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Volume 22, Number 7 | July 2012 | Home | IBWIndex |
Table of Contents
Reviewer's Choice | Political Science Shelf | American History Shelf |
World History Shelf | Travel Shelf | Fashion Shelf |
Automotive Shelf | Comix/Graphic Novel Shelf | Metaphysical Studies Shelf |
Self-Help Shelf | Poetry Shelf | Memoir Shelf |
Cookbook Shelf | Fantasy/SciFi Shelf | Humor Shelf |
Fiction Shelf | Mystery/Suspense Shelf | Education Shelf |
Religion/Spirituality Shelf | Christian Studies Shelf | Judaic Studies Shelf |
Computer Shelf | Antiques/Collectibles Shelf | Photography Shelf |
Biography Shelf | Crafts Shelf | Health/Medicine Shelf |
Human Sexuality Shelf | Business Shelf | Money/Finance Shelf |
Gardening Shelf | Psychology Shelf | Music Shelf |
Parenting Shelf | Interior Design Shelf | Pets/Wildlife Shelf |
Audiobook Shelf | Library CD Shelf | Library DVD Shelf |
Genealogy Shelf | Gaming Shelf | Aviation Shelf |
Economic Studies Shelf | Art Shelf | Sports Shelf |
Needlecraft Shelf | Library Science Shelf | Philosophy Shelf |
Science Shelf | Language Studies Shelf | Architecture Shelf |
Railroading Shelf | Theatre/Cinema/TV Shelf | Military Shelf |
Criminology Shelf | Literary Studies Shelf | Nautical Shelf |
Environmental Studies Shelf | Agriculture Shelf | International Studies Shelf |
Civil War Shelf | Technology Shelf | Reference Shelf |
Writing/Publishing Shelf | Native American Shelf | Social Issues Shelf |
Wisconsin Shelf |
Reviewer's Choice
George Beam
Transaction Publishers
Rutgers University
35 Berrue Circle
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8042
9781412846035, $59.95,
Understanding the data is often key for continuing success in business and in politics, but manymethods have flaws, and those flaws must be understood. "The Problem with Survey Research"discusses the troubles within the social sciences and surveys as a method of data collection.Author and professor George Beam writes that polls, interviews, focus groups and the data takenfrom them cannot be properly considered, going against traditional scientific method ofobservation and experimentation, as well as relying on unreliable factors. Chapters discuss themany methods of survey research, looking at what they accomplish and the problems that lead tofaulty results. Scholarly and insightful, "The Problem with Survey Research" is a strong additionto any community or academic library collection, highly recommended.
Animals and the Human Imagination
Aaron Gross & Anne Vallely, editors
Columbia University Press
61 West 62nd Street
New York, NY 10023-7015
9780231152976, $29.50,
Animals have played a huge part in storytelling since the dawn of mankind. "Animals and theHuman Imagination: A Companion to Animal Studies" is an in-depth discussion of humanhistory and psychology and the role of the animals used throughout in mythology and legend,from ancient times to the modern day. An intriguing way of analyzing the imagination and theimagery used in storytelling for any purpose, "Animals and the Human Imagination" is a strongaddition to psychology, literary, and wildlife collections, enthusiastically recommended andfascinating reading.
Fun Without Dick and Jane
Christie Mellor
Chronicle Books
680 Second Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
97814522105970, $14.95,
Being a parent is a two decade long endeavor, which feels like a lifetime, that you never considerwhat comes after. "Fun Without Dick and Jane: Your Guide to a Delightfully Empty Nest" is aparenting guide that focuses on the after, when parents are faced with a house to themselves andthe sudden despair of not having anyone to care for. "Fun Without Dick and Jane" is a strongpick for the parent who is overwhelmed with a sudden emptiness in their lives and aredesperately trying to fill it once more.
Coal in Our Veins
Erin Ann Thomas
Utah State University Press
7800 Old Main Hill
Logan, Utah 84322
9780874218633, $24.95,
Coal is a major part of American culture, whether we like it or not. "Coal in Our Veins: APersonal Journey" studies the weight that coal bears on our society, stating that coal contributesto fifty percent of the nation's electricity. Analyzing the many impacts coal can have on oursociety on many levels, from the miners digging it out, the businesses profiting upon it, the futureof coal's replacements, and the reality of weaning America off coal. "Coal in Our Veins" is asolid addition to any discussion of current events, the environment, and energy, highlyrecommended.
The Get Yourself Organized Project
Kathi Lipp
Harvest House Publishers
990 Owen Loop North
Eugene, Oregon 97402-9173
9780736943857, $12.99,
Organization can allow life to flow more effectively. "The Get Yourself Organized Project: 21Steps to Less, Mess, and Stress" is a guide to organizing one's life and home. From dealing withthe paper piles in one's life, to eliminating the stress within one's home, shopping better, cookingbetter, and cleaning better. A choice pick for those who want to better improve their lives flow,"The Get Yourself Organized Project" is a must for self-help and women's house & homecollections.
If You Have to Wear an Ugly Dress, Learn to Accessorize
Linda McNamara & Karen Kemper
610 East Delano Street, Suite 104
Tucson, AZ 85705
9781604945959, $16.95,
Some diseases stick around for a lifetime, but it doesn't mean they should be allowed to defineus. "If You Have to Wear an Ugly Dress, Learn to Accessorize: Guidance, Inspiration, and Hopefor Women with Lupus, Schleroderma, and Other Autoimmune Illnesses" is a motivational takefrom Linda McNamara & Karen Kemper as they provide practical advice for dealing with theseconditions, dealing with the pressures of misunderstanding, finding the help you need, andkeeping one's pride alive when accepting health where needed. "If You Have to Wear an UglyDress, Learn to Accessorize" is a strong addition to health and motivational collections, highlyrecommended.
Walking on Eggshells
Amy Sales
New Horizon Press
PO Box 669
Far Hills, NJ 07931
9780882823805, $14.95,
Serious illness needs care beyond what many of us expect. "Walking on Eggshells: Caring for aCritically Ill Loved One" is a discussion of what one should know when charged with caring for aseriously ill loved one. Amy Sales advises family for dealing with the rough plight of intensivecare, dealing with doctors, and even advice for dealing for when the most unfortunate may becalled for. "Walking on Eggshells" is a must for any collection focusing on caregiving andfamily.
Alan S. Kesselheim
Mountain Press Publishing Company
PO Box 2399, Missoula, MT 59806
9780944197882, $29.95,
There's more to Montana than vast open spaces. "Montana: Real Place, Real People" is ananalysis of the big sky state with essays from Alan S. Kesselheim and full color photographyfrom Thomas Lee. Collecting the personal stories from many throughout the state as they work,play, raise their families and generally live their lives. For those who want to better understandthe allure of Montana, "Montana" is a strongly recommended pick, not to be overlooked.
Do It Well. Make It Fun.
Ronald P. Culberson
Greenleaf Book Group Press
PO Box 91869, Austin, TX 78709
9781608322855, $18.95,
DO IT WELL. MAKE IT FUN. THE KEY TO SUCCESS IN LIFE, DEATH, AND ALMOSTEVERYTHING IN BETWEEN provides an excellent survey based on the idea that excellence isthe key to success in life - and it offers a different approach to implementing a two-step processthat will lead to more of both. It's a formula that can be applied to any facet of life or business,and here life experiences and observations make for fun and thought-provoking reflections on theprocess of achieving excellence and joy in life. The author is a social worker and middlemanager, and his reflections are well done.
The Political Science Shelf
Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein
Basic Books
c/o Perseus Books Group
11 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142
9780465031337 $26.00 hc
9780465031368 $12.99 Kindle
Congressional scholars Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein, both of whom work forinfluential think tanks, present their chilling observations of the latest American politicaldevelopments in It's Even Worse Than It Looks, a scrutiny of precisely why dysfunction inAmerica's government appears to be at its highest since the Civil War era. Their diagnosis is thatthe nation has become asymetrically polarized along political lines, with the Republican partypulling far more sharply to the right than the Democratic party does to the left. It's Even WorseThan It Looks does not absolve the Democrats of their rightful blame, but stresses that theRepublicans have gone to far greater extremes, using loopholes in procedural rules of order todelegitimize and obstruct the Obama administration at every turn - even when doing so isunequivocally harmful to America as a whole. The centerpiece example of this is theRepublicans' resistance to raising the debt ceiling, coupled with their refusal of any compromisethat would increase taxes, that led to a downgrade of America's AAA credit rating to AA forperceived political dysfunction. America's governmental system allows a single recalcitrantsenator to almost indefinitely drag out legislation or appointments, and Republicans especiallyhave been abusing holds and filibusters more than ever before. It's Even Worse Than It Looksmakes a strong case for why reform is needed (for example, Senate filibusters should place aburden on the minority party to keep Senators in their chairs to prolong them, rather than requirethe majority party to keep Senators in their chairs to end it), and also explains why certain toutedremedies won't work (term limits won't prevent fresh candidates from being ideologicallypolarized, corrupt, or incompetent; under our current voting system, a third major political partywill only siphon votes away from the less polarized of the two main parties without promotingany real change; and full public campaign financing will not affect the multitude of other benefitsthat monied special interests dangle before our lawmakers). What can work? The authors explorefundamental long-term changes that are unlikely to be implemented in the near future (mandatoryand runoff voting akin to Australia's system; reforms to Senatorial procedure; streamlining voterregistration; moving election day from Tuesday to a two-day weekend), as well as smaller, moreeasily implemented efforts that will nonetheless help the nation. These suggestions includecreating a "Shadow Congress" of ex-members that has no political power, but publicly debatesdivisive issues; calling out and shaming politicians for speaking demonstrable falsehoods orslander (fact-checking websites and blogs are a step in the right direction); and of course, makingfull use of one's constitutional right and civic duty to vote. It's Even Worse Than It Looks is anabsolute must-read for every American citizen, and worthy of the highest recommendation.
Trickle Down Tyranny
Michael Savage
William Morrow & Company
c/o HarperCollins Publishers
10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022-5299
9780062083975, $26.99,
TRICKLE DOWN TYRANNY: CRUSHING OBAMA'S DREAM OF THE SOCIALISTSTATES OF AMERICA offers political collections a call to arms attacking Obama's policies andyears in office, and will especially appeal to holdings catering to right-wing readers. It accusesObama of threatening civil liberties and changing the U.S. into a virtual dictatorship, andcriticizes his domestic and foreign policy choices alike, outlining specific laws and actions of theObama administration and advocating a move to stop Obama from gaining another term inoffice. Food for thought.
American History Shelf
J. I. Merritt
South River Press
51 N. Main St., Pennington, NJ 08534
c/o Farcountry Press
PO Box 5630, Helena, MT 59604
9781591521051 $17.95
Author and former contributing editor of "Field & Stream" J. I. Merritt presents The Last BuffaloHunt & Other Stories: Adventures in the Great American Outdoors, an anthology of historicalsurveys of great American naturalists, explorers, mountain men, photographers, etc. and theirrelationship to the environment. Written in a down-to-earth style thoroughly accessible to readersof all backgrounds, The Last Buffalo Hunt tells the true stories ranging from the last buffalo huntof the Sioux, to George Drouillard's involvement in the Lewis & Clark expedition, to the work ofgeologist Clarence King, to Theodore Roosevelt's undying passion for America's wild lands, andmuch more. The Last Buffalo Hunt & Other Stories is an engaging and welcome addition toAmerican natural and environmental history shelves, highly recommended.
Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America 1792
Freeman M. Tovell, Robin Inglis, and Iris H. W. Engstrand
The Arthur H. Clark Company
c/o University of Oklahoma Press
2800 Venture Drive
Norman, OK 73069
9780870624087, $34.95,
The sheer expansiveness of North America quite overwhelmed the ambitious Europeans."Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America 1792" chronicles the travels of Juan Francisco de laBodega y Quadra and his journey into the Pacific Northwest and to Vancouver Island. Chargedwith handing over Spanish territory to the English, this volume translates Bodega's journal of hisjourney, providing a historical look at the region at the time and the negotiations of the periodbetween the English, Spanish, and Native American peoples. A strong pick for historycollections, especially those focusing on North America, "Voyage to the Northwest Coast ofAmerica 1792" shouldn't be overlooked.
Lincoln and Race
Richard Striner
Southern Illinois University Press
1915 University Press Drive
SIUC Mail Code 6806
Carbondale, IL 62901
9780809330775, $19.95,
Heralded as the great emancipator, Abraham Lincoln is thought by some not to be the forwardthinker that he is often painted as. "Lincoln and Race" discusses Abraham Lincoln and hispersonal beliefs on race. Richard Striner interprets the man's words and other evidence to try todiscover Lincoln's beliefs on race, presenting an optimistic view of a man with an evolvingviewpoint, to a more cold view of a man simply choosing what was politically expedient."Lincoln and Race" is an intriguing delve into history and one man's views on the background ofCivil War.
Secret Witness
Blaine L. Pardoe
University of Michigan Press
839 Greene Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-3209
9780472035021, $22.95,
Small towns often enjoy seclusion from the world and a good dose of peace that comes with it."Secret Witness: The Untold Story of the 1967 Bombing in Marshall, Michigan" tells of the storyof this intrusion into the peace of small town life where a massive explosion ripped through itsdowntown area. The origins of such a massive plot spiraled from the curious intent to kill awell-liked woman in the community. Digging deeper into the event and the investigation toexplore a dark side of the town, "Secret Witness" is a fascinating and much recommended pick,highly recommended.
Women in Wonderland
Elizabeth A. Watry
Riverbend Publishing
PO Box 5833, Helena, MT 59604
9781606390290, $19.95,
Yellowstone National Park is perhaps one of the most famous parks in America. "Women inWonderland: Lives, Legends, and Legacies of Yellowstone National Park" chronicles thecontributions of many women who helped established the park as a national icon, telling thestories not often told about the park. Focusing on women who acted as rangers, scientists,entrepreneurs and much more to help establish the park. "Women in Wonderland" is a solid entryinto history collections focusing on the national parks and women's studies.
The World History Shelf
A. A. Den Otter
University of Alberta Press
Ring House 2
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2E1
9780888645463, $49.95,
A collection of nine informed and informative essays by A. A. Den Otter (Professor Emeritus ofHistory, Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada), "Civilizing the Wilderness: Culture andNature in Pre-Confederation Canada and Rupert's Land" is an 520-page compendium focusing onthe concepts 'civilizing' and 'wilderness' within the historical context of Euro-British NorthAmerica in the 1850s. Professor den Otter persuasively maintains that these two fundamentalconcepts meant something quite different today than they did some 150 years ago. Of specialnote is the offering of a new perspective on the relationship between European settlers andNative aboriginal peoples. Historians and non-specialists with an interest in western Canadiannative, settler, and environmental-economic history will be deeply rewarded by readingCivilizing the Wilderness. Enhanced with the inclusion of an extensive bibliography, footnotes,and a comprehensive index, "Civilizing The Wilderness" is an erudite and impressive work ofseminal scholarship making it very highly recommended for academic library Canadian Historyreference collections and supplemental reading lists.
Discovering Central Asia
University of Montana Press
c/o Farcountry Press
PO Box 5630, Helena, MT 59604
9780981576060, $35.00,
The vast plains and steppes of Central Asia have linked the ancient worlds of Europe and Asiafor thousands of years. "Discovering Central Asia: An Introduction to its History, Culture,Geography, and Politics" discusses this long standing region that spreads from traditional MiddleEastern countries such as Iraq and Iran to the Pacific with Mongolia and China. Within, thehistory of the Silk Road is discussion, its environment and climate, the culture that unites themand much more. Presented with full color photographs, maps, and graphs, "Discovering CentralAsia" is a strong addition to world history and cultures collections.
The Last Kings of Norse America
Robert G. Johnson & Janey Westin
Beaver's Pond Press
7108 Ohms Lane
Edina, MN 55439
9781592984190, $29.95,
The story of Viking contact with North America are known, but the extent of this contact is notentirely understood. "The Last Kings of Norse America: Runestone Keys to a Lost Empire"centers around an epic poem transcribed on a poem surrounding a tablet found off the coast ofMaine, dated 1362, found in 1971. Robert G. Johnson & Janey Westin dig deeper into thisdiscovery, trying to uncover the lost history of Norsem*n establishing a Kingdom on the NorthAmerican continent, what happened, and an expansive look into pre-Columbus America. "TheLast Kings of Norse America" is a strong pick for world history collections, especially thosefocused on North America and Scandinavia.
A Labyrinth of Kingdoms
Steve Kemper
W. W. Norton & Company
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10110
9780393079661, $28.95,
There are many figures of history who have faded into legend. "A Labyrinth of Kingdoms:10,000 Miles Through Islamic Africa" discusses the journals of Heinrich Barth, an explorer whotraveled through North and Central Africa's Islamic regions n 1850. His long journey was hiscapturing of a European view of the region before the conflicts that forever changed it. Lost tohistory due to challenging per-conceived notions about Africa, "A Labyrinth of Kingdoms" is anenticing read of history and anthropology, very much recommended reading.
Her Majesty: Queen Elizabeth II and Her Court
Robert Hardman
Pegasus Books
80 Broad Street,5th Floor
New York, NY 10004
9781605983615, $27.95,
The British Nobility no longer holds the absolute power it once had, but it is still a notion ofpride for many of the United Kingdom. "Her Majesty: Queen Elizabeth II and Her Court"discusses the modern purpose of the British Monarchy, focusing on the Queen, Elizabeth II whohas held a major role in international politics across her approaching seven decades on thethrone, proving to be quite the reformer and allowing many advancements for the politicalsystems of the United Kingdom. "Her Majesty" is an insightful and intellectual discussion of themonarchy and its place in today's world, highly recommended.
Brothers in Arms
Chris Schoeman
Zebra Books
c/o Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street, Floor 21
New York, NY 10018-2522
978177022340, $28.95,
To fight a war that is not your own is quite the decision. "Brothers in Arms: Hollanders in theAnglo-Boer War" discusses the Dutch and Holland expatriates who traveled to Africa to join theBoers in common ancestry and join the battle against the British during this territorial conflict.Touching on the individuals who joined the fight, their personal stories in the conflict, in additionto general biographies. A look at the soldier in turn of the century warfare, "Brothers in Arms" isa strong pick for history and biography collections, enthusiastically recommended.
A Bride for the Tsar
Russell E. Martin
Northern Illinois University Press
2280 Bethany Road
DeKalb, IL 60115
9780875804484, $48.00,
To be chosen as a wife of the tsar was to be elevated to luxury and power. "A Bride for the Tsar:Bride-Shows and Marriage Politics in Early Modern Russia" discusses the marriage methods ofTsarist Russia, founded on the ritual of the bride-show. Women from across Russia weregathered to Moscow and presented to potentially be chosen. The women were from all ranks ofthe aristocracy, and the bride show impacted the power balances of the country - and theTsardom was not as absolute as some once thought. "A Bride for the Tsar" is a strong pick forworld history collections, and especially those with a focus on Russian history.
Liberty is Dead.
Margaret E. Derry, editor
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Wilfrid Laurier University
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3C5
9781554580538, $24.95,
The rise and power of the Third Reich fascinates us, even today. "Liberty is Dead.: A Canadianin Germany, 1938" explores the work of the work of Franklin Wellington Wegenast, who tookmany trips throughout Europe, his final trip being on the eve of the second World War,discussing the people of Germany and the rapid changes in Germany and European society as awhole. "Liberty is Dead." is an excellent and core addition to community library history andWorld War II collections.
The Eitingons
Mary-Kay Wilmers
20 Jay Street, 10th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201-8346
9781844679003, $24.95,
Some families grow vast, brushing up against the many legends of their era. "The Eitingons: ATwentieth-Century Story" is a compilation of history as Mary-Kay Wilmers presents a study of afamily which had connections to many events in the first half of the twentieth century. KGBAssassins, heads of fur empires, connections to legends of their fields and strong notoriety intheir own rights. "The Eitingons" is a must for its unique perspective of early twentieth centuryhistory, highly recommended.
The Travel Shelf
Korina Miller, et al.
Lonely Planet Publications
150 Linden St., Oakland CA 94607
9781741799576, $24.99,
Although the nation of Greece has fallen on hard economic times nowadays, it is still a land ofculture, history, art, and natural beauty drawing millions of visitors to its towns and villages, itsshores and mountains, its fabled landmarks and ancient ruins. "Greece" is a superbly comprised,816-page travel guide complete with comprehensive listings, maps, advise, suggestions, data, anddescriptions. Of special note is a pull-out map of Athens. Thoroughly 'user friendly', "Greece" isthe ultimate travel guide in service of planning 'trips of a lifetime' whether for business or forpleasure. Succinct and highly portable, "Greece" is strongly recommended for personal andcommunity library travel guide collections.
Discover Paris by Metro
Anne-Claire Rue, Aurelie Clair, Catherine Taret
Hachette Livre Editions du Chene
c/o National Book Network
4270 Boston Way, Suite 200
Lanham, MD 20706
9782812305528, $19.95,
Paris has so many wonderful tourist attractions (many of which are world wide in the 'must see'reputations that planning an itinerary to get the most out a visit to the 'City of Lights' is essential.One of the lesser known but highly rewarding experiences for visitors to what Paris has to offeris its underground metro system. That's why "Discover Paris by Metro", a compact, 'userfriendly', 384-page compendium will prove to be invaluable in planning what to do, what to see,and how to get there. Profusely illustrated and up-to-date, "Discover Paris by Metro" is averitable cornucopia of advice, suggestions, and recommendations on what to see and do whengetting off at each metro station. Every station's particular access to monuments, culturalresources, unusual sites, as well as restaurants, hotels, and so much more is literally at one'sfinger tips. If you are planning a trip to Paris for either business or pleasure or both -- don't leavewithout your very own copy of "Discover Paris by Metro"!
Your Guide to the National Parks
Michael Joseph Oswald
Stone Road Press
4927 Stone Road, Whitelaw, WI 54247
9781621280002, $25.00,
Nature at its most pure is there for those who want to see it. "Your Guide to the National Parks:The Complete Guide to all 58 National Parks" is a comprehensive travel guide by MichaelJoseph Oswald, designed to help readers see anything and everything that these parks have tooffer. Each entry includes location info, what to expect from nature, how to find the park, openseasons, notable attractions, and plenty of full color photography to back the details up. "YourGuide to the National Parks" is a must for nature and vacation collections.
22 Accessible Road Trips
Candy B. Harrington
Demos Medical Publishing
11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10036
9781936303267, $21.95,
Just because one has difficulty walking doesn't mean they are out of options for trips. "22Accessible Road Trips: Driving Vacations for Wheelers and Slow Walkers" is a guide fordisabled-accessible vacation destinations all over America for those who still want to see theworld in spite of existing health issues in their lives. Each entry fills out plenty of info for the tripincluding alternatives and tweaks to the normal methods of dealing with it. "22 Accessible RoadTrips" is a strong pick for travel reference collections for those who must take specialconsiderations for their trips.
Lonely Planet Publications
150 Linden Street, Oakland CA 94607
Christian Bonetto,'s SOUTHERN ITALY (9781741792362, $21.99) provides easy to usemaps and a fine in-depth survey from three authors passionate about Southern Italy and is a toprecommendation for any planning a journey to the region. It packs in maps and itineraries as wellas tips on accommodations and restaurants, and provides a fine guide highly recommended forany collection strong in independent and budget European travel in general and Southern Italy asa specific destination! Oliver Berry and Brendan Sainsbury's BANFF, JASPER & GLACIERNATIONAL PARKS (9781741794052, $19.99) details over sixty hikes and itineraries in thesetwo adjoining national parks and is a 'must' travel planner for any outdoors enthusiast heading tothe parks. From where to stay to 'must see' routes and historic viewing areas, this documentsthem all! Korina Miller,'s GREEK ISLANDS (9781741798999, $22.99) provides a fineassessment of life and attractions on Greece's chain of islands and is a 'must' for any independenttraveler heading to Greece. It packs in small maps, local attractions, places to stay and eat, andcultural observations in a top pick for any who plan on wandering Greece's less-traveledpaths.
The Fashion Shelf
Andrew Hansford
c/o Hal Leonard
Hal Leonard Performing Arts Publishing
33 Plymouth St, Suite 302
Montclair, NJ 07042
9781557838469, $29.99,
Every starlet needs a wardrobe. "Dressing Marilyn: How a Hollywood Icon was styled byWilliam Travilla" delves into the wardrobe of famed Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe, and inparticular, her personal designer William Travilla who on an off meeting began a legendaryrelationship and how the two worked together revolutionized what was wardrobe throughoutMonroe's career. With sketches, interviews, and much more, "Dressing Marilyn" is a full colorexploration of Monroe, Travilla, and the designs that helped make her a legend.
The Automotive Shelf
Joseph Alig & Stephen Kilmer
39966 Grand Avenue
North Branch, MN 55056
9781934709757, $29.95,
Design adapts to the environment and needs to the situation around them. "East vs. WestShowdown: Rods, Customs, and Rails" discusses the evolution of the Hot Rod on both coaststhat dealt with the demands of their coast. Joseph Alig & Stephen Kilmer come together in theirdevotion to these classic automobiles, comparing their makers and the ideas behind their designs,"East vs. West Showdown" is a full color guide packed with photograph, an absolute must forgeneral automobile collections.
Street Sleepers
Tommy Lee Byrd
39966 Grand Avenue, North Branch, MN 55056
9781934709580, $24.95,
STREET SLEEPERS: THE ART OF THE DECEPTIVELY FAST CAR provides a fine surveyof car acceleration and how to use different tricks to both make the car faster and make it lookdeceptively slow in competition. It examines exactly how these tricks are mechanicallyaccomplished, considering the 'sleeper' car that looks stodgy but rips off the line at an awesomerate of speed. Owners of many of the country's 'sleepers' contribute their insider's tips to this fineaccount, which is packed with color photos and mechanical insights throughout!
The Comix/Graphic Novel Shelf
Ben Hatke
First Second Books
175 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10010
9781596434479 $12.99
The upbeat sequel to "Zita the Spacegirl", Legends of Zita the Spacegirl chronicles thehigh-spirited adventures of a young woman hailed as a hero (at least, when she's not being hunteddown for Grand Theft Spaceship). Acclaimed for saving the world of Scriptorius from certaindoom (perhaps her role was slightly exaggerated?), she encounters a doppelganger robotfascinated by her nascent legend, a gypsy whose past is entangled with those of her travelingcompanions, adoring fans, and implacable space police. All she wants is the opportunity to findher way home, but the voracious "Star Heart" aliens are about to extinguish all life on a helplessworld, and only a true hero like Zita the Spacegirl can save the day! Ben Hatke's simple,expressive, full-color artwork brings this fantastic space mini-opera to life. Legends of Zita theSpacegirl is a delight from cover to cover, highly recommended for sci-fi graphic novel fans ofall ages.
Web-Spinning Heroics
Robert Moses Peaslee & Robert G. Weiner, editors
McFarland & Company
PO Box 611
Jefferson NC 28640
9780786446278, $40.00,
Spider-Man has become a cultural icon with countless movies, TV shows, and of course, comicseries. "Web-Spinning Heroics: Critical Essays on the History and Meaning of Spider-Man" is ananalysis of the role of Spider-Man in popular culture. The editors and essayists within presentmany intriguing observation on the nature of Peter Parker and the universe that has expandedaround him. "Web-Spinning Heroics" is a must for fans of the series or simply for students ofpopular culture, highly recommended.
The Comic Book Podcast Companion
Eric Houston
10407 Bedfordtwn Dr.
Raleigh, NC 27614
9781605490182, $15.95,
Podcasts have opened up the airwaves to many a topics, including niche topics that would havenever got a radio station of their own. "The Comic Book Podcast Companion" is a guide fromEric Houston to the many emerging podcasts to give comic book fans of any type or genre anavenue to find something from them. With highlights of the best of the best and black and whitephotography all throughout, "The Comic Book Podcast Companion" is a must for any comicbook fan looking for iPod fodder.
The Complete Crumb Comics: Volume 1
Gary Groth with Robert Fiore, Editors
Fantagraphics Books
7563 Lake City Way, NE, Seattle, WA 98115
9781606995587, $24.99,
Any fan of comic artist R. Crumb will want The Complete Crumb Comics V. 1: The Early Yearsof Bitter Struggle. Here are black and white panels packed with Crumb's unique blend of humorand observation of social and political scenarios. It's a rich collection of fun early drawings thatinclude some journal entries and a centerfold of large 'zine color panels from 1959 to the early60s. The result is a powerful collection highly recommended for any definitive R. Crumb orgraphic novel holding!
