village Manager
Representative of the
Regional Income Tax Agency
(RITA) coming to town
On Thursday, March 29
from 12 p.m. until 4 pm there
will be a representative of the
Regional Income Tax Agency
available to assist you with
2011 Greenhills local income
tax filing. Remember, you
always have the options to file
online and/or obtain assistance
through or
by calling toll free 1-800-860-
2012 Spring Leaf
This note is just a heads-up
that beginning Monday, April
16 and running for one week
only, the Greenhills Service
Department will collect bulk
leaves from Village residential
properties. Each street in the
Village will receive one pass
for the Spring leaf collection.
Residents are asked to have
leaves at the curb by Monday,
April 16 for collection. Crews
will not be raking leaves, only
vacuuming them.
As always, leaves should be
placed at the back of the curb
and not in the street. Piles may
be no wider than three feet.
Never place leaves within 15
feet of a storm sewer catch
basin and please help keep
catch basins clear of leaves at
all times to help prevent street
flooding during rain events.
Leaves only will be accept-
ed for this collection. Piles
containing branches, garden
waste, soil, rocks or any mate-
rial that could damage our
expensive machinery will be
left and become the property
owner’s responsibility to
remove and recycle.
Please remember that the
Village Leaf Collection is
intended to assist residents dur-
ing spring cleanup efforts. No
leaves may be placed at the
curb after the Service
Department has made its one
pass down your street. Leaves
which are blocked by parked
vehicles will not be collected
and will be the responsibility
of the resident to remove and
RITA rep available for tax questions March 29
Submitted by Evone Kovach
village Manager
After a successful homebuy-
er’s workshop last September,
the Village of Greenhills is set-
ting up another one to continue
the promotion of homeowner-
ship in the Village. This will be
a hands-on workshop with
information available on the
203K program that will finance
the purchase and renovation of
a house, the Welcome Home
Grant program for down pay-
ment and closing cost assis-
tance, and other similar home-
buyer incentives. There will be
loan officers present to discuss
lending and credit require-
ments. There will be informa-
tion on housing opportunities
in the Village.
There are a lot of reasons to
live in Greenhills: it’s the
safest community in Hamilton
County; we have many ameni-
ties in a wonderful historic
environment, including walk-
ing trails, a community swim-
ming pool and golf course;
quiet neighborhood streets;
small town feel; beautiful
trees; shopping close by; easy
accessibility; and numerous
options for education.
The time is ripe to purchase
a home! Purchase prices are
reasonable and interest rates
are still low. Invest now in a
home in Greenhills and watch
your investment grow!
Greenhills has a number of
townhouses ready for home-
owners to purchase, as well as
townhouses needing to be
“Our goal is homeowner-
ship, but we have some inter-
esting building rehab scenarios
where a buyer could purchase 2
side-by-side townhouses and
live in one and rent the other;
or perhaps take a 3 unit build-
ing and create a duplex,”
according to Greenhills
Municipal Manager Evonne
“Greenhills is willing to
negotiate good sale prices in
exchange for a commitment to
invest in these structure(s).”
The workshop is scheduled
for Thursday, March 29, 2012
from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.,
and will be held at Molloy’s,
10 Enfield Street, Greenhills,
Ohio 45218. There is no cost to
Easter Services
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church
17 Farragut Road
Holy Thursday – April 5. 7 p.m. Evening Mass of the
Lord’s Supper
Good Friday – April 6. 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. –
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
Holy Saturday – April 7. 8:45 p.m. – Easter Vigil
Liturgy – Lighting of the Easter Fire will signal the
beginning of the Easter Vigil, follwed by a procession
of the newly lit 2011 Paschal Candle into the church for
the Easter Vigil Liturgy.
Easter Sunday April 8. 9 a.m. – Mass; 11:30 a.m. –
Messiah Lutheran
10416 Bossi Lane
Palm Sunday – Traditional Service, 8:30 a.m.
Contemporary Service at 10:45 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt
to follow.
Maundy Thursday – April 21. Service at 7 p.m.
Good Friday – April 22. Service at 7 p.m.
Easter Sunday – April 24. Traditional Service at
8:30 a.m.; Easter Breakfast, 9 a.m. Contemporary
Service at 10:45 a.m.
Forest Chapel United Methodist Church
680 W. Sharon Rd.
Palm Sunday – April 1. Sunday service at 10:30 a.m.
Easter Egg Hunt for children aged 0-12, immediately
after the service.
Maundy Thursday – April 5. 7 p.m. Holy
Good Friday – April 6. Open sanctuary for prayer
and meditation noon to 1 p.m., 7 p.m. Tenebrae
Easter – April 8. Sunrise Service at 7:15 a.m.,
Traditional Service at 9:30 a.m., Sunday School at
10:30 a.m., ConneXion at 11:30 a.m.
Greenhills Community Church, Presbyterian
Corner of Winton and Cromwell Rds.
Palm Sunday – April 1. 10:30 a.m. Sunday service
begins with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem –
then transitions to a gathering storm. The Chancel
Chimes (a joint GCCP/Trinity Lutheran bell choir)
will provide special music.
Maundy Thursday – April 5. 7 p.m. The Last
Supper is remembered in a Tenebrae service in which
candles are gradually extinguished as the events lead-
ing to the cross are described. This service includes a
musica offering by the chancel choir and intimate
communion in small groups around the table.
Easter – April 8. 10:30 a.m. The Day of
Resurrection is celebrated with a procession of ban-
ners, flowers, singers, choral and string anthems,
scripture, and a message of Good News.
Second homebuyer’s workshop planned
Photo by Ron Smith
Construction workers replace water mains on Damon Rd.
Annual Greenhills FireDepartment Easter Egg Hunt
2 p.m. Easter Sunday, April 8Nicholas G. Bates Commons
Page1March2012.qxp:Page3March08.qxd 3/1/12 2:16 PM Page 1
grEEnHillS CounCil mEETing
– The Greenhills Village Council
meets the first Tuesday of every
month at Greenhills Municipal
Building, 11100 Winton Road.
The next meeting is at 7 p.m.,
Tuesday, March 6. The following
meeting is scheduled for April 3.
Meetings may be viewed live at or on Time
Warner Cable on Sundays at 6
p.m., Tuesdays at 7 a.m. and
Fridays at 8 p.m.
WinTon WoodS CiTy SCHoolS
board oF EduCaTion mEETing
– Monday, March 26 7 p.m. at
the Board of Education Building,
1215 W. Kemper Road, Forest
Park. For more information,
please call the school board
office at 513–619–2300.
KiWaniS oFFErS SCHolarSHipS
– The Greenhills-Forest Park
Kiwanis is once again offering
scholarships of up to $2,000 to
graduating seniors in good aca-
demic standing and with out-
standing achievements in school
and community service. Students
must live within boundaries of
the Winton Woods School
District but may attend any pub-
lic or private high school or be
home schooled. Awards will be
paid directly to the college, uni-
versity, career or technical pro-
gram selected by the student and
are intended for use in payment
of tuition, fees or books.
Application forms are available
from school Guidance Offices
and are due April 20, 2012 to:
GHFP Kiwanis Foundation, Ben
Floyd, Scholarship Chairman, 15
Annadale Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio
45215. If home-schooled, appli-
cants may email at peabody@ or phone 771-1659 for
application forms.
