Pensacola News Journal from Pensacola, Florida (2024)

THE PUNS AC OE A JOURNAL, SUNDAY, OVOBflR lb, ik 1 1 1 SOUTH vAEABAMA WEST FLORIDA AND Gracevillc Rescued American Passengers LI OLINO JOINS IN SEARCH FOR TWO ATTACKERS BISHOP DOBBS WILL PRESIDE AT CONFERENCE Methodist Meeting Convenes At Phoenix City On i Nov. 21 4 IHill COTTAGE Fla 17. Mr. and Mrs. E.

A. Pierce of Milton were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. E.

Maxey last Sunday. Lee Blanchard and Wiley Martin moved their, families to. Pensaeola last Friday Friends here of Mrs. Wm. Huels-beck of Cantonment were grieved to learn of 'her -Clness -which -necessitated her removal to the Pensaeola hospitah A- 'J.

Manning and, son. Terry were business visitors in Fensacola Pev. I. G. Tipton and R.

r. Bowman returned Monday Irom Binn-ingham "where they attended the annual session cf the Alabama conference. Mr. Tipton was returned to Cottage Hill and Mr. Bowman goes to New Tabernacle, Ala-Mrs.

Christine Meade who was confined to her home last week because of illness is able to resume her school duties at Molino this week. Mrs. Joe Trbsah is receiving treat ment at the Pensaeola hospital. Mrs. T.

D. Short. Is on the sick list' this week. Robert Puller of the U. S.

NTson cf Jlr. and Mrs. John Fuller, was married to Miss Cratter of PRESBYTERY OF WEST FLORIDA HOLDS SESSION Moderator Preaches Opening Sermon In Meeting At Panama City PANAMA CITY, Kov. 17 The West Florida Fresbytery was in session in Panama City on Tuesday, Wednesday and of The boundary limits of lhis body of churchmen, includes all of West west Madison. Each Presbyterian church within this territory was allowed one layman, with the pastor, ai representatives, A large body of the leaders In the church were the guests of the local church.

1-M On jTuesday -night Dr. E. N. Cal-well, pastor! of the Presbyterian church In Tallahassee and moderator of the Presbytery, preached the opening sermon. Wednesday Dy.

Mcllwain. a retired minister from Pensacola, conducted a missionary institute, and gave out valuable information concerning the needy The sessions of the gathering were given over to the consideration of the program of the church, and showed; that progress 1 Three of the American passengers who were aboard the sunken, Vestris here are pictured. At the left are two celebrated automobile, racers. Earl F. DeVore, above, and Norman K.

Batten, both of Los Angeles, Cal. Right is.Eidney Si New York newspaper representative. POULTRY SHOW AT CHIPLEY TO BE HELD SOON Prizes Worth Hundreds Of Dollars To Be Awarded During Contest CHIPLET, Fla, Kov. 17. The Annual Trt-County Poultry Show, 4-H club' contest and the awarding of the Chlpley Chamber of Commerce and West Florida Growers Association prizes will be held in Chipley Friday and Saturday, Nov.

23 and 24th. The exhibits af to be in place by Thursday evening, Nov 22 ahd judginj will take place cn Friday and several hundred dollars in pri2es are to be given away On poultry and other products. This is the second 6f these affairs the first being held last year which was a huge, success Farmers and business men of this section are becoming very much Interested in a project of a creamery in Chipley and several meetings of the Chipley Chamber of Commerce have ben devoted to discussion of the subject. Being situated in one of the best dairying sections or the state Chipley can well afford support for a creamery of large capacity here. Ehsrif H.

M. Farrier and City Marshal John Harrel are spending several days this week in Tampa on business. Ij. Tobias has returned from St. Louis where he was called by the death 6f a relative.

Layton E. Schell, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A.

Schell of this place has returned to his work after a weeks vaeation spent here with them. Mr. Schell is a radio operator on the yacht Ara" owned by William K. Vanderbilt of New York, which leaves this week on an eig'ht months trip the world. Mrs.

B. Setterlind entertained about thirty little girls Saturday in hondf cf her little daughter, Carrie Ophelias ninth birthday. A merry time was hid by the bunch of little Miss Velma Godfrey has been removed to Fraziers hospital in Do-than where she will under go an operation. Mrs. A.

J. Powell in spending this week in Pinckard Ala with her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. J.

Ruberstein and children spent Sunday in Dothan. Mr; and Mrs. T. L. Wells and Mrs.

Erie Daniel and children spent Sunday in Tallahassee with Mr. and Mrs. Olive Wells. i Misses Marguerite Wells, Annie Helms, and Erhv Godfrey who are students at F. S.