G.I. Joe: Retaliation Movie Prequel
John Barber
IDW Publishing
5080 Santa Fe Street, San Diego, CA 92109
9781613772034, $17.99,
G.I. Joe: Retaliation Movie Prequel is a 'must' for any graphic novel collection and provides aslim but color illustration-packed survey revolving around Snake Eyes and Roadblock, the mostdangerous of all the JOEs. The two have powerful differences that need to be addressed so theycan focus on their common enemy in this vivid drama that brings combat to life in graphic novelformat.
Harvey Pekar's Cleveland
Harvey Pekar and Joseph Remnant
Top Shelf
Box 1282, Marietta, GA 30061-1282
9781603090919, $21.99,
Harvey Pekar's Cleveland provides a fine celebration of the city he loved and provides a lovelysurvey of Cleveland culture spiced with Joseph Remnant's black and white illustrations. Itcelebrates Pekar's growing up in Cleveland, his experiences in the city, and his love of the regionand it is one of his last graphic novels, blending city history and culture with the author's own upsand downs. Graphic novel and Cleveland collections will relish this!
The Metaphysical Studies Shelf
Victoria Pendragon
Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.
PO Box 754
Huntsville, AR 72740
9781886940277, $12.00,
Sleep is a powerful part of one's overall health. "Sleep Magic: Surrendering to Success" is aguide to the spiritual power of sleep as well as the more mundane health benefits throughout.Victoria Pendragon advises readers how to use their dreams to empower themselves and findtheir true spirit, and use their dreams to battle serious illness. "Sleep Magic" is a powerful readfor metaphysical and spiritual health collections, highly recommended.
A.D. After Disclosure
Richard M. Dolan & Bryce Zabel
New Page Books
c/o Career Press Inc.
PO Box 687
Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417
9781601632227, $16.99,
Declassification is part of America's government... what if the truth about alien contact werefinally let out? "A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth AboutAlien Contact" is a blend of history and speculative fiction as Richard M. Dolan and Bryce Zabelpresent their idea of the situation of America letting it be known that contact with an alienspecies changes the world as we know it, going far deeper than we could every imagine.Fascinating reading, "A.D. After Disclosure" is a must for metaphysical and UFO studyinglibraries, highly recommended.
The Struggle for Your Mind
Kingsley L. Dennis
Inner Traditions International, Ltd.
One Park Street
Rochester, VT 05767
9781594774577, $18.95,
Our mind is a powerful thing and it should be all our own. "The Struggle for Your Mind:Conscious Evolution and the Battle to Control How We Think" is a metaphysical discussionfrom Kingsley L. Dennis as he explores the many things that surround us that indirectly controlus, misinformation, propaganda, consumerism, economics, and much more, exploring thebiological forces that make us susceptible and how to overcome them. "The Struggle for YourMind" is a must for metaphysical and new age spirituality collections, very much recommendedthinking.
Energy Work 101
Todd Cunningham
Balboa Press
1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200
Bloomington, IN 47403-5161
9781452541990, $11.99,
We are all part of the universe, and finding ourselves within it can give us a better connection tothe world. "Energy Work 101" is a spiritual and inspirational read from Todd Cunningham, whopushes readers to align with their higher self, becoming more aware, learning how to heal thewounds of life, and help others find themselves as well. "Energy Work 101" is a valuablemetaphysical read, very much recommended.
The Self-Help Shelf
Elizabeth B. Brown
c/o Baker Publishing Group
PO Box 6287
Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287
9780800720117, $12.99,
No one's perfect, and no one should expect perfection out of their co-workers. "WorkingSuccessfully with Screwed-Up People" is a motivational read from Elizabeth B. Brown as sheadvises readers to better deal with the less than perfect that surround us. With a positive messagethat one person can change the environment around themselves for the better, "WorkingSuccessfully with Screwed-Up People" is a must for those who want to become the emotionallydependable one in their workplace.
The Power and Grace Between Nasty or Nice
John C. Friel & Lind D. Olund Friel
Health Communications, Inc.
3201 S.W. 15th Street
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442-8190
9780757315862, $14.95,
Americans have the ability for great generosity and kindness, but it is unfortunately often lost in asea of egotism and brashness. "The Power and Grace Between Nasty or Nice: ReplacingEntitlement, Narcissism, and Incivility with Knowledge, Caring, and Genuine Self-Esteem" is adiscussion of American psychology and how we can improve ourselves as a whole. Stating thatoften those who are kind end up exploited, and on the inverse, how the squeaky wheel alwaysgets the oil, the Friels analyze the many aspects of the American psyche and how certainelements affect people. Discussing a wide array topics and with suggestions on many of them,"The Power and Grace Between Nasty or Nice" is a strongly-recommended pick for self-helpcollections, highly recommended.
How to Achieve Your Dream Life
Michele VanOrt Cozzens
McKenna Publishing Group
1230 Sandy Point Lane
Lac du Lambeau, WI 54538
9781932172416, $17.50,
Our dreams often seem so out of reach. "How to Achieve Your Dream Life: Start-up Advicefrom a Successful Innkeeper" is an advisory guide from Michele and Mike Cozzens as they sharehow they embraced their dream of owning an inn and how they made it a reality. With businessadvice for those who want to expand their career, pursue a new one, and with practical advice ifyou do share their specific dream, "How to Achieve Your Dream Life" is a wise andrecommended addition to careers and self-help collections.
Resting Elegy
Joel Peckham
Academy Chicago Publishers
363 West Erie Street
Chicago, IL 60610
9780897336253, $19.95,
When life is ripped away from you, it can be hard to carry on with what you have left. "RestingElegy: On Grief and Recovery" is a memoir from Joel Peckham as he recounts his struggles as avicious car accident left him widowed and with the loss of a child. He shares his endeavor oftrying to come to terms with the massive losses in his life, the pain of single parenthood, and theeffects grief can compound when faced with brain damage. Designing his work as a discussion ofgrief and trauma, and our attempts to heal, "Resting Elegy" is an insightful and poignant additionto any community library collection focusing on loss.
Ragini Elizabeth Michaels
Conari Press
c/o Red Wheel/Weiser
65 Parker Street, Suite 7
Newburyport, MA 01950-4600
9781573244893, $16.95,
Inner peace is found within - so why do so many struggle with finding it. "Unflappable: 6 Stepsto Staying Happy, Centered, Peaceful, No Matter What" is an inspirational read from RaginiElizabeth Michaels who advises readers on how to find their clear presence and thought, stoppushing oneself to lust after what they cannot have and embrace the now, and find happinesswithin it. "Unflappable" is a must for self-help and spirituality collections, highlyrecommended.
Happily Even After
Carole Brody Fleet
Viva Editions
2246 Sixth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710-2219
9781936740130, $16.95,
The loss of a soulmate can seem like the end of the world. "Happily Even After: A Guide toGetting Through (and Beyond) the Grief of Widowhood" is an inspirational read from CaroleBrody Fleet as she shares her own story of grief and struggle after losing her husband at forty,leaving her at midlife without the man she thought to grow old with. With advice on adapting toa new life as a single person once more, grieving, moving on, and much more, "Happily EvenAfter" is a must for self-help and inspirational collections, highly recommended.
Face Forward
Michele Howe Clarke
Morgan James Publishing
4410 E Claiborne Square, Suite 334
Hampton VA 23666-2071
9781600379604, $19.95,
It's easy to lose control of one's life. "Face Forward: Meeting Challenges Head on in Times ofTrouble" is a motivational guide from Michele Howe Clarke who advises readers to control theirlives, decide their own destiny and celebrate their own victories in life. Drawing on her ownendeavors as a survivor and a thriver, "Face Forward" is an uplifting and much recommendedpick for self-help and inspirational collections, recommended.
Talking to Yourself is Not Crazy
Larry Markson
Balboa Press
1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200
Bloomington, IN 47403-5161
9781452542423, $13.99,
The narrative of our lives plays through our heads. "Talking to Yourself is Not Crazy: ChangeYour Inner Dialog, Take Control of Your Life" is a book of motivation as Larry Markson advisesreaders to take control of the inner dialog within them and forge it to predispose them to greatersuccess in their lives, programming your brain to give you the confidence to do what needs to bedone. "Talking to Yourself is Not Crazy" is a strong pick for self-help collections, very muchrecommended.
The Poetry Shelf
Richard Swigg
University of Iowa Press
100 Kuhl House
119 West Park Road
Iowa City, IA 52242-1000
9781609380783, $39.95,
An evolution of language comes when its masters warp it to be. "Quick, Said the Bird: Williams,Eliot, Moore and the Spoken Word" is a discussion of twentieth century literary poets, as RichardSwigg presents an insightful exploration of their work and their contributions to literature,including the way we speak, the way animals are represented in popular culture, and much more."Quick, Said the Bird" is a strong addition to any collection focusing on poetic history or literarycriticism in general, highly recommended.
The Light Between
Terry Blackhawk
Wayne State University Press
The Leonard N. Simons Building
4809 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48201-1309
9780814336144, $15.95,
With a prolific poetry catalog behind him, Terry Blackhawk has made quite a name for herself incontemporary poetry. "The Light Between" is her latest volume of work that explores herthoughts on the nature of the world and how we all come to understand it. With much to ponderwith its own beautiful verse, "The Light Between" is a choice and very much recommended pick,not to be overlooked. "The Hawk in Winter": The hawk in winter works these roadside trees,/sitsplump and stolid as a hefty fist/until some furry bit it scents, or sees,/then spreads, fall, mountsagain to thicken 'midst/the empty branches. Sometimes a squirrel's nest will catch my glance andturn my motoring eyes./It's not the feral bird, though just as still./Yet winter drives may fostertrue surprise as far northern ranges drifted down/hawks guard assorted posts along ourhigh-/ways fume and flow. What wind is it that's blown them here, to perch, to peer as we passby?/Like feathered gargoyles from some distant age/wild wonders watch our dailypilgrimage.
Collected Poems
Naomi Replansky
David R. Godine
PO Box 450, Jaffrey, NH 03452
9781574232158, $17.95,
Our work throughout or lives is numerous, and compiling the best can prove quite the challenge."Collected Poems" is a collection of poetry from Naomi Replansky, a poet of the mid-twentiethcentury who has gained much reverence as a major voice in American poetry for honest work andspeaking with clarity. "Collected Poems" is a strong addition to any collection dedicated to theliterary poets of the twentieth century. "The End": How long say how long/Can a loneanimal/Devour its young/And its race not vanish.//So long just so long/Can these colors andsounds/Wander and be rich/In the sealed tunnel.
Surrender When Leaving Coach
Joel Lewis
Hanging Loose Press
231 Wyckoff Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217
9781934909263, $18.00,
With a building portfolio of work, "Surrender When Leaving Coach" is Joel Lewis's fourthvolume of poetry. He uses his experience and life's work as a social worker to bring forth a veryhuman and riveting collection of thought on the matter together. "Surrender When LeavingCoach" is a compilation well worth considering, recommended. "The Establishing Metaphor ofMy Career As a Social Worker": Walking up the stairs/of the Jay Street station://theguy-ahead-of-me's/bowleg Seeing Eye dog//pissing casually/down the steps.
Speech Lessons
John Montague
Wake Forest University Press
PO Box 7333
Winston-Salem, NC 27109
9781930630598, $12.95,
A good poet uses language expertly to create vivid imagery. "Speech Lessons" is an anthology ofpoetry from John Montague who uses the wonders of language to ponder many obstacles of life,drawing on his worldwide experience and expertise. An excellent and choice volume, "SpeechLessons" is a must for any modern poetry collection. "Leisure Centre": Moving from the cool tothe hot pool/I follow a star, flashing across the sky;/no not a star, but an incoming plane/with,yes, there beyond it, the evening star!/If I stayed here longer I would no longer/know whatabiding things are...
Having Been an Accomplice
Laura Cronk
Persea Books
853 Broadway, Suite 604
New York, NY 10003
9780892554133, $15.00,
A rising star in the world of poetry, "Having Been an Accomplice" proves to be a fine debut forLaura Cronk. Within, she touches on the topics of politics and life throughout, daring to discussthe many topics of politics and our daily lives throughout. Enticing and much recommendedreading, "Having Been an Accomplice" is a solid addition to any collection focusing on theworks of modern poets. "Entering": Moonscape of snow at night --/to die, to crash,//could be acrush of snow./All softness.//I imagine, driving alone,/being enveloped by snow, crashed into,quickly.//The mice must have these visions./Talking quietly when they can't sleep/abouttunneling in endless grain until full of it, it takes them.
Loose Talk
Joseph Gastiger
Lost Horse Press
c/o University of Washington Press
PO Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145-5096
9780983997535, $16.95,
A long road of history behind him, Joseph Gastiger has turned experience into poetry. "LooseTalk" is a collection of poetry from Gastiger as he reflects on his life, his runs with politics andruns with a not so perfect world. Gastiger uses a freeform style that blurs the lines betweentypical poetry and prose, and makes for driven work. "Loose Talk" is a fascinating blend ofmemoir and verse, very much recommended reading.
The Land of Give and Take
Tyler Farrell
Salmon Poetry
Dufour Editions, Inc.
PO Box 7
Chester Springs, PA 19425-0007
9781907056956, $21.95,
There are many sides to a story, and some knowledge of them all can be needed to understandwhat's going on. "The Land of Give and Take" is a collection of poetry from Tyler Farrell whouses his verse to tell many an intriguing stories and grant a thoughtful insight on what's aroundus, touching on age, religion, and what makes it all real. "The Land of Give and Take" is a fineaddition to any literary poetry collection, recommended. "The Burning Shadow": Saint Teresa ofAvila/soul servant and truth author/love's full quiver of life and death/play long with thatbreath.//What bright soul,/flaming heart in Castilian girls/wise like the spirit flower/of thecivilized world.//In scarce dawn, rebirth/convinces lucky children/to profess life everlasting-/vision of power, immediate.
After the Point of No Return
David Wagoner
Copper Canyon Press
PO Box 271
Port Townsend, WA 98368
9781556593826, $16.00,
Prolific and famed, poet David Wagoner presents another excellent volume in "After the Point ofNo Return". An award winning poet, Wagoner presents a worldly view that touches on theunique serenity of life and the ideas that drive us forward, the good memories and the bad. "Afterthe Point of No Return" is a strong pick for literary poetry collections, recommended. "A Zodiacfor the Twenty Second Century": We will endure under new signs and wonders./For Aries,Sheep. For Taurus, Horny Ox./For Gemini, Septuplets. For Cancer, More Cancer./For Virgo, CallGirl. Sagittarius, Sniper./Libra, Short Weight. Scorpio, Radiation./Pisces, Dead Cod. Aquarius,Dry Well./Leo, Jackal./Capricorn, Judas Goat.
The Memoir Shelf
John le Carre
Monthly Review Press
146 West 29th Street, Suite 6W
New York, NY 10001
9781583672778, $14.95,
Espionage is at best when you play with people's expectations. "The Unlikely Secret Agent" is aninvestigation of South African espionage on many fronts, as author 'Red' Ronnie Kasrils sharesher story of apartheid South Africa and the cruelty that occurred on both sides of the crusade, aswell as sharing her aftermath and rise through the South African government. "The UnlikelySecret Agent" is a strong pick for international memoir and history collections, highlyrecommended.
Maria's Duck Tales
Maria Daddino
Llumina Press
7101 W. Commercial Blvd. Ste. 4E
Tamarac, FL 33319
9781605943411, $18.95,
In the simple world of the garden, life tries to make its way through. "Maria's Duck Tales: Wildlife Stories from My Garden" is a collection of memories from Maria Daddino as she presents animal tales from her home and gardens, with a touch of humor and poignancy. Duck Tales" is a strong pick for wildlife-themed memoir collections, recommended.
Can I Get a Do-Over?
Elizabeth Ward
Barbour Publishing
P.O. Box 719
Uhrichsville, OH 44683
9781616265472, $9.99,
A second chance should never be underestimated. "Can I Get a Do-Over?: The Grace of SecondChances" is a Christian memoir from Elizabeth Ward as she presents a driven exploration of faithand looking for a chance to remedy life's mistakes. With a touch of humility and humor, "Can IGet a Do-Over?" is a fine and much recommended addition to self-help, faith, and women'sissues collections, not to be overlooked.
Almost Amish
Nancy Sleeth
Tyndale House Publishers
351 Executive Drive
Carol Stream, IL 60188
9781414326993, $14.99,
Disconnecting can almost be zen on its own. "Almost Amish: One Woman's Quest for a Slower,Simpler, More Sustainable Life" is a touch on embracing the Amish in certain ways, embracingan old-fashioned low tech life for themselves and their families, stepping away from beingexposed to computer screens from dawn to dusk. With a simple advocacy for simplicity, "AlmostAmish" is a fine memoir with plenty to learn from, very much recommended.
My Marriage A to Z
Elinor Nauen
Cinco Puntos Press
701 Texas
El Paso, Texas 79901
9781935955047, $9.95,
Love and relationships often become marriage. "My Marriage A to Z: A Big-City Romance" is awork of memoir from Elinor Nauen as she ponders the many aspects of marriage and what forgesthat bond so strongly, touching on all about her marriage and what makes it keep working for ohso long. "My Marriage A to Z" is a charming and very much recommended pick for those whoare exploring the nature of their own relationships, highly recommended.
The Flying Farm Boy
Daniel Boerman
Winepress Publishing
1730 Railroad St.
Enumclaw, WA 98022
9781414120928, $17.99,
We always seek to become greater than what destiny seems to have planned for us. "The FlyingFarm Boy" is a memoir from Daniel Boerman as he explores his pursuit of his boyhood dreams.Coming from nothing, Boerman writes of his drive that allowed him to rise above his lot in life,become a minister and make his own impact on society. "The Flying Farm Boy" is aninspirational and recommended pick, not to be overlooked.
Crossing the Borders of Time
Leslie Maitland
Other Press
2 Park Avenue, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10016
9781590514962, $27.95,
War shatters romance. "Crossing the Borders of Time: A True Story of War, Exile, and LoveReclaimed" is Leslie Maitland digging through history and seeking the romance of a German Jewand a Catholic Frenchman whose love was shattered by Nazi Germany's Blitzkrieg and the fall ofParis into their hands. Divided by an ocean and other pressures, "Crossing the Borders of Time"is well documented and a very personal story of how war and its long standing scars can changelives.
Blaming Japhy Rider
Philip A. Bralich, Ph.D.
Balboa Press
1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200
Bloomington, IN 47403-5161
9781452540528, $35.95,
The world is a stressful place, and sometimes all we can do is retreat to our spirit. "BlamingJaphy Rider: Memoir of a Dharma Bum Who Survived" is a memoir of Philip A. Bralich, whoshares his stories of traveling the world and how his adherence to the disciplines of Buddhismhelped him through rough times during these travels, stating how it made a difference or him,and encouraging others to find their own way towards success. "Blaming Japhy Rider" is a strongaddition to general memoir collections with a nod to Buddhist studies.
The Cookbook Shelf
Deb Roussou
Robert Rose Inc.
120 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 800
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4P 1E2
9780778802945, $24.95,
If ever there were a 'must have' compendium of vegan recipes for vegetarian and vegan cookbookcollections, it is Deb Roussou's "350 Best Vegan Recipes". This 384-page compendium is packedfrom cover to cover with nutritious, appetite satisfying, palate pleasing vegan dishes. Thethoroughly 'kitchen cook friendly' recipes range from Homemade Vegetable Bouillon; Spicy,Sweet and Tart Roasted Chickpeas; Homemade Flour Tortillas; and Pumpernickel Bread; toHearts of Palm and Mushroom Salad with Lemon Parsley Vinaigrette; Panko-Crusted TofuSandwich with Apple and Celery Remoulade Slaw; Fragrant Rice-Stuffed Peppers; and SakeMartini with Fresh pomegranate and Ginger. For any meal time occasion from daily family fareto elegant dining occasions, "350 Best Vegan Recipes" will prove to be an invaluable repositoryof recipes for truly memorable dining in the vegan culinary tradition.
Rush-Hour Recipes
JoAnn & Vickie
Gooseberry Patch
2500 Farmers Dr., #110, Columbus, OH 43235
9781612810300, $16.95,
"Rush-Hour Recipes" is another handy Gooseberry Patch collection of handy, favorite easy mealsto fix on the go for busy families. "Rush-Hour Recipes" categories include 5-IngredientFavorites, One-Dish Dinners, Slow Cookers to the Rescue, Soup's On!, Make-A-Meal Sides, andSpeedy Potluck & Party Foods. All recipes are collected from reader submissions of mealtimefavorites. Ingredients are easily available and recipes are clearly written in paragraph format withcolor-contrast ink titles and hints on each page. There are tantalizing recipes for chickenchilaquiles, rosemary peppers & fusilli, chicken enchilada bake, shrimp scampi, all-dayratatouille, red, white & green chili, grandma's Armenian rice pilaf, quick squash saute, beefyshellaroni, sausage & rice casserole, and many more. Each recipe has an introductory paragraphby its author with hints about preparation and presentation, and the history of the recipe."Rush-Hour Recipes" is another Gooseberry Patch classic, sure to be enjoyed and shared amongpractical family mealmakers everywhere.
Ramses Bravo
The Book Publishing Company
Box 99, Summertown, TN 38483
9781570672699, $19.95,
The growing popularity of a vegan lifestyle is exemplified in the profusion of superb recipescomprising "Bravo!: Health Promoting Meals from the TrueNorth Health Kitchen". A 160-pagecompendium of health-promoting and thoroughly 'kitchen cook friendly' recipes from theTrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa, California, ably compiled by executive chef RamsesBravo, the dishes range from Coconut-Vanilla Granola; to Chayote-Apple Slaw; to ToastedBarley and Tomato Stew; to Peach-Blueberry Crisp. Enhanced with informed and informativeopening chapters on 'Getting Started' and 'The Basics', "Bravo!" will prove to be an exceptionallypopular addition to personal, family, and community library Vegetarian & Vegan cookbookcollections.
The Book Of Kale
Sharon Hanna
Harbour Publishing
Box 219, Madeira Park
BC, Canada, V0N 2H0
9781550175769, $26.95,
Kale is an exceptionally easy plant to grow in northern gardens. It is also one of the leastappreciated yet highly nutritious vegetables available. Fortunately we now have Sharon Hanna'simpressively illustrated and kitchen cook friendly specialty cookbook to remedy that. "The BookOf Kale: The Easy-To-Grow Superfood" is superbly illustrated 192-page culinary compendiumshowcasing more than 80 creative recipes for kale-based dishes. Beginning with informed andinformative information on the history of kale, growing kale, varieties of kale, cooking with kale,and more, the recipes themselves range from Savory Kale Scones with Pumpkin & Cheese;Ligurian Kale, Chard & Potato Forta; and Garlicky Kale with Walnuts; to Kale with Apples,Leeks & Feta; Mushroom & Pancetta Linguine with Wilted Kale; and Coco-nutty Fish 'n' Kale."The Book Of Kale" is a highly recommended addition to personal, professional, family, andcommunity library specialty cookbook collections.
Cultured Food Life
Donna Schwenk
Balboa Press
1663 Liberty Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403
Bohlsen Group (publicity)
978145253227, $23.95,
In "Cultured Food Life: Learn to Make Probiotic Foods in Your Home", blogger, lecturer, andhome schooling mother, Donna Schwenk has compiled and written a 64-page compendium ofpractical information on the value of probiotic foods, how to grow and prepare them, and offersstep-by-step instructions to create more than sixty dishes using her 'kitchen cook friendly' recipes.Palate pleasing and appetite satisfying, they range from Kifir Coconut Cream with Mango Soup;to Lemon Poppy Seed Veggies; to Kombucha Raspberry Dressing and Strawberry Spinach; toBubbly Fruit Flavored Kombucha. Informed and informative, "Cultured Food Life" is very highlyrecommended as a unique and invaluable addition to personal, family, and community librarycookbook collections, as well as healthy living supplemental reading lists.
Everyday Gluten-Free Slow Cooking
Kimberly Mayone & Kitty Broihier
Sterling Publishing Company
387 Park Avenue South, NY, NY 10016-8810
9781402785535, $22.95,
While there are several 'gluten free' cookbooks available to those whose allergies necessitate agluten-free diet, the "Everyday Gluten-Free Slow Cooking" combines gluten-free recipes with theease and practicalities of crock pot based cooking. Cookbook authors and culinary specialistsKimberly Mayone and Kitty Broihier have successfully collaborated in compiling andshowcasing more than 140 outstanding gluten-free recipe for busy kitchen cooks in "EverydayGluten-Free Slow Cooking", a 224-page compendium of wonderfully 'user friendly' recipescomplete with ingredient lists, prepatory instructions, and approximate numbers served. Ofspecial note is the opening chapter on 'Living Gluten-Free'. Enhanced with an informativeintroduction, the recipes range from a Cheesy Cheddar and Ham Bake, to Moroccan Chickenwith Potatoes and Carrots, to Old-School Stuffed Peppers, to Asparagus with Brown butter andShallots. With delicious and nutritious dishes for all dinning occasions, "Everyday Gluten-FreeSlow Cooking" will prove to be a prized addition to personal, family, and community librarycookbook collections!
101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches
Vickie and JoAnn
Gooseberry Patch
2500 Farmers Dr., #110, Columbus, OH 43525
9781612810331, $14.95,
"101 Soups Salads & Sandwiches" is a cheerfully presented, spiral bound collection of tested,popular reader -submitted recipes for casual, on-the-go daily meals packed with nutrition andterrific taste. Recipes are presented in four categories: Simmering Soups, Sensational Salads,Satisfying Sandwiches, and Terrific Toppings, a stunning selection of salad accompaniments andaccompaniments. Recipes are spread out on color photos of each fabulous dish, withmouthwatering sensory appeal. Some examples from the categories include White Bean &Tomato Salad, Grilled Chicken & Zucchini Wraps, Hungarian Mushroom Soup, and LemonySage Mayonnaise. Each recipe includes a little mock post-it note about the history or origin ofthe recipe, and as usual, the cookbook includes a back page of U.S. to Canadian recipeequivalents, recipe abbreviations, and kitchen measurements for clarity and convenience. "!01Soups, Salads & Sandwiches" is a genre-crossing delight that presents the best of
readers' many varied favorites for satisfying and hearty meals on the go.
The Essential Cancer Treatment Nutrition Guide & Cookbook
Jean Lamantia
Robert Rose Inc.
120 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 800
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4P 1E2
9780778802983, $24.95,
Cancer can be quite the endeavor to overcome. "The Essential Cancer Treatment Nutrition Guide& Cookbook: Includes 150 Healthy & Delicious Recipes" is a collection health tips and recipesdesigned to give the body the best chance it can to overcome the cancer within, with plenty ofhelpful therapies and high health meals to use. "The Essential Cancer Treatment Nutrition Guide& Cookbook" is a wise pick for those who want to improve their diet in their long fight againstcancer and to return to greater health.
Grace's Sweet Life
Grace Massa Langlois
Ulysses Press
Box 3440, Berkeley CA 94703-3440
9781612430249, $17.95,
The perfect ending to any fine meal is the dessert. The perfect addition to any personal, family, orcommunity library dessert cookbook collection is "Grace's Sweet Life: Homemade ItalianDesserts from Cannoli, Tiramisu, and Panna Cotta to Torte, Pizzelle, and Struffoli" by GraceMassa Langlois. Superbly illustrated throughout in full color photography of finished dishes, thedo-it-yourself, kitchen-cook-friendly recipes range from Panna Montata Luccherata (SweetenedWhipped Cream); Torta al Cioccolato e Ciliga (Chocolate and Cherry Cake); and Torrone diMandorle Nicciole (Almond and Hazelnut Nougat); to Tartellette al Cioccolato e Caramello conNocciole (Chocolate, Caramel, and Hazelnut Tartlets; Cicerchiata-Struffoli (Italian Honey Balls);and Budino di Riso alla Vaniglia con Pesche, Mirtilli, e Amaretto (Vanilla Bean Rice Puddingwith Peaches, Blueberries, and Amaretto). If you want to turn ordinary desserts into extraordinaryculinary creations, the add "Grace's Sweet Life" to your personal ethnic cookbook referencecollection!
The Maine Lobster Book
Virginia M. Wright
Down East Books
PO Box 679
Camden, ME 04843
9781608930418, $14.95,
Maine is known for its close connection with seafood. "The Maine Lobster Book" discussesMaine's love affair with the crustacean, complete with many delectable recipes surrounding thecritter. With information on lobster traditions and conservation efforts to keep Maine lobster anicon for years to come, it is packed with full photography. For those who want to learn moreabout Maine lobster and how to prepare it with the expertise it deserves, "The Maine LobsterBook" is an ideal and much recommended pick, not to be missed.