WWCS KindErgarTEn rEgiS-
TraTion – Winton Woods City
Schools will begin kindergarten
registration for the 2012-2013
school year on Monday, March 5.
Office hours at the district’s
enrollment center, located at 8
Enfield Street in the rear of the
Greenhills Community Building,
are Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 3
p.m. For the convenience of
those registering, there will be
special extended hours from 7
a.m. – 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March
6 through Thursday, March 8.
Students entering kindergarten
must be five years old on or
before September 30, 2012 to be
eligible. Only custodial/residen-
tial parents or legal guardians
may enroll a child into school.
Required documents that must be
presented at the time of enroll-
ment include: three items for
proof of residence (lease, new
home contract, mortgage state-
ment receipt), plus two addition-
al items such as energy, cable,
water or phone bills; original
birth certificate of the child; any
custody/guardianship documents
filed with a court; immunization
records and photo ID of
parent/guardian enrolling the child.
For more information, call the
enrollment center at 619-2360 or
visit the district website at http:// depart-
ForEST parK WomEn’S Club –
Join the Forest Park Women’s
Club for “Remembering Norman
Rockwell” at 7 p.m., Thursday,
March 15. Ceci Wiselogel will
present a program about
Rockwell’s light-hearted passion,
wit for detail and nostalgic por-
trayals of everyday life. All are
welcome. For more information,
call club president Charlene
Lausche at 522–0066.
EaSTEr SpECTaCular — Bring
your family and friends and
enjoy lunch with the Easter
Bunny, an egg hunt and other
family-friendly activities! Easter
Spectacular is a festive afternoon
of celebrating spring, families,
and of course, the Easter Bunny!
Kids of all ages enjoy this event,
and adults will appreciate the
relaxed atmosphere and good
food. Each child and adult will
start with lunch with the Easter
Bunny, a complimentary 4x6
photo will be given to each child;
additional photos will be avail-
able for purchase. After lunch
hay wagons will ride guests out
to the egg hunt area where the
kids can collect Easter eggs and
redeem the eggs for a chocolate
bunny. Pony rides, indoor and
outdoor play barn, moon bounce,
obstacle course for those age 4 or
older, bubble fun and music is
also included for after hunt activ-
ities. Reservations are required
for this event. Tickets will not be
sold at the door. The last day to
reserve a spot will be Monday
March 26, 2012 at 12 p.m. This
spring event fills up quickly, so
please make your reservation
early! Purchase tickets online or
call (513) 521-7275. Event is rain
or shine. 10:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m.,
12:15 p.m., 1 p.m. and 1:45 p.m.,
Saturday, March 31 and Sunday,
April 1, Parky’s Farm at Winton
Woods. $9.35 plus tax for chil-
dren and adults. Purchase tickets
EaSTEr brunCH - Sunday, April
8, 2012. Winton Woods Mill
Race Banquet Center, 1515 W.
Sharon Road, Cincinnati, OH
45240. $15.99 for adults, $7.99
for children 2-12 years (children
under 24 months complimentary)
Price does not include tax. Hop
to it and get to the Mill Race
Banquet Center for Easter
Brunch in the Park. Start a new
family tradition and join us for a
fabulous Easter Sunday Brunch.
Our buffet offers over 25 items,
carving station and made to order
omelettes. Our staff prepares a
variety of fresh salads, pastries,
desserts and all the traditional
Sunday Brunch favorites.
Reservations are required. This
event fills up quickly, so please
make your reservation early! You
may reserve your spot online or
by calling (513) 825-6467. Call
(513) 825-6467 for additional
information or visit http://great
tm to register.
HamilTon CounTy SCHoolS
rECyCling granT — Grant
deadline extended to March 27.
Up to $5,000 will be distributed
to qualified Hamilton County
schools to assist with innovative
waste reduction, recycling, and
compost programs. Hamilton
County Recycling and Solid
Waste District’s School Waste
Reduction Assistance Grant
deadline is extended to March
27, 2012! Up to $5,000 will be
distributed to assist qualified
schools with innovative waste
reduction, recycling, and/or com-
post programs that will signifi-
cantly reduce a school’s waste
stream. Some ideas for grant
funding include: durable recy-
cling containers, permanent recy-
cling signage, recycling and/or
composting hauling services,
cafeteria reusable such as trays,
bowls, plates and silverware and
concrete pad to place a recycling
dumpster. Don’t delay! Grant
applications are due March 27,
2012. For more information,
please email Cher Mohring or
call 946-7737.
page 2
To promoTE CommuniTy SpiriT”
an ohio Corporation – not For profit
22 Endicott Street
greenhills, ohio 45218
Telephone: 825–2525
Fax: 825–2525
Gene Begley
Therese Begley
Pamela Corcoran
Peggy Doller
Joyce Fecher
Judy Fisher
Angie Holt
Patrick Kerin
Chris Knight
Jackie Mayer
Nancy Moore
Abigail Otting
David Otting
Stephanie Pearce
Sharon Roehm
Ronald Smith
Georgia Strupe
Arlene Stuhlreyer
Bob Stuhlreyer
The greenhills Journal Friday, march 2, 2012
nEXT iSSuE daTE oF THE Journal:
Friday, april 6, 2011
Journal poliCiES:dEadlinE For SubmiTTing Copy and adS: Noon
Friday prior to publication for copy, second to last Friday for
ads. Please include name and phone number with copy.
lETTErS To THE EdiTor: Must consist of 200 words or
less. All letters must be signed. Writer’s name and address will
appear in the paper. All letters are subject to editing. The
Journal will publish as many letters as space will permit.
dEaTH noTiCES: Will be printed only upon request and
approval by the family of deceased.
pHoToS: Please include a $5 payment for the publication of
wedding, engagement and birth announcement photographs
with your article. Obituary photos are complimentary when
space permits. Please provide envelope and return postage if
you would like your photo back. For optimal quality, please
send digital photos electronically instead of printed copies.
noTE: The Greenhills Journal provides a forum for the
exchange of ideas and information for our readers. Some of this
content may be controversial. The ads and articles in any par-
ticular issue do not necessarily represent the views or opinions
of the editors and staff of the Greenhills Journal.
MANAGING EDITOR Natalie Corzine Moore 674–1569
LAYOUT AND DESIGN Peter Mayer 851–9765
BOOKKEEPER Shirley Ferguson 825–8721
ADVERTISING MANAGER Peter Mayer 851–9765
CIRCULATION MANAGER Barry Behrmann 825–7238
CLASSIFIEDS Kim Kuhlman 851–0532
PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD Oscar Hoffman 825-8469
VICE PRESIDENT Shirley Ferguson 825–8721
TREASURER Richard Schramm 851–2250
SECRETARY Nancy Moore 851–5839
BUSINESS MANAGER Richard Schramm 851–2250
PERSONNEL MANAGER Marian Schramm 851–2250
OBITUARIES Peggy Doller 521–4627
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert Dolle 621–4849
Journal email addresses:
SubmiSSionS [emailprotected]
managing EdiTor [emailprotected]
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obiTuariES [emailprotected]
SubSCripTionS [emailprotected]
prESidEnT [emailprotected]
SECrETary [emailprotected]
TrEaSurEr [emailprotected]
The Staff:
Join the Greenhills–Forest Park KiwanisCome to a meeting and find out for yourself.