W. Tallahassee spent last week end here with W. A. McRae of Jacksonville was visiting his brother, L. D.

McRae here Saturday. Mrs. J. D. Vepper and daughter, Emily visited relatives in Fensacola last week end.

Mrs. J. N. Campbell "left Friday or Birmingham, having been called there by the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Jack Fuller.

Mrs. Hoyt Armstrong baby daughter of Fountain Inn arrived here lest week and are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nix Williams hear "town. A.

D. Carmichael made a business trip to Fensacola. Tuesday. Mrs. C.

B. Setterlind and little daughter, Jenell visited relatives in Cottondale, Wednesday afternoon. Miss Janie Hall Scarlett, was up from Southport, where she is teach- The 96th session of the Alabama Methodist Conference wia convert at Phoenix City en Nov. :33 a. ra.j This session of the conference wEl be presided over by Bishep Hoyt iL Dobbs, cf Birmingham.

Ai. This is the third time that Bishcp Dobbs has presided over the Ala bamj conference, the other two being at DeFuniak Springs and The Alabama coaf ererica Includes all cf West Florida, there being S3 charges within the atata. Only one man in the Florida section has com-pleted; his fourth year. Rev. W.

Haskew. of Panama City, who wiiJ doubtless be moved at the approaching session. The pastors of West Florida and 'South Alabama will mostly in ears, to Phoenix City. It Is expected, that the session will adjourn on Monday about, noon, "Nov. 25." The entire eenf erenct Is composed hct 212 preachers, quite a few cf these i being on the superannuate hit.

There are about 1SSV charges. At the approaching session' the 11 presiding elders, with the pasters will give their reports, shewing tXe work of the year. Quite a few changes will be in the appointments for 123. Twtj presiding elders. Dr.

D. P. Slaughter, of the Eufaula district, and Dr. J. M.

Dannelly. of the Selma district, have served their four-year limit and will be moved. There are only three men serving the better appointments of-, the conference who have served four Rev. Carl Preer of Union Springs, Rev. D.

W. Panama City, and Rev. D. E. pclsom cf Dr.

J. S. Jf orthestt is eoapletfat hi fifth -year at "Dexter Avenue, Dr. Curtia, preeiain ejiey cf ts Pensaeola district. Is erring his first year.

Dr. O. V. Calhoun. First church of Pensaeola.

la serving his third year, and Dr. D. P. Wells, Gadsden Street, his first year, and it Is not expected that either one cf these I local ministers will be- re- moved. Bay Minette BAT'MTNTTTE.

Ala Nov. IT. Mr. and Mrs. E.

W. Stahl of Ham-. mond. Ind, are winter giests cf tha Art Esfringer family. Mrs, Chason and daughter ars visiting' in Jackson.

Miss. Miss Mary Lou Cooley has resumed her studies at the State Ccl- lege for Women at MontevaHo. Miss "Virginia Pardon is visiting ia Owensboro, Kentucky. Mrsj Otto HatcheU Is home frca a visit In DarllEgton, S. C.

The Presbyterian Auxiliary en Tuesday had an all day rally with Mrs. Herbert R. Weston as leader. -Christ and tha Country was a topic discussed by Miss Grses Aust of Postmaster Recovering From Injuries And Are Captured MOIJNO, Nov. 17 The community vas shocked Tuesday night when it learn! that toro ruffians had Etruck Postmaster Fred John-aen, afced 70 on the head vith an axe.

Mr. vaa in the act of C-W'rg the cffltft at dark when two cejroes asked for cigarittes and thin rAatehae. As he turned to get then they said -hands up." "Not on your life," Mr. Johnson answered, Then they hit hint, An hour later he recovered sufficiently to get to B. W.

Mathews where he was given first aid and doctor summoned. Then the alarm was given and the townspeople turned out search lor the negroes. The L. A N. held a freight train until it was thoroughly searched.

Tuesday evening at dusk a negro, Lovelace of Quintette saw two negroestome out of the swamp and telephoned John Baumeiiter, who together with'oaSkey Jernigan and fiddle OefiT went at' ones to the- scene and caught them" walking up the railroad. They had about tSO and some clothing they hid taken. Mr. Johnson was taken to the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Prank Johnson, and Friday he was able to be, about a part of the day.

Friends of Mrs. Christine Meade, member-of Molino School faculty were glad to greet her at school sgain Monday morning i after tn days absence on account of sickness. tliis-Xdna Jernigan Joinsd her unci Bartelle Jernigan and wife, cf Century; en a trip to Wallice Sun-dtxIhey guts of. Mrs. Ctv7eriilgia and daughters.