Love, Laughter, And Lunch
Helen Tsanos Sheinman
Pointed Leaf Press
136 Baxter Street, Suite 1C
NY, NY 10013
9780983388920, $50.00,
"Love, Laughter and Lunch: The Evocative Memories of a Cypriot Family's Journey" by HelenTsanos Sheinman is a profusely illustrated, 152-page compendium comprising her Greek Cypriotfamily's culinary culture through more than 25 'kitchen cook friendly' ethnic recipes. Enhancedthroughout with impressive images of Cypriot pottery and textiles, and some personal history ofHelen and her family, "Love, Laughter and Lunch: The Evocative Memories of a CypriotFamily's Journey" is more than just a simple cookbook, it is a kind of window into the lives ofher family and friends, but the recipes alone completely justify it as a welcome addition topersonal, family, and community library ethnic cookbook collections!
Skinny Ms. Slow Cooker
Tiffany McCauley and Gale Compton
Quail Ridge Press
PO Box 123, Brandon, MS 39043
9781934193761, $24.95,
SKINNY MS. SLOW COOKER: NATURAL RECIPES FOR A HEALTHY LIFESTYLEprovides another 'Best of the Best' collection and is a top recommendation for any who would usethe slow cooker for healthier eating. It provides convenient slow cooker recipes that novice andexperienced cooks will appreciate and packs in natural ingredients, nutrition information andcalorie counts for each recipe, easy instructions and much more, pairing recipes with color photosand basic slow cooker tips and information. Any collection strong in slow cooker recipes willfind this emphasis on low-calorie foods to be inviting!
Easy Does It Winners & Favorites
Patty Roper
Quail Ridge Press
PO Box 123, Brandon, MS 39043
9781934193693, $24.95,
Easy Does It Winners & Favorites comes packed with color photos and recipes that are very easyto produce yet show with a professional elegance usually associated with hours of cooking andexpertise. And unlike Martha Stewart's books, you don't need to collect expensive Depressionglass to pull it off - all you need is very basic cooking skills and a desire to create show-stoppingresults with very little expertise. Chapters are heavy on Southern dishes but round out the Southwith other influences. Adaptations of classic dishes are provided along with keys to addingsomething different, such as the classic Eggs Benedict served over cornbread. The result is anattractive, easy cookbook suitable for entertaining and any general lending library.
Gluten-Free Cooking
Betty Crocker
Chronicle Books
680 Second Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
9781118146071, $19.99,
Gluten-Free Cooking comes with the Betty Crocker stamp of quality and offers easy gluten-freedishes for breakfast, main courses and even the more challenging (for gluten-free) baking ofbreads and desserts. Over 150 recipes include select recipes form Silvana Nardone and JeanDuane and pair with over seventy color photos, detailed nutrition information for all recipes, andlists of ingredients to avoid and their gluten-free alternatives. There's no easier or better startingpoint than Betty Crocker's Gluten-Free Cooking, and any general lending library will wantthis.
Danish Cooking and Baking Traditions
Arthur L. Meyer
Hippocrene Books
171 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016
9780781812627, $32.00,
Danish Cooking and Baking Traditions is a pick for any culinary collection looking for a specificfocus on Danish traditions outside the usual general European collection. It provides a focus ontraditional foods that are part of Danish meals, covering all courses and packing in over 170recipes with step-by-step preparation directions to accompany an overall history of Danishcuisine. 45 recipes for famous Danish desserts and sweets make for a fine presentation worthy ofany international cookery collection.
How the Hot Dog Found Its Bun
Josh Chetwynd
The Lyons Press
246 Goose Lane, Guilford, CT 06437
9780762777501, $14.95,
How the Hot Dog Found Its Bun: Accidental Discoveries and Unexpected Inspirations ThatShape What We Eat and Drink is a 'must' for any general lending library seeing popularity ineither trivia books, cookbooks, or both. It packs in fun vignettes and trivia about the quirky worldof kitchen invention, products and foods, and packs in keys to kitchen innovations through shortessays that attack popular myths and offer insights into food facts. A fun, compelling read for awide audience spiced with illustrations throughout by David Cole Wheeler, this is simply not tobe missed.
Cheese and Culture
Paul Kindstedt
Chelsea Green Publishing Company
85 North Main Street, Suite 120
White River Junction, VT 05001
9781603584111, $24.95,
CHEESE AND CULTURE: A HISTORY OF CHEESE AND ITS PLACE IN WESTERNCIVILIZATION offers a fascinating story behind different types of cheese and how it came to be,and explores some basic principles of cheese science and technology in the course of an in-depthlook at choose, its origins and development from early times to modern. From how differentcheeses have been shaped by their natural environment to the roles they played in localeconomies and trade, this provides a fine historical view connecting cheese and culture and is a'must' for any collection strong in culinary history.
The Kitchen Diva's Diabetic Cookbook
Angela Shelf Medearis
Andrews McMeel Publishing
1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City MO 64106-2109
9781449402396, $24.99,
The Kitchen Diva's Diabetic Cookbook: 150 Healthy, Delicious Recipes for Diabetics and ThoseWho Dine With Them provides a fine guide for cooks at all skill levels who want to create easy,affordable meals to address the needs of prediabetics and people with diabetic-relatedcomplications. Her cooking blends American and ethnic dishes with comfort food basics thathave been adapted for diabetics, offering seven chapters of dishes suitable for everyday mealsand parties alike. Any diabetic cookery collection needs this!
The Hamptons
Ricky Lauren
c/o Wiley Professional Trade Group
111 River Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
9781118293270, $40.00,
THE HAMPTONS: FOOD, FAMILY, AND HISTORY provides an oversized and lovely surveyfrom an author and photographer who shares over 130 healthy seasonal dishes and familyfavorites from the Hamptons region of the country. Lovely photos and art document the author'stravels, culinary discoveries, and insights into the Hamptons and her life with designer RalphLauren and their three children. This is the fourth book in her personal lifestyle genre whichblend memories with food and local insights, and will be a pick for culinary and cultural holdingsalike.
The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf
Melanie Dugan
Upstart Press
16 Cowdy Street
Kingston, ON Canada K7K 3V7
9780978377472, $19.95,
Being the God of the Dead doesn't mean you have to be dead. "Dead Beautiful" is a romance ofthe gods, as future goddess and daughter of Zeus Persephone is lured into the surprisingly suavenature of Hades, god of the dead. Disapproved by her superiors, she is faced with rebellion forlove, or simply bowing to the wishes of her parents. Twisting ancient Greek mythology withmodern conflict, "Dead Beautiful" is a humorous and much recommended pick, not to bemissed.
The Frenzy War
Gregory Lamberson
Medallion Press, Inc.
100 South River Street
Aurora, IL 60506
9781605424538, $14.95,
A war between werewolves and their hunters isn't really the best thing for New York City. "TheFrenzy War" is the second book in Gregory Lamberson's Frenzy Cycle series, as Captain TonyMace finds himself demoted to the K9 unit for his vigilante actions that couldn't be believed. ButMace finds he's needed once more, as the werewolves of New York and those who seek theirextinction explode into a conflict. "The Frenzy War" is a must for fans of urban fantasy andcollections looking to compile them.
Pyrates of the Kozmos
Daniel Cutter-Diamond
Dendrite Press
4071 North 90th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53222
9780984029211, $19.95,
Old friends may end up being your worst foes. "Pyrates of the Kozmos" is a science fiction novelfollowing Seven Rivers, as he finds himself pitted against billionaire Rufus Thornberry who hasembraced the science of the far flung future with a touch of ancient psionics. Trying to get to thebottom of an old friend's motives, Seven finds that there is still plenty unknown in the future."Pyrates of the Kozmos" is a strong pick for lovers of science fiction, very much recommendedreading.
The Calypso Directive
Brian Andrews
Arcade Publishing
c/o Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10018
9781611454949, $24.95,
Powerful things may lie inside each of us, but who claims ownership of such things? "TheCalypso Directive" is a science thriller following Will Foster, whose mutation in his DNA grantshim immunity to disease, and the Vyrogen Pharmaceuticals Corporation hopes to claim this genefor themselves for the billions that would come in such an immunizing drug. But Foster is a man,and escapes with vial of plague to buy time. Working with an microbiologist who is also an ex,"The Calypso Directive" is a fast paced and hard to put down thriller, a solidly recommendedpick for those seeking a novel of high science and the greed that seeks to exploit it.
Nebula Awards Showcase 2012
James Patrick Kelly & John Kessel, Editors
59 John Glenn Drive
Amherst, NY 14228-2197
9781616146191, $17.95,
Nebula Awards Showcase 2012 offers stories that are tops in their field, reprinting winningstories in the Nebula Awards, voted on by members of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writersof America. Stories by such notables as Harlan Ellison, James Tiptree Jr., Connie Willis andmore provide complete stories and excerpts, and represent some of the best writings of 2012. Noscience fiction collection should be without this definitive survey!
The Humor Shelf
Uncle John's Bathroom Reader
The Bathroom Readers' Institute
PO Box 1117, Ashland, OR 97520
9781607104278, $16.95,
Something to let it and the time pass is all they want. "Flush Fiction: 88 Short-Stories You CanRead in Single Sitting" is a collection of short fiction that is meant to be simple and to the pointfor readers. Each story is under 1,000 words and a wide array of genres are represented within.Another fine collection of pop fiction with its own brand of humor from the Bathroom Readers'Institute, "Flush Fiction" is an excellent and choice read, not to be overlooked.
The Fiction Shelf
Terry Roberts
Ingalls Publishing Group, Inc.
PO Box 2500
Banner Elk, NC 28604
9781932158991 $17.95
A Short Time To Stay Here is a historical romance novel, set in the summer of 1917. When theU.S. enters WW I, Stephen Robbins' Mountain Peak Hotel is transformed into an internmentcamp for over 2,000 German nationals. Further complicating Robbins' situation is the beautifuland strong-willed Anna Ulmann, a would-be documentary photographer seeking to make hermark in a male-dominated world. Emotional and vivid, A Short Time To Stay Here brings anAmerican historical controversy to life with realistic characters who must choose betweendifficult options. Highly recommended, especially for historical romance connoisseurs.
In & Oz
Steve Tomasula
University of Chicago Press
1427 East 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
9780226807447, $16.00,
Driving for greater creations often leaves of dreaming of things that cannot be. "In & Oz" is anovel from Steve Tomasula, circling the ideals of five dreamers and their pursuits of theirdreams, stuck between the harsh realities of their world and what they pursue. A look into theduality of art, creation, and the here and now, "In & Oz" is a very artistic focused novel, verymuch worth considering, highly recommended.
Bared to You
Sylvia Day
Berkley Trade
c/o Penguin Group (USA)
375 Hudson Street, 4th floor
New York, NY 10014
9780425263907, $15.00,
We share our greatest weaknesses with one another in romance. "Bared to You" is a romancefrom Sylvia Day, focusing on a woman and the baring of the soul to others in love, letting ourgreatest weaknesses be known. An intriguing twist and turns on the ideas of love and romanceand the bonds that are formed, "Bared to You" is a must for fans of romance with a bit ofpsychology rolled into it.
The Art of Forgetting
Camille Noe Pagan
c/o Penguin Group USA
375 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014
9780452297890, $16.00,
Ignorance can sometimes be a wonderful thing. "The Art of Forgetting" is a novel followingMarissa Rogers, whose dear friend and personal leader Julia Ferrar gets hit with a memoryaffecting accident. Forced to take up a leadership role she never wanted, as her friend recoversher memories and brings up events that would have better off been forgotten. "The Art ofForgetting" is a novel of romance and friendship, very much recommended reading.
The Baileys Harbor Bird and Booyah Club
Dave Crehore
Terrace Books
c/o University of Wisconsin Press
1930 Monroe Street, Third Floor
Madison, WI 53711-2059
9780299286705, $19.95,
Deep into rural Wisconsin, you may find things that aren't entirely as they seem. "The BaileysHarbor Bird and Booyah Club" is a novel from Dave Crehore as he takes on the deepwoods ofWisconsin, touching on the soul and personality of the region. From local elections, fishingstories, getting old, and codfish pizza, "The Baileys Harbor Bird and Booyah Club" is a choiceread for fans of humor and someone seeking a very Wisconsin-oriented read.
The Meadows
Daniel Benevento
Florida Academic Press
PO Box 357425, Gainesville, FL 32635
9781890357344, $24.95,
Las Vegas is glamour, and looking for something real can seem all too hard. "The Meadows" is anovel following one man going through the city of Las Vegas as an outsider, looking for thereality of culture and what it means under the strange looking glass of Vegas. Looking for life'sstory of culture and our pushes to make a difference, "The Meadows" is a strong pick forcontemporary literary fiction collections.
The Agriculture Hall of Fame
Andrew Malan Milward
University of Massachusetts Press
PO Box 429
Amherst, MA 01004
9781558499485, $19.95,
In the middle of somewhere is the middle of nowhere. "The Agriculture Hall of Fame" is acollection of short fiction from Andrew Malan Milward as he explores the Kansas experience,for all its joy and ill. Focusing on the crisis of drugs, corporations, fundamentalism, and thefuture of the agrarian, "The Agriculture Hall of Fame" is an original collection of stories whichshouldn't be overlooked for modern short fiction collections.
Horner's End
Peter Witteveld
University of Indianapolis Press
1400 East Hanna Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46227
9781880938812, $24.95,
An accusation of murder is often a heavy burden that is hard to cope with. "Horner's End" is anovel from Peter Witteveld, as he tells the story of one Sheridan Horner, a man accused ofpremeditated murder of another. A sensitive man who is coping with the cruel judgment that hedoes not fully understand, "Horner's End" is an enticing and riveting novel that will resonate withits readers.
Hitler's Priest
S. J. Tagliareni
Brown Books Publishing Group
16200 N. Dallas Parkway, Suite 170
Dallas, TX 75248
9781612540559, $24.99,
When one is drawn closer to evil, at what point do you react and try to pull away? "Hitler'sPriest" is a novel that delves into the nature of humanity when faced with the evil of theHolocaust. Written by S. J. Tagliareni, an ex-Catholic priest who presents a novel that provides adifferent perspective on the Catholic involvement in the Holocaust. A riveting novel that tries todelve into the humanity of the figures surrounding the atrocities, "Hitler's Priest" is riveting andvery hard to put down, highly recommended.
Show Time
Phil Harvey
Lost Coast Press
155 Cypress Street
Fort Bragg, CA 95437
9781935448112, $15.95,
What extent does the lust for reality TV go? "Show Time" is a novel set around a reality showthat dumps seven individuals in a Lake Superior winter where they are struggling to survive andto get by. The acts advertised to survive the harshness of the winter are brutal, but cruelty cannotgo on eternally without backlash, as the castaways may have vengeance in their minds. A novelthat delves into the primal instincts of human nature with plenty of spice and excitement, "ShowTime" should prove very hard to put down, highly recommended.
Casey Clabough
Ingalls Publishing Group, Inc.
PO Box 2500
Banner Elk, NC 28604
9781932158984, $18.95,
As the Confederacy fell, many were not content with living on as the defeated. "Confederado" isa novel from Casey Clabough, as he explores the confederates who at the end of the civil warchose to head further south to Brazil rather than be at the mercy of a Northern victory. Followingfugitive Alvis Stevens as he heads for Brazil, torn with lost love, Clabough uses history andfiction together well. "Confederado" is an excellent and choice recommendation, not to bemissed.
The Book of Harold
Owen Egerton
Soft Skull Press
c/o Counterpoint Press
1919 Fifth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710-1916
9781593764388, $14.95,
Being half-divine isn't all its cracked up to be. "The Book of Harold" follows the struggles of oneHarold Peeks, who through his mundane existence comes to believe he is the second coming ofChrist. People begin to follow his claim, and he begins his own pilgrimage with his unique arrayof disciples as Harold and his followers come to a unique understanding of their own spirituality."The Book of Harold" is a strong and much recommended addition to humor and fictioncollections focusing on religion.
The Bird Saviors
William J. Cobb
Unbridled Books
2000 Wadsworth Boulevard, #195
Lakewood, CO 80214
9781609530709, $25.95,
Difficult choices often set forth our lives for years to come. "The Bird Saviors" follows youngRuby Cole, a woman who is faced with giving up her child or marrying a man she does not trulylove. As her small Colorado town seems to be collapsing around her, she finds something worthliving for, and that she does have power to make a difference in one way or another. "The BirdSaviors" is a strong pick for modern literary fiction collections, highly recommended.
Everybody Says Hello
Michael Kun
Livingston Press
University of West Alabama
Station 22
Livingston, AL 35470
9781604890877, $18.95,
As we inch towards the right thing for us, the temptation to flee from it grows ever stronger."Everybody Says Hello" is a novel from Michael Kun, who writes of Sid Straw, a man who hasmade many mistakes and will make many more. The story is told by correspondence betweenStraw and the others in the world around him and makes "Everybody Says Hello" a unique andfascinating down to earth read.
Sarah Thornhill
Kate Greenville
Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
841 Broadway, 4th floor
New York, NY 10003
9780802120243, $25.00,
The legacy of a family is one often filled with holes and challenges all its own. "Sarah Thornhill"is the third entry into Kate Grenville's trilogy surrounding the Australian Thornhill family, with agritty yet riveting tale surrounding the family. Sarah, the youngest daughter of the family, hascame of age and seeks the plain truth about her family, and their exploitation of the aborginalpeoples of Australia. A historical novel that proves hard to put down as it focuses on legacy andromance, "Sarah Thornhill" is a must and very much recommended read for literary fictioncollections.
A Halfman Dreaming
David Matlin
Red Hen Press
PO Box 40820
Pasadena, CA 91114
9781597090704, $18.95,
When you go through life only knowing violence, it can be hard to learn anything but. "AHalfman Dreaming" is a novel from David Matlin who paints the story of Lupe, who throughouthis life, brushes with the cruelty destruction that America has become so fond of throughout thelast half century. An enticing read that is sure to provoke much to think about, "A HalfmanDreaming" is an excellent and fine literary work.
The Sadness of the Samurai
Victor Del Arboi
Henry Holt & Company
175 Fifth Avenue, Suite 400
New York, NY 10010-7725
9780805094756, $28.00,
Intrigue cannot escape some people, even after decades have passed. "The Sadness of theSamurai" is a novel from Spanish author Victor del Arboi, focusing on Spain during and afterWorld War II, where Isabel, blessed with fortune, is woven into a plot to claim the life of herhusband. Her betrayal is met with more betrayal, a spiral that consumes three generations as DelArboi presents a riveting novel of Spain in the latter half of the twentieth century. Expertlytranslated by Mara Lethem, "The Sadness of the Samurai" is a must for historical novelassortments.
Dirty Rice
Gerald Duff
University of Louisiana at LaFayette Press
PO Box 40831, Lafayette, LA 70504
9781935754138, $20.00,
The temptation to cheat so often leads otherwise honorable men astray. "Dirty Rice: A Season inthe Evangeline League" follows Gemar Batiste, a proud Alabama-Coushatta Native Americanwho finds his next step in his love of the game of Baseball in the minor league team of the RayneRice Birds. As the management of the team try to get him to cheat, the pressures around himclose in on him, and he seeks his own way to the fame he so very much wants. "Dirty Rice" is amust for historical fiction collections, especially those seeking something focusing on NativeAmericans or Baseball.
Secrets and Lies
Marilyn J. Clay
Gale Cengage Learning
27500 Drake Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535
9781432825836, $25.95,
A new world means new challenges to their state of being. "Secrets and Lies" is a novel of theJamestown colony, as four women of the New World find themselves stuck in a web of treacheryand deceit in the new world. Something is out for their lives, and women are meant to be seen,not heard in the society of the new world. Trying to get to the bottom of the truth in the complexworld behind them, "Secrets and Lies" is a fine addition to historical fiction collections.
Tim Horvath
Bellevue Literary Press
350 First Avenue, OBV A612
New York, NY 10016
9781934137444, $14.95,
Pushing the unknown and known together, "Understories" is a collection of short fiction fromTim Horvath, who explore what may be and what could be in many fascinating ways. Withplenty of humor and a good dose of poignancy, "Understories" is an excellent assortment forthose who want something that blends traditional and speculative fiction together well.
Forever Hilltop
Judy Baer
16 East 34th Street, New York, NY 10016
9780824945299, $16.99,
A new face means new opportunities. "Forever Hilltop" is a dual-novel from Judy Baer,following fresh faced pastor Alex Armstrong as he comes to the small community of Hilltop inNorth Dakota. Both stories follow the continued temptation and romance of him as she comes tothe town, and may yet find a wife among them, stuck between his promise and true love."Forever Hilltop" is an enticing read of small community life, very much recommended readingfor those who love old fashioned romances.
The Mystery/Suspense Shelf
Jeffrey Siger
Poisoned Pen Press
6962 E. First Ave., #103
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
9781590589786, $14.95,
When a spat-on minority is murdered, no one seems to care. "Target: Tinos" is a murder mysteryset on the Aegean island of Tinos, where Greek Special Crimes Detective Andreas Kaldis takesupon herself a crime that no one seems to care about when two gypsies are brutally murdered andmutilated. In her search for the truth, she finds notes about a secret society, related killings, andmore, all while dealing with a turbulent personal life. "Target: Tinos" is a fine novel and verymuch recommended reading for mystery fans.
Whispers of the Stones
Loretta Jackson & Vickie Britton
Avalon Books
160 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
9780803474741, $23.95,
One murder uncovers a greater mystery. "Whispers of the Stones" is a mystery novel fromLoretta Jackson and Vickie Britton, as they follow Sheriff Jeff McQuede as he follows a murderand burglary of the Pedro Mummy. Finding the truth behind the artifact, the suspicion lies with arecently arrived scientist who is a bit too interested in the relic. The mystery even turns strangeras connections a lost and ancient civilization may yet be found. "Whispers of the Stones" is amulti-layered mystery that should prove a strong addition for genre fans.
Long Island Noir
Kaylie Jones
Akashic Books
PO Box 1456
New York, NY 10009
9781617750625, $15.95,
The gritty nature of the world realized is noir. "Long Island Noir" is another entry in AkashicBooks' Noir series, this time set inside Long Island, spinning off their acclaimed 'Brooklyn Noir'read. Many authors come together with their love of the genre in these stories and make for amuch recommended read for those who love the hard boiled stories of people facing anunforgiving world. "Long Island Noir" is a core addition to any short fiction collection, andhighly recommended pick for those who enjoy the genre.
The Disappearance of Georgiana Darcy
Regina Jeffers
Ulysses Press
PO Box 3440
Berkeley CA 94703-3440
9781612430454, $14.95,
The darkness that lies under the surface of high society is ever more known. "The Disappearanceof Georgiana Darcy" is a novel set in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice's early 19th centuryEngland. A woman is kept captive in an estate, with no recollection of who she is, and her captorknows if she is to ever figure it out, it could bring down the world around them. As the Darcysand Bennets settle try to settle into the next stages of their life, the disappearance of a sisterseems to spell dread in their sights. "The Disappearance of Georgiana Darcy" is a must formystery collections and those with a taste of Austen's world of gentry England.
Come Easy - Go Easy/In a Vain Shadow
James Hadley Chase
Stark House Press
4720 Herron Road
Eureka, CA 95503
9781933586380, $19.95,
Noir has a certain grit that seem to be missing from much of modern fiction. "Come Easy - GoEasy/In a Vain Shadow" is a double mystery thriller pack from James Hadley Chase, also knownas Rene Brabazon Raymond, who compiled much a catalog of noir and mystery in the midtwentieth century, compiling over ninety books in dedication to the genre. Fans of the genre willfind much to enjoy with "Come Easy - Go Easy/In a Vain Shadow" is a strong pick for fictioncollections looking to expand their mystery assortment.
Targets of Opportunity
Jeffrey S. Stephens
Pocket Books
1230 Avenue of the Americas, 13th fl.
New York, NY 10020
9781451672565, $7.99,
TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY offers a fine blend of thriller, suspense, and mystery andcontinues the story of CIA agent Jordan Sandor, who first appeared in TARGETS OFDECEPTION and here faces off a top terrorist agent from Iran's Revolutionary Guard. A secretalliance crosses international borders, involves espionage and intrigue, and centers around a plotto strike at the heart of America - unless agent Sandor can prevent it. A fine, fast-paced thrillerevolves, perfect for any general lending library!
Final Sail
Elaine Viets
Obsidian Mystery
c/o Penguin Group (USA)
375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
9780451236746, $23.95,
FINAL SAIL: A DEAD-END JOB MYSTERY returns the eleventh book in her series and herehas the husband-and-wife PI team Helen and Phil searching for a jewel smuggler. Helen isworking undercover on a private yacht and finds her hands full not only with drinks but withmissing her husband and setting the stage for capturing a killer, when things begin to go awryand a sailing trip turns into a struggle for survival on the seas. FINAL SAIL is gripping,intriguing, and filled with satisfying twists and turns: a solid pick for any mystery holding.
Poisoned Pen Press
6962 E. First Ave., #103
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Michael Norman's SKELETON PICNIC (9781590585511, $24.95) provides a fine J.D. Booksmystery and tells of third generation Utah residents Rolly and Abigail Rogers, who turn upmissing after a weekend searching for valuable antiquities. It's up to local Bureau of LandManagement Law Enforcement Ranger J.D. Books to help - and an investigation turns up notonly many clues, but a puzzling series of events that point to the involvement of a group ofassailants, not just one. Could it be a group of armed Indian police, or something more? Anoutstanding survey evolves, perfect for any mystery holding. Tina Whittle's DARKER THANANY SHADOW (9781590585467, $24.95) tells of Tai Randolph, who is feeling the summerheat in Atlanta and struggling with a new relationship when she faces an added complication: themurder of a poet friend of her best childhood friend Rico. A national poetry slam turns deadly asshe tries to clear her friend's name and finds herself involved in more than she can handle. Anymystery collection will find this an involving story!
The Education Shelf
Arnold Shober
Westview Press
2465 Central Avenue
Boulder CO 80301
9780813345369, $35.00,
The Democratic Dilemma of American Education provides a fine analysis of the politics of policy and considers modern controversies over education governance, teachersunions, school funding, choices, and social issues - and considers the impact on democraticeducation processes as a whole. Chapters will appeal to a college-level audience consisting ofeducation and political science readers as they analyze education's challenges in light of basicdemocratic principles. Highly recommended!
Gifted Program Evaluation
Kristie Speirs Neumeister & Virginia H. Burney, Ph. Ds
Prufrock Press
PO Box 8813
Waco, TX 76714-8813
9781593639242, $29.95,
For children with excellent talents, those talents need to be nurtured. "Gifted ProgramEvaluation: A Handbook for Administrators & Coordinators" is a guide to what can be doneabout advanced placement and gifted & talented programs in their schools amidst the weight ofbudget cuts and other elements that restrict resources. For administrators and educationalmanagers who want to know what they can do to deliver quality education for these students, theauthors within, experts in Gifted education, provide practical advice on what can be done."Gifted Program Evaluation" is a strong pick for any teaching and teaching administrationresource collection.
Small Steps, Big Changes
Chris Confer & Marco Ramirez
Stenhouse Publishers
477 Congress Street, Suite 4B
Portland, ME 04101-3451
9781571108135, $21.00,
Mathematics are the fundamentals for many aspects of higher education. "Small Steps, BigChanges: Eight Essential Practices for Transforming Schools Through Mathematics" discussesthe efforts to expand the efforts of education in mathematics at schools across the country. Theauthors, long time educators of math and related fields, provide their insight on the methods tobetter teach the subjects at hand. Designed for students in elementary through middle school,"Small Steps, Big Changes" is a strong pick for educators, highly recommended.
Teaching in the Digital Age
Brian Puerling
Redleaf Press
10 Yorkton Court
Saint Paul, MN 55117-1065
9781605541181, $39.95,
Technology is changing everything, and it should be embraced. "Teaching in the Digital Age:Smart Tools for Age 3 to Grade 3" is an advisory guide for teachers of early childhood andprimary school education to better understand the ways technology can be used to enhance theeducational experiences of young people and facilitate learning the fundamentals of language andmathematics. With links to video clips to enhance the lessons within, "Teaching in the DigitalAge" is a must for teacher reference collections focusing on technology.
Effective Early Childhood Professional Development
Carollee Howes, Bridget K. Hamre, & Robert C. Pianta
Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company
PO Box 10624
Baltimore, MD 21285-0624
9781598572377, $36.95,
In the formative years, a good teacher is at their greatest value. "Effective Early ChildhoodProfessional Development: Improving Teacher Practice and Child Outcomes" discusses theprofessional aspect of early childhood development, as the editors and contributors within adviseeducators and educational leaders on how to better improve the educational environment forearly childhood through improving teacher training, policies, positive attributes, and much more."Effective Early Childhood Professional Development" is a strong addition to community libraryeducation and education administration collections.