Thursdays @ 6:30 p.m., Mill Race LodgeWilliam W. "Bill" McMillen
At Your Service LawncareServicing Greenhills, Springfield Twp. & Forest Park!
• Licensed & Insured
• Mowing, Mulching, Fertilization,
Weed control
Prices starting at only $20!
Village View
Page2March2012.qxp:Page3March08.qxd 3/1/12 2:20 PM Page 1
By Jeff Halter
Council member
The Community Development
Committee invites the public to
share ideas on how to improve
and enhance the village.
Committee chair Jeff Halter will
host an open house from 3 p.m.
to 8 p.m., Wednesday, March 7 at
Molloy’s on the Green at 10
Enfield St.
The committee is utilizing a
unique method to help gather ideas
and input from the community.
There will be a number of ways to
participate. The primary format will
be an open house event held at
Molloy’s on the Green located
behind the Greenhills Swimming
Pool. Citizens, business owners,
former resident alumni and support-
ers of Greenhills are welcome to
stop by to bring and/or write down
your ideas and suggestions on how
to improve our community based
on five categories: Annual Events,
Special Events, Design and
Communication (promotion and
beautification), Residential
Development, and Business
This is an initial step toward bet-
tering the Greenhills community.
This first phase is designed to field
as many good ideas as possible.
They are looking for ideas and solu-
tions that are large or small, without
bias. Ideas do need to be focused on
the purpose of truly improving our
community. This is the first step
and not to be confused with later
phases, which will include evalua-
tion, dialogue and discussion of the
ideas gathered.
The committee encourages
everyone interested to focus on how
to make Greenhills one of the best
places to live.
A good guideline to remember
is, the more specific the idea, the
more effective (think of “a team of
volunteers that help elderly neigh-
bors take out their trash weekly” vs.
“World Peace” – the first idea is
much more actionable).
If you are unable to attend we
still value your input. Please send
your ideas (preferably written on
an index card or similar) or ques-
tions to Jeff Halter, c/o
Community Development, 11000
Winton Road, Greenhills, OH
45218 or email jhalter@green- Your participation
is valued and appreciated!
page 3the Greenhills Journalfriday, march 2, 2012
Jamie Simpson PaintingInterior & Exterior/Residential & Commercial
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By GeorGia Strupe
Staff Columnist
Greenhills Police Chief Tom
Doyle told Council at the February
7 regular meeting that his depart-
ment has been awarded a grant
from Homeland Security. The grant
won through a competitive process
, covers the cost of installing a spe-
cial camera that reads license plates
as quickly as a vehicle passes.
According to Doyle, the $20,000
grant that covers the purchase and
installation of the camera will help
police recover stolen vehicles,
wanted criminals, missing children,
and assist in other investigations.
Doyle said the license plate reader
feeds information into a data sys-
tem operated through the Regional
Crime Information Center (RCIC),
and links to other National data sys-
“Everybody wants this. We
have more than thirty thousand
cars on Winton Road a day.
Officers cannot drive and type at
the same time. We want it now.”
Doyle went further to say that
this device will be particularly
useful around school zones
because it can identify sexual
predators and allow officers to
investigate further.
“If somebody questionable is
found in a school zone we can
find out what they are doing
there.” Doyle said that neighbor-
ing communities like Springdale
and the City of Cincinnati use the
same system. The unit is always
on and will be installed on one
vehicle. The camera will be cali-
brated and set to read for a wide
angle. This would allow officers
to position the car to read the
greatest number of vehicles
going by. Doyle said officers will
also be alerted to individuals on
terrorist watch lists as this infor-
mation is fed into the data sys-
Village Manager Evonne
Kovach said the Cincinnati water
project has finally begun.
Kovach said that all that is need-
ed now is good weather. Digging
has begun on Drummond and is
moving along quickly she said.
Along with the water project is
the Village’s ongoing efforts to
identify street lights that need
repair. Traffic and Safety Bud
Wolterman said Duke owns the
street lights, but the Village pays
for the power. Wolterman said
the contract requires repairs to be
made within 48 hours, but that
we have been getting nowhere
near that. Kovach said her proce-
dures follow those of past admin-
istrations, and that she works
through the same contacts at
Duke Energy that her predeces-
sors did. Kovach said it is her
contention that replacement of
burned out bulbs should be done
more quickly than the three to six
months it has taken previously.
Residents wishing to report an
outage can still report those to
Duke directly and are encouraged
to do so. If a traffic light is out
residents can call the Village dur-
ing business hours, or the police
department after hours.
Community Development Jeff
Halter will hold a public meeting on
March 7 for residents to give input
on five key areas; annual events,
design and communication, resi-
dential development, and business
development. Residents are invited
to come to Malloy’s on the Green
from 3-7 pm and share their ideas
about prioritizing these areas and
adding their own ideas. Halter is
also planning a clean-up day some-
time in March and is looking for-
ward to planning Greenhills’ 75th
anniversary next year.
For her committee report
Maria Waltherr introduced the
revised proposal for Rules of
Council. General rules for con-
duct during Council and other
public meetings include strict
guidelines on how residents shall
conduct themselves when
addressing Council members.
Persons addressing Council,
staff, or the general public may
be removed from council cham-
bers if they use abusive or threat-
ening language, or if they try to
impede orderly conduct of
Council meetings. The Rules of
Council also defines how record-
ing devices will be used during
meetings. Residents using
recording devices must ensure
that their equipment does not
impede the public’s ability to see
Council, and cannot block exits
or be placed in any aisle.
police department to install high-tech camera
W.H. sHroyer nurseryCorner of Winton and mckelvey roads
For more inFormation Visit www.shroyer-
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We now
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Committee invites public input on improving the village
Page 4 The Greenhills Journal Friday, March 2, 2012
Forest Chapel
United Methodist
Traditional Service 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
Contemporary ConneXion Service: 11:30 a.m.680 West Sharon road Forest Park, ohio 45240
Support The Greenhills
Journal & its
Support your
by frequenting all local
businesses and don’t
forget to tell them you
saw their ad in The
Greenhills Journal!
UnitedChurch of
ChristRev. Patrick McKinney
691 Fleming RdCincinnati, OH 45231
(513) 522-2780
10:30 a.m. – WorshipSunday School –
Library Chat
Rev. Scott M. Tessin, Senior Pastor10416 Bossi Lane, Cincinnati OH 45128 • PH. (513) 825-4768 • [emailprotected]
Saturday Worship: 5:30 p.m. (Traditional)Sunday Worship (Nursery): 8:30 a.m. (Traditional) 10:45 a.m.(Contemporary)Sunday School & Adult Bible Classes: 9:30 a.m.
Living Jesus, Sharing Jesus
Food drive
$0 registration
Greenhills Community Church Presbyterian21 Cromwell road, Greenhills, oH 45218
We invite you to join us and share in our community of faith
Phone: 513-825-8400 Web-site:
Community Quilters - All are welcome Thursday all day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.SUNdAY SErVICE – 10:00 a.m.
Staff Columnist
This February and March mark
The Public Library of Cincinnati
and Hamilton County’s 11th annual
On the Same Page community-
wide reading program. This year’s
title is The Submission by Amy
Waldman. The novel explores how
9/11 has changed our personal con-
victions and changed public debate
on what it means to be an
American. A jury charged with
choosing the design for a memorial
to those who died in a terrorist
attack selects an anonymous win-
ning design, only to discover that its
creator is an American Muslim.