4 Delaaa GlHy was HI several days -this week, but is about again. Mrs. W. P. Brownson of Pensa-coU was out Thursday visiting her mother and uncle, Fred Johnson.

i Miss Myrtle Tucker visited relatives In Fine Barren the first of the week. 1 1. Mrs. N. F.

Harris was a Fensacola fhopper Thursday. i Messrs. J. R. and Leslie Jernigan, Lennla Davis and Lennle Raines enjoyed a camping trip down Escambia river Saturday night.

i Olen Penton visited relatives at Chumuckla the first of the week. Mrs. Frank King and son Odell cf Century were the guests of her daughter, Mrs. Eddie O'Neal, Monday. -l A.

W. Powell, one cf the Molino school teachers epent the week-end with his home folks at Ferry Pass. '1 Neal and A. Nicholson have returned horte after an extended trip in Canada and other northern points, Mcnday the Florida State Dental society, through Mfs. Christine presented Mis Lucille Rum- 4 Fairhbpe FAIRHOPE, AlaM enable it to build Nov.

17-To ii suitable club house the Camp Fire Girls club has asked the Fairhope Single Tax corporation for the use of a proper site. Mrs. Georgeanna Peters is home from a summers visit iri Chicago. Mrs. W.1 H.

Steele has returned from a visit with" her son in At-more. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Overton are back from Montgomery they had been house guests! of and Louis Lasser. -j Mr.

and Mrs. T. B. Stevens cf Brooklyn, N. are occupying the Ora Matthews's cottage ifor the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Manley Bennett are in their log cabin' Bay View avenue, having motored from their summer residence in Hamburg Mich. Mr. and Mrs.

Raymond Dyson have returned from a motor trip to Marion, Iowa. )-'; Women of North Fairhope have organized the "House! ifakers dub of North Fairhope', a (unit of the main club of East Fairhope. Mr. and Mrs. Charles jpurtngton of Lincoln, Vti are making jtheir honeymoon trip through the south.

They are guests of friends east of town. Curtis Smith and family of Ackley Iowa ere guests of his parents whom he had not seen, in ten; years. FISH'S FEELINGS DISCUSSED Do fish suffer when caught on a hook, is a question beihg discussed in Europe following the decision of a German 1 Judge that! fish have no feelings and cannot suffer pain. One authority declares that fish undoubtedly have 4 sense touch and therefore, a sense of (feeling. Another says that they have a highly- organized sensatory system, and the fact that they dance about after being caught seems to (suggest pain.

There have been number of jcon-victions in Europe for! cruelty to fish, i i i is made In every congrega tion. I Rev. J. C. Leckenby and his eongregatidn gave the glad hand to the delegates and on Wednesday they were served, to ah old time Florida fish fry.

Dr. A. Burns, pastor of the local Baptist church, has announced that he wil begin a meeting in his church' on November IT. He will be assisted by Dr. Hlnes, who is the supply pastor at Blountstown.

Doctor Hines is one et the best preachers in this section of the state, and his coming to Panama City win doubtless result in much good. Professor, Howard Skinner of the Bob Jones College will conduct' the singing. The Baptiet church fa Panama City Is a large pipe organ has Just been Installed, and large erowds will attend to hear the music. and Mrs. W.

C. Wallace attended the funeral of Dr. E. A. Dannelly.

prominent Methodist minister dying at Eufaula Wednesday. Mrs. Wallace is a daughter of Rev. W. S.

Street and a step-daughter of Mrs. E. A. Dannelly. Mr.

and Mrs. Wallace joined the family In Eufaula and Journeyed to Camden to where the remains of Dr. Dannelly were laid to rest. TTMew Injured j.Mrs, W. R.

MeDanieV who sustained serious injuries in an automobile accident as she was rushing to her dying husband in Dothan. Is still In a serious condition at her home in Wewahltchka. The doctors had notified her that Senator Mc-Danlel could live only a few hours and she was being rushed to him. The accident occurred on the newly graded road between CampbeHton and Dothan. Work Is progressing with speed on the new building on the comer cf 2nd street and Harrison to be occupied by the Panama theater.

After the begin ing of the contract, tr -urn T.n tiac Munson Friday, Nov. 2 at Pensaeola Fuller left Thursday to report for duty, Mrs. Fuller remaining at the home of his The regular community Thanksgiving dinner sponsored by the Woman's club win be given at the school building on Thanksgiving Day. The business meeting of the Cottage Hill Woman's club was held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. W.

s. Reeve. Two nw members have been takrn in. Mrs. George Whylcr of Cottage Hill and Mrs.