AD/HD and the College Student
Patricia O. Quinn
Magination Press
PO Box 92984
Washington, DC 20090-2984
9781433811319, $14.95,
Attention is a wonderful thing when you're able to do with it what you will. "AD/HD And theCollege Student: The Everything Guide to Your Most Urgent Questions" is a discussion of adultAD/HD and how it can affect those in the endeavor of a college career, wanting to overcome theset backs it may bring and find their own greater successes. With practical advice on dealing withmedication, emotional issues, general health, and when it may be time to call it quits, "AD/HD"is a strong addition to general education collections, highly recommended.
Intelligence Quest
Walter McKenzie
International Society for Technology in Education
180 West 8th Avenue, Suite 300
Eugene, OR 97401-2916
9781564843098, $22.95,
Not everyone learns in the same way. "Intelligence Quest: Project-Based Learning and MultipleIntelligences" is a discussion of educational methods as Walter McKenzie advocates a newinstructional model in Intelligence Quest, or IQuest. The model encourages self-discovery andself-learning, thinking critically, and allowing students to find where they can personally flourishin their own interests. "Intelligence Quest" is a fascinating read for those intrigued with theevolution of educational methods, for finding the best ways to educate our children.
Making Good Teaching Great
Annette Breaux & Todd Whitaker
Eye On Education
6 Depot Way West
Larchmont, NY 10538
9781596672123, $29.95,
Good teachers are needed more than ever in today's society. "Making Good Teaching Great:Everyday Strategies for Teaching with Impact" discusses how to more greatly empower teachersand help them get teachers the education they need. With simple strategies that can used inregards to classroom management, wise planning, knowing when to forget, and forgingmeaningful bonds with students and parenting. "Making Good Teaching Great" is a strong andmuch recommended reference for any teacher, highly recommended.
Writing Measurable Function and Transition IEP Goals
Cynthia M. Herr & Barbara D. Bateman
IEP Resources
PO Box 930160
Verona, WI 53593-0160
1578618118, $25.00,
Education sometimes needs to be specialized to meet a child's certain needs. "WritingMeasurable Function and Transition IEP Goals" is a guide to IEP and its goals. IEPs, orIndividual Education Programs are often used to allow students with disabilities better rise to thechallenges of life, including assisting them learn the details of better living a healthy life sociallyand educationally. "Writing Measurable Function and Transition IEP Goals" is a must for specialeducation collections or for teachers of said programs.
Living the Questions, second edition
Ruth Shagoury & Brenda Miller Power
Stenhouse Publishers
477 Congress Street, Suite 4B
Portland, ME 04101-3451
9781571109463, $28.50,
The second updated edition of Living the Questions: A Guide for Teacher-Researchers offerschapters explaining the research process, research activities that enable hands-on demonstrationof strategies and techniques, and essays in which teachers share their projects and results. Assuch it's a complete step-by-step guide to designing and publishing research and a key pick forany educator's collection; particularly those interested in connecting research to classroomresults.
Corwin Press
2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
STRATEGIC READING GROUPS: GUIDING READERS IN THE MIDDLE GRADES byJennifer Berne and Sophie Degener (9781452202860, $27.95) is a pick for educators workingwith grades 4-8 and provides a collection of strategies for classroom management andassessment. It provides a tested working model for middle-grade readers and is packed with tipsand formulas teachers will find immediately applicable and successful teaching tools. SCHOOLCLIMATE 2.0: PREVENTING CYBERBULLYING AND SEXTING ONE CLASSROOM ATA TIME (9781412997836, $29.95) provides a specific, positive strategy educators can apply tohelp prevent cyberbullying and sexting among teens, and is a pick for parents as well aseducators. It offers a holistic approach that involves teachers and parents in the process, comesfrom national leaders in preventing cyberbullying, and analyzes underlying issues relating toyoung people and technology. Parents and educators alike will find this a powerful guide. NinaJones Morel and Carla Staton Cushman's HOW TO BUILD AN INSTRUCTIONALCOACHING PROGRAM FOR MAXIMUM CAPACITY (9781452202891, $36.95) teaches thebasics of how to build an effective school coaching program, considering the value of coaches inimproving schools and leading to staff and student success. It offers an overview of a successfulcoaching program, provides data to help refine such an effort, and includes a Facilitator's Guidepacked with resources, vignettes, and brain-based learning activities for groups. A 'must' for anyserious educator's collection!
The Religion/Spirituality Shelf
Concordia Publishing House
3558 South Jefferson Avenue
Saint Louis, MO 63118-3968
9780758626462, $36.99,
The Christian religion has come a long way from once being a heretical sect of Judaism. "TheChurch from Age to Age" traces the long history surrounding the Christian church, stretching itshistory from the lifetime of Christ to its outlaw period in early Rome until Rome came toembrace it as the faith of the empire. Exploring the facets of the faith, what was expected from itsadherents throughout these periods, and the church's place in the modern world, "The Churchfrom Age to Age" is a scholarly and complete and comprehensive addition to religious studiesand history collections, enthusiastically recommended for community and college librarycollections.
Understanding the Historical Books of the Old Testament
Vincent P. Branick
Paulist Press
997 MacArthur Boulevard
Mahwah, NJ 07430
9780809147281, $24.95,
There is history to be found within the Bible, and it is an excellent resource. "Understanding theHistorical Books of the Old Testament" is a collection Biblical studies from Vincent P. Branickas he explores the history that lies within the Old Testament, delving into the ancient history thatlies within the Bible and its application to modern faith. A strong addition to any Religiousstudies collection or for those with a fascination in ancient history, "Understanding the HistoricalBooks of the Old Testament" is highly recommended.
The Science And Theology Of Godly Love
Matthew T. Lee & Amos Yong, editors
Northern Illinois University Press
2280 Bethany Road, DeKalb, IL 60115
9780875804491, $35.00,
The editorial collaboration of Matthew T. Lee (Associate Professor and Interim Chair ofSociology, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio) and Amos Yong (J. Rodman Williams Professorof Theology, Regent University School of Divinity, Virginia Beach, Virginia), "The Science andTheology of Godly Love" is a 237-page compendium comprised of ten erudite, insightful,informed and informative essays deftly exploring the interdisciplinary study of 'Godly Love'. Ofspecial note are the articles 'Godly Love: Why We Cannot Endure Without It' by Stephen G. Postand 'Godly Love From The Perspective Of Psychology' by Julie J. Exline. Enhanced with aneducative introduction and thoughtful conclusion, along with a list of contributors and theircredentials, as well as a comprehensive Index, "The Science And Theology Of Godly Love" is anhighly recommended for personal, seminary and academic library Religion & Spiritualitycollections.
The Liberating Powers of Emotions
Riet Okken
Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.
PO Box 754
Huntsville, AR 72740
9781886940567, $16.00,
The raw power of emotions can often dominate our lives. "The Liberating Powers of Emotions"is a spiritual read in which Riet Okken advises readers to embrace their emotions and use 'brotherreason' and 'sister emotion' together to gain a more comprehensive control of their life andembrace what we need to free ourselves from our woe and live a more complete life. "TheLiberating Powers of Emotions" is worth considering for spirituality and motivational books forthose who want to better use their emotions as one of their tools for life.
Belonging Here
Judith Blackstone
Sounds True
413 South Arthur Avenue
Louisville, CO 80027
9781604077964, $22.95,
Being sensitive is often derided, but there are distinct benefits to them. "Belonging Here: AGuide to the Spiritually Sensitive Person" is a discussion of the spiritual sensitive nature of ourworld. Dr. Judith Blackstone discusses how to understand our spiritual nature, being down toearth, being true to the self, as well as reaching out to others. With a powerful message ofspirituality, "Belonging Here" is a strong pick for spirituality and motivational collections.
Gordon H. Matties
Herald Press
616 Walnut Avenue
Scottsdale, PA 15683-1999
9780836195675, $29.99,
The viciousness of ethnic cleansing is especially disgusting when the Bible is used asjustification. "Joshua" is an entry into the Believers Church Bible Commentary as GordonMatties presents an analysis and discussion surrounding the book of Joshua, the book commonlyused in the name of genocide and colonialism. He presents an insightful and thought dissectionof the work, and challenges readers to reassess why they follow scripture in their lives. "Joshua"is a must for Biblical studies collections, a highest recommendation.
My Journal of the Council
Yves Congar
The Liturgical Press
St. John's Abbey, PO Box 7500
Collegeville, MN 56321-7500
9780814680292, $69.95,
Vatican II provided much needed modernization to the Catholic Church. "My Journal of theCouncil" is a translation of the journal of Yves Congar, a constant participant in the three yearcouncil that brought sweeping reform to the Catholic Church, held from 1962 to 1965. Theentries prove detailed, and add an excellent and comprehensive insight into Congar's thoughts aswell as the happenings throughout the three year period. His works gained him the rank ofCardinal later in life, and his contributions to Catholicism as a whole cannot be understated. "MyJournal of the Council" is a strong pick for religious studies collections, especially those with afocus on the Roman Catholic Church.
The Return of the Chaos Monsters
Gregory Mobley
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
2140 Oak Industrial Drive, NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49505
9780802837462, $16.00,
There is a rich mythology that the Bible's tales of morality are built upon. "The Return of theChaos Monsters - And Other Backstories" is a discussion of Biblical backstories. Author GregoryMobley looks deep into the Bible's tales to dig up the origins of many of these tales as Mobleyuses a humorous and fun conversational tone in this study of ancient history and its strong impacton Judeo-Christian beliefs. "The Return of the Chaos Monsters - and Other Backstories" is amust for religious and ancient historical studies collection.
Getting into Heaven and Out Again
Albrecht Gralle
Swedenborg Publishers
320 North Church Street
West Chester, PA 19380
9780877853442, $11.95,
An all loving God shouldn't discriminate. "Getting into Heaven and Out Again" is an explorationfrom German author Albrecht Gralle, as he presents a unique musing on the afterlife, combinghis own ideas and beliefs with scientist mystic Emanuel Swedenborg to present an original takeon Heaven, Hell, and the nature of God, and what he wants out of our lives. With humor andplenty to ponder about the spiritual faith, "Getting into Heaven and Out Again" is expertlytranslated from German by Friederike Gralle, with illustrations from Sally Blakemore.
Belonging Here
Judith Blackstone, PhD
Sounds True
413 South Arthur Avenue, Louisville, CO 80027
9781604077964, $22.95,
BELONGING HERE: A GUIDE FOR THE SPIRITUALLY SENSITIVE PERSON uses Dr.Blackstone's personal story plus her thirty years psychotherapy practice to offer insights on howto blend personal healing and spiritual awakening through her Realization Process. This offers anexploration of five of the most common challenges of the spiritually sensitive and includesexercises for overcoming each, teaching how to live authentically in a trying world, and is a pickfor new age and spirituality collections alike.
The Christian Studies Shelf
Martin Luther & Philip Melanchthon
Concordia Publishing House
3558 South Jefferson Avenue
Saint Louis, MO 63118-3968
9780758631022, $9.99,
Ably translated by Philip Melanchthon, "Christian Freedom: Faith Working Through Love" is a248-page compendium of Martin Luther's lectures and writings on the Christian issues of his day,as well as his New Testament scriptural commentaries. Of special note is the chapter showcasingMartin Luther's 'An Open Letter to Pope Leo X' that includes an informed and informative'Editor's Introduction'. Enhanced with appendices, a glossary, a 'Description of Persons andGroups', as well as both a Scriptural Index and a Topical Index, "Christian Freedom: FaithWorking Through Love" is a core addition to any personal, academic, or seminary LutheranStudies or Christian History reference collection and supplemental reading list.
The Book Of Enouch The Prophet
R. H. Charles, translator
Weiser Publishers
65 Parker Avenue, Suite 7
Newburyport, MA 01950
9781578635238, $16.95,
There are a great many 'lost' books of the Bible. Some, while banned from the canonicalanthology known as the New Testament, a great many of them survived as apocrypha becausethis diverse texts were held in high esteem by one or more of the various factions of the earlyChristian movement. "The Book Of Enouch The Prophet" is just such an early Christian workattributed to Christian Gnostic authorship. Ably translated into English by theologian and scholarR. H. Charles, Weiser Publishers has enhanced the original publication with two informed andinformative introductions. This edition also includes the 'Book of Noah' with its early referencesto a messiah as 'Christ', as well as an accounting of angels and the subsequent creation ofdemons. Banned for almost two thousand years, "The Book Of Enouch The Prophet" will proveto be of immense interest to academia, seminarians, and non-specialist general readers with aninterest in early Christian testaments, gospels, and source materials.
The Complete Imitation of Christ
Thomas Kempis
Paraclete Press
PO Box 1568
Orleans, MA 02653
9781557258106, $29.99,
To be more like Christ is a common Christian doctrine, and people have pursued this in manyways. "The Complete Imitation of Christ" is an updated translation of the work of late medievalmonk Thomas Kempis, who challenged many beliefs of the church during his time, atraditionalist who faced accusations of heresy on multiple occasions. Friar John-Julian presentsan updated read for followers of Christian doctrine and history. "The Complete Imitation ofChrist" is a core addition to any community or college collection focusing on religious studies orChristian theology, highly recommended.
The Work of Christ
R. C. Sproul
David C. Cook
4050 Lee Vance View
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
9780781407267, $19.99,
The life of Christ is the very foundation of the Christian faith. "The Work of Christ: What theEvents of Jesus' Life Mean for You" is a spiritually driven book of faith, as R.C. Sproul exploresthe very meaning of Christ's life in relations to our modern world, discussing the impacts ofJesus's life as they are felt two thousand years later. "The Work of Christ" is a fine pick forChristian life collections, very highly recommended.
Why Catholicism Matters
Bill Donohue
c/o The Random House Publishing Group
1745 Broadway, 17th floor
New York, NY 10019
9780307885333, $22.99,
Catholicism has hit much turmoil from within and faces much scrutiny from without. "WhyCatholicism Matters: How Catholic Virtues Can Reshape Society in the 21st Century" is adiscussion of Catholic faith and virtue from Bill Donohue as he explores the place of Catholicismin the modern day in the sea of scandal and disillusioned followers all throughout. Stating thefundamental morality of Catholicism is strong and can be a good building block for the future,Donohue presents each of the major virtues and how they are vital to the 21st century. "WhyCatholicism Matters" is a core addition to any modern religious studies collection, especially forthose who want a Catholic perspective.
On Love
Hugh Feiss
New City Press
202 Cardinal Rd.
Hyde Park, NY 12538
9781565484344, $39.95,
Love was perhaps one of the most major aspects of Christ's teachings. The second volume of the scholarly Victorine Texts in Translation series, "On Love: A Selection of Works of Hugh, Adam, Achard, Richard, and Godfrey of St. Victor" discusses the writings surrounding Christ's commandment of love, that one should love God above all else and love thy neighbor as you love thyself. Hugh Feiss digs through the medieval manuscripts for much spoken on the topic and present an interesting historical insight on the history of Christianity. "On Love" is a strong pick for religious and Christian studies collections, as is the first volume of the series, "Trinity & Creation" (9781565483736, $39.95).
Making Peace with the Land
Fred Bahnson & Norman Wirzba
InterVarsity Press
PO Box 1400
Downers Grove, IL 605151426
9780830834570, $15.00,
God gave us this land to make our plot in life, and working within that plot is key for greatersuccess. "Making Peace with the Land: God's Call to Reconcile with Creation" is a Christianinspirational read from Fred Bahnson & Norman Wirzba as they come together under the bannerof agriculture and theology to present a more harmonious Christian view of the world.Encouraging a type of faithful conservation that reminds oneself where abundance's blessingcomes from, "Making Peace with the Land" is a must for Christian collections.
Gathering at God's Table
Katharine Jefferts Schori
Skylight Paths Publishing
Sunset Farms Offices, Route 4
PO Box 237
Woodstock, VT 05091
9781594733161, $21.99,
There is more to faith than prayer and lip service to the Lord. "Gathering at God's Table: TheMeaning of Mission in the Feast of Faith" is a book for Christians, in which Katharine JeffertsSchori advises readers to gain a greater embrace of their faith. Focusing on the AnglicanCommunion Five Marks of Mission which include spreading the word and doing God's will toothers to share one's faith. "Gathering at God's Table" is a strong pick for creating a more spiritedmission for one's life and future, and those around them.
An Angel to Watch Over Me
Joan Wester Anderson
Loyola Press
3441 North Ashland Avenue
Chicago, IL 60657
9780829436549, $14.95,
A brush with an angel can change one's life. "An Angel to Watch Over Me: True Stories ofChildren's Encounter With Angels" is a Christian and spiritual collection of stories. Joan WesterAnderson shares stories of children's encounters with angels, hoping to charm and inspire readerswith t heir own touches of faith in their lives, with the stories founded in standard Christianbelief. "An Angel to Watch Over Me" is a must for Christian studies collections and thoseseeking stories of spirituality and inspiration.
The Beautiful Wife
Sandy Ralya
Kregel Publications
PO Box 2607
Grand Rapids, MI 49501
9780825442216, $8.99,
Marriages can struggle to survive often in the modern day. "The Beautiful Wife" is a Christianrelationship guide from Sandy Ralya was she discusses the Beautiful Womanhood group, whichdiscusses what is expected out of Christian women in their relationships, and how a woman canhelp their relationship work. "The Beautiful Wife" is a worth considering for Christianrelationship collections, highly recommended.
Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World
Craig Groeschel
Zondervan Publishing House
5300 Patterson Avenue, S.E.
Grand Rapids, MI 49530
9780310333685, $19.99,
Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World is a fundamental spirituality guide that tellshow to lead a spiritual life despite harmful relationships, toxic media, addictive habits, and badinfluences all around. And the spiritual 'toxins' take a toll on a personal relationship with God,also. This outlines common hazardous thoughts and dangerous influences that come fromcultural pressures, ethical ambiguity, and more - and provides keys to connecting with a deeperpersonal spirituality unaffected by the slings and arrows of the outside world. Christians whowant insights into having a relationship with God will find this a powerful survey indeed!
Orbis Books
Price Bldg., Box 302
Maryknoll NY 10545
Charlene Smith and John Feister's THEA'S SONG: THE LIFE OF THEA BOWMAN(9781570759628, $18.00) provides a fine biography that will appeal equally to spirituality andcivil rights issues holdings, and tells of a black girl born in Mississippi who joined a convent ofwhite Catholic sisters in Wisconsin. Thea fought prejudice and inspired others, and her story iscaptured in a riveting blend of historical and social examination that brings her world and beliefsto life. It's powerful on many levels and assures that Thea's life and contributions won't beforgotten. Diana L. Hayes' FORGED IN THE FIERY FURNACE: AFRICAN AMERICANSPIRITUALITY (9781570754722, $22.00) describes the origins of African Americanspirituality, developments during slavery and changes brought about by the Civil RightsMovement, and much more, offering a link between evolving African-American spirituality andsocial issues of this country. From the effects of the rise of black leadership to the increasedinvolvement and power of women in the church, this is packed with important insights key to anyspirituality collection!
The Judaic Studies Shelf
Shmuel Hain
KTAV Publishing House
930 Newark Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07306-6316
9781602802063, $30.00,
Orthodox belief follows tradition strongly, but this generation seems to be shucking traditionthan more than any before it. "The Next Generation of Modern Orthodoxy" discusses thestruggles that come with contemporary Orthodox Judaism, and what lies in the future for this sectof the faith. Rabbi Shmuel Hain discusses the infusion of new thoughts and new sources ofthought into the Orthodox debate, shifting authority, spirituality, scholarship, and much more."The Next Generation of Modern Orthodoxy" is a scholarly addition to any Judaic studiescollection focusing on Orthodoxy and its future, enthusiastically recommended.
The Computer Shelf
Scott Kelby & Terry White
Peachpit Press
c/o Pearson Technology Group
801 East 96th Street, #300
Indianapolis, IN 46240-3759
9780321832764, $24.99,
The iPhone is potential and power that fits in the back of your pocket. "The iPhone Book" is anadvisory guide designed to help readers get the most out of their iPhone, a complex device thatcan do more than most people truly understand. With plenty to learn and plenty of tips for gettingthe absolute most out of one's device, filled with full color photographs all throughout, and muchmore, "The iPhone Book" is a strong pick for those who want to use their phone for more thansimply a phone, highly recommended.
My New iPad, third edition
Wallace Wang
No Starch Press
38 Ringold Street
San Francisco, CO 94103-4403
9781593274290, $24.95,
The iPad is a wonderful tool for the new generation of technology. Now in its third edition, "MyNew iPad" presents a complete and comprehensive manual from Wallace Wang, who presentsthe many possibilities that the iPad holds for those who may find themselves overwhelmed by thepotential of the device. Wang presents many of the most practical apps to consider that allow useof maps, calendars, using e-mail and the internet, as well as the many entertainment uses of thedevice. "My New iPad" is a must for those who want to use their new gadget to its fullest, highlyrecommended.
The Bootstrapper's Guide to the Mobile Web
Deltina Hay
Quill Driver Books
2006 South Mary
Fresno, CA 93721
9781610350525, $24.95,
The internet has left the desktop and is now all over. "The Bootstrapper's Guide to Mobile Web"is a technological advisory guide for setting up one's business using the mobile web, fromcreating a mobile friendly website, mobile apps, QR codes, advertising, to making money off thewhole deal. With plenty of black and white illustrations all throughout, "The Bootstrapper'sGuide to Mobile Web" is a must for technology reference collections for business and personaluse.
Information Need
Charles Cole
Information Today, Inc.
143 Old Marlton Pike
Medford, NJ 08055-8750
9781573874298, $59.50,
The need for information is a need that must be fed more than ever in the modern world."Information Need: A Theory Connecting Information Search to Knowledge Formation"discusses the search for information in today's workplaces and how to better understand thesesearches to improve results and efficiency. Discussing the ins and outs of IR theory, systemdesigns, computer science, and much more, the topics discussed within are a scholarly addition toany information specialist's reference collection. "Information Need" is strongly recommendedfor community and college IT and computer science collections, a grade A pick.
Configuring Windows 7 Rapid Review 70-680
Orin Thomas
Microsoft Press
c/o O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein, Hwy N.
Sebastopol, CA 95472-2811
9780735657298, $29.99,
Configuration allows one to have a program work for you. "Configuring Windows 7: RapidReview 70-680" is a guide to those who are faced with the MCTS Exam 70-680, which involvesknowing the complex potential of Microsoft Windows 7 inside and out. The review coverseverything surrounding installation, the many options that lie within, good maintenance, anddealing with backup and recovery where needed. "Configuring Windows 7" is a must fortechnological studies collections and for computer students who want to ace the 70-680.
Core HTML5 Canvas
David Geary
Prentice Hall Professional
c/o Pearson Technology Group
801 East 96th Street, #300
Indianapolis, IN 46240-3759
9780132761611, $49.99,
Core HTML5 Canvas: Graphics, Animation, and Game Development provides dozens ofreal-world uses of the Canvas API, from interactively drawing shapes and restoring the drawingsurface to using text controls, filtering images, and using advanced techniques for collisiondetection and custom controls for sliders and more. It covers everything from using Canvas onmobile applications to animations and modeling physical systems, and provides fine technicalchapters packed with code and peppered with color screen shot examples of Canvas in action.The result is a top technical pick for any collection looking for basic programmer insights on theCanvas structure.
Scala for the Impatient
Cay S. Horstmann
Addison Wesley
c/o Pearson Technology Group
801 East 96th Street, #300, Indianapolis, IN 46240-3759
0321774094, $44.99,
SCALA FOR THE IMPATIENT is a 'must' for any collection strong in Scala programming, andoffers developers keys to what Scala can do. It offers a code-based manual that is quick toreference and easy to apply, packed with hands-on activities and tips to using Scala's manyadvanced functions, such as its collections library. Learn how to create and use concurrentprograms and how to use and apply the Scala type system with a fine guide to its advancedprogramming powers. Topics are accompanied by code, exercises and real-world applications formaximum impact.
Microsoft Press
c/o O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein, Hwy N.
Sebastopol, CA 95472-2811,
Ian McLean's RAPID REVIEW MCTS EXAM - 70-662 (9780735656103, $29.99) is a 'must' forany exam-taker reviewing the exam, and offers a quick method for assessing readiness for MCTSExam 70-662. The guide walks you through the exam, provides checklists and review questions,and provides tips and links for further study. From installing and configuring Exchange Serversto monitoring and reporting, this packs in keys to configuration and common usage and is gearedto the exam specs and objectives. Any exam-taker needs this quick reference to assure they areready for the real thing - and computer and education collections alike will find it a solidacquisition. Joyce Cox, Joan Lambert and Curtis Frye's STEP BY STEP MICROSOFT OFFICEPROFESSIONAL 2010 (9780735626956, $44.99) provides a step-by-step guide to buildingspreadsheets, performing calculations, and creating a polished final report using Microsoft OfficeProfessional, and is a pick for any collection seeking a comprehensive tutorial on MicrosoftOffice Professional 2010. It's packed with numbered steps, accompanying screenshots to checkwork, and tips for streamlining the entire process, and is a powerful pick for any who would learnOffice Professional 2010.
iOS Hacker's Handbook
Charlie Miller,
c/o Wiley Professional Trade Group
111 River Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
9781118204122, $44.99,
iOS Hacker's Handbook provides all the basics of iOS, Apple's mobile operating system for theiPhone and iPad, and considers the inherent vulnerabilities of the iOS operating system and howit can be overcome. Chapters cover security software, kernel debugging, and provides all thetools needed to understand and foil attacks. From how the operating system works to itsunderlying risks, this is a 'must' for any working with the iOS system who wants a completeguide to its operations and security risks.
Tap, Move, Shake
Todd Moore
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein, Hwy N., Sebastopol, CA 95472-2811
9781449303457, $29.99,
TAP, MOVE, SHAKE: TURNING YOUR GAME IDEAS INTO IPHONE & IPAD APPS is a'must have' reference for any who would develop games for iPhone and iPad applications. Theauthor taught himself how to create an iPhone game in a week with no previous knowledge ofApple's development tools, and now develops smartphone games and apps full time. Coders canuse this book to develop real products for the App Store, and receive keys to getting started anddeveloping best practices in the course of writing games. All the basics are covered, along withcommon game development challenges.
NOOK Tablet: The Missing Manual
Preston Gralla
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein, Hwy N.
Sebastopol, CA 95472-2811
9781449317751, $19.99,
NOOK Tablet: The Missing Manual should go with any first-time NOOK user's package andprovides all the basics of getting up to speed quickly using the NOOK Tablet. From downloadingebooks and games to using it to enjoy magazines, TV shows and movies, this offers keys tobrowsing the web, checking email, logging into Facebook, and much more, and is a specialrecommendation for new NOOK users who want to get the most from their new NOOK.
My Kindle Fire
Jim Cheshire
c/o Pearson Technology Group
801 East 96th Street, #300
Indianapolis, IN 46240-3759
078974922X, $19.99,
MY KINDLE FIRE offers step-by-step color instructions for using Amazon's latest Kindle and isa 'must' for any new owner of the Fire. It tells what to do to overcome common problems orlimitations, offers keys to getting the most from the Kindle Fire, and teaches all the basics ofusing the Fire to maximum advantage, from getting more out of its battery to converting personaldocuments for use on the Fire and using large music libraries. From managing subscription coststo fine-tuning, this is a 'must' for any Kindle Fire owner, and for collections appealing to generalcomputer users.
The Antiques/Collectibles Shelf
Krause Publications
c/o F+W Media
4700 East Galbraith Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236
9781440230561, $14.99,
Antiques bring with them a deep history, and that history may be entertaining or worththousands. "Fantastic Finds: From Auctions to Yard Sales, Real-World Stories of AntiqueDiscoveries" is a guide to the many treasures that can be waiting for those who enjoy antiquecollecting and training, as Antique Trader presents many tales of trading throughout the country,stories of hidden gold, sentimentality, and much more. "Fantastic Finds" is a strong pick forantique collecting enthusiasts, highly recommended.
The Photography Shelf
Heather C. Lindquist
Heyday Books
PO Box 9145
Berkeley, CA 94709
9781597141604, $17.95,
Perhaps the darkest mark on America's record in the twentieth century is the Japanese internmentcamps. "Children of Manzanar" is a collection of photographs focusing on the executive orderthat led to one hundred thousand Japanese Americans placed inside an internment campthroughout the duration of World War II. Focusing on the history of those who grew up after thecamps and what it did to the Japanese American psyche, "Children of Manzanar" is a very muchrecommended addition to history and photography collections.
The Kissing Sailor
Lawrence Verria & George Galdorisi
Naval Institute Press
291 Wood Road
Annapolis, MD 21402
9781612510781, $23.95,
Associated with the final victory of World War II, one must wonder about the personal story ofone famous photograph. "The Kissing Sailor" delves into the historic photo of a sailorpassionately kissing a nurse as Times Square received the news that Japan had surrendered andWorld War II was officially over. Lawrence Verria & George Galdorisi delve into the origins andstory behind the photo, the photographer, and the subjects in particular. Hoping to dispel mythssurrounding the photo and grant some insight into this piece of Americana, "The Kissing Sailor"is a strong addition to history collections and those interested in the deeper story behind thelegendary photo.