Deeply conflicted, they can imag-
ine what a firestorm of controversy
their choice will cause. And of
course it does.
The story is told through the
eyes of characters on all sides of the
controversy, including a widow of
one of the victims (the jury member
who most passionately supports the
winning design), outraged protest-
ers representing the families of the
victims, the widow of an illegal
immigrant killed in the attack, and
the winning designer himself, the
assimilated son of immigrant par-
ents who has never thought much
about his Muslim heritage until he
becomes the symbol of his religion
and the focus for the controversy.
Speaking of books, March
brings another installment of the
Greenhills Library’s ever popular
book clubs and two great titles have
been selected. The Literary Latte
Book Club will get together on
March 13 to discuss The Little Book
by Selden Edwards. An irresistible
triumph of the imagination more
than thirty years in the making, The
Little Book is a breathtaking love
story that spans generations, rang-
ing from fin de siècle Vienna
through the pivotal moments of the
twentieth century. The Little Book is
the extraordinary tale of Wheeler
Burden, California-exiled heir of
the famous Boston banking
Burdens, philosopher, student
of history, legend’s son, rock
idol, writer, lover of women,
recluse, half-Jew and Harvard
baseball hero.
In 1988 he is forty-seven, living
in San Francisco. Suddenly he is —
still his modern self — wandering
in a city and time he knows myste-
riously well: fin de siècle Vienna. It
is 1897, precisely ninety-one years
before his last memory and a half-
century before his birth.
It’s not long before Wheeler has
acquired appropriate clothes,
money, lodging, a group of young
Viennese intellectuals as friends, a
mentor in Sigmund Freud, a bitter
rival, a powerful crush on a lumi-
nous young American woman, a
passing acquaintance with local
celebrity Mark Twain and an
incredible and surprising insight
into the dashing young war-hero
father he never knew.
But the truth at the center of
Wheeler’s dislocation in time
remains a stubborn mystery that
will take months of exploration and
a lifetime of memories to unravel
and that will, in the end, reveal
nothing short of the eccentric
Burden family’s unrivaled impact
on the very course of the coming
century. The Little Book is a master-
piece of unequaled storytelling that
announces Selden Edwards as one
of the most dazzling, original,
entertaining, and inventive novel-
ists of our time.
On March 19, the Mystery Book
Club will meet to discuss a trifecta
of novels written by the king of
hard-boiled crime fiction, Mickey
Spillane. Putting together three
novels in one book, this volume
collects three Mike Hammer novels
of the 1960’s.
It is a triple torrent of visceral
suspense from the hypnotic story-
teller who pulverized the mystery
genre and redefined noir styles and
pulp fiction for a new era. Gritty,
raw, and unflinching, these stories
of crime and punishment-arriving
after a decade of self-imposed
silence from America’s most popu-
lar mystery writer-rocketed Mickey
Spillane and Mike Hammer back
onto international bestseller lists.
In The Girl Hunters, Mike
Hammer’s long-lost love is alive-
and targeted by the mastermind
assassin known as The Dragon. The
Snake finds Mike Hammer playing
protector to a runaway baby-faced
blonde while trading barbs and
lead with crooked politicos and
snarling hoods.
In The Twisted Thing, A kidnap-
ping case leads Hammer into a
fourteen-year-old mystery and into
the sights of the most venomous
killer the two-fisted private eye has
ever faced. Copies of both The
Little Book and The Mike Hammer
Collection are available at the
Greenhills Branch.
In this time of economic uncer-
tainty we are all trying to watch our
money and stretch the dollar as far
as we can. Couponing has become a
major way for everyone to save
money and is more popular now
than it ever was. In keeping with
this recent craze, the Greenhills
Library is starting a Coupon
Clippers Club which we hope will
become a regular monthly program
at the branch. We will meet at 2
p.m. on Saturday, March 3 to swap
coupons. The concept is easy. Bring
coupons that you’ve clipped from
the newspaper, magazines, or found
online. Then see what coupons
someone has that they may not need
or want to use but you do. You
might have coupons that you need.
It’s a fun and easy way to find those
important extra coupons you want
each month!
It’s said that duct tape can really
be used for just about everything.
On Saturday, March 24, there will
be a special program for teens.
Come to the Greenhills Branch and
make a duct tape wallet (or any-
thing else your creative mind can
come up with). These new crafts
could include cell phone cases, iPod
holders, purses and accessories, all
made of duct tape.
A duo of kids programs will take
place at 6:30 in the evening on
Tuesday, March 20. Miss Amy will
have a flower pot program that is
just in time for spring. Kids can
come to the Library and paint any
design their creative minds come up
with on a flower pot they can keep.
At the same time, our friendly
therapy dog will be on hand for
Tales for Tails. Children can sit and
read a story of their choosing to this
wonderful pet.
The staff at the Greenhills
Library is always available to
answer any questions you may
have. Feel free to contact us at
“Bookies” book club
meets monthly on
1st Monday at
7 p.m.
“Lunch & Learn”
3rd Thursday each
month at 12 noon
Free composting seminar offered by countyBY MEGAN HUMMEL
Guest Columnist
Hamilton County Recycling
and Solid Waste District
(District) is launching a new
program to teach the basics of
backyard composting.
Residents who attend the
free Composting in Your
Backyard seminar will learn
how backyard composting can
significantly reduce waste from
the kitchen and yard while also
producing a valuable soil
During this one-hour pro-
gram, attendees will learn how
to balance a compost bin, what
materials are compostable and
where to purchase a compost
bin. After the seminar,
Hamilton County residents will
receive a free kitchen collector,
a “Simple Guide to Composting
in Your Backyard,” an “I ♥
Compost”magnet, and a $20
coupon toward the purchase of a
compost bin.
Registration is required and
open only to Hamilton County
residents. To register, call 513-
946-7734 or email susan.schu
Composting in Your
Backyard seminars are evening
programs at several locations
across Hamilton County: 6
p.m,, March 15, Colerain Twp.
Government Complex; 6:30
p.m., March 21, Loveland City
Hall; 6 p.m., April 3, Blue Ash
Recreation Center; 6:30 p.m.,
April 17, Cincinnati Zoo and
Botanical Garden; 6 p.m., April
26, Francis R. Healy Community
Center (Deer Park); 6:30 p.m.,
May 15, Forest Park Senior
Center; 6 p.m., May 23, Delhi
Park Lodge; and 6 p.m., June 5,
Robert Schuler Sports Complex
(Sycamore Twp.).
For more information,
please call the Recycling
Hotline at 946-7766, visit
g, or interact with us on Twitter
(@HamCo Recycling) and on
Facebook at (www.Facebook
Page4Marchy2012.qxp:Page4March08.qxd 3/1/12 2:24 PM Page 1
Staff Columnist
Greenhills High School
graduate Fr. Ronald Williams who
is a Catholic priest and pastor of
Our Lady of Sacred Heart Parish in
Reading met Pope Benedict XVI
while in Rome earlier this month
for Ad Limina.