Delony of Gonzalez. John Ward and family of Molino, moved to the Voorheea farm this week and W. Creamer and family have moved from the Yocrhees farm to Molina. r. Mrs- Sarah Lawrence, cf Buraside has arrived here to spend the winter with her son, Ray Lawrence and family.

Mrs: Blair Rudd, hurt recently In an automobile accident Is about recovered from her bruises. The Escambia County council of Woman's clubs met at the home of Mrs. Roy Borden last Wednesday. Four elubs were represented. A pie-nic dinner was enjoyed by 18 members.

NOTHER WASP TARX LONDON. Two brothers and a sister auf ered serious injuries at Aire was, Burton-on-Trent. because a wasp settled on the hand of one of the brothers who was driving an auto. Samuel Barber released the wheel to. brush the Insect off and the car careened off the road Into the telegraph pole.

J. B. Goes, the contractor died, and for ten days the work was held up. The eld contract is being carried" out under supervision, and it is expected that the new auditorium wO be occupied not later than Dee. 15; The management is hoping to put on a big welcome program during the Christmas holidays.

A WC i -r yyi AN GRACEVTLLE, Fla, Nov. 17 Dr. and Mrs. L. Miller left Sunday for Ashville, N.

where Dr. Miller will attend a medical association being held there this week. They will be away for about four or five days. Messrs A. D.

and Francis Campbell spent thfe week end in Savan-noh, Ga, going to attend the Football game. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Robinson and children spent Sunday in Hartford with relatives. Mrs.

W. C. Box and her guest, Mrs. Weldom Henley and Jack Haley.xf Falatka, spent Tuesday in Mariana with Mrs. John Herne.

Mrs. B. F.Howen and children, of Montg6mery, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Cobb.

5 Mrs. W. W. F16urney, of DeFuniak Spgs, is the guest cf Mr. and Mfs.

M. O. King. Miss Minnie Davs, of Dothan. is spending this week here with friends.

Mrs. J. P. Ashmore was canted to a Dothan hospital Friday, where she underwent an operation for appen-icitis. She was doing nicely the last reports from her.

Misses Effie Mae Watford and Glennie M0rri3 and Messrs Joe Marlem and AMn Porter, of Samson, were visiting friends here Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Burger Keen and Mal-comb Bedsole, who are attending Florida University at" Gainesville, spent the week end here with home-folks. Mr. and Mrs.

T. E. Barefoot and children were Marianna visitors Miss Majorie Bowen spent the week-end at her home in Quincy. Mr. and Mrs.

J. E. Miller and family visited relatives in Marianna Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mrs.

E. D. Patterson and children were visitors to Marianna, Friday. J.oy Johnson, of Lockhart, spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs.

T. A. Brook. Misses Bessie Bedsole, MAnette Eeisler aad Mary Agnes McCrary, who are attending Florida Woman' College, at Tallahassee, spent the week-end here. Mrs.

W. T. Cain, of near Dothan. is visiting her daughter. Mrs.

J. T. Trawick this week. Dr. and Mrs.

M. I. Burns and daughter, Elizabeth, of Blountstown, spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Helen Cawthbrn spent the week-end at her home in DeFuniak Springs. I Mesdames T.

A. Brook, W. C. Tin-del -and Jeff Grace and Mr. J.

M. Grace went to Lockhart Monday to see Mrs. Mary White, who Is seriously iH. i 'r 7 J. E.

Miller spent the first of this week in Gainesville and Jacksonville transacting business. Clarence Manleyr of DeFuniak Springs, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Anna i Misses Mary Clyde Grace and Gladys Keen spent the week-end in Marianna with Mr. and Mrs. George Grace.

ing and spent the week end with homefolks. Mrs. M. A. Warren and son Gordon and Mrs.

A. E. Edge and daughters, Miss Christine and Delle were guests of relatives and friends in DeFuniak last week end. Mr. and W.

T. Singletary of Dothan spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. A. D.

CarmichaeL Phone 991 "Si FINER MOTOR CAA bley of the ninth grade with a gold coin second prize en her essay, relation of the teeth to general health." Misses Mattie and Louise Bow-man of McDavid were guests of Miss Nell Vaughn Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Earnests FiUmgim of Fensacola were Sunday visitors at the heme cf Mrs. Annie 'Williams.

Those having: loed ones and others in "The Morgan cemetery'. are akid to mset there Thahkselvins -day to6ISar.d dinner to Clean lip and also put everything in shape for fire prevention. Friday evening Mrs. J. A.