Collect Contemporary: Photography
Jocelyn Phillips
Thames & Hudson Inc.
500 - 5th Avenue, New York NY 10110
9780500288542, $21.95,
Collect Contemporary: Photography packs in over 150 illustrations, most in full color, to providea fine collection of modern photography and discussions of the process of acquiring photographicworks. Forty photographers are discussed in detail including biographies of their lives,inspirations, training and influences on the field, while the selection covers many differentcountries. A fine survey, this is a recommended pick for any contemporary photographyholding.
Beautiful Backsides
Bunny Yeager
Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19310
9780764339639, $24.99,
BUNNY YEAGER'S BEAUTIFUL BACKSIDES gathers pinup photos of the female derrierefrom an archive of Yeager's top models from the 1950s to the 1970s, and provides a playfulcollection of images shot at all kinds of locations. These are black and white nude and semi-nudeshots and is a fine pick for any collection strong in pinup art in general and Bunny Yeager'sperspectives in particular.
The Biography Shelf
Frank J. Williams and Michael Burkhimer, editors
Southern Illinois University Press
1915 University Press Drive
SIUC Mail Code 6806
Carbondale, IL 62901
9780809331246 $32.95
The Mary Lincoln Enigma: Historians on America's Most Controversial First Lady is ananthology of essays by learned authors examining Mary Lincoln, the troubled wife of PresidentAbraham Lincoln. Mary Lincoln is well known for her mental health problems, but was she apolitical partner with the President? What were her views on race and slavery? Individual essaysdiscuss these and many more topics including her portrayal in the media of her day, her love oftravel, her fashion tastes, and the extraordinary differences in interpretations of her up to thepresent day. The Mary Lincoln Enigma is an enthusiastically welcome to public and collegelibrary biography collections, highly recommended.
"If You Were Only White"
Donald Spivey
University of Missouri Press
2910 LeMone Boulevard
Columbia, MO 65201
9780826219787 $29.95
"If You Were Only White": The Life of Leroy "Satchel" Paige is a comprehensive biography ofthe legendary African-American baseball player Leroy Paige (1906-1982), from his childhood inthe early 1900's; to his incredible sports career; his involvement in the struggle for civil rights,his talents for public speaking, singing, and even cooking; and much more. Biographer DonaldSpivey draws upon interviews with Paige's former teammates (assembled over the course oftwelve years) as well as exclusive interviews with Paige's son Robert, daughter Pamela, Ted"Double Duty" Radcliffe, and John "Buck" O'Neil. An extraordinary chronicle of one man'scontributions to not only sports, but also breaking the color line, "If You Were Only White" is a"must-have" for fans of baseball history and biographies of truly great players.
Carl Jung
Claire Dunne
Watkins Publishing
c/o Sterling Publishing Company
387 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016-8810
9781780281148, $24.95,
Psychology has made many major steps forward in the past hundred years. "Carl Jung: WoundedHealer of the Soul" is a biography of psychology icon Carl Jung, as Claire Dunne chronicles hislife's journey and his studies, which are known for linking Western and Eastern spirituality in hisefforts to gain a more complete understanding of the human mind. Dunne analyzes therelationship between Jung and fellow psychology icon Sigmund Freud, among his othercontemporaries and their impact on his work. "Carl Jung" is a must addition to biographycollections, especially those looking to focus on mental health.
Stephen Hawking
Kitty Ferguson
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
9780230340602, $27.00,
One of the most brilliant men of our time, Stephen Hawking has been an inspiration on top of hiscontributions to science. "Stephen Hawking: An Unfettered Mind" is a biography telling the storyof the man through the pen of award winning author and scientist herself Kitty Ferguson.Covering his childhood leading up to his diagnosis to his successes in academics and becomingpossibly the most famous physicist of the modern era. For anyone who wishes to learn moreabout the man's life, or for community and college biography collections, "Stephen Hawking: AnUnfettered Mind" is an absolute must.
Pauline Hopkins
Alisha R. Knight
The University of Tennessee Press
293 Communications Building
Knoxville, TN 37996-0325
9781572338524, $45.00,
Black America has had a long road, and Pauline Hopkins more than did her part to help themalong. "Pauline Hopkins and the American Dream: An African American Writer's (Re)VisionaryGospel of Success" discusses the contributions of this women who not only made a difference inthe public's ideas of African Americans, but also joined the fight for women's rights, givingself-made Black American men and women the credit they deserved. Alisha R. Knight covers herlife story well, making "Pauline Hopkins and the American Dream" a strong addition toAfrican-American biography collections.
The Amazing Harry Kellar
Gail Jarrow
Calkins Creek
c/o Boyd Mills
815 Church Street, Honesdale, PA 18431
9781590788653, $17.95,
Challenging people's ideas of what is and isn't possible, magicians and illusionists trick viewersand they are paid to do it. "The Amazing Harry Kellar: Great American Magician" analyzes thework of great American illusionist Harry Kellar through the loving compositions of Gail Jarrow,who puts a spot light on the nineteenth century magician's many great illusions, presented withfull color reproductions of artwork as well as promotional artwork for his shows, as well as abiography of a man behind the magic, who served as an inspiration to the next generation whichincluded Houdini. "The Amazing Harry Kellar" is a must for any biography collection, especiallythose with a focus on American magicians and illusionists.
Forgotten Aviator
Dan Heaton
Branden Books
PO Box 812094
Wellesley, MA 02482
9780828324526 $18.95
Aviation historian Dan Heaton presents Forgotten Aviator: The Byron Q. Jones Story, abiography of one of the most influential aviators overlooked by history. Stunt pilot Byron Q.Jones was expelled from West Point, but that didn't stop him from becoming the first Americanpilot to enter combat, the first to successfully perform a loop-the-loop, and the first pilot tointentionally stall an aircraft and survive. Jones helped to found one of America's first trainingsites for military airmen, and one of the first military flying schools; over twenty years later,Jones contributed to the Second World War by devising a utilitarian military vehicle - the iconicJeep, which remains useful and widely popular to this day. A handful of vintage black-and-whitephotographs illustrate this excellent biography of an extraordinary and resourceful man.Forgotten Aviator is also available as an ebook (9780828324533).
A Never-Ending Groove
Anathalee G. Sandlin
Mercer University Press
1400 Coleman Avenue
Macon, GA 31207-0001
9780881462760, $30.00,
A life in music is a life that is never boring. "A Never-Ending Groove" is a biography of JohnnySandlin, an icon in Southern rock throughout the 1960s and 1970s, who jammed with a who'swho of the era, working as both a main drummer and a session musician, earning many awardsalong the way. For those who want a personal look at the Southern rock era that came out ofMacon, Georgia, "A Never-Ending Groove" is a must for music and biography collections,highly recommended.
The Time Has Come
Damien O'Brien
The Collins Press
c/o Dufour Editions, Inc.
PO Box 7
Chester Springs, PA 19425-0007
9781848891432, $29.95,
Mountain climbing is something that drives people to greater and greater goals, and sometimesthe risk that comes with it goes the wrong way. "The Time Has Come: Ger McDonnell: His Life& His Death on K 2" is a biography surrounding dedicated climber Gerard McDonnell whopushed himself to bigger and bigger goals. Damien O'Brien shares his story up until his fatedjourney that coast him his life. "The Time Has Come" is a must for biography and mountainclimbing collections, highly recommended.
Christian Bale
Harrison Cheung & Nicola Pittam
BenBella Books
10300 N. Central Expressway, STE 400
Dallas, TX 75204
9781936661640, $15.95,
A passion for the screen has made him one of the most revered actors in the modern era."Christian Bale: The Inside Story of the Darkest Batman" delves into the man behind the bat.Becoming known for his temper and drive for his career, transforming his lifestyle for the role,former publicist and assistant Harrison Cheung comes together with entertainment journalistNicola Pittam to bring together fascinating insight into Bale and his psyche. "Christian Bale" is amust for any fan of Bale's work.
14 Minutes
Alberto Salazar & John Brant
Rodale Press
733 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
9781609613143, $25.99,
14 MINUTES: A RUNNING LEGEND'S LIFE AND DEATH AND LIFE is a powerful memoirrecommended not only for athletes and fans of Alberto Salazar, but for any interested in survivalaccounts. The author was clinically dead for a world record: 14 minutes. His memoir includes ahistory of the evolution of running competitions, his place in that world, and the changes thataffected his life after being clinically dead for an impossible amount of time, then returned to life.His is a striking account, hard to put down and recommended for sports and general interestholdings alike.
True Strength
Kevin Sorbo
Da Capo Press
c/o Perseus Books Group
11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142
9780306820366, $26.00,
TRUE STRENGTH: MY JOURNEY FROM HERCULES TO MERE MORTAL AND HOWNEARLY DYING SAVED MY LIFE deserves ongoing mention as a powerful autobiographyand tells of a strong actor who portrayed an invincible demigod on TV but suffered three strokesfrom an aneurysm in his shoulder that sent blood clots throughout his body. Left partially blindand incapacitated at just thirty-eight years old, Sorbo and his Hollywood associates hid hiscondition from the media even as an unbelievable recovery was being made. A powerfultestimony, this deserves ongoing attention and recommendation for any film or general publiclending library's collection.
The Crafts Shelf
Laura Poplin
Kalmbach Publishing Company
21027 Crossroads Circle, Waukesha, WI 53186
9780871164339, $21.95,
Unconventional Chain Mail Jewelry offers keys to incorporating dyed leather, beads and moreinto the usually-plain chain mail jewelry style, and is a fine pick for any jewelry looking to dosomething different with chain mail jewelry. From the basics of several different kinds of chainmail weaves for ideas for incorporating other materials, this provides over twenty projects toexplore and includes gallery photos with more jewelry ideas, making for a fine guide for anyjewelry crafter's collection!
Metal Magic
Kim St. Jean
Kalmbach Publishing Company
21027 Crossroads Circle
Waukesha, WI 53186
9780871164933, $21.95,
Metal working can be a whole new avenue to designs. "Metal Magic: How to Etch, Pierce,Enamel, and Set Striking Jewelry" is a guide to the many ins and outs of custom jewelry andother artistic endeavors using artistic metal working. Kim St. Jean advises readers on etchingtheir own creations, complete with easy to follow full color guides all throughout. "Metal Magic"is a must for do it yourself jewelry creators, highly recommended.
Beaded Bugs
Nicol Tedman with Jean Power
Andrews & McMeel
1130 Walnut Street
Kansas City, MO 64106-2109
9781449417628, $16.99,
In nature, the brightest colors creatures lie in the insect kingdom. "Beaded Bugs: Make 30 Moths,Butterflies, Beetles, and Other Cute Critters" is a crafts guide for those who want to create uniqueand colorful projects using colored beads, as Nicola Tedman & Jean Power present an funexploration of the potential for bead projects. "Beaded Bugs" is filled with full color diagramsand photographs for those looking for ideas for their next beading projects.
The Health/Medicine Shelf
Tom Smith
ISIS Large Print
c/o Ulverscroft Large Print (USA), Inc.
Box 1230, West Seneca, NY 14224-1230
9780753184288, $35.50,
As a general rule, the older we get the more often we need the services of a good physician. In"How To Get The Best From Your Doctor", Dr. Tom Smith (a General Practitioner based inScotland and a contributor of health columns to a number of newspapers) draws upon his manyyears of experience and expertise to provide invaluable advice, strategies, tactics, suggestionsand ideas of what a patient can do to get the most value out of their visits to their doctors.Beginning with a chapter on how doctors make diagnosis; how the practice of medicine works inthe 'real world'; what a doctor's work day is typically like; 'after hours' calls; what to expect afteryou receive your diagnosis, and so much more. Of special note are the chapters on smoking anddrinking; taking medications; and what to do when you don't feel satisfied with your doctor visit.This large print edition, combined with Dr. Smith's superb ability to present information in aneasily accessible manner, make "How To Get The Best From Your Doctor" an ideal instructionmanual for older readers. Informed and informative, "How To Get The Best From Your Doctor"is very strongly recommended for personal, family, senior citizen center, and community libraryHealth & Medicine reference collections.
Yoga for Meditators
Charlotte Bell
Rodmell Press
2147 Blake Street, Berkeley, CA 94704
9781930485303, $14.95,
Yoga weaves together with meditation quite well, bringing the best out of both practices. "Yogafor Meditators" discusses the relationship of these practices and how to use them to complimenteach other to the fullest. Charlotte Bell advises readers on finding comfortable yoga poses thatinvite a meditative state for the yoga practice one wishes to focus on. With plenty of examplediagrams throughout, "Yoga for Meditators" is a fine and much recommended pick foryoga-focused spirituality and health collections.
The Healing Remedies Sourcebook
C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD
Da Capo Press
c/o Perseus Books Group
44 Farnsworth St., 3rd Floor, Boston MA 02210
9780738215914, $25.99,
The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1000 Natural remedies to Prevent and Cure CommonAilments provides natural remedies for nearly 200 medical issues and comes from eight holisticdisciplines, from traditional folk recipes to herbalism, aromatherapy, homeopathy, flowerremedies and vitamins. Treatments for memory loss, anxiety, high blood pressure, diabetes andmore combine brief histories of remedies with descriptions of how they affect body and mind,along with an index to help readers easily locate ailments and antidotes. A fine pick for anyhealth collection, especially those adding to their natural remedies sections who want a broaderviewpoint than many titles offer.
The Insulin Resistance Factor
Antony J. Haynes
Conari Press
c/o Red Wheel/Weiser
65 Parker Street, Suite 7
Newburyport, MA 01950-4600
9781573245494, $18.95,
The Insulin Resistance Factor: A Nutritionist's Plan for Reversing the Effects of Syndrome Xteaches the basics of a health plan that tells how to lose weight, gain focus, and find lastinghealth. It documents insulin resistance, which affects 1 in 5 people and involves theoverproduction of insulin, and tells how a reader can determine their level of insulin resistanceand how to achieve lasting health through nutritional modifications. Highly recommended!
New Harbinger Press
5674 Shattuck Avenue, Oakland, CA 94609
Emily Snadoz, PhD, Kelly Wilson, PhD, and Troy Dufrene's ACCEPTANCE ANDCOMMITMENT THERAPY FOR EATING DISORDERS: A PROCESS-FOCUSED GUIDETO TREATING ANOREXIA AND BULIMIA (9781572247338, $59.95) provides a survey ofACT therapy and how it trains people to face their thoughts and respond in different ways. It's arecommendation for practitioners and clients alike, discussing how ACT acknowledges eatingdisorder behaviors and the underlying purposes they serve, and showing how ACT replaces thesereactions with a different, better set of skills to help clients set aside negative thoughts and makemore useful choices. It's a fine, detailed overview that belongs in any mental health library. KellyG. Wilson, PhD works with Troy DuFrene in the accompanying workbook THE WISDOM TOKNOW THE DIFFERENCE: AN ACCEPTANCE & COMMITMENT THERAPYWORKBOOK FOR OVERCOMING SUBSTANCE ABUSE (9781572249288, $21.95). Itprovides a fine addiction recovery workbook based on the acceptance and commitment therapyoutlined above, and can be used alone or in combination with any 12-step program. Discussions,worksheets and insights abound! Cindy N. Ariel, Ph.D.'s LOVING SOMEONE WITHASPERGER'S SYNDROME: UNDERSTANDING & CONNECTING WITH YOURPARTNER (9781608820771, $18.95) provides a fine survey for any whose partner has beendiagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, and considers its effects, its special challenges tocommunication skills, and how to develop relationship rules to cope with special Asperger'schallenges. It's packed with tools to help partners build intimacy and communicate on a deeperlevel, and comes with exercises, assessments, and analysis perfect for couples just startingout.
W.W. Norton
500 - 5th Avenue, New York NY 10010
Carol J. Kershaw & J. William Wade's BRAIN CHANGE THERAPY: CLINICALINTERVENTIONS FOR SELF-TRANSFORMATION (9780393705867, $37.50) uses the latestneuroscientific research and basics from hypnosis, biofeedback and more to help clients reachstable neurological and emotional states and change attitudes, and is a fine pick for anypsychology holding catering to therapists and clinical applications of scientific research. BCTdiscusses how to repattern neural pathways and helps clients create empowering life experiencesthat can create then reinforce such pathways. It's a powerful guide for any therapist's arsenal oftreatment options, and a 'must' for any serious psychotherapy reference collection. TerryMarks-Tarlow's CLINICAL INTUITION IN PSYCHOTHERAPY: THE NEUROBIOLOGY OFEMBODIED RESPONSE (9780393707038, $35.00) provides college-level collections with afine survey of what actually happens in psychotherapy outside the therapeutic models andtechniques. The focus is on how therapists use intuition to connect theory and real-worldexperience and explores how intuition is used to share clinical insights. Case studies, stories, andoriginal artwork pair in a presentation highly recommended for any practicing clinician orcollections catering to psychotherapists. Daniel A. Hughes and Jonathan Baylin'sBRAIN-BASED PARENTING; THE NEUROSCIENCE OF CAREGIVING FOR HEALTHYATTACHMENT (9780393707281, $27.95) is a powerful pick for any collection strong inparenting and the latest brain research, and provides a fine survey relating brain studies onlearning and parenting to adjusting parenting perspectives. It shows how life experiences affectbrain development and children, exploring the mechanics of healthy parenting and providing anattachment specialist's perspective. Chapters discuss neuronal processes, hormones, andchemicals that dictate caregiving in a fine survey linking physiology with psychology andparenting outcomes.
The Starch Solution
John A. McDougall, MD and Mary McDougall
Rodale Press
733 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
9781609613938, $26.99,
THE STARCH SOLUTION: EAT THE FOODS YOU LOVE, REGAIN YOUR HEALTH,AND LOSE THE WEIGHT FOR GOOD! Comes from a bestselling author and his wife whor*veal a starch-rich diet plan can actually help lose weight. There's sure to be a rush for this idea,which promotes swapping carbs for proteins and fats for a better boost in energy. This bookadvocates a plant-based diet and is based on the latest scientific research showing exactly whatfoods are best for dieters, and is a pick for any diet library.
The Weight of the Nation
John Hoffman, Judith A. Salerno, Alexandra Moss
St. Martin's Press
175 - 5th Avenue, New York NY 10010
9781250014735, $25.99,
Many people believe we're a fat nation because we lack self-control - but fewer Americans aresmoking, many pay close attention to diet and weight - and most still struggle with weight-relatedhealth issues. THE WEIGHT OF THE NATION: SURPRISING LESSONS ABOUT DIETS,FOOD, AND FAT FROM THE EXTRAORDINARY HBO DOCUMENTARY SERIESconsiders what it really takes to reach a healthy weight and offers some eye-opening inspirations,such as the fact that the average adult only needs to engage in 30 minutes of moderate activityfive times a week in order to maintain a healthy weight. Or what cutting back on portion sizescan be as simple as using a smaller plate - which used to be the case in the 1950s. Aneye-opening collection of inspiring facts makes this a pick for any general lending library.
The Human Sexuality Shelf
Rebecca Hill
Fordham University Press
2546 Belmont Avenue
University Box L
Bronx, NY 10458-5172
9780823237241, $55.00,
The place of sex and gender in society has been a driving force throughout civilized history. "TheInterval: Relation and Becoming in Irigaray, Aristotle, and Bergson" is a philosophical delve intohistory as author Rebecca Hill seeks to explore the works of Aristotle and Bergson, outlining thephallocentrism in their works and its place in the modern feminist movements. Hill also seeks tocompare these ideals for a more complete understanding of historical differences between thesexes. An intriguing and scholarly discussion of sexuality throughout history, "The Interval" is acore addition to any college library philosophy or woman's studies collection.
The Business Shelf
Scott Fox
Amacom Books
1601 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
9780814439917, $22.00,
The internet is a whole world of opportunities. "Click Millionaires" is a business guide to theworld of e-commerce for those who are seeking to make their fortunes online and claimindependence from the grind of work that comes with their jobs, and gaining their fortunesonline. Scott Fox describes how to get started and make the most of one's skills online, andbrings the stories of others who have reached out and made their lives their own once more."Click Millionaires" is to be strongly considered for those who want to better understand theopportunities of the internet, highly recommended.
The Conversation Company
Steven Van Belleghem
Kogan Page USA
1518 Walnut Street, Suite 1100
Philadelphia, PA 19102
9780749464738, $26.95,
Social media is revolutionizing not only how we keep in touch, but business as well. "TheConversation Company: Boost Your Business Through Culture, People, & Social Media"discusses how to more effectively use social media to promote one's business. Not just foradvertising, Steven Van Belleghem outlines how social media can help promote customerinteraction, a more friendly corporate culture, among other benefits. Taking notes from socialmedia success stories, "The Conversation Company" is a core addition to business managementcollections.
Expanding the Pie
Susan Rae Ross
Kumarian Press, Inc.
22883 Quicksilver Drive
Sterling, VA 20166
9781565494664, $24.95,
Businesses can share common goals, even if their intents are different. "Expanding the Pie:Fostering Effective Non-Profit and Corporate Partnerships" is a discussion of businesspartnership between these many different avenues of business and how partnerships can formthroughout them, and what must be understood within these cross-intent unions. A stronglyrecommended pick for business management reference collections, "Expanding the Pie" is not tobe overlooked.
Markup & Profit
Michael C. Stone
Craftsman Book Company
6058 Corte del Cedro
Carlsbad, CA 92009
9781572182714, $47.50,
Markup is the foundation of profit for construction work, but there's a delicate balance needed."Markup & Profit: A Contractor's Guide Revisited" is a construction business reference andadvisory guide from Michael C. Stone as he presents how to better balance one's finances when itcomes to giving estimates and bills for jobs. From fully calculating overhead, the break evenpoint, determining a fair wage, and much more, "Markup & Profit" is a strong pick for thoserunning construction businesses who want to better keep their numbers straight for the future, forbetter and return business.
The Innovative Team
Chris Grivas & Gerard J. Puccio
c/o Wiley-Blackwell
350 Main Street
Malden, MA 02148
9781118115718, $24.95,
Innovation is not the work of one man alone. "The Innovative Team: Unleashing CreativePotential for Breakthrough Results" offers a fictional story of a team faced with innovating a newidea for their client or facing termination. Using the fictional story, authors Chris Grivas &Gerard J. Puccio present a treatise on improving innovation using the FourSight Approach andattaining the breakthroughs needed to succeed. "The Innovative Team" is an insightful and muchrecommended addition to business collections, highly recommended.
The Shareholder Value Myth
Lynn Stout
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 650
San Francisco, CA 94104-2916
9781605098135, $16.95,
Shareholders are important to business success, but should they be considered above all else?"The Shareholder Value Myth: How Putting Shareholders First Harms Investors, Corporations,and the Public" discusses the fallacy that many corporations face in favoring their shareholdersamong all else, bending to their will and the wide array of problems that happen on business inmany levels, from customers, to employees, and even the problems at the top. "The ShareholderValue Myth" is a must for businesses who want better success for all involved.
Positive Intelligence
Shirzad Chamine
Greenleaf Book Group Press
PO Box 91869, Austin, TX 78709
9781608322787, $23.95,
Positive Intelligence: Why Only 20% of Teams and Individuals Achieve Their True Potential andHow You Can Achieve Yours is a pick for any business or economics holding strong in realizingpotential. It's based on the author's popular Stanford University lectures and reveals how toachieve this potential in a business environment, teaching the difference between IQ andemotional intelligence, the PQ factor that evolves from a combination of both, and how it can beimproved in as little as 21 days. Techniques and tools for higher-level thinking make for a finegame plan for any who would move up the intelligence ladder.
Judgment Calls
Thomas H. Davenport and Brook Manville
Harvard Business Review Press
60 Harvard Way, Boston, MA 02163
9781422158111, $30.00,
JUDGMENT CALLS: 12 STORIES OF BIG DECISIONS AND THE TEAMS THAT GOTTHEM RIGHT provides a fine survey that shares twelve stories of organizations that used skillsand knowledge to build an organizational decision-making capability to effect positive changesfrom within. The stories offers a case for organization intelligence development and suggestways to modify an organization's structure to make the most of its collective powers of judgmentand creativity. Any business collection catering to organization executives will find this awinning approach.
c/o Pearson Technology Group
801 East 96th Street, #300
Indianapolis, IN 46240-3759
Gini Dietrich and Geoff Livingston's MARKETING IN THE ROUND: HOW TO DEVELOPAN INTEGRATED MARKETING CAMPAIGN IN THE DIGITAL ERA (0789749173, $24.99)tells how to create a flexible, integrated marketing hub bridging all kinds of efforts from PR andsales to advertising, social media and an entire company's team. Then learn how to use this hubto address customer needs individually using the tools and platforms that deliver the most resultsfor the least cost. This is a powerful survey that covers everything from iPad apps to usingmeasurement and assessment techniques to better effect, covering everything from the risks ofthe top-down approach to customer relations to more effectively blending marketing efforts withthe latest communications options. Evan Bailyn's OUTSMARTING SOCIAL MEDIA:PROFITING IN THE AGE OF FRIENDSHIP MARKETING (0789749394, $19.99) documentsthe battle between Google and Facebook and reveals the basics of attracting friendship-basedrecommendations that motivate customers more than the traditional ad approach. It analyzesbusiness and social media, search services, and tells how to begin profiting from personalrelationships, teaching the new basics of social media likes and comments and showing how touse social discovery to deliver attractive consumer messages. Any business involved in socialmedia marketing will relish this!
The Power in a Link
David Gowell
c/o Wiley Professional Trade Group
111 River Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
9781118134672, $19.95,
THE POWER IN A LINK: OPEN DOORS, CLOSE DEALS, AND CHANGE THE WAY YOUDO BUSINESS USING LINKEDIN is for any business collection strong in social mediamarketing who wants a specific guide to using LinkedIn. This isn't just another social media tool- it's a huge professional online network that holds over 120 million users in more than twocountries. The narrowed focus to LinkedIn provided here will allow any business professional tounderstand its networks and how to leverage business and personal advancements using itsunique set-up and potentials. Most business books only lightly touch upon LinkedIn'sopportunities, so it's refreshing to find a dedicated guide that covers all its untapped businesswealth.
The Money/Finance Shelf
Frederick K. Martin
The McGraw Hill Companies
Two Penn Plaza, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10121-2298
9780071753890, $40.00,
Good investment advice can take you so far. "Benjamin Graham and the Power of GrowthStocks: Lost Growth Stock Strategies from the Father of Value Investing" is a market biographyon the man who is credited with innovating value investing. Graham claimed much of his networth through a single excellent growth stock. Fred Martin, a leading investment manager intoday's market, focuses on Graham's methods and how to emulate his success, understanding riskand return, buy and hold strategies, picking future winners, and words from Graham himself onthe market. "Benjamin Graham and the Power of Growth Stocks" is a fine market and investingwork, enthusiastically recommended.
Nolo's Guide to Social Security Disability, sixth edition
David A. Morton III, M.D.
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street, Berkeley, CA 94710
9781413316896, $39.99,
The sixth updated edition of Nolo's Guide to Social Security Disability provides a fine personalfinance guide to any who want to understand the process of qualifying for social securitydisability benefits. It comes packed with forms and samples covering both Disability andSupplemental Security income and is updated to cover all the latest facts on how to prove adisability and understand chances for benefits. From locating disability criteria for specificmedical conditions to appealing if denied and understanding disability benefits for children, thisis a top reference for any general lending library.
Nolo's Plan Your Estate, eleventh edition
Attorney Denis Clifford
Nolo Press
950 Parker Street, Berkeley, CA 94710
9781413317206, $44.99,
Learn how to protect your family with a fine guide to easy estate planning, covering the basics ofprobate, wills, trusts, and much more. This has been completely updated to reflect the latestfederal and state laws, applies in all states except Louisiana, and will save readers thousands inattorney fees, outlining the latest legal strategies for individuals and businesses and how tounderstand the basics of probate law and estate planning. A 'must' for any general lending library,especially those with strong self-help legal sections or aging clientele.
Social Security for Dummies
Jonathan Peterson
c/o Wiley Professional Trade Group
111 River Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
9781118205730, $19.99,
Social Security for Dummies covers everything you need to know about the system, fromdetermining when you quality for benefits for either retirement or disability to handling a baddecision from the Administration and understanding the program's funding sources. Sidebars ofinformation, checklists, and a very simple format assume no prior familiarity with socialsecurity's system and makes for an easy fact-filled guide recommended for any general lendingcollection, especially those catering to older adults.