Every five to seven years, each
bishop around the world is required
to make a pilgrimage to Rome
called the Ad Limina visit. Literally,
it means “to the threshold [of the
Apostles].” The bishop s make a
pilgrimage to the tombs of the
Apostles Peter and Paul. They also
have meetings with various
Cardinals about what’s going on in
their dioceses back home and they
meet with the Pope to report on
their dioceses.
During the meeting with
Pope Benedict XVI, each
bishop may bring one priest or
seminarian in with him.
Coincidentally, Williams was
in Rome during the months of
February, March, and April for
a three-month sabbatical and
Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s
Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr
invited Williams to meet the
pope. At the end of the visit,
Benedict gave each priest a
rosary that he himself blessed,
and gave each bishop a
pectoral cross (which hangs in
front of the Archbishop’s and
the Pope’s chest) and some
rosaries to take home.
Page 5The Greenhills JournalFriday, March 2, 2012
Firehouse Flashes
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Staff Columnist
The first two months of the year
were productive ones for the
Greenhills Fire Department and its
members. Every volunteer, who
needed it, completed a CPR
refresher course, the budget for the
coming year was set, the GFD K-9
unit acquired a new(er) vehicle and
several volunteers began learning to
operate the engine and Quint on fire
Thanks to EMS Lieutenant Phil
Yost for conducting our CPR
refresher classes that allowed
everyone who needed it to keep
their state certification current for
another year. As you can imagine,
CPR is a skill that is critical to have
as an EMS provider and one that
can get rusty if not used frequently.
Several of our members are EMT’s
or paramedics on other departments
and receive annual CPR training as
part of that job but for those who
don’t, these classes at the GFD are
a great opportunity to stay
proficient and up to date on the
current recommended procedures
(established by the American Heart
Chief Spaeth and the budget
committee presented the 2012
budget to the membership at the
February business meeting. The
budget is a guide for how GFD
funds will be allocated through the
coming year and has to be approved
by a vote from the board. This
process is always done by a
committee and is very transparent
and open to input from members.
GFD K-9 handler, Tony
Liedenbor and his dog, Faxon, are
moving into a new (to them)
vehicle this month. Using only
money raised at last November’s
GFD Turkey Raffle, a 2008 Police
Interceptor (a former Green
Township police car) was
purchased for use as a K-9 vehicle
replacing the current 1999 police
interceptor. Tony will be able to
transfer the specialized K-9
equipment (beefed up ventilation,
cage that replaces the back seat,
lights and computer) from the old
car to the newer one with minimal
cost. The proceeds from the sale of
the older car will be turned over to
the GFD as part of the agreement
and the new vehicle will be the
property of firefighter Tony
This purchase leaves enough
money in the K-9 budget (which
comes exclusively from the money
raised at the Turkey Raffle and does
not include any tax-payer funds) to
provide for food and veterinary care
over the next year. Tony and Faxon
appreciate the overwhelming
support they have received from the
community through the GFD
Turkey Raffle.
The effort to train more
volunteers to operate the engine and
Quint on emergency scenes is under
way. Chief Spaeth and the officers
have held two Monday night
classes so far with great response
from the volunteers. Despite the
cold evenings, they have been
flowing water and pulling hoses
outside, with a goal to have several
new engineers ready to go by early
The annual GFD Easter Egg
Hunt will again take place at 2pm
on Easter Sunday (April 8 this year)
at the Nick Bates Commons. Just
like we always do, there will be
areas designated for young children
as well as the bigger kids. Bring
your basket & camera and join us
for the “Fastest 2 minutes in
In 2011, the men and women of
the GFD made 373 EMS runs and
275 fire runs (these numbers
include all runs made in the village,
the chunk of Springfield Township
north of the lake, and mutual aid
runs into both Springfield
Township & Forest Park). Our
members put in 11,013 hours of
volunteer time on those runs as well
as on training and other firehouse
duties (administrative, vehicle &
facilities maintenance, fire
prevention, etc). This is the highest
number of hours our members have
recorded ever!
Thank you to the volunteers
and their families for giving so
much of their time to make our
community a safe one. If you
would like to join the effort,
please contact Chief Spaeth or
any GFD volunteer at 513-385-
5983. Have a safe month!
Photo Courtesy of Fr. Ron Williams
Fr. Ron Williams of Our Lady of Sacred Heart in Reading greets Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican last
month while in Rome on sabbatical. Williams is a 1987 graduate of Greenhills High School, an alumnus of
Miami University and has been a priest in the Cincinnati Archdiocese since 2002. The Holy Father
presented Fr. Williams with a rosary to commemorate the visit. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr is also
Greenhills graduate meets Pope Benedict XVI
Page5March2012.qxp:Page5March08.qxd 3/1/12 2:27 PM Page 1
Page 6 The Greenhills Journal Friday, March 2, 2012
Speaker to discuss Crosley FieldBY PaTRICk kERIn
Staff columnist
Now that March is here we
would like to wish all of you both
a happy spring and a happy St.
Patrick’s Day. Soon the village
will be unveiling its spring splen-
dor, and given that good news we
are pleased to announce that we
will host a seasonally themed
guest speaker meeting in conjunc-
tion with the Public Library of
Cincinnati and Hamilton County
on Monday, May 21. This talk is
entitled “Crosley Field of Dreams,”
and is a history of Cincinnati’s
famous ballpark. Our guest speak-
er is a docent from the Cincinnati
Museum Center. This will be a
great time to revisit some classic
Cincinnati Reds history as well as
share some of your own memories
of the famous field. The meeting
starts at 6:30 p.m.. in the former
middle school library at the south-
ern end of the Community
Building. Parking is available
behind the building or on the
street in front, but please do not
park in the horseshoe-shaped
lane directly in front of the
Historical Society President
Terri Treinen recently had art con-
servator Michael Ruzga out to the
Community Building to examine
a wall in the museum room where
a WPA mural was once located.
We thought the mural had just
been painted over, but Michael
determined that the painting was
no longer there. It seems that it
was likely on a canvas of some
kind and was taken down. We
have no idea of where it is now,
although we hope it is somewhere
in the building.
If there is anyone reading this
who might have worked for the
school system in the Fifties,
Sixties or Seventies and has any
information on this — or if you
have any knowledge about this
matter — please contact Terri
Treinen at 851-4073. We appreci-
ate any light that can be shed on
the possible location of this WPA
The board of the Historical
Society will meet this month on
Monday, March 26 at 7 p.m. in
our Museum Room on the first
floor of the Community Building.
The meeting is free and open to
the public.
Attention Greenhills &
Springfield Twp. residents!
The Greenhills Journal is
looking for volunteers.
Proof reading, writing,
Please contact via email:
Help us help your
Winton Woods Middle School
basketball teams make school historyBY TERESa ClEaRY
Staff Columnist
Members of Winton Woods
Middle School’s boys’ basket-
ball teams made school history
when both teams went unde-
feated this year.
“Both the seventh and eighth
grade boys finished the season
19-0, capturing the regular sea-
son and tournament champi-
onships for the final year of the
FAVC conference,” said Winton
Woods Middle School Athletic
Director Jeff Merrill.