Jacobi entertained for her sister. Miss Clara Jacobi. The members of her Sunday school were invited to enjoy with the honoree a radio party. During' the evening refreshments were served. Sunday is the regular day for services at the M.

E. church. On Monday afternoon at 2:30 the Ladies Aid will meet at the annex. Mrs. Hendrix was brought home from the hospital last weels but Is still confined to her bed, friends are sorry to laarn.

Little Billy Helms of Fensacola is the happy guest of hi3 grandparents Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Mathews, for several days.

Thursdiy morning the Molino canning factory began operations again after a short season of idleness, They will can-sweet potatoes for the few months as 'they have contracted for about 10,000 bushels of sweets, i Typists are said to be especially subject; to illness, owing to the monotony of their work, the. noise of the machines and the cramped positions they adopt while at work. today to Hupmobile for the this name synonymous for 20 EIGHT OO'H 'iff VTXX.TCQ1 MEW Wins fc--uJ. forrtfundflinesifd economii The Quoted JPrice Xttelues Freiglxt -x and Complete JEZqttipment i I A MOTOR.WISB public looks Llentieal ftrincinles that have made 11 11 In its Standarrl Stx Sedan $1065 as from $3S3 ta J1313, delirered Tnlte Alt JtJtS TlZf.Sl tlZ, One-piece Salca feeders Clsar viioa rott pillar posts Kih I pexixl TVsira froat and rear bespexs Phone 2562 m400m vxlae. Come in end see belles it oat aad drive it.

The money newer bought so fine a nro tor car beforebig handsome pow' ered by a new, high -com jwses3on 7-bearing motor loageywgbase- new doable drop frame- all exposed metalware chrome plated and a host of other vital improvements, Reai them below. And then remember that the price includes everything to hryf the Nash salesman quotes 7 yon the price oa a Nash 4O0, -yoa -wiS frnd that it includes cot ooJj the car, bet the freight, bonrpers, hydraulic shock absorbers, very thing! There's nothing more to boy. Nash pots on the extras at the factory, in-; stead of yon or the dealer putting them on, retail prices! The Standard Six Salon Body 4-door Sedan, iGostrated above, will grre yoo an exceQect idea of Nash Puhe'Stimng Performance 2rns from $393 to $2383," i. rears with basic mechanical excellence and fundamental economy. Thej aee in the trim and dashing new Century: models unquestioned style leadership.

But they note further a steadfast ftdherextee to quality in every detail of design and manufacture. Hnpmobila, for example, employs morel than 1,000 heat treated parts ia engine and chassis. Connecting tods are rifle-bored their full length for oil Costly Lanchester vibration dampers insure a new smoothness to perfected Hupmobile high compression motors. Ia score of ways Hupmobile engineering represents the Century greatest advance ia qualities making for long life and service. Know what beneath the new outward beauty of the new Century Six and Eight before you reach a final decision on any new car.

Frfy- IWjr and yfrmf eimthmatioms. ttmtimrd m4 cftm, tm eck Ime. Set (Ac Centmry list prices: fl343 to $1645, pi-delivery cArges. Century Eight list prices; to Pi delirtty tkcrgeh 'j 1 FiEW t929 Yoxfll Rnd New Motoring Thrills Sldmming tbe straightaway at and better. Turning up delivered I Cepes Cabriolets, Ylctori Xlvttrr Car OTHER ZaH t7ie is mporrTAnc "loo" here whercyou can try it- "Where you can experience its glorious performance yourself.

A smart, colorful car that you're sure to admire especially after You're had it out on the road Here's real pulse- tirring per-, form an ce. Just try this New AU-American. You 11 find that it offers brand new motoring eixty-ejght honepewerwhen itfa really exerting itself. Accelerating from 10 to 23 miles per hour in six short seconds. That's what this New All-American ha doing for months on General Motors Proving Ground And now it's 7-beartag craakshafk Exterior metalware chrome plated oer 1 cickel Short tnraias ndlaa Loager w-beIb-M anffl a Hoy pistons Newdochle drop frame Torsional vibradoa -damper World's easiest steerias; CD Hi gb-oompression Motor High Tnrbclence Lovejoy shock, absorbers Sxloa Bodies FUSSELL Ahxmi I WWm J.llll.l II if.

mtmrn V- i 1 MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. Bertohiere Motors Company 19 East Chase Street. CHas. Abbott Motor Company Garden nd Tarragona Streets. PHONE 2477 41 East Chase St..

Pensacola News Journal from Pensacola, Florida (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.