The Gardening Shelf
Christina Symons & John Gillespie
Harbour Publishing
PO Box 219
Madeira Park, BC, Canada, V0N 2H0
9781550175745, $29.95,
You reap what you sow, so you better sow something good. "Sow Simple: 100+ Green and EasyProjects to Make Your Garden Awesome" is a gardening guide for those who want to make themost out of their gardening projects whether it be for vegetables and especially for that sense ofbeauty that a garden can create. Practical projects throughout illustrated by full color photographythroughout, "Sow Simple" is a strong pick for gardening and landscaping collections, highlyrecommended.
The Pickled Pantry
Andrea Chesman
Storey Publishing
210 Mass MoCA Way
North Adams, MA 01247
9781603425629, $19.95,
Pickling can allow home grown vegetables to last for quite some time. "The Pickled Pantry:From Apples to Zucchini, 150 Recipes for Pickles, Relishes, Chutneys, & More" is a guide to themany endeavors that pickling can bring. Stating that far more than cucumbers can be pickled,Andrea Chesman advises readers on 36 different pickling recipes that cover the traditionalcucumber to oddities like the pineapple. For those who are looking for ideas on what to do withtheir fruits and vegetables, "The Pickled Pantry" is a solid and much recommended addition togardening collections.
The Psychology Shelf
Samuel J. Knapp & Leon D. VandeCreek
American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
9781433811746, $49.95,
Adherence to ethical guidelines in the practice of psychology is of the highest concern andexpectation. In "Practical Ethics for Psychologists: A Positive Approach", Samuel J. Knapp(Director of Professional Affairs, Pennsylvania Psychological Association) and Leon D.VandeCreek (Professor, School of Professional Psychology, Wright State University) collaboratein writing a thoroughly 'user friendly' instructional manual that should be required reading for allstudents and practitioners in the field of psychology. Now in a thoroughly updated and expandedsecond edition, "Practical Ethics For Psychologists" covers all aspects and issues from ethicaldecision making, to business issues, to research and scholarship. It is vitally important that a copyof "Practical Ethics For Psychologists" be a core part of all professional and academic libraryPsychology/Psychiatry reference collections.
Lee H. Coleman
New Harbinger Press
5674 Shattuck Avenue
Oakland, CA 94609
9781608821969, $15.95,
Depression affects many, but being diagnosed makes it seem like so much more than beingbummed out. "Depression: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed" is a guide for those who want tobetter understand clinical depression and how to face it when one has faced a recent diagnosis.Lee Coleman advises readers on how to help themselves out of the emotional whole throughbetter diet and exercise habits and find their own happiness in their path. "Depression" is stronglyrecommended for those who want to better cope with the diagnosis or for those who want tobetter understand it as a whole.
The Trauma Tool Kit
Susan Pease Banitt
Quest Books
c/o Theosophical Publishing House
PO Box 270, Wheaton, IL 60187-0270
9780835608961, $18.95,
Some events can take years to recover from. "The Trauma Tool Kit: Healing PTSD from theInside Out" is a mental health guide from Susan Pease Banitt as she uses her expertise as apsychotherapist to help readers cope with their life's pain, presenting them many ideas on theirroad to healing and how to better embrace it all. "The Trauma Tool Kit" is a strong addition topsychology and self-help collections, highly recommended.
Leonard Mlodinow
c/o Random House Publishing Group
1745 Broadway, New York NY 10019
9780307378217, $25.95,
SUBLIMINAL: HOW YOUR UNCONSCIOUS MIND RULES YOUR BEHAVIOR provides afine guide to how the unconscious mind shapes our experience of the world and our perceptionsof relationships. From its ability to misremember important events to misunderstandings, thislink between subliminal and conscious messages makes for a fine account documenting a newscience of the unconscious and of how the subliminal mind affects how we live. Any psychologyand many a health and business holding will find this draws fascinating links between humanperception and behavioral responses.
Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties and Communication Problems,second edition
Melanie Cross
Jessica Kingsley Publishers
400 Market St., Suite 400
Philadelphia, PA 19106
9781849051203, $34.95,
The second updated edition of Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties andCommunication Problems: There Is Always a Reason provides updated research and informationperfect for health and education holdings, and considers why communications and behaviordifficulties so often occur together. It analyzes mental health and social conditions alike,demonstrating that improving communication skills can lead to better outcomes, and that speechand language therapy that can help is often missing for this group. Her guidelines offerassessments of unmet communications needs in young people and is a 'must' for any collectionlooking at physical and mental health connections in kids.
The Music Shelf
Buddy Guy
Da Capo Press
c/o Perseus Books Group
11 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142
9780306819575, $26.00,
Some people turn the page in their lives with little more than an instrument and their soul. "WhenI Left Home" is a memoir from blues guitarist Buddy Guy, whose work with his guitar has gainedhim his own piece of legend in the past fifty years, influencing countless others who may be morewell known but all pay their respects back to Guy. For those who want a powerful personal storyof a man fueled by music out of Chicago, "When I Left Home" is a fine addition to any biographycollection focusing on musicians, especially the Blues men of the twentieth century.
Languages of Global Hip Hop
Maria Terkourafi
Continuum International Publishing Group
80 Maiden Lane, Suite 704, New York, NY 10038
9780826431608, $170.00,
Languages of Global Hip Hop isn't just a music book: it's a sociology study wrapped in thepopular global hiphop movement and thus holds appeal for music and college-level sociologycollections alike. Unlike most discussions of hiphop culture, this offers a scholarly, detailedanalysis of the language and sentiments of hiphop as it relates to global business, economics,culture and economics, offering a special focus on hiphop language and its underlying socialramifications. Any interested in connections between music, language and society will find thistechnical analysis astute and revealing!
When I Left Home: My Story
Buddy Guy with David Ritz
Da Capo Press
c/o Perseus Books Group
11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142
9780306819575, $26.00,
When I Left Home: My Story offers a fine account of blues legend Buddy Guy and details hisjourney from the South to Chicago, and his involvement in the blues music revolution thatevolved. Born a sharecropper's son, Guy worked the land and lived in a shack without electricity,glass windows or running water. Self-taught as a blues guitar player, he came to find inspirationin the music of John Lee Hooker and his contemporaries - and became part of a movement thatwould inspire him to head north and change his life. A 'must' for any collection strong in bluesmusic history in general and the autobiographies of blues musicians in particular.
Hal Leonard Performing Arts Publishing
33 Plymouth St, Suite 302
Montclair, NJ 07042
Dave Rubin's GUITAR GEAR OF THE GREATS: THE GUITARS, AMPS & EFFECTSBEHIND THE SOUND OF 100 PLAYERS (9781849380713, $19.99) comes from a musichistorian who surveys the gear, licks and lives of 100 top guitarists in a combination of book andCD, including photos, tabulature, and an audio CD covering all licks in the book. From John LeeHooker and Tony Rice to Merle Travis, Pete Townshend, Buddy Guy and Dick Dale, this pairsshort biographies of each musician's style with history, coverage of the evolution of his sound,tabulature of the lick, and everything needed to emulate it. Very highly recommended for anyserious guitar player looking for a solid guide to style. Bobby Owsinski's MUSIC 3.0: ASURVIVAL GUIDE FOR MAKING MUSIC IN THE INTERNET AGE (9781458402899,$24.99) appears in its second updated edition to offer an analysis of today's music business andits future. Included in the review are insights into the industry's top professionals, analysis ofwhat has changed and what is being done differently, keys to using social media marketing tools,and more. The tips on new low-cost high- and low-tech tips for marketing make this anaccessible powerful reference!
The Parenting Shelf
Anni Daulter
North Atlantic Books
2526 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Berkeley, CA 94704-2607
9781583944448, $19.95,
Pregnancy is a life changing experience. "Sacred Pregnancy: A Loving Guide and Journal forExpectant Moms" is a spiritual and health guide for mothers who are expecting a child in thenear future. Practical and spiritual advice all throughout, Anni Daulter advises readers with timespecific advice throughout those forty weeks, encouraging readers to embrace sisterhood andwrite down their thoughts and feelings throughout this major life event. "Sacred Pregnancy" is amust for spiritual mothers who want to embrace their experience instead of simply enduringit.
The Interior Design Shelf
Beta Plus
c/o National Book Network
4270 Boston Way, Suite 200
Lanham, MD 20706
9789089441133, $55.00,
Recycling can be far more than just separating bottles and cans from the household refuse for thetrash man to pick up. Growing in popularity is the reuse of materials ranging from wood, metal,brick, stone, glass, and all manner of fixtures. "The 100 Best Projects with Reclaimed Materials"is a 360-page compendium of interior designs for specific rooms and/or features. Superblyillustrated on every page with full color photography, "The 100 Best Projects with ReclaimedMaterials" is a cornucopia of ideas from real-world examples that will inspire homeowners,architects, and interior design specialists as to what can be done with the highest esthetic valuesfrom the humblest of repurposed materials. A highly recommended addition to professional andcommunity library Interior Design reference collections, "The 100 Best Projects with ReclaimedMaterials" is also commended to the non-specialist general reader for simple browsing throughpages of elegant architectural and interior design examples.
A Beginner's Guide to Mosaics
Alexandra Carron
Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
4880 Lower Valley Road
Atglen, PA 19310
9780764340963, $19.99,
Mosaics can prove a fine pick for those trying to increase the allure and interior decoration oftheir home. "A Beginner's Guide to Mosaics: Four Decorative Projects" is guide to craftingmosaic work for those who want to adapt this artistic style for their home. With plenty ofstraightforward how to practices to get readers going, there lies plenty of ideas for mosaic tilesfor any project the reader seeks. "A Beginner's Guide to Mosaics" is a must for arts and craftscollections, with full color photography all throughout.
The Pets/Wildlife Shelf
Animal Rescue League of Iowa
Landauer Corporation
3100 NW 101st Street, Suite A
Urbandale, Iowa 50322
9781935726128, $24.95,
Dogs can be a companion for a life time and for years to come. "For Love of Dogs" is a dogownership guide from the Animal Rescue League of Iowa as they present a complete andcomprehensive advisory guide to the ins and outs of dog ownership. The ARL advises readers theunderstand the weight of taking on care of a dog, selecting the right breed, caring and training,and the joy and heartfelt stories of both man and dog coming together. With a bonus trainingDVD, "For Love of Dogs" is a strongly recommended pick for pet keeping and carecollections.
Dog-Friendly Gardening
Karen Bush
Hubble & Hattie
Parkway Farm Business Park
Middle Farm Way, Poundbury
Dorchester, DT1 3AR, England
9781845844103, $22.95,
With a nose to the ground, your dog is more aware of what you put in your gardens than youthink. "Dog-Friendly Gardening" is a collection of practical advice and wisdom for dog ownerswho also enjoy gardening, and want to keep both of these beloved things happy and healthy.Pointing out the dangers that can come from dogs and some common gardening methods likepesticides. "Dog-Friendly Gardening" is packed cover to cover with full color photos and plentyof information, highly recommended.
Facing Farewell
Julie Reck
Dogwise Publishing
403 South Mission Street
Wenatchee WA 98801
9781617810763, $11.95,
The decision to let your pet go is often quite a difficult one. "Facing Farewell: Making theDecision to Euthanize Your Pet" is an advisory guide from Julie Reck as she advises readers onhow to better cope with petting a pet down. Reck focuses on the conditions and the pain thatcome with it, discussing important issues with one's veterinarian, and how to comfort oneself andthe pet during these hard decisions. "Facing Farewell" is a strong pick for pet owners who maydread having to make this decision in the future.
Feeding Your Feline
Sandra Miller
Henschel Haus Publishing
2625 S. Greeley St., Suite 201
Milwaukee, WI 53207
9781595981622, $12.95,
There's more to cat food than just shoving something out of a can. "Feeding Your Feline -Naturally: Your Cat Will Love You For It" is a veterinary advice guide from Sandra Miller whopresents her take on better caring for one's cat by catering to a cat's typical tastes, the cons ofcommercial cat food, and how to help your cat attain better general health. "Feeding Your Feline- Naturally" is a must for anyone who wants to better improve their cats health and wellbeing.
What the Robin Knows
Jon Young
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
215 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10003
9780547451251, $22.00,
WHAT THE ROBIN KNOWS: HOW BIRDS REVEAL THE SECRETS OF THE NATURALWORLD offers techniques from birding help beginning birders and general readers to understanda bird's perceptions and animal language and behaviors in general. It offers keys to expandingawareness while shrinking disturbances, and uses bird language to blend Native insights withcurrent scientific research to lend deeper perspective on the natural world and connections andinteractions in nature. Highly recommended for science and general holdings, alike!
Cat Daddy
Jackson Galaxy
c/o Penguin Group USA
375 Hudson St., New York NY 10014-3658
9781585429370, $24.95,
CAT DADDY: WHAT THE WORLD'S MOST INCORRIGIBLE CAT TAUGHT ME ABOUTLIFE, LOVE AND COMING CLEAN comes from a cat trainer who hosts the show My CatFrom Hell, just renewed for a third season. It provides a memoir of how he became a 'catwhisperer' and shows how he moved from being a musician with multiple addictions to ananimal shelter worker and a gifted cat trainer. His approach to cat care offers much to cat ownersand cat fanciers and will appeal to any general lending collection.
350 Main Street
Malden, MA 02148
Carolyn A. Sink and Nicole M. Weinstein's PRACTICAL VETERINARY URINALYSIS(9780470958247, $59.99) is a fine preference for any veterinary laboratory and covers samplehandling guidelines, dry chemical analysis, diagnostic techniques and procedures for any whointerpret urinalysis testing in animals. From a review of renal physiology to an assessment ofurine sample techniques and analysis, this covers basic and advanced diagnostic tests andprovides solid information for more efficient urinalysis testing. A 'must' for any vet's referenceand for veterinary students. Sandra N. Koch, Sheila M.F. Torres and Donald C. Plumb'sCANINE AND FELINE DERMATOLOGY DRUG HANDBOOK (9781405198967, $69.99)provides a compact reference summarizing dermatological drugs for dogs and cat, and covers alloral, topical and injectable medications. Each drug listing includes contraindications, dosage,formulations, side-effects, drug interactions and more, and is organized as a quick, at-a-glancereference suitable for clinical use. No veterinary operation should be without it!
The Audiobook Shelf
Charles Dickens, author
David Timson, narrator
Naxos of America, Inc.
1810 Columbia Avenue, Suite 28
Franklin, TN 37064
9781843795988 $59.98
The Mystery of Edwin Drood is the unabridged audiobook adaptation of Charles Dickens' finalnovel, read by veteran BBC Radio Drama performer and theater director David Timson. In thefictional cathedral town of Cloisterham, John Jasper becomes unhealthily obsessed with hisnephew Edwin Drood and Drood's fiancee Rosa Bud. Then Edwin disappears on Christmas Eve -did Jasper murder him? Or someone else? Or is he truly dead? The listener is left to speculateupon the answers, since Dickens unfortunately passed away before completing his epic mystery.Yet the characters, setting, and portrait of the light and dark sides of the human condition areresoundingly clear in this classic work, evidence that Dickens was a true literary master right tothe end of his life. Highly recommended, especially for public library audiobook collections. 9CDs, 10 hours 32 min.
Sky Dragons
Anne McCaffrey and Todd McCaffrey, authors
Emily Durante, illustrator
Brilliance Audio
PO Box 887
Grand Haven, MI 49417
9781423347064 $36.99
Part of the immensely popular "Dragonriders of Pern" series, Sky Dragons is the unabridgedaudiobook adaptation of the dramatic conclusion to the arc that began with Todd McCaffrey'ssolo novel "Dragonsblood". Now, Anne and Todd McCaffrey weave a desperate saga of humansand dragons struggling to survive in the wake of a horrific plague that decimated dragonkind andleft the planet all but helpless against the destructive onslaught of the mindless Thread. Xhinna, acourageous woman who is the first ever to bond with a blue dragon and the first femaleWeyrleader in Pern's history, must fight two wars - one to protect Pern's struggling survivors, andone to win their respect. In the wake of terrible tragedy, Xhinna connects with the girl Jirana,who has the unique gift to predict possible futures. With Jirana's help, Xhinna may tap into thedragons' extraordinary time-traveling gift to alter the fabric of possibility and rescue her people -but at what cost? Could Xhinna's meddling efforts risk dooming the her people rather than savingthem? Superbly performed by Emily Durante, Sky Dragons is a riveting fantasy adventure, highlyrecommended for fans of the venerable series. 10 CDs, 11 hours 50 min.
The Last Refuge
Ben Coes, author
Peter Hermann, narrator
Macmillan Audio
175 Fifth Avenue, Suite 315
New York, NY 10010
9781427225689 $39.99
The Last Refuge: A Dewey Andreas Novel is the audiobook adaptation of a suspenseful,action-packed novel, the latest in the Dewey Andreas series. Israeli Special Forces commanderKohl Meir once saved Dewey Andreas' life; so that when the Iranian secret service captures Meirand illegally extradites him for a show trial, Andreas resolves to rescue Meir at any cost. But thestakes are much higher - Iran may have a nuclear bomb that could be deployed! Without the aidor sanction of either Israel or America, Andreas must destroy the bomb before it is too late, andhis opponent is none other than the brutal and devious head of the Iranian secret service. The LastRefuge is exciting to the very end, and includes a bonus conversation with author Ben Coes andRepublican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.
All Woman and Springtime
Brandon W. Jones, author
Christine Williams, narrator
Highbridge Audio Books
201 Sixth Street SE, Suite 220
Minneapolis, MN 55414
9781611747751 $34.95
All Woman and Springtime is the unabridged audiobook adaptation of Hawaiian author BrandonJones' debut novel. The principal characters are Gyong-ho, also known as Gi, and Il-sun, twoNorth Korean orphans who become fast friends amid the stifling oppression of their homecountry. Forced to work long hours at sweatshop labor, they dream of better lives and theopportunity to fall in love - and are cruelly betrayed by Il-sun's suitor, who sells them into sexualslavery. They endure unspeakable evil as trafficked slaves, first in South Korea, then in theUnited States, yet their courage, will, and strong bond are the only light in their odyssey ofdarkness. Although violent and at times gruesome, vividly portraying women's oppression, AllWomen and Springtime is also a portrait of human resilience, riveting and utterly compelling tothe very end. 9 CDs, 11 1/4 hours.
Listen Well Volume One
Created by Margaret Dulaney
Featuring guest writer Sophy Burnham
Privately Published
c/o ImMedia, Inc.
$13.99 audio CD / $6.93 MP3 download
Listen Well Volume One is an audiobook anthology of brief, heart-touching stories. Most of thestories are by award-winning playwright Margaret Dulaney; acclaimed poet David Whyte andpopular author of "A Book of Angels" Sophy Burnham also contribute. The stories deal with thejoys and sadness of life's difficult moments, from a daughter who worries about herAlzheimer's-affected mother, to a woman's concern for her sick friend that leads her toexperience a transcendental vision in a Peruvian monastery, to a moment of divine grace in acrowded theater. Superbly recorded, Listen Well Volume One is a treasure, and an excellent giftfor audiobook lovers with a taste for quality storytelling. Highly recommended. The stories are"Our Affections", "Someday", "The Owl", "On Wings of Silence", "Worthless Days", "ARemarkable Story", and "A Small Matter of Great Importance". 1 CD.
Leonard Mlodinow
Random House Audio Books
c/o The Random House Publishing Group
1745 Broadway, 8th floor, New York, NY 10019
9780739383681, $39.00,
SUBLIMINAL: HOW YOUR UNCONSCIOUS MIND RULES YOUR BEHAVIOR uses witand insight to examine the research affecting judgments, perceptions, and the conscious andunconscious mind, and is a pick for any general collection seeing an interest in psychology. Itconsiders the latest research on the subliminal self and discusses how the human kind works andhow we interact with peers and family alike. A 'must' for any general lending library, this audioversion brings the basics to life.
Hachette Audio
237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017-0010
James Patterson's & Maxine Paetro's 11TH HOUR (9781611134148, $24.98) is narrated byJanuary LaVoy, a New York actress who has extensive performance credits and whose smoothand evocative voice lends to a powerful story of Lindsay Boxer, who is both pregnant andinvestigating the discovery of severed heads in a movie star's garden. Her involvement in abizarre crime leads to revelations about her own life and an alienation even from her husband inthis moving saga of danger and revelation. Joel Stein's MANMADE: A STUPID QUEST FORMASCULINITY (9781611133077, $26.98) is humor columnist Stein's first audiobook andfollows his attempt to acquire as many manly skills as possible in order to be a father to hisnewborn son. His quest leads to some amazing jobs, fun encounters, and close insights on thenature of masculinity in this revealing survey. Sherrilyn Kenyon's BORN OF SILENCE(9781607885887, $29.98) receives a fine reading from Holter Graham, who has narratednumerous award-winning audios and who here brings to life the story of Zarya, whose entirefamily is murdered because of one man's greed. Zarya is forced to grow up in hell and becomes aresistance leader, with her goal of topping the government that destroyed her family andchildhood - but a mysterious man enters her world and will bring with him betrayal and danger toher cause in this gripping saga of international intrigue.
The Library CD Shelf
Luna Blanca
c/o The Creative Service Company (publicity)
4360 Emerald Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
$13.81 CD / $8.99 MP3 download
El Dorado is the fifth music album by nouveau-flamenco group Luna Blanca, designed torecreate a storied quest through South America in search of riches, confronting native peoples,untrustworthy bandits, obstacles of nature, and breathtaking beauty. The Latin-themed rhythmsare extremely infectious, and the lively blend of acoustic guitar, rhythm guitars, keyboards,percussion, and occasional vocalizations make for an unforgetable musical journey. El Doradohypnotically captures the essence of legend in its notes, and is enthusiastically recommended forany and all listeners interested in Spanish-inspired music with a twist. The tracks are "Los Ojos"(3:46), "El Dorado" (5:38), "Desperado" (5:31), "Medianoche" (4:05), "Guapa" (4:33), "DosGuitarras" (4:31), "Summer Breeze" (3:50), "Hurry Up" (3:37), "Rio Mamore" (4:58),"Dreaming" (5:17), "Kolibri" (4:50), "Conquistador" (3:00), "Puesta del Sol" (5:52), and "BonusTrack: Desperado (Radio Edit)" (3:48).
Earth Warrior
Tony Duncan
Canyon Records Productions
3131 West Clarendon Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85017
Earth Warrior: Light of Our Ancestors is an album of Native American flute music played byTony Duncan (of Apache/Mandan/Arikara/Hidatsa descent) in reverence of family, traditions,and the joy of music itself. The extraordinary beauty of these wistful songs lingers in the heartand the soul long after the tracks fade; Earth Warrior is a choice pick for instrumental NativeAmerican music collections. Highly recommended. The tracks are "Zuni Sunrise" (2:54), "Battlefor Night" (2:57), "Grandmother Moon" (2:38), "Elders Speak" (3:51), "The Flicker of Light"(3:23), "Canyon Winds" (3:03), "Medicine Woman" (3:36), "Dance of the Coyote" (3:04),"Violet" (3:57), "Denzhone - 'Beautiful'" (3:38), "Taos Round Dance" (2:44), "Going Home"(3:20), "Ancient Stories" (2:40), and "Words from My Father". 47 min., 4 sec.
Emotions: Cree Round Dance Songs
Randall Paskemin
Canyon Records Productions
3131 West Clarendon Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85017
Traditional Native American singer and songmaker Randall Paskemin presents Emotions: CreeRound Dance Songs, an album of music performed via Cree Round Dance hand drumming.Paskemin's drumming and lyrics mesh smoothly into a sweeping whole, in this vibrant collectionof songs about inner strength, perseverance, and the will to make the world a better place. Highlyrecommended. The tracks are "True Love (Imagine)" (4:07), "Tattoo" (3:18), "Strong" (5:16),"She's My Girl!" (6:36), "Enough" (3:34), "Let Me Count the Ways" (5:12), "All I Have to Do isClose My Eyes" (4:40), "Paradise" (3:24), "Teenage Love" (3:27), "Reflection" (4:01), "TimeAfter Time" (3:22), "Oh, Whatever!" (3:59), "So Far Away" (4:23), and "Change (Save theWorld)" (6:06).
The Library DVD Shelf
Learning ZoneXPress
PO Box 1022
Owatonna, MN 55060
Recovering: Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa is an educational DVD about eatingdisorders suitable for viewers of all ages and backgrounds, but especially ideal for high schooland public library collections. Eating disorders affect people of all ages and races, but youngwomen are the most at risk for these potentially deadly afflictions. Recovering: AnorexiaNervosa and Bulimia Nervosa teaches viewers about who is at risk for an eating disorder, whatsustains eating disorders, why eating disorders are dangerous (and sometimes lethal), and howeating disorders are treated. An invaluable teaching tool about a serious social problem,Recovering: Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa is worthy of the highest recommendation.27 min.
Voices of the Andes
First Run Features
630 Ninth Avenue, Suite 1213
New York, NY 10036
Featuring absolutely stunning cinematography throughout, Voices of the Andes is anextraordinary DVD documentary and travelogue of Qhapaq Nan, also known as the Great IncaRoad, an ancient pathway stretching over 8,000 miles through the Andes, connecting oceans,deserts, and fabled Machu Picchu. Originally constructed centuries ago during the Inca Empire,Qhapaq Nan exists today within modern Peru and Ecuador. Qhapaq Nan is not only a travel routeof incomparable natural beauty, but also a cultural legacy of the Andean native peoples. Voicesof the Andes is an utterly striking viewing experience, highly recommended for public librariesand the private collections of armchair travelers everywhere. 78 min., presented in Spanish withoptional English subtitles.
Love in a Cold Climate
Adapted by Simon Raven
Acorn Media Group
8515 Georgia Avenue, Suite 620
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3403
9781598288018 $59.99
Love in a Cold Climate is the DVD collection of Masterpiece Theatre's eight-part adaptation ofauthor Nancy Mitford's witty novels "The Pursuit of Love" and "Love in a Cold Climate".Grounded in the author's experience of growing up as a child of the British aristocracy betweenWorld War I and World War II, Love in a Cold Climate follows Linda Radlett and her quest forlove. Hilarity, adventures, dalliances, and more than one marriage ensues, despite thelevelheaded influence of her cool-headed friend Polly Hampton. Razor-sharp writing andconsummate performances by the leads (including Michael Aldridge of "Tinker, Tailor, SoldierSpy", Oscar winner Judi Dench, and Vivian Pickles) make Love in a Cold Climate a treat for fansof British dramady. 8 episodes on 3 DVDs, 405 min., fullscreen, SDH subtitles.
Midsomer Murders Set 20
Acorn Media Group
8515 Georgia Avenue, Suite 620
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3403
9781598288117 $49.99 DVD / $59.99 Blu-ray
Available in both DVD and Blu-ray formats, Midsomer Murders Set 20 collects the finalepisodes of this popular contemporary British television series starring John Nettles, in the roleof DCI Tom Barnaby. Four movie-length mysteries comprise this collection: "Master Class", inwhich fierce competition for membership in a top-ranked music class has an ugly side; "TheNoble Art", in which a champion boxing match re-enactment has fatal consequences; "Not in MyBack Yard", in which rising hackles over property development precipitates a spate of murders;and "Fit for Murder", in which the Barnaby's spa weekend is cut short by a horrific incident.Bonus materials include a "Barnaby Through the Years" photo gallery and a "Saying Goodbye toBarnaby" essay. Crafted and acted with the subtle ingenuity that is the hallmark of Britishmysteries, Midsomer Murders Set 20 is a "must-have" for fans of the genre. 4 DVDs (or 2Blu-ray discs), 360 min., widescreen, SDH subtitles.
The Kent Chronicles
Starring William Shatner, Kim Cattrall, Don Johnson, et. al.
Acorn Media Group
8515 Georgia Avenue, Suite 620
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3403
9781598287950 $59.99
Nominated for two Emmys and a Golden Globe, The Kent Chronicles is an anthology of threeminiseries based on the popular novels by author John Jakes. Set in the era of the AmericanRevolution, The Kent Chronicles follows a young Frenchman (played by Andrew Stevens) whoimmigrates to America. His escapades lead him to encounter historical figures such as PaulRevere (William Shatner), Benjamin Franklin (Tom Bosley), Samuel Adams (William Daniles),and George Washington (Peter Graves). The saga continues the chronicles of the Kent familythrough their efforts as western pioneers and the fierce War of 1812. Bonus features include theoriginal trailer and a biography of John Jakes. The Kent Chronicles is an enthralling period piece,highly recommended especially for fans of historical drama. 3 DVDs, 568 min., fullscreen, SDHsubtitles.