“Our eighth grade team
actually finished 19-0 for the
second straight year, ending
their middle school career with
an unprecedented 38-0,” said
“They were back-to-back
regular season and tournament
champions. This is only the
second time a group of young
men accomplished this. It truly
was a special year for Winton
Woods Middle School boys’
Seventh grade boys’ basket-
ball team members are (front,
l-r) Lorenzo Gist, Jarett
Wilson, Logan Day, Michael
White, D'Jenon Trimble,
Brandon Sneed, and Nick
Berendt; (back, l-r) Aiden
Jones, Jerron Cage, Khiry
Huff, Juwan Alexander, Danny
Wallace, Tresean Smith, and
Coach Tim Martin.
Eighth grade boys’ basketball
team members are (front, l-r) Paa
Nkrumah, Malik Jones, David
Keeling, Jacob Goins, Lionell
McConnell, Jalen Lumpkin, and
Jay Allen; (back, l-r) Coach Jeff
Merrill, Darrell Noble, Zach
Exalus, Kayode Daiboku, Anthony
Perry, Brandon Williams, Deante
Lemon, and Kwamane Watson.
Photos Courtesy of Teresa Cleary
The Winton Woods Middle School seventh (top) and eighth grade boys’ basketball teams both had
undefeated seasons.
The Forest Park Women’s Club
(FPWC) scholarship program
has awarded scholarships to
deserving high school seniors.
They are available to students
who reside within the Winton
Woods School district or students
who are a child of a FPWC mem-
ber. Each applicant needs to
complete the scholarship applica-
tion form. The application is
available through the guidance
department at Winton Woods
High School or by calling Mary
Lou Aufmann at 825–7941.
Deadline is April 30. Send com-
pleted application to: Forest Park
Women’s Club, c/o Mary Lou
Aufmann, Education Chair , 691
Carlsbad, Cinti., OH 45240.
Photo Courtesy of September Sullivan
Cari Sullivan, fifth-grader at Winton Woods Intermediate
School, was among 61 spellers at the WCPO-TV Regional
Spelling Bee, Feb. 25. Cari made it to round 10, when she
missed the word "hafiz,” placing fifth in the competition.
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Page 7The Greenhills JournalFriday, March 2, 2012
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Page 8 The Greenhills Journal Friday, March 2, 2012
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Staff Columist
Over the last 12 years, Cindy
Marcou has made friends from
around the world — and she did it
from the comfort of her home in
Springfield Township. These
friendships were made possible
through Marcou’s work with the EF
Foundation for Foreign Study, an
organization that presented her with
a lifetime achievement award, and
gave her a standing ovation, at their
annual conference in January. After
12 years of involvement with the
group, 11 of them as an International
Exchange Coordinator (IEC) for
Winton Woods High School,
Marcou is retiring from her work
with the EF Foundation in June.
Marcou began opening her
home to international high school
students in 2000 with her husband,
Mike, who passed away in 2007. A
year after their initial hosting expe-
rience, the two became IECs, and
their international adventure began
in earnest. As an IEC, Marcou has
helped match 96 students with host
families, enrolled them in high
school and provided students,
schools and host families with
ongoing guidance and support
throughout the year-long exchange
experience. She has personally
hosted 14 students from countries
including Germany, Venezuela,
Japan, Austria and Thailand. “The
lasting friendships we made from
around the world impacted our
lives, our children’s lives, and now
our grandchildren’s lives, and will
continue to do so,” said Marcou.
While Mike Marcou grew up as
an “Army brat” living in Italy and
the Philippines, Cindy describes
herself as a country girl who grew
up in several very small towns. “I
could never have imagined the road
that we traveled over these years,”
said Marcou. “It has been an incred-
ible journey. The EF experience
gave us the opportunity to bring the
world into our home. I was able to
travel to Europe and learn about
many new customs and cultures by
simply bringing these wonderful
students into our home and our
Two summers ago Marcou was
able to do some of her own travel-
ing as she joined her youngest
daughter, Laura, for a trip to Italy,
Austria and Germany. There she
visited with 12 former students, saw
places she had only dreamed of see-
ing, and completed a journey she
had hoped to take with her husband
to see the places he had lived.
EF President Dan Sodervall said
he was honored to give Marcou her
lifetime achievement award.
“Cindy has taken the awareness of
student exchange in her area to a
whole new level, and her dedication
to our mission is quite admirable,”
he said.
“Winton Woods High School’s
openness to foreign exchange
opportunities over all these years
has promoted global awareness
and laid the foundation for exciting
new learning ventures like the
Academy of Global Studies, a high
school within a high school focused
on challenging our American stu-
dents to prepare themselves for a
lifetime of world involvement,”
said Marcou.
“Our school so fully embraced
the idea of international students
that they have developed an entire
program around it.” Two of this
year’s EF exchange students are
enrolled in AGS, as well as some
students from China.
Marcou said she will continue to
support this year’s exchange stu-
dents through the remainder of the
school year and until their individ-
ual departures. She is hoping to
continue helping with student
placements throughout the district.
“I so believe in what hosting an
exchange student can bring to a
family,” she said.
EF Foundation is currently look-
ing for families to open their homes
to an exchange student for the
2012-13 school year. For more
information on the program, con-
tact the EF Foundation for Foreign
Study at 800-447-4273.
Marcou honored with lifetime achievement award
Photo Courtesy of Teresa Cleary
Pictured with EF International Exchange Coordinator Cindy Marcou (center) are: (front) Emma Peiser
from Germany, Marie-Claire Muxfeldt from Germany and Xingming “Ming Ming” Deng from China;
(back) Tae Hoon Kim from South Korea, Kai-Ning “Kennie” Huang from Taiwan, Yoo Kim from South
Korea, Song “Santos” Liu from China, and Zichao “Ivy” Guan from China.
Guest Columnist
The Winton Woods City
Schools, in conjunction with
Waycross Community Media, is
pleased to announce that “Warrior
Wrap-up with Dr. Camille Nasbe”
has resumed production. This
monthly program will feature stu-
dents, faculty and staff and high-
light the programs and activities at
each of the district schools.
Hosted by Winton Woods
Superintendent Dr. Camille Nasbe,
the first segment of this months
program features Winton Woods
Middle School students Simon
Asem, Delaney Lindeman and
teacher Kathleen Barger from
Winton Woods Middle school dis-
cussing the Humanities program.
The second segment features teach-
ers Linda Ball and Katie Padilla dis-
cussing the districts Latino Literacy
Recorded in the Waycross stu-
dio, the production is crewed by
students from the high school video
production class.
“We are excited to resume this
program, which highlights the dis-
tricts programs and achievements.”
said Chip Bergquist, Waycross
Executive Director. “We look for-
ward to working with the district
and video production students each
month on this program.”
Winton Woods programming
can be viewed on Time Warner
Cable, channel 4 (as well as the
LIVE online stream of this channel
at Programs can
also be viewed anytime at the dis-
tricts Video On Demand page at
w w w. w a y c r o s s . t v / w w v o d .
Playback schedules and more infor-
mation are available at www.way-
Waycross Community Media
coordinates community media serv-
ices for Forest Park, Greenhills,
Springfield Township and Colerain
Township. Anyone wishing to
learn more about Waycross
Community Media, production
workshops, programming or volun-
teer opportunities may call the
media center at 825-2429 or visit
Warrior Wrap-up with Dr. Nasbe available on Waycross
Page8March2012.qxp:Page12March08.qxd 3/1/12 2:32 PM Page 1
Page 9the greenhills JournalFriday, March 2, 2012
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Jack L. McGriff
Greenhills resident Jack L.
