in more-efficient T-cellactivation (Shi et al., 2008).

YPS3YPS3 is both resident in the cell wall and released in significantquantities into the culture medium during growth of Hc. Thisprotein is expressed only by the pathogenic yeast phase in vitroor infecting tissues (Bohse and Woods, 2005). The yps3 locus ispresent in all the strains of Hc, but protein production seems to belimited to the North American restriction fragment length poly-morphism class 2/NAm 2 group of strains (Bohse and Woods,2007b). These strains have the highest virulence among all the November 2011 | Volume 2 | Article 225 | 9

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Hc isolates and the expression of Yps3 is likely associated withincreased virulence (Bohse and Woods, 2005). The Yps3 proteinin the NAm 2 strains has an average length of 137 amino acids.However, intragenic hypervariable region of tandem repeats inthe yps3 gene might result in different size fluctuation or proteinisoforms among Hc strains (Bohse and Woods, 2007a). Anotherimportant feature of this protein is the presence of an N-terminalsecretion signal sequence (Bohse and Woods, 2005). As this pro-tein is secreted by the yeast, it binds to the polysaccharide chitinand becomes exposed on the cell wall.

Intriguingly, silencing of the YPS3 transcript did not result inany detectable phenotypic differences in vitro (Bohse and Woods,2007b). Silenced yeast displayed normal growth at 37˚C and simi-lar virulence to wild-type yeasts in co-cultures with a RAW 264.7murine macrophage-like cell line. However, in an in vivo murineinfection model, silenced yeast caused significantly less diseasethan wild-type yeast. Reductions in fungal burden were partic-ularly evident in phagocyte-rich tissues, such spleen and liver.Hence, YPS3 is clearly linked to Hc virulence in vivo.

MELANINMany pathogenic fungi produce the enigmatic polymer pigmentmelanin in their cell wall (Nosanchuk and Casadevall, 2006).Hc is also able to synthesize melanin, on both conidia andyeast (Nosanchuk et al., 2002). Melanins are negatively charged,hydrophobic pigments of high molecular weight, formed by theoxidative polymerization of exogenous phenolic and/or indoliccompounds. Since Hc conidia synthesize melanin in the absenceof exogenous phenolic substrate, it is probable that conidia aremelanized in the environment (Nosanchuk et al., 2002). Thus,melanization may protect the conidia from environmental insults,such as damage by solar UV radiation, extreme temperatures and

chemical (heavy metals and oxidizing agents Nosanchuk et al.,2002) and also predation in the environment, against free radicals,defensins, and other toxic responses within a host. Melanizationreduces Hc susceptibility to host defense mechanisms and antifun-gal drugs (Van Duin et al., 2002; Taborda et al., 2008). Moreover,melanization of Hc protects the fungus against chemotherapywith amphotericin B or echinocandins (Van Duin et al., 2002;Gomez and Nosanchuk, 2003). Hence, Hc cell wall melanin pro-tects the fungus from a myriad of insults and the polymeric natureof the pigment enhances its structural strength. Moreover, yeastmelanization appears to play important roles in virulence andpathogenicity.

CONCLUSIONThe fungal cell wall is fundamentally the structure that interactswith environmental and host milieus. A current model for theHc cell wall is presented on the Figure 2. It provides structuralsupport, varying from flexible to a rigid structure, and protectsthe cell against environmental stressors and host anti-microbialeffectors mechanisms. Many fungal antigens are conserved amongphylogenetically related species and many that are associated withvirulence can be found on their cell walls. Hence, common targetscould be used to induce protection against different fungal speciesdescribed (Casadevall and Pirofski, 2007). Although approaches todeveloping protective responses vary from vaccination with cellsor recombinant antigens to passive protection with mAbs, coor-dinating knowledge across the fungal pathogens may lead to new,more effective means for combating potentially lethal mycoses.In this survey of Hc surface structures, we demonstrate the func-tion of diverse antigens in regulating Hc biology and discuss thecurrent knowledge base from which we can build upon in futureinvestigations.

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Conflict of Interest Statement: Theauthors declare that the research wasconducted in the absence of anycommercial or financial relationshipsthat could be construed as a potentialconflict of interest.

Received: 30 August 2011; paper pendingpublished: 16 September 2011; accepted:25 October 2011; published online: 18November 2011.Citation: Guimarães AJ, de CerqueiraMD and Nosanchuk JD (2011) Sur-face architecture of Histoplasma cap-sulatum. Front. Microbio. 2:225. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2011.00225This article was submitted to Frontiers inFungi and Their Interactions, a specialtyof Frontiers in Microbiology.Copyright © 2011 Guimarães, deCerqueira and Nosanchuk. This is anopen-access article subject to a non-exclusive license between the authors andFrontiers Media SA, which permits use,distribution and reproduction in otherforums, provided the original authors andsource are credited and other Frontiersconditions are complied with.