The Cross and the Switchblade / Run Baby Run
Vision Video
PO Box 540
Worcester, PA 19490-0540
The Cross and the Switchblade / Run Baby Run is a DVD collection of two Christian moviesbased on true-life events. "The Cross and the Switchblade" (105 min., starring Pat Boone andEric Estrada) is the anniversary presentation of a movie about David Wilkerson's work with thegangs of New York City, and the Christian conversion of street fighter Nicky Cruz. Featuring theoptions of English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, French, Italian, German, and Polish languages,as well as optional English subtitles, actor bios, director's commentary, a "making of" featurette,and testimony from Nicky Cruz, The Cross and the Switchblade is the definitive edition of aclassic. "Run Baby Run" (52 min., subtitles) complements "The Cross and the Switchblade" as adocumentary-style overview of Nicky Cruz's life, and how faith in God lifted him from thedepths of drugs and violence and gifted him with the dedication to bring Jesus Christ's messageto teen gangs across America and the world. The Cross and the Switchblade / Run Baby Run ishighly recommended especially for church library DVD collections. 2 DVDs.
I Kissed A Vampire: The Rock Musical
Starring Lucas Grabeel, Drew Seeley, and Adrian Slade
Monterey Media Inc.
566 St. Charles Drive
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360-3901
I Kissed a Vampire: The Rock Musical is a horror-comedy-parody (and twisted kindred to "HighSchool Musical"), in which a teen is unfortunately bitten by a vampiric exchange student. As heslowly turns into a vampire himself, he risks all to save himself and the girl he adores! Whendentists can't help, and anti-bloodsucking pills cause a painful rash, what is a nascentproto-vampire to do? Bonus features include the original iTunes web series that inspired thisrock-out-loud dark fantasy, bloopers, and deleted scenes. I Kissed a Vampire is enthusiasticallyrecommended especially for horror and vampire fans who love a good laugh!
Breathless Body Volume 2: The Edge
Amy Dixon
411 Video Information
PO Box 1223
Pebble Beach, CA 93953
Certified fitness instructor of over 15 years' experience Amy Dixon presents "Breathless BodyVolume 2: The Edge" (55 min.), a sequel to the award winning fitness DVD "Breathless Body:The Ultimate Calorie Burn". Breathless Body 2 applies threshold training and high intensityinterval training to help push the viewer to their limits in a modest amount of time. Noequipment is required; the workout consists of four high intensity cardio sets of three drills each,and culminates in a 6-minute high-end anaerobic push for the finish line. Breathless BodyVolume 2 lives up to its title and is an excellent choice for burning and overall fitness. Alsohighly recommended is Amy Dixon's "Give Me 10 Core Cuts" ($19.99, 67 min.), a fitness DVDfocused on keeping one's waistline trim in as little as ten minutes a day - the only recommendedequipment for these six mix-and-match midsection workouts are an inexpensive stability ball,hand weights, and a mat.
The Genealogy Shelf
John Grenham
Genealogical Publishing Company
3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 260
Baltimore, MD 21211
9780806318974, $37.95,
Now in an updated and expanded fourth edition, "Tracing Your Irish Ancestors" by JohnGrenham is a 606-page compendium focusing on instructing aspiring genealogists on how to goabout identifying and tracing their Irish ancestry. Of special note in this newly revised edition isthe emphasis on the use of the internet in Irish family history oriented genealogical research. Ofspecial note is the discussion on the various idiosyncrasies of the digital versions of sources andthe outlining of research strategies to accommodate them. Detailed, comprehensive, informed,informative, and thoroughly 'user friendly', "Tracing Your Irish Ancestors" is a criticallyimportant and indispensable reference for personal, academic, and community libraryGenealogical Reference collections.
The Gaming Shelf
Sloane Lee & Gabriel Packard
Cardoza Publishing
5473 South Eastern Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89119
9781580421157, $9.95,
There are few better ways to kill time by ourselves than with a deck of cards and a game ofsolitaire. While most of us know one or two solitaire games -- that's the trouble. We only knowof one or two and after a while they can become boring. That's why "The 100 Best SolitaireGames" is such a treasure! The collaborative work of Sloane Lee and Gabriel Packard, this144-page compendium showcasing one hundred different and entertaining ways to play a gameof solitaire will prove to be an enduringly appreciated and utilized addition to personal andcommunity library gaming reference collections. Each game comes with clear explanations,directions, and strategies for play. The games themselves range from classics to new ones you'venever heard of. They run the gamut from the simple to the complex, making a suitable selectionfor any time, place, or circ*mstance guaranteed. If you own a deck of cards and have time to kill,then you should acquire your very own copy of "100 Best Solitaire Games"!
Caro's Most Profitable Hold'em Advice
Mike Caro
Cardoza Publishing
5473 South Eastern Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89119
9781580422093, $24.95,
Located in America's gaming capital of Las Vegas, Nevada, Cardoza Publishing is the premierpublisher of books on poker. Mike Caro (nicknamed the 'Mad Genius of Poker') is one of thegame's most respected and prolific authors. Of special note for serious poker players is "Caro'sMost Profitable Hold'em Advice", a 408-page compendium of insights and advice on playingtoday's most popular form of poker -- No Limit Texas Hold'em -- to win regardless of whetherthe games is a kitchen table affair with friends or a high stakes professional tournament. Caro hasinformed and informative chapters on pre-flop strategy considerations, the math and values ofstarting hands, post-flop considerations, bluffing, table image creation and exploitation, poker asa business, tells, betting concepts, and so much more. Of special note are the chapters on'Tournament Concepts' and 'Hold 'Em Odds Charts'. Simply stated, "Caro's Most ProfitableHold'em Advice" should be considered mandatory reading for any and all aspiring playersseeking to improve their poker play and maximize their chances for the Final Table.
Hold'em Hands I Played Badly
Michael Hesse
Cardoza Publishing
5473 South Eastern Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89119
9781580422987, $19.95,
It is one of life's littler ironies that we can learn more from our failures than from our successes.It is also true that we can also learn from the failures of others. That's why "Hold'em Hands IPlayed Badly" by professional poker player Michael Hesse will prove to be an invaluableaddition to any poker player's personal reference collection as he or she strives to improve theirgame. Drawing upon more than thirty years at the table, Hesse shares an accessible mathematicsundergirding successful poker decisions. Readers will also learn how they can tell what opposingplayers are holding, how to calculate odds, and enhance their winning pot sizes. Written in a truly'reader friendly' style, "Hold'em Hands I Played Badly" showcases hands that Michael Hesseplayed badly -- along with his detailed explanations of just where he went wrong so that otherscan learn from his miscalculated decisions. This 320-page compendium is a brilliant read and a"must" for every serious poker player wanting to make a Final Table.
The Aviation Shelf
Edward M. Young
Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
4880 Lower Valley Road
Atglen, PA 19310
9780764340390, $45.00,
Japan didn't come to embrace western technologies until the end of the 19th century and thebeginning of the 20th century. But when they did they did with a dedication that was rarelymatched and never surpassed by any other Asian nation. Compiled with accompanying expertcommentary by Edward M. Young, "A Postcard History Of Japanese Aviation 1910-1945" is a160-page compendium of postcards celebrating Japanese aviation from its basic origins in 1910down through the end of the second world war and their defeat at the hands of the Americans.The profusion of superbly reproduced period postcards is nicely organized into four chapters:The Pioneering Years: 1910-1918; The Apprenticeship Years: 1919-1930; The Years ofIndependence: 1931-1940; and The Greater East Asia War: 1941-1945. Uniquely informed andinformative, "A Postcard History Of Japanese Aviation 1910-1945" is a welcome and highlyrecommended addition to personal, academic, and community library Aviation History referencecollections, and will prove to be of intense interest for postcard collectors and enthusiasts aswell.
The Economic Studies Shelf
Oliver Jeanne, Arvind Subramanian, & John Williamson
Peterson Institute
1750 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036-1903
9780881325119, $25.95,
As economic crisis strikes, the way the world does things must change. "Who Needs to Open theCapital Account?" is a discussion of the capital accounts throughout the world from the renownPeterson Institute for International Economics. Within, the authors present a scholarly discussionof capital flow, the considerations for prudential capital controls, liberalization, investment, andideas for a better and more complete future. "Who Needs to Open the Capital Account?" is amust for community and college library collections focusing on international economics, veryhighly recommended.
No Slack
Michael S. Barr
Brookings Institution Press
1775 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036-2188
9780815722335, $34.95,
The American Dream draws many to keep working hard, but it often comes without result. "NoSlack: The Financial Lives of Low-Income Americans" is a discussion of the struggles that lowincome families are facing in the wake of the current deep recession, with weary relationshipswith financial institutions which have had a history of predatory lending. Michael S. Barr writesof the reforms that can be done to help these lower income families survive their finances. "NoSlack" is a vital addition to the modern dialogue of economics and the role of the lowest earnersin today's society.
So Rich, So Poor
Peter Edelman
The New Press
38 Green Street, 4th floor
New York, NY 10013
9781595587855, $24.95,
The rich get richer, the poor get poorer has been the rule of the land for quite some time. "SoRich, So Poor" evaluates income disparity and its impacts it has on the country as a whole,looking at the growing number of Americans living in poverty and what is causing more andmore Americans to join them. Critical reading for those who want to understand the povertycrisis and its root causes and the solutions that may be there, "So Rich, So Poor" is a must forsocial issues and politics collections, especially those focusing on current events.
Warfare Welfare
Marcus G. Raskin & Gregory D. Squires, editors
Potomac Books
22841 Quicksilver, Dulles, VA 20166
9781597975339, $32.95,
Permanent war carries many problems for America's well being. "Warfare Welfare: TheNot-So-Hidden Costs of America's Permanent War Economy" is a discussion of the manyproblems that stem from America's prolonged conflict and involvement in seemingly decadeslong endeavors throughout the middle east. The impact, write professors of public policy andsociology Marcus Raskin and Gregory Squires, is felt most strongly by the citizenry at home, andis harming the future of the country's social health. "Warfare Welfare" is a strong addition tointernational affairs and social issues collections, highly recommended.
The Real Crash
Peter D. Schiff
St. Martin's Press
175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010
9781250004475, $25.99,
THE REAL CRASH: HOW TO SAVE YOURSELF AND YOUR COUNTRY comes from abest-selling author and economist who offers a surprising solution to the nation's damagedeconomy: America needs to default and declare bankruptcy to fix it. he feels bankruptcy is theonly way for the nation to get out of debt - and argues the U.S. is dangerously close to runningout of money. The American consumer, reflecting the nation's woes, is also running out of money- and typically has no emergency funds to tap. Therefore, Peter Schiff maintains, consumers needto stop spending above their means, and must save more. It's a powerful call for consumer andnation alike to tighten those purse strings before real disaster - and belongs in economics,business and general-interest lending libraries alike.
The Art Shelf
Benedict Leca, editor
Cincinnati Art Museum
c/o National Book Network
4270 Boston Way, Suite 200
Lanham, MD 20706
9781907804038, $15.95,
"Monet in Giverny: Landscapes of Reflection" is a 96-page compendium showcasing the art ofClaude Monet (14 November 1840 - 5 December 1926) who is considered to be the founder ofFrench impressionist painting. Compiled with commentary by Benedict Leca (Curator ofEuropean Painting, Sculpture, and Drawings, Cincinnati Art Museum), "Monet In Giverny" iscomprised of five informed and informed essays on Monet's landscape paintings by experts intheir fields of study. Enhanced with the inclusion of copious end note, a bibliography, and acomprehensive index, "Monet In Giverny" is highly recommended reading for students ofMonet's life and art, as well as a welcome addition to both academic and community libraryEuropean Art History reference collections and supplemental reading lists.
Jacques Hurtubise
Sarah Fillmore, editor
Goose Lane Editions
500 Beverbrook Court, Suite 330
Fredericton, NB, Canada, E3B 5X4
9780864926623, $60.00,
Abstract art is pure thought and idea, unrefined. "Jacques Hurtubise" is a collection of the man'swork and unique approach to the style, collecting much of his work throughout his career andpresenting insight into the processes behind its creation and work. His art is presented within infull color with insight and review of his work presented in both English and French language. Forthose who want to better understand an icon of the style, "Jacques Hurtubise" is a must, and alsoproves to be a fine coffee table book selection.
Starting Your Career as an Artist
Angie Wojak and Stacy Miller
Allworth Press
307 West 36th St., 11th Floor
New York, NY 10018
9781581158533, $19.95,
STARTING YOUR CAREER AS AN ARTIST: A GUIDE FOR PAINTERS, SCULPTORS,PHOTOGRAPHERS, AND OTHER VISUAL ARTISTS provides a fine primer for any justentering the world of art who would understand how to put together and promote a professionalcareer. It comes from veteran art career professionals who teach the basics of setting up a studio,following health and business guidelines, developing marketing plans and locating exhibitionvenues, and much more. Any artist who would promote a career will find this a winning set ofspecific tips for success.
Hudson Hills Press
PO Box 205
3556 Main Street, Manchester, VT 05254
Alan Pensler & Mimi Ginsberg's ABRAHAM MANIEVICH (9781555953454, $60.00) is thefirst English-language publication to offer a combination of biography of the artist's life andcatalog of his works, and is a recommendation for any serious arts collection. He was a Russianpainter born in 1881 who produced a major group of successful paintings; yet his works remainlargely unacknowledged. Under the overall heading of Jewish Futurist painting his work shines,and this discussion offers coverage of his life, works, and the milieu in which he operated.Jewish and arts holdings alike will find it a definitive, essential work. COLLEEN BROWNING:THE ENCHANTMENT OF REALISM (9781555953669, $60.00) by Philip Eliasoph offers afine catalog of a pivotal realist painter who is one of the few women to make a name for herselfin a male-dominated genre, and packs in an art history with a biographical sketch and review ofColleen Browning's works, influences, and the art history of the realist movement as a whole.Packed with full-page images of Browning's extensive creations, this is a definitive survey highlyrecommended for any serious arts collection.
The Sports Shelf
Daimeon Shanks
Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.
PO Box 5076
Champaign, IL 61820-5076
9781450407076, $19.95,
A good bike lasts a lot longer with solid care. "Essential Bicycle Maintenance & Repair" is anexpanded bicycle care guide for those who are getting regular use out of their bikes and in theprocess getting regular problems as well. With tips for tuning up the bike for better riding,dealing with breaks when far from home, flat tires, headsets, and much more, "Essential BicycleMaintenance & Repair" is a must for general health, fitness, and sport collections.
A Woman's Guide to Muscle and Strength
Irene Lewis-McCormick
Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.
PO Box 5076, Champaign, IL 61820-5076
9780736090353, $19.95,
A Woman's Guide to Muscle and Strength: Programs You Need for the Body You Want providesa fine training program that's easy to follow and is a 'must' for women interested in fitness andstrength training. It's a program created for women, by a woman, and targets how womenworkout and react to exercise regimens. Step-by-step black and white photos provide all the basicmovements and offer plenty of keys to successful workouts with different objectives inmind.
Fields of Glory Napoleonic
Terry Shaw & Mike Horah
Osprey Publishing
4402 - 23rd Street, Suite 219
Long Island City, NY 11101-5058
9781849089265, $34.95,
Fields of Glory Napoleonic: Wargaming Rules for Napoleonic Tabletop Gaming offers a set ofminiatures tabletop wargaming rules that blends history with all the information needed torecreate epic battles using miniatures, dice, and tape measures. Here are the complete rulesincluding explanations of how to play, diagrams of key points, photos of the miniatures duringthe game, and Army lists, making this a fine addition to any wargamer's referencecollection!
Run Less Run Faster, revised edition
Bill Pierce, Scott, Murr and Ray Moss
Rodale Press
733 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
9781609618025, $17.99,
RUN LESS RUN FASTER: BECOME A FASTER, STRONGER RUNNER WITH THEREVOLUTIONARY 3-RUN-A-WEEK TRAINING PROGRAM appears in a revised updatededition to include Boston training programs for all 16 qualifying times, and is a 'must' for anyrunner who wants to become more efficient. It comes from FIRST (Furman Institute of Runningand Scientific Training) and pairs a user-friendly format with tips on how to get stronger andfaster - by running less. Novices as well as semi-professional runners will find this packed withapproaches to optimize training time for better performances.
The Needlecraft Shelf
Connie Kauffman
House of White Birches
c/o Quilting Books, Patterns and Notions LLC
95 Shaw Brook Road, Grantham, NH 03753
9781592173747, $11.95,
Put Some Charm in Your Quilts: Instructions for both paper & traditional piecing provides a finestep-by-step colorful guide to charm square packs and paper piecing, and provides easy projectspecifications, materials, directions and more for many simple projects, from place mats to quiltsand coasters. The projects offer easy methods of using charm square packets most effectively andmake for a fine survey highly recommended for any quilter's collection.
Dynamic Quilts with Easy Curves
Karla Alexander
Martingale & Company
19021 Avenue NE, Bothell, WA 98011
9781604680829, $24.99,
Dynamic Quilts with Easy Curves: 19 Projects to Stack, Shuffle and Sew provides crafters with afine set of beginner-friendly projects designed to teach the basics of curved piecing withoutheadache. Instructions offer designs by quilter author Karla Alexander as well as opportunities tocut your own curves freehand, and provide designs that use modern fabrics and a range ofoptions. With its color photos and patterns, this is a fine pick for any quilter's library.
Happy Home
Jennifer Paganelli
Chronicle Books
680 Second Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
9780811874458, $27.50,
HAPPY HOME could also have been featured in our 'Home and Garden' section but is reviewedhere for its fine collection of sewing and craft projects for the home, packing in step-by-stepsewing ideas with color photos by Tim Geaney throughout. It comes from the creator of SisBoom Fabrics and covers everything from vintage projects to whimsical home decor, fromaprons to laundry bags and pillows, and offers easy step-by-step directions. An inside coverpacket of patterns accompanies a hardcover lay-flat binding suitable for any sewer's pursuit!
Fresh from the Garden
Dodi Lee Poulsen
Landauer Publishing
3100 NW 101st Street, Suite A
Urbandale, Iowa 50322
9781935726111, $24.95,
FRESH FROM THE GARDEN; NEW DESIGNS BY DODI LEE POULSEN FOR TWOSISTERS AT SQUIRREL HOLLOW offers sixteen easy quilting projects perfect for homedecorating, and offers a garden themed collection packed with fun fabrics and lively color.Large-sized simple color patterns accompany tips on fabric requirements, assembly instructions,and making place mats, napkins, and much more. Needlework collections seeking very easyprojects will find this a great starting point.
Stitch Workshop: Herringbone Stitch
Elisa Neckar,
Kalmbach Books
21027 Crossroads Circle, Waukesha, WI 53186
9780871164544, $17.95,
Stitch Workshop: Herringbone Stitch: Basic Techniques, Advanced Results packs in nearly thirtyprojects in a range of styles and patterns demonstrating the herringbone stitch and its uses, and isa pick for any working on beaded jewelry projects and needlework. It is arranged by order ofdifficulty so assumes a chronological learning path that helps learners readily absorb all the basicsteps in an easy progressive fashion. Color photos and fun pack this fine guide, recommended forneedlework and crafting collections alike.
Liberated Medallion Quilts
Gwen Marston
American Quilter's Society
P.O. Box 3290, Paducah, KY 42002-3290
9781604600285, $24.95,
Liberated Medallion Quilts offers seven "how to" projects to unleash creativity and drawconnections between the medallion quilt motif and inspirational designs based on it. Fromdifferent approaches to color and patterns to trimming and using discarded materials and designto produce winning new Medallion motifs, this is packed with photos of Medallion quilts andabsorbing insights into their creation. A fine pick for any quilter's collection, this includespatterns, materials, descriptions of the possibilities, and enough inspiration to prompt quilters toexperiment with their own medallion quilts!
Knit Your Own Cat
Sally Muir & Joanna Osborne
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers
151 West 19th St., New York NY 10011
9781579128937, $14.95,
KNIT YOUR OWN CAT: EASY-TO-FOLLOW PATTERNS FOR 16 FRISKY FELINES offersstep-by-step knitting patterns for 16 breeds of cat and offers new and veteran knitters a finesurvey of fun breed-specific knitting projects. From choosing yarns to stuffing and sewing thecats and adding embellishments, this pairs color photos and detailed shots with fun details perfectfor knitters looking for something different!
Knit Red
Laura Zamder & Jimmy Beans Wool
Sixth & Spring Books
161 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 1301
New York, NY 10013
9781936096428, $19.95,
KNIT RED is the first book of its kind to mix style and soul with heart health education andfeatures some 30 eye-catching red garment and accessory patterns from various industry names.The designers here share their garments and patterns as well as their personal experiences withheart disease and tips on how to stay heart healthy, creating an unusual discussion of knittingprojects and heart healthy awareness. A fine pick for any health or knitting holding, alike!
Quilt Art 2012 Engagement Calendar
Klaudeen Hansen
American Quilter's Society
PO Box 3290, Paducah, KY 42002-3290
9781604600162, $13.95,
It's that time of the year again, when the calendars for 2012 begin to hit the market, and first in isthe annual winning pairing of quilt art with an engagement calendar book format suitable for anybusy quilter. The spiral binding allows for lay-flat access, the presenting of 54 quilts, each facinga full page for days of the week, is bright and eye-catching, and the calendar pairs the very best ofboth worlds: appointments and the latest winning quilt art. A perfect gift for that busy quilterwho already has a big stash of material!
The Library Science Shelf
Kathy MacMillan & Christine Kirker
ALA Editions
c/o American Library Association
50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611
9780838911426, $42.30,
As the world grows smaller, the stories of other cultures grow more enticing. "MulticulturalStorytime Magic" is a guide for librarians who are seeing their younger audiences grow morediverse and how to expand one's repertoire to better meet the many cultures that may begathering for storytime. Librarians Kathy MacMillan & Christine Kirker provide insight on thetopic at hand and provide countless activities and tips on dealing with multicultural classes."Multicultural Storytime Magic" is an absolute must for any librarian's resource and referencecollection who has to regularly deal with younger readers and their parents, enthusiasticallyrecommended.
The Cybrarian's Web
Cheryl Ann Peltier-Davis
Information Today Inc.
143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055
9781573874274, $49.50,
The Cybrarian's Web: An A-Z Guide to 101 Free Web 2.0 Tools and Other Resources provides aguide to free Web 2.0 tools and their applications in libraries and information centers, and is apick for information professionals who want to incorporate the latest new tech tools to connectand collaborate patron activities. From launching an events blog and publicizing programs tostarting an ebook lending program and hosting virtual exhibits, this packs in 101 listings of toolsand their varied applications, and offers examples of how real-world libraries are using theseresources to link to and improve user services. Very highly recommended.
The Philosophy Shelf
John Dewey
Southern Illinois University Press
SIUC Mail Code 6806
1915 University Press Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901
9780809330799, $60.00,
Ably edited by Phillip Deen (Visiting Lecturer, Wellesley College), "Unmodern Philosophy AndModern Philosophy" is a 264-page compendium of philosopher and educator John Dewey(1859-1952) original work which in 1947 had been left behind in a taxi cab only to emerge some65 years later and found to be as fresh, informative, engaging, thoughtful and thought-provokingas anything this iconic pioneer of American academia and progressive education had everwritten. "Unmodern Philosophy And Modern Philosophy" should be considered mandatoryreading for students of Dewey's life and work, as well as a high priority addition to all collegeand university academic library collections.
Philosophy of Social Science, fourth edition
Alexander Rosenberg
Westview Press
2465 Central Avenue, Boulder, CO 80301
9780813345925, $40.00,
The fourth updated edition of Philosophy of Social Science has been completely revised andupdated to include three new chapters (on philosophical anthropology, functionalism as aresearch program, and theories of cultural evolution) and expanded discussions of interpretivesocial science and continental philosophers. College-level economics, political science and socialscience holdings as well as those strong in philosophy will find it packed with analysis on thephilosophical foundations of the human sciences, serving as a basic introduction to connectionsbetween social science and philosophy.
The Science Shelf
Barry A. Vann
Prometheus Books
59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst, NY 14228-2119
9781616146016, $26.00,
The Forces of Nature: Our Quest to Conquer the Planet follows the migration routes of theearliest modern humans and considers why our ancestors chose to settle down in places that wereutopias - and which often held spiritual overtones and influences. It considers how scientificevents were often equated with divine wrath or goodness, offers ancient spiritual texts to offer adifferent perspective on influences upon human population shifts, and provides a fine survey thatmoves into modern times in charting population shifts into dangerous areas that no technologycan help. An important survey between places and natural influences evolves!
Radio Interferometry and Satellite Tracking
Seiichiro Kawase
Artech House
685 Canton St., Norwood MA 02062
9781608070961, $129.00,
Radio Interferometry and Satellite Tracking provides a fine resource addressing the critical issueof space communications and satellites that are proliferating so much that they are causingovercrowded orbits - and it provides a fine understanding of radio interferometers for trackingand monitoring satellites in overcrowded conditions. Radio interferometer hardware, receivingequipment, signal processing and more are covered in a technical survey of different types ofinterferometers, recent technical developments, and more. Any collection strong in satelliteelectronics will find this a winning survey.
The Language Studies Shelf
P.L. Chambers
University of Oklahoma Press
2800 Venture Drive, Norman, OK 73069
9780806142159, $24.95,
The Natural Histories of Pliny the Elder: An Advanced Reader and Grammar Review is forstudents of Latin reading original works by Latin authors, and uses the works of one Pliny theElder to offer text paired with grammatical reviews, examples from Latin, sentence exercisesbased on his writings, and vocabulary lists and a glossary. The result has been classroom-testedby the author and motivates students in the study of Latin.
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
1570 Baskin Road
Mundelein, IL 60060
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers have long been known for their exemplary publishing lists in thefield of Latin and Greek language studies curriculum materials. Of special note for the study ofLatin are their four volume 'Reader' series, each of which is authored by academic experts in thelanguage and in their ability to craft curriculum materials that are thoroughly 'student friendly'.Four volumes that should be a part of every personal, professional, and academic library LatinStudies reference collection includes: "A Caesar Reader: Selections from Bellum Gallicum andBellum Civile, and from Caesar's Letters, Speeches, and Poetry" (9780865166967, $19.00) by W.Jeffrey Tatum, Ronnie Ancona and Laurie Haight Keenan; "A Suetonius Reader: Selections fromthe Lives of the Caesars and the Life of Horace" (9780865167162, $19.00) by Josiah Osgood; "ALucan Reader: Selections from Civil War" (9780865166615, $19.00) by Susanna Braund; and "ARoman Verse Satire Reader: Selections from Lucilius, Horace, Persius, and Juvenal"(9780865166851, $19.00) by Catherine Keane. Drawing from classic works of antiquity, each ofthese four volumes are invaluable, inexpensive, and strongly recommended contributions to thegrowing body of Latin Language instruction materials suitable as supplemental texts forclassroom use, as well as individual studies curriculums.
The Architecture Shelf
Lucy D. Rosenfeld
Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19310
9780764339295, $49.99,
ECO-HOUSE RENOVATIONS: 40 GREEN HOUSE CONVERSIONS reviews the majorconsiderations needed to oversee a home's conversion to an ecologically sound new house, andprovides a design book useful for architects and homeowners alike. Over forty projects aroundthe country include homes that have been reconfigured and renovated, added to or modified.Nearly 300 photos and building plans offer a combination of reference material and designinsights perfect for homeowner and architect collections alike!
The Railroading Shelf
Model Railroader & Jeff Wilson, Editor
Kalmbach Publishing Company
21027 Crossroads Circle, Waukesha, WI 53186
9780890248638, $19.95,
The second updated edition of Realistic Animation, Lighting & Sound offers over 20 modelingprojects and covers the basics of installing streetlights, using fiber optics, and creating workingwindmills and crossing signals for model layouts. Railroaders will find this offers step-by-stepprojects that originally appeared in Model railroader magazine, with a focus on how animationeffects lend life and excitement to the traditional layout, so will find this the perfect item ofchoice for any project.
The Theatre/Cinema/TV Shelf
Gary D. Rhodes
Irish Academic Press
920 NE 58th Avenue, Suite 300
Portland, OR 97213-3786
9780716531432, $79.95,
The Irish have had a curious journey to being fully part of modern American society. "EmeraldIllusions: The Irish in Early American Cinema" discusses the portrayal of Irish American in earlyAmerican cinema. Packed cover to cover with many photographs throughout, Gary D. Rhodesbreaks down the study genre by genre, providing an intriguing study of film and the major actsthat captivated many viewers in the dawn of cinema. "Emerald Illusions" is a strong addition toIrish American history and early film history community library collections, highlyrecommended.
Bankroll, second edition
Tom Malloy
Michael Wiese Productions
12400 Ventura Blvd. #1111, Studio City CA 91604
9781615930890, $24.95,
The second updated edition of Bankroll: A New Approach to Financing Feature Films is a toprecommendation for any film collection appealing to would-be filmmakers who all struggle withthe basic issue of locating funding. Actor/producers and writer/producers who struggle to locatefunding for feature films receive a fine guide from a successful Hollywood producer whoseefforts have netted over twenty million dollars over the years. Chapters cover the basics ofcreating and marketing a project, handling the legal issues arising from funding, and offer lessonsbased on his own real-world experiences. The wealth of detail makes this a 'must' for any whowould follow in his footsteps - and avoid the pitfalls!