McGriff, 77, passed away on
Thursday, January 26, 2012. He
was an active member of Harry
S. Johnson Masonic Lodge #641
and a former volunteer fireman
with the Greenhills Fire
Department. Mr. McGriff is sur-
vived by his wife of 55 years
Joan Barry McGriff, son, Stuart
(Tonya) McGriff, grandchildren
Jesse (Sarah), Katie (Ryan)
Meddie, Rocco, Reagan and
Caleigh, and great-grandson
Jackson. He is also survived by
his beloved daughter-in-law,
Karen McGriff, widow of son
Michael McGriff.
Visitation and funeral services
were held at Paul R. Young
Funeral Home, Mt. Healthy, fol-
lowed by burial in Arlington
Memorial Gardens. Memorials
are suggested to the Greenhills
Volunteer Fire Department.
Thomas L. Meacham, Jr.
Thomas L. Meacham, Jr. of
Springfield Township, passed
away on February 7, 2012 at age
83. Mr. Meacham was a graduate
of Withrow High School and the
University of Cincinnati School
of Architecture. He was an archi-
tect with GBBN where he over-
saw many projects around the
Greater Cincinnati area. He was
an Air Force veteran and had
interests in baseball, model rail-
roading and auto racing. Mr.
Meacham is survived by his wife
of 53 years, Jo-Anne, and daugh-
ter Martha, sister-in-law Dorothy,
niece Connie and “next-door
granddaughter,” Catherine and
her mother Lynn and other rela-
Services were February 11 at
Arlington Memorial Gardens.
Memorials are suggested to
Hospice of Cincinnati or
Northern Hills Christian Church.
Jack E. Lutz, Jr.
Jack E. Lutz, Jr. was the
beloved husband of Mary
Fastnacht Lutz, devoted father of
Michael (Peggy) Lutz and Danny
(Geri) Lutz and grandfather of
Amy (Zachary) Powell and Cory
Lutz, great-grandfather of Joshua
Powell. He is also survived by his
sister Betty Ann Wallace. Mr.
Lutz was a member of McMakin
Lodge #120 F&AM, Valley of
Cincinnati Scottish Rite, gradu-
ate of Greenhills High School
and a 3 million mile safe driver
for Roadway Express Trucking
Company from which he retired.
Visitation was held at Paul R.
Young Funeral Home, Mt.
Healthy, on Friday, February 24,
with Masonic service where the
funeral service was held
Saturday, February 25. Memorial
contributions are suggested to
McMakin Lodge #120 or the
Shriners Burn Institute.
By david and aBagail
Staff Columnists
There is new information
regarding the armed robbery
reported last month. In that
case, a man was robbed at gun
point by two unidentified black
males as he exited his car at his
Junefield Avenue home.
Surveillance cameras at a con-
venience store had recorded
Christian Furr using the vic-
tim’s stolen credit card. This
evidence resulted in a warrant
for his arrest for receiving
stolen property and misuse of a
credit card, which the Cincinnati
Police Department used to
make an arrest on February
16th. Mr. Furr was subsequent-
ly released from jail and
ordered to appear in court the
following day.
“He was released because
the crimes he was initially
charged with, due to current jail
policy and jail overcrowding,
allowed his release,” says
Police Chief Thomas Doyle.
However, Mr. Furr did not
appear for his court date, and
another warrant for his arrest
was issued. The Greenhills
Police Department is closely
following developments in this
ongoing investigation.
Multiple burglaries were
reported in the month of
January. On January 2, suspects
entered the side window of a
home on Farragut Road and
stole televisions, laptops, cam-
eras, and other items. On
January 9th, a house on
Dayspring Terrace was also
burglarized. Suspects broke out
a window and stole televisions,
cameras, and other items.
That same day, police were
called to Farragut Road.
Neighbors, who had called 911,
had detained two suspects who
had been exiting a rear window
of a home. Both were arrested.
Neither suspect was a resident
of Greenhills.
Finally, a home on Ireland
Avenue reported an attempted
robbery. A backyard gate and
screen window had been left
open. “The suspect probably
could not gain entry as the inte-
rior window was locked,” says
Chief Doyle.
A traffic stop on Sharon
Road resulted in the felony
arrest of Brandon Sherland of
Forest Park. Mr. Sherland had
four outstanding warrants for
his arrest. As Greenhills Police
Officer Tensing began to hand-
cuff the suspect, a fight broke
out. The suspect hit and then
attempted to tackle Officer
Tensing. Fortunately, several
bystanders intervened and con-
trolled the suspect long enough
for Officer Tensing to use his
taser gun on the suspect, who
was promptly arrested. “Officer
Tensing sustained a laceration
to his hand during the arrest but
was back to work the following
day,” says Chief Doyle.
On the evening January 22,
a white male suspect was wit-
nessed in the parking lot of the
Back Door Saloon exiting a
female patron’s vehicle with
her purse. A chase began after
another patron retrieved a hand
gun from his car, and followed
the suspect up the stairwell
towards the Commons. The
pursuing citizen, who did have
a permit to carry a concealed
weapon, crossed Winton Road
into the area adjacent to the
Greenhills Presbyterian Church
and then reportedly fired five
rounds into the grass in an
attempt to stop the running sus-
At this point, Greenhills
Police had been advised that
the suspect had turned onto
Drummond Street. The officer
gave chase, and stopped the
suspect as he attempted to enter
his home on Drummond. He
was arrested and taken into
The pursuing citizen was
arrested as well, and some
details of his account have been
called into question. One of the
stipulations of a concealed carry
permit is that the owner cannot
be under the influence of any
alcoholic beverages when han-
dling their firearm.
“This is not like driving a car
where there is a set limit where
you cannot drive,” says Chief
Doyle. “This means no alcohol.
[The person in question] had
been drinking. It is illegal to
discharge a firearm within the
confines of the Village unless
you are protecting your life or
the life of another.”
In addition, Police were
called to a Cromwell Road resi-
dence the following day with a
report that a window in their
home had been shot out.
Officers indeed did recover a
bullet from the scene. When
asked if the actions of this citi-
zen should be applauded or
were a concern, the Chief
answered that it “concerned him
very much.”
“Had the suspect been
wounded or killed, it would not
in my mind have justified his
injury or death. The man stole a
purse from a car and confronted
no one during the offense, he
ran from the scene, he is a
Greenhills local and could easi-
ly be identified. I do not con-
done shooting at some over a
minor theft offense. Human life
is much more valuable than the
After his arrest, the person in
question was released. His trial
is pending.
Police Activity Summary
For the month of January, the
Greenhills Police Department
reported a total of 125 traffic
stops, 1 for Operating a Vehicle
under the Influence. 78 traffic
tickets and 21 misdemeanor
citations were issued. There
were a total of 45 arrests with
eight felonies reported.
Police Blotter
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Staff Columnist
Kathy (Duffy) Schorle sent
me a box of “memories” for the
Historical Society. One of her
memories was the Turkey
Raffle. She thinks she recalls it
was on Friday nights. Since
Catholics didn’t eat meat on
Fridays, sandwiches were all
made of cheese (mostly Swiss).
Her father (John) always bought
lots of tickets, and they always
won a couple of “birds.” (I had
to laugh. Wendel’s folks, my
parents, and we never won one
bird in all these years.) She
remembers the adults enjoying
their beer and cigarettes and how
smoky it was inside the Legion.