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What is the structure of the histoplasmosis capsulatum cell? ›

capsulatum are generally small yeast cells (2–4 μm in length), thick-walled and ovoid with a narrow base at the smaller end, whereas variants found predominantly in Africa (Hc variety duboisii) produced larger yeast cells (8–15 μm in length).

What are the morphological characteristics of Histoplasma capsulatum? ›

Distinctive Features:

Histoplasma capsulatum organisms are small (2 to 4 µm in diameter), round to oval yeast organisms found in the cytoplasm of peripheral blood monocytes, neutrophils, and occasionally eosinophils in infected dogs and cats.

What are the histopathologic findings of histoplasmosis? ›

Histopathologic examination of histoplasmosis reveals a dense dermal infiltrate under an attenuated or unremarkable epidermis (figure 1). On higher power the infiltrate is revealed to contain numerous plasma cells, histiocytes and lymphocytes (figure 2).

What happens if you breathe in bat poop? ›

Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis is a flu-like illness characterized by respiratory symptoms, general malaise, fever, chest pains, and a dry or nonproductive cough. If you have been in contact with bird or bat droppings and have these symptoms, contact your health care provider.

What organ system is histoplasmosis most commonly involved in? ›

Symptoms of this infection vary greatly, but the disease affects primarily the lungs. Occasionally, other organs are affected; called disseminated histoplasmosis, it can be fatal if left untreated. H. capsulatum is found in soil, often associated with decaying bat guano or bird droppings.

What is the macroscopic appearance of histoplasmosis capsulatum? ›

capsulatum produces two types of conidia, globose macroconidia, 8–15 μm, with distinctive tuberculate or finger-like cell wall ornamentation, and ovoid microconidia, 2–4 μm, which appear smooth or finely roughened. Whether either of these conidial types is the principal infectious particle is unclear.

What are some interesting facts about Histoplasma capsulatum? ›

capsulatum fungus is found throughout the world and is endemic in certain areas of the United States. H. capsulatum grows in soil and material contaminated with bat or bird droppings. The fungus has been found in poultry house litter, caves, areas harboring bats, and in bird roosts.

What are the two types of histoplasmosis? ›

Types of histoplasmosis include acute pulmonary histoplasmosis, chronic cavitary histoplasmosis and progressive disseminated histoplasmosis. Healthcare providers diagnose the type of histoplasmosis based on how long you've had symptoms and whether it's spread to the rest of your body.

What disease does Histoplasma cause? ›

Histoplasmosis: A disease caused by the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. Most people with histoplasmosis have no symptoms. However, histoplasma can cause acute or chronic lung disease and progressive disseminated histoplasmosis affecting a number of organs.

What kills histoplasmosis? ›

Those with chronic histoplasmosis can take anti-fungal medications. Examples of these include amphotericin or itraconazole. These medications can help kill the fungus, but can affect a person's kidney and/or liver function, especially amphotericin.

Why is histoplasmosis called darling disease? ›

In 1905, Samuel Taylor Darling serendipitously identified a protozoan-like microorganism in an autopsy specimen while trying to understand malaria, which was prevalent during the construction of the Panama Canal.

Can histoplasmosis be cured? ›

Most cases of histoplasmosis go away on their own in a few weeks without treatment. However, for severe, chronic or disseminated histoplasmosis, antifungal medication is recommended. The amount of time you have to receive treatment will depend on the severity of the infection and your immune status.

Can you have histoplasmosis and not know it? ›

The mildest forms of histoplasmosis cause no signs or symptoms. But severe infections can be life-threatening. When signs and symptoms occur, they usually appear 3 to 17 days after exposure and can include: Fever.

How to get rid of fungus in lungs? ›

Antifungal medications.

These drugs are the standard treatment for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. The most effective treatment is a newer antifungal drug, voriconazole (Vfend). Amphotericin B is another option. All antifungal drugs can have serious side effects, including kidney and liver damage.

How to get rid of bat poop? ›

Pick droppings up with a shovel or dustpan. Double bag them in heavy-duty plastic bags, that is, put them in a plastic bag lined with a second bag, and dispose of them in the garbage outside. If you cannot pick up the droppings by hand, use an industrial vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency filter.

Does Histoplasma capsulatum have a nucleus? ›

The organisms have a clear zone around a central blue nucleus which gives the cell membrane the appearance of a capsule. Hence, the name of the organism.

What is the cell wall of histoplasmosis? ›

The cell walls of wild-type Histoplasma yeast contain primarily three polysaccharides: chitin, β-glucans [β-(1,3)- and β-(1, 6)-linked], and α-(1,3)-glucan (9–12).

Is Histoplasma capsulatum unicellular or multicellular? ›

H. capsulatum is mycelial in the environment, whereas the organism exists as a yeast-like, unicellular fungus that reproduces by budding at human physiological temperatures.

How do you identify Histoplasma capsulatum? ›

A healthcare provider might test your blood, pee (urine), mucus from your lungs (sputum), bone marrow or a sample of affected tissue to diagnose histoplasmosis. They can use these samples to: Try to grow (culture) H. capsulatum.


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