Fat, Drunk, & Stupid
Matty Simmons
St. Martin's Press
175 - 5th Avenue, New York NY 10010
9780312552268, $25.99,
FAT, DRUNK, & STUPID: THE INSIDE STORY BEHIND THE MAKING OF "ANIMALHOUSE" offers a behind-the-scenes examination of the making of the film, packs in uniquephotos, and uses exclusive new interviews with the film's director, fellow producer Ivan Reitman,and others to consider Animal House's history, scripting, casting, and success. It offers hilariousand pointed observations of a 'little film' that turned into a box-office sensation, and comes formone who was on board with the film throughout its creation. Any fan of Animal House - and anyfilm collection or general-interest library - will find this a fun set of insider observations.
Keeping the British End Up
Simon Sheridan
Titan Books
144 Southwark Street, London SE1 OUP, UK
9780857682796, $34.95,
Keeping the British End Up: Four Decades of Saucy Cinema provides a fine overview of Britishsaucy cinema and is a special recommendation for any collection strong in British humor. Itsfocus is on British sex film from its beginnings in Nudist Paradise through its heyday with theConfession series and its demise in the early 1980s. This new revised, expanded edition featuresa filmography and new interviews and facts from stars and producers associated with the era,enhancing the black and white photos and discussions throughout, Any film or British culturalhistory holding will find this a winner!
The Cabin in the Woods
Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard
Titan Books
144 Southwark Street, London SE1 OUP, UK
9781848454241, $19.95,
The Cabin in the Woods: The Official Visual Companion is a recommendation for any filmcollection where CABIN IN THE WOODS or horror films in general are of interest, andprovides a fine selection of in-depth interviews, the movie's full screenplay, production art, andcolor photos. This is an in-depth coverage of a complicated horror film, and a 'must' for any whowould analyze the film's underlying concepts. Any film library strong in the horror film genrewill find this a fine choice!
A New History of Documentary Film
Jack C. Ellis and Betsy A. McLane
Continuum International Publishing Group
80 Maiden Lane, Suite 704, New York, NY 10038
9780826417510, $29.95,
A New History of Documentary Film in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdomprovides a fine retelling of the genre's history and influences, and offers a wide-ranging survey ofdocumentary films that have evolved in the era of cable TV, digital video, and more. It considerschanging commentary, emotional involvement techniques, changed subject matter and socialpresentation, and much more, and is a fine guide for any who would study the evolution ofdocumentary film.
Digital Technical Theater Simplified
Drew Campbell
Allworth Press
10 East 23rd Street, Suite 510
NY, NY 10010
1581158556, $24.95,
Any collection strong in performing arts history and culture will find Digital Technical TheaterSimplified a fine guide reviewing digital tools currently available for the stage. From lighting andaudio and video to media servers and computerized control, this reads like a text and opens eachchapter with a short quiz to help readers determine their own skills levels. All chapters offerexamples of technology in action and case studies of how professionals incorporate digitaltechniques into theater productions, making this a fine guide for any involved in the performingarts.
The Military Shelf
Dave R. Palmer
Regnery Publishing, Inc.
One Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
9781596987913 $27.95
Lieutenant General Dave R. Palmer, former superintendent of West Point, presents GeorgeWashington's Military Genius, an examination of George Washington's strategy and militarytactics during the American War for Independence. George Washington's Military Genius refutesthe commonly held theory that Washington outlasted his British foes through sheer perseverance;his cunning stretched actually far beyond simple military maneuvers. Washington was ahead ofhis time in that he skillfully raised and held together an army with almost no money, noresources, and (at first) no allies; he seized advantage of European professionals to train hissoldiers; he recognized the value of French naval power; and he personified the strong moralleadership that ultimately inspired victory. George Washington's Military Genius is highlyrecommended especially for public and college library American military history shelves.
Those Who Have Borne the Battle
James Wright
Public Affairs
250 West 57th St., Suite 1321, New York NY 10107
9781610390729, $27.99,
THOSE WHO HAVE BORNE BATTLE: A HISTORY OF AMERICA'S WARS AND THOSEWHO FOUGHT THEM provides a powerful history of this country's changing relationship withits armed forces and comes from a historian and former marine who uses history to investigateAmerica's wars. From the Revolutionary generation's difficulty assuming an obligation toveterans that changed by the start of the War of 1812 to the Civil War's policy of establishingnational cemeteries for its soldiers, this is packed with fine reference details perfect for anymilitary history collection.
Eric Blehm
Waterbrook Press
12265 Oracle Blvd. #200, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
9780307730695, $21.99,
FEARLESS: THE UNDAUNTED COURAGE AND ULTIMATE SACRIFICE OF NAVYSEAL TEAM SIX OPERATOR ADAM BROWN tells of a Navy SEAL team member who diedduring a firefight in the mountains of Afghanistan, and tells how he overcame physicaldisabilities to become a team member. Interviews with family, friends and teammates offers afine portrait of an Arkansas farmboy who originally fell in with the wrong crowd and becameaddicted to crack cocaine, wound up in jail, and eventually found love and redemption. Hisfamily helped him, the love of his future wife gave him the strength to recover, and he fulfilledhis dream of becoming a Navy SEAL, overcoming injuries that included being shot and blindedin one eye and having the fingers of his shooting hand crushed in a Humvee accident inAfghanistan. It's an inspirational, powerful pick for any military collection and many a generalinterest or spirituality holding.
Osprey Publishing
4402 - 23rd Street, Suite 219
Long Island City, NY 11101-5058
Robert Stirling's SAS ULTIMATE GUIDE TO COMBAT: HOW TO FIGHT AND SURVIVEIN MODERN WARFARE (9781849087636, $25.95) provides a new combat handbook from aspecial forces soldier with a focus on modern fighting techniques, and is a 'must' for any militarycollection. Stirling is a combat veteran of Afghanistan, Northern Ireland and more, and hereprovides a complete training manual soldiers will want to check out. It's packed with tips bootcamp doesn't teach - and offers a blend of personal experience and insights from operations thatwere successes and failures. 150 color and 100 black and white how-to illustrations and photosmake this a fine, practical survey of the latest combat strategies. Shawn Carpenter,'s DAYOF THE RANGERS: SOMALIA 1993 (9781849087674, $24.95) provides a fine survey thatpairs historical background with twenty scenarios of battle suitable for wargame players, and is apick for military collections where wargames are of interest. It provides a range of tacticalchallenges for Force on Force players, and offers detailed battles and scenarios perfect forwargame players.
The Criminology Shelf
Michael Newton
McFarland & Company
PO Box 611, Jefferson NC 28640
9780786466405, $40.00,
If for no other reason, the exposure of the Mafia capos meeting together at one of their member'srural estates in Apalachin, New York on November 14, 1957, meant that FBI director J. EdgarHoover could no longer deny the very existence of this dominant and dominating organizedcriminal body. "The Mafia At Apalachin, 1957" by Michael Newton is a detailed,comprehensive, and methodical historical survey and analysis of the event and how it launched amassive and ultimately successful nation-wide campaign against the Mafia over the next severaldecades. Informed, informative, superbly written and presented, "The Mafia At Apalachin, 1957"is a 'must read' for students of 20th Century American Criminology in general, and the'take-down' of the Mafia in particular.
The Literary Studies Shelf
Michael A. Lofaro, editor
The University of Tennessee Press
293 Communications Building
Knoxville, TN 37996-0325
9781572338531, $49.00,
James Agee is widely considered to be one of 20th Century America's most underrated literaryfigures whose contributions are only being recognized for their true worth in the past couple ofdecades. Knowledgeably compiled and deftly edited by Michael A. Lofaro (Lindsay YoungProfessor of American Literature and American and Cultural Studies at the University ofTennessee), "Agee at 100: Centennial Essays on the Works of James Agee" is a 304-pagecompendium comprised of thirteen seminal and scholarly essays on Agee and his literary works(most of which were presented at the Centennial Anniversary Symposium on James Agee held atthe University of Tennessee in the Fall of 2009). From Dwight Garner's 'Why Agee Matters', toPaul Ashdown's 'Agee on Books', to David Madden's 'Seeing Agee in Lincoln: A Short Story',"Agee at 100: Centennial Essays on the Works of James Age" is an impressive and highlyrecommended contribution to academic library 20th Century American Literary Studies referencecollections in general, and James Agee Studies reading lists in particular.
Beyond the Wall
James Lowder, editor
R. A. Salvatore, foreword
Smart Pop
c/o BenBella Books
10300 N. Central Expressway, Suite 400
Dallas, TX 75231
9781936661749, $14.95,
"Beyond the Wall: Exploring George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire" is a collection ofreflective essays on the fabulously successful "A Song of Ice and Fire" series of fantasy novels,recently interpreted in the epic television series, "A Game of Thrones." While anxious fans andreaders await the sixth volume of the series, "The Winds of Winter," a stunning array of talentedcreators and critics have been gathered into this scintillating essay collection of analysis/reactionsto the world created by George R. R. Martin in "A Song of Ice and Fire," and "Game ofThrones." Contributing authors include Caroline Spector ("Power and Feminism in Westeros"),Alyssa Rosenberg (Men and Monsters"), Susan Vaught ("The Brutal Cost of Redemption inWesteros"), and Daniel Abraham ("Same Song in a Different Key"). Of central interest is "ThePalace of Love, the Palace of Sorrow," by Linda Antonsson and Elio M. Garcia, Jr. founders, the author-approved A Song of Ice and Fire fansite and co-authors with Martin ofa forthcoming publication, the guidebook, "The World of Ice and Fire." Additional outlooks andfurther insights abound in "A Sword Without a Hilt," by Jesse Scoble (of RPG fame), and "OfDirewolves and Gods," by Andrew Zimmerman Jones. Further speculation about how thevolumes of series span the transfer of paper publication to e-publications are presented in"Collecting Ice and Fire in the Age of Nook and Kindle," by John Jos. Miller. In short, "Beyondthe Wall" is a critical essay collection of huge impact about the stunning, multi-media work thathas arisen from a very talented epic fantasy author, the great George R. R. Martin. Copies will flyoff the shelves, virtual or actual. "A Song of Ice and Fire" is comparable to the adult version ofthe Harry Potter juvenile series in its popularity, excellence, and appeal.
Of Noble Origins
Sahar Khalifeh
American University in Cairo Press
420 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10018-2729
9789774165429, $17.95,
What was once so dear to us drifts away. "Of Noble Origins" is an entry into the AmericanUniversity in Cairo Press's Modern Arabic Literature collection, from Palestinian author SaharKhalifeh. Telling the story of the Qahtan family, who holds a belief they are descended from theProphet Muhammad, and has used that status to flourish in society. Set in the aftermath of WorldWar I, where British Mandate is fundamentally transforming Palestinian society with the rise ofZionism. "Of Noble Origins" is a must for world literature collections, highly recommended.
Living With Books
Dominique Dupuich and Roland Beaufre
Thames & Hudson
500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110-0017
9780500290309, $26.95,
LIVING WITH BOOKS could have been featured in many of our columns, from 'Home andGarden' to 'The Arts'. It's reviewed here so that any who love books won't miss its inspiringreview of how to house and display a collection in the home. Illustrations and text covershelving, lighting, and a blend of artistic presentation and practical arrangement of a bookcollection. It packs in color photos of book lovers and their collection displays, includes a healthydose of interior design basics, and is a 'must' for any literary, arts, or home and interior designholding!
Sylvia Plath and the Mythology of Women Writers
Janet Badia
University of Massachusetts Press
Box 429, Amherst, MA 01003
9781558498969, $24.95,
Sylvia Plath and the Mythology of Women Writers provides a college-level survey dedicated toconsidering the rise of the legend of Sylvia Plath's women readership, and is a fine discussionidentifying the illusions of this readership and the anti-feminist roots of such perceptions. Itexposes our cultural biases against women readers and reveals how the mythology has shaped theproduction and critical analysis of Plath's works, offering insights on book reviews, films and TVshows alike. A fine choice for any literary collection strong in Plath's writings, and for anywomen's issues holding as well.
Between the House and the Chicken Yard
Jolly Kay Sharp
Mercer University Press
1400 Coleman Avenue, Macon GA 31207-0001
9780881462630, $35.00,
Between the House and the Chicken Yard: The Masks of Flannery O'Connor is an ongoingrecommendation for any college-level holding strong in the works and analysis of FlanneryO'Connor, offering an in-depth critical study of her spiritual, Southern and intellectual roots.Here are considerations of a woman who left no memoirs or autobiographical writings, leavingfuture analyses to bridge the gap and provide details of her life and perspective from her otherworks. Here her letters, manuscripts and previously unpublished letters are used to consider howO'Connor defined herself; not just how critics have presented her. Any collection with extensiveinformation on O'Connor will find this key to a thorough consideration of her life andperspectives.
The Nautical Shelf
Ed Mapes
Paradise Cay Publications
PO Box 29, Arcata, CA 95518-0029
9781574092530, $39.95,
Further Offshore deserves ongoing recommendation for any sailor who has already had extensiveexperience sailing or racing, but who wants to move to the next level of bluewater or offshoresailing. It's packed with everything from equipping a boat to the psychological changes needed tomake this transition, is backed by the author's years of sailing and sail training, and is a 'musthave' reference accompaniment to his newer, safety-oriented survey Safer Offshore. There areplenty of books on sailing, but this should be among the standard references on the shelf, as itholds timeless details.
Marine Medicine, second edition
Eric A. Weiss, MD and Michael E. Jacobs, MD
Mountaineers Books
1001 SW Klickitat Way, Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98134
9781594856600, $15.95,
The second updated edition of MARINE MEDICINE: A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE offers afine pocket guide preparing mariners for travel and covers everything form how to identifyhazardous marine life to being safe under any conditions. Other marine books have covered this,but this book offers a compact format and easy first aid strategies that lend to being included inany basic care kit, and comes from two internationally recognized experts in emergencymedicine. From CPR and treating dental injuries to hazardous marine life, cuts, and marinecommunications to include evacuations at sea, this is packed with invaluable information.
The Environmental Studies Shelf
National Academies Press
PO Box 741500, Atlanta, GA 30374-1500
9780309252423, $41.00,
Our environment is important for our future. "Ecosystem Services: Charting a Path toSustainability" discusses the impact of the ecosystem on humanity, and humanity's pursuit ofmaintaining its quality of life while allowing the environment to persist for years to come. Withmuch discussion of policy issues and getting knowledge about the environment out so that the layperson may understand more completely, "Ecosystem Services" is a strong reference forenvironmental studies collections, highly recommended.
Cooler, Smarter
Island Press
1718 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 300
Washington, DC 20009-1148
9781610911924, $21.95,
Lowering one's impact on the world can make a difference, but there are wiser ways. "Cooler,Smarter: Practical Steps for Low-Carbon Living" is an advisory for those concerned about theirown carbon footprint, as the Union of Concerned Scientists compile what can be done to push fora more wise and comprehensive measure of reducing carbon emissions in many ways on agrander scale. Encouraging readers not to panic over every little thing and that making adifference requires the efforts of more than a sole individual, "Cooler, Smarter" is a must forthose who want to make a bigger difference in the future of the planet.
The Agriculture Shelf
S. G. Elias & Collaborators
Michigan State University Press
1405 South Harrison Road, Suite 25
East Lansing, MI 48823-5245
978161186039, $74.95,
Good plants need a good starting point. "Seed Testing: Principles & Practices" is a gardening andagriculture guide from a collection of seed scientists from across the country as they provide aninsightful and scholarly text on the many pieces of seed science and how to gain a more completeunderstanding of the science, its applications in agriculture and the future of seedborne diseasesand other early issues. Filled cover to cover with well done illustrations and graphs to help teachthe lessons within, as well as comprehensive indexes and glossaries, "Seed Testing: Principles &Practices" is an absolute must for agriculturally-driven community and college librarycollections.
The International Studies Shelf
Fouad Ajami
Hoover Institution Press
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6010
9780817915049, $19.95,
The violence in Syria has been raging for quite some time. "The Syrian Rebellion" studies thecurrently raging conflict in Syria, as many of the Syrian people have rebelled against dictatorsHafez al-Assad and his son Bashar. The continual struggle is analyzed by Lebanese native FouadAjmi, who presents a critique of the events and what it will mean for Syria's future, and theworldwide backlash against oppressive regimes. "The Syrian Rebellion" is a must forinternational issues and current affairs collections focusing on the middle east, enthusiasticallyrecommended.
The Civil War Shelf
David F. Riggs
White Mane Publishing Company
PO Box 152
Shippenburg, PA 17257
9781572494060 $22.95
David F. Riggs (former curator of the Jamestown museum collection at Colonial NationalHistorical Park) presents Embattled Shrine: Jamestown in the Civil War. Embattled Shrinechronicles the military history of Jamestown, Virginia from its inception in 1607, with especialemphasis on its role during the American Civil War. Jamestown served as a fortress for theConfederates, as well as a place for naval ordinance research and a logistics center, until theUnion captured it. Then Jamestown became a key Union army outpost and communicationscenter. Embattled Shrine follows the minute details of Jamestown's role the in war, enhancedwith a chronology, numerous appendices, exhaustive notes and bibliography, and vintageblack-and-white photographs. Embattled Shrine is an excellent choice for American local historyand Civil War reference shelves.
The Technology Shelf
Seiichiro Kawase
Artech House
685 Canton Street, Norwood, MA 02062
9781608070961, $129.00,
Orbiting satellite communications have become a fundamental 'building block' feature of ourcontemporary world. So much so that the ever increasing numbers of geostationary orbitingsatellites have creating 'traffic problems' with the overcrowding and conflicting orbit paths."Radio Interferometry And Satellite Tracking" by Seiichiro Kawase (Professor of AerospaceEngineering, National Defense Academy, Khadakwasla Pune, MH 411023, India), is a 230-pagecompendium focusing specifically on this issue in terms of the fundamental of radiointerferometer hardware, the nature of the satellite target tracking, recent technical developments,orbital monitoring, and safety control issues. A seminal work of impeccable scholarship, "RadioInterferometry And Satellite Tracking" is a core addition to professional and academic librarySpace Technology and Applications reference collections and as curriculum studiestextbook.
The Reference Shelf
Brad Steiger & Sherry Steiger
Visible Ink Press
43311 Joy Road, #414
Canton, MI 48187-2075
9781578593682, $24.95,
From the days of George Washington and the Masonic Order, down through various presidentialassassinations (most recently that of John F. Kennedy), to alleged governmental cover-ups suchas Roswell UFOs, FEMA post hurricane Katrina responses, the death of public dignitaries suchas Princess Diana, to religious controversies like the allegation that Jesus Christ was married toMary Magdalene and had a daughter. Ordinary people must like a good conspiracy theorybecause there are so many of them! That's why "Conspiracies and Secret Societies: The CompleteDossier", a descriptive, 600-page, informed, informative, encyclopedic compendium of them byBrad and Sherry Steiger will prove to be an enduringly popular addition to personal andcommunity library collection. Now in a thoroughly updated and expanded second editioncovering more than 240 individuals, organizations, and events is a 'must' for any and allconspiracy study researchers, as well as non-specialist general readers with an interest inconspiracy theories.
The Writing/Publishing Shelf
Alison Baverstock
Bloomsbury Publishing
80 Maiden Lane, Suite 704
NY, NY 10038
9781408139820, $22.95,
In "The Naked Author: A Guide to Self-Publishing", author Alison Baverstock draws upon hermany years of experience and expertise as a Course Leader for MA Publishing at Kingstonuniversity to create a 378-page compendium providing aspiring writers with a complete'do-it-yourself' workshop on how to turn a manuscript into a book while comporting their writingand publishing activities professionally and profitably. Of special note are the chapters focusingon defining the scope of a writing/publishing project; when and why to seek editorial support;commissioning images and illustrations; and self-publishing ebooks. "The Naked Authorprovides a complete 'how to' guide for marketing (including copywriting) that will prove ofexceptional value for the novice. Practical, comprehensive, useful and user friendly, "The NakedAuthor" will prove to be an exceptional and detailed introduction, as well as having an enduringvalue as a professional reference for even the more experienced self-published authors.
A Year of Writing Dangerously
Barbara Abercrombie
New World Library
14 Pamaron Way, Novato, CA 94949
9781608680511, $16.95,
Writing is something that must be committed to. "A Year of Writing Dangerously: 365 Days ofInspiration & Encouragement" is a collection of inspirational writings from Barbara Abercrombiewho explores the nature of writing and shares her experiences and insights for those who want toembrace their creative side and with insights from writers of all levels, from the novice to theNobel prize winners. "A Year of Writing Dangerously" is a strong pick for writing inspirationand motivational collections.
The Native American Shelf
Davie C. Natcher, et al.
University of Manitoba Press
301 St. John's College
Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R3T 2M5
9780887557316, $31.95,
The latest addition to the outstanding 'Contemporary Studies of the North' series from theUniversity of Manitoba Press, "Settlement, Subsistence and Change Among the Labrador Inuit:The Nunatsiavummiut Experience" by the editorial team of David C. Natcher (AssociateProfessor and Director of the Indigenous Land Management Institute at the University ofSaskatchewan, Canada), Lawrence Felt (Professor, Department of Sociology, MemorialUniversity, newfoundland, Canada), and academic Andrea Procter is a 264-page compendiumcomprised of twelve original articles focusing upon the 2005 Labrador Inuit Land ClaimAgreement and the establishment of the first Inuit self-government 'Nunatsivaut'. Covering thehistory of land and resource use by the Labrador Inuit including their way of life, culturalsurvival, forced relocations, settlement patterns, urban planning, and more. Informed andinformative, and a body of impressive seminal scholarship, "Settlements, Subsistence, andchange Among the Labrador Inuit" is very highly recommended for academic library CanadianHistory and Aboriginal History reference collections and supplemental reading lists.
The Social Issues Shelf
Owen Jones
20 Jay Street, 10th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201-8346
9781844678648 $19.95
Now available in paperback with a new preface, Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Classis a sharply critical view of how class discrimination, stereotyping, and outright hatred aredestroying the fabric of society in Great Britain. Britain's denigrating attitude towards itsworking-class poor can be summarized in a single, hateful slur: the word "chav", which carriesheavy connotations of lazy, boorish, f*ckless, or criminal behavior, and which is repeatedlyleveled at Britain's poorest laborers. Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class explores thefactors in recent history that have hurt Britain's poor the hardest, including the deindustrializationthat kicked off under Margaret Thatcher's time as Prime Minister, the increased reliance onregressive VAT taxes that take a greater percentage of poor people's income, the ghettoization ofstate-subsidized "council housing", since the state refuses to build additional housing, andmeans-testing ensures that council housing will be inhabited by the poorest segments of society.So-called "chavs" are accused of being lazy, drug-addicted lowlifes who breed with abandon forwelfare benefits, but how much of this is really true? Author Owen Jones uses statistics todeconstruct the myths (for example, it's not that teen pregnancy rates are higher among Britain'spoor, but rather that middle class teens are more likely to get an abortion) and exposesfrightening trends - especially how education, one of the only ways to lift oneself out of poverty,has become increasingly expensive, further cementing the class divide. Above all, highunemployment and the lack of jobs that pay a decent wage, prompting fierce competition for thefew low-paying service sector jobs available, indicate that Britain's systemic poverty will not beeased anytime soon - especially when the middle and upper classes can thoroughly justify it bylabeling the poor "chavs", and blaming them exclusively for a post-industrial society andeconomy that has failed to provide jobs. Although Chavs: The Demonization of the WorkingClass is specifically about British social issues, its observations and warnings are directlyapplicable to plight of the working poor of first-world countries everywhere, and worthy of thehighest recommendation.
Ethical Chic
Fran Hawthorne
Beacon Press
25 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02108-2892
9780807000946, $25.95,
Corporate exploitation seems to be everywhere, and ethics seem to be fading away. "EthicalChic: The Inside Story of the Companies We Think We Love" looks at consumer activism andthe companies who seem to have co-opted ethical marketing when doing nothing of the sort.From Starbuck's contribution to Landfills, Apple's use of cheap overseas labor, and AmericanApparel's sexual harassment suites, "Ethical Chic" provides a unique picture of many supposedlyethical companies and what really makes business ethics in today's corporate world.
The Locavore's Dilemma
Pierre Desrochers and Hiroko Shimizu
Public Affairs Books
250 West 57th Street, #1321
New York, NY 10107
9781586489403, $26.99,
Eating local is a dream for many who want to make a difference, but it can often prove difficult."The Locavore's Dilemma: In Praise of the 10,000-Mile Diet"discusses the possibility that eatinglocal is not the best answer for environmental activists. Pierre Desrochers and Hiroko Shimizuwrite in support of the modern food system stating that the efficiency of global eating is what isgoing to be required to feed the growing world population, and the local eating fad may be a faddistracting from more serious issues. "The Locavore's Dilemma" is worth considering for thoseconcerned with international agriculture and the eating habits of the world, highlyrecommended.
Genetic Justice
Sheldon Krimsky & Tania Simoncelli
Columbia University Press
61 West 62nd Street
New York, NY 10023-7015
9780231145213, $22.50,
GENETIC JUSTICE: DNA DATA BANKS, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS, AND CIVILLIBERTIES is for any interested in balancing public safety and personal freedom, and surveysDNA databases and their pros and cons. It presents a new vision of justice based on DNAsamples and effects of DNA evidence on the criminal justice system, and offers an assessment ofthe social and ethical issues raised by DNA testing. Any college-level criminal justice collectionneeds this wide-ranging probe into the effects of DNA evidence on criminal justice efforts.
The Road to Freedom
Arthur C. Brooks
Basic Books
c/o Perseus Books Group
387 Park Avenue South, New York NY 10016
9780465023240, $28.99,
THE ROAD TO FREEDOM: HOW TO WIN THE FIGHT FOR FREE ENTERPRISE providesa powerful moral defense of free enterprise and offers a concrete plan for defending America'score economic values from the doctrine of redistributive fairness. It considers elements ofupward mobility and personal responsibility which lie at the heart of a healthy free enterprisesystem and considers how policymakers have weakened these traditions through governmentexpansion and corporate involvement - and it tells how to return our system to its inherent roots.A 'must' for any political or social issues collection debating American values.
The Cornbread Mafia
James Higdon
The Lyons Press
246 Goose Lane, Guilford, CT 06437
9780762778232, $24.95,
THE CORNBREAD MAFIA: A HOMEGROWN SYNDICATE'S CODE OF SILENCE ANDTHE BIGGEST MARIJUANA BUST IN AMERICAN HISTORY tells of a 1987 effort by oneJohnny Boone to grow and harvest one of the greatest outdoor marijuana crops in modern times:an endeavor which would lead to the rise of the largest marijuana syndicate in America. AuthorJames Higdon's relationship with Boone, currently a federal fugitive, made him the firstjournalist subpoenaed under Obama's administration and lends to a powerful account here, fueledby personal knowledge of events. It's a powerful account of investigative journalism and deservesa place in journalism and social issues holdings alike, documenting the evolution of aworld-changing syndicate.
Transaction Publishers
Rutgers University
35 Berrue Circle
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8042
Alla A. Yaroshinskaya's CHERNOBYL: CRIME WITHOUT PUNISHMENT (9781412842969,$39.95) remedies a long-standing lack in the literature by reprinting original papers from Russianscientists describing the aftermath of the event, and is a 'must' for any collection strong in nucleardisaster analysis. It gathers firsthand accounts from those who lived through the disaster, andcomes from a reporter who defied the Soviet bureaucracy to get this information out to the rest ofthe world. From the nuclear lobby inside and outside the former Soviet Union to governmentattempts to handle its aftermath, this is a powerful survey for any social issues or nuclear studiescollection. Wendell Bell's MEMORIES OF THE FUTURE (9781412842624, $44.95) is arecommendation for college-level social issues and environmental issues holdings alike andcomes from a futurist who shows how our current ideas of alternative tomorrows serve asmotivators for present-day change. Chapters pair autobiography with analysis of how human lifeaffects the world, offering important connections between social and personal perceptions andactions. The result is a fine account perfect for those who would appreciate the memoir styledocumenting social change.
The Wisconsin Shelf
Marnie O. Mamminga
Wisconsin Historical Society Press
816 State Street
Madison, WI 53575
9780870204913, $22.95,
One place can form the foundation of a family over generations. "Return to Wake Robin: OneCabin in the Heyday of Northwoods Resorts" is a family history memoir as Marnie O.Mamminga writes of her family's five generations centered around Wake Robin, a cabin built byher grandparents in Wisconsin's northwoods. She shares the sites significance, and howgenerations came together and will continue to come together for years to come. "Return to WakeRobin" is a fine memoir for those seeking a bit of Americana through family history.
James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Diane C. Donovan, Editor
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive
Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937
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