She said, “All of us kids running
around outside the Hall like
crazy with no parents breathing
down our necks. Our parents
were too busy winning turkeys
to care about what we were up
to. Those were the days!”
She went on to reminisce,
“Even after all the years and
places I’ve lived, Greenhills will
always be #1 in my heart. What
an amazing place to grow up and
to raise a family. There are lots
of times I wish I had never left.
I’m just sorry my kids were too
little to remember how it was.
The village of Greenhills was
like one big family. I know times
have changed but whenever I’m
in Ohio, I always go back and
remember how safe it was there
and how everyone looked out for
everyone else. It was almost like
having several hundred sets of
parents! Translation• you could-
n’t get away with much!!” (I
can’t tell you how many persons
have told me this.)
John, a handsome Irishman
(serving in the US Army) decid-
ed he wasn’t about to let go of
his gorgeous, vivacious, Italian
sweetheart Joyce Bilotta. So
even knowing it would go on his
record, he went AWOL in 1946
to marry Joyce. When they even-
tually ended up in Greenhills, (in
1952), they first lived at 9
Falcon. In 1957, they moved to
30 Deerhill Lane. The Duffy
clan quickly grew: Kathy
(1950), John (1952), Jim (1956),
Peggy (1958), Debbie (1959),
Donna (1962), Michael (1965),
and Rob (1970). In May 1969,
they moved to Embassy. Their
home there was a Christmas
delight with the life-sized
manger scene and furry animals.
They were our neighbors
from 1962-1969. The children
were adorable and the girls espe-
cially loved to ask if our beauti-
ful German Shepherd Holly Sue
could come out to play. She
loved the girls, retrieving rocks,
and what we now call ‘play
dates.’ Donna especially took a
liking to Holly and since they
couldn’t have a pet, Donna’s love
for Holly carried over into adult-
hood. She now has a beautiful
German Shepherd all her own.
John and Joyce bought a
home in Clearwater, Florida, in
1986, where they eventually
In 1951, John went to work
with Gordon Neal who had a
civil engineering office in down-
town Cincinnati. John then did
many jobs for Ken Hammond, a
builder and developer in
Greenhills from 1954-1959. (A
“Journal” ad I spotted read: “The
Harding and Carroll Furniture
Store (Greenhills Shopping
Center) has decorated the newly
opened Alameda Realty Display
home by Ken Hammond, Inc. at
46 Hamlin.”)
In 1959, Duffy, George
Cundy and Associates started
their own engineering firm
doing subdivision development,
land planning, surveying, etc.
John moved the growing busi-
ness from his Deerhill home to
the Endicott Building’s third
floor. (where the stairs went up
over the library/Prime Cut
Beauty parlor area.) Mr. Cundy
left in 1962, and it became John
J. Duffy and Associates.
In Jan. of 1962, John present-
ed to the Greenhills Restoration
Board detailed preliminary plans
for the redevelopment of Palma
Park. John’s son is now the pres-
ident of John J. Duffy Associates
located at 4838 Duff Dr. (how
appropriate!) off
Princeton•Glendale Rd. Brother
Rob works there with John.
Glendale has been John’s home
since 1993.
An informative quote from
Kathy’s helpful letter reads: “As
the City Engineer, my dad laid
out most of the ‘newer’ streets in
Greenhills. He also named most
of them. For instance, when they
were looking for a lot to build
our house on in 1956, they found
one with Winton Woods behind
it. They saw a deer on the hill-
hence Deerhill Lane. Joywood is
named for my mother. We used
to sit around the dinner table and
try to come up with names for
the streets. We kids felt so
important to be helping out!
According to (brother) John,
Dad laid out and named most of
the H, I, J streets and
Dayspring/Deerhill. He named
most everything east of Winton,
not including some of the older
sections like Farragut, Falcon,
etc.” –end of quote. Ken
Hammond named some of them
by using an old Italian phone
book he had. He’d pick out
names and use them for street
names. Kathy could only recall
one- Carini. I was once told that
Alcott was named after Louisa
May Alcott an American
authoress, Farragut after an
American Admiral David
Glasgow Farragut (1801-1870),
and Cromwell after English
General Oliver Cromwell also
lord protector of England from
1653-1658. If anyone has ideas
on origins of Greenhills’ street
names, contact me. I can’t sub-
stantiate the last three as the man
who did the research is now
deceased, and I can’t find the list
I had.
Sadly, John passed away in
1999 and Joyce in 2009.
When Kathy was first mar-
ried, they lived on Dewitt Ct. (all
gone now) and then moved into
the Schorle home on Hayden.
She now lives in Ft Meyers,
I don’t know if Kathy recalls
this, but I have a very fond mem-
ory of a sweet twelve year old
girl who loved to come over to
see if I had any papers she could
grade. She was so bright, I
always let her grade my spelling
and math papers. What a big
help she was. My heart sank to
the floor when she had a very
serious accident on Northland
Blvd. I considered it a miracle
that she survived, and she healed
just fine. I also loved to come
over to see her mother’s wonder-
ful orchids. She had an “orchid
thumb” for sure!
Kathy, I know you take the
Journal and I publically want to
thank you and your family for
the box and your memories, and
to tell you, “I love you”. It was
so long ago, and you were all
such cute, active little tots. How
fast the years have flown by.
• you ordered your Greenhills
class ring and the day it was
given to you? Think back on all
the memories it conjures up. My
little West High ring from
Columbus, Ohio, surely holds a
TON of memories. (I only went
to G.H.S. for less than six
months.) Well, someone in the
class of 1979 has lost their
“memory maker”. A 1979 G.H.
class ring was found in a chest in
Maderia after making its way
there from Columbus. It may
belong to a male with a National
Honor Insignia on it. If you have
lost your ring or know someone
who has, contact Judy Mohr @
[emailprotected]. Here’s hop-
ing for a happy memory out-
• The Greenhills Shoe Repair
Shop advertised that they could
attach Cinderella heels safely?
They looked similar to today’s
spike heels only much thinner
and dangerous. Known also as
stiletto heels: meaning a slender
The heel base was as small as
a pencil eraser. No wonder they
broke off a lot. The first memory
of heels that I was allowed to
have was for my 9th grade grad-
uation. They were two inches by
two inches – Cinderella’s ugly
step•sisters’ heels. I later gradu-
ated to the four inchers, but they
made me over six feet tall so
they were reserved for very spe-
cial events only. I can’t believe
my teacher pals and I taught all
day in heels. Could that be why
our backs and feet hurt? No
• Every Sunday evening at
the American Legion at 7:30
there were Derby Games and 8
Bingo was held?
• you couldn’t find what you
needed at the Shopping Center,
there was always Holzhauser’s
Dept. Store in Mt Healthy?
Page 10 The Greenhills Journal Friday, March 2, 2012
Judy’s Fisher’s
SPRING HOUSING EVENT!Molloy's On The Green, 10 Enfield St., March 28 at 5:30 p.m.
Learn about the housing purchase process, appraisals,
inspections, loans and more!
Let me show you 9 January Ct. - NOT a "fixer-upper"
Updated ranch priced at $99,900!
Taxpayers!Mark your calendars for
March 29, 12 Noon until 4 p.m.
A representative of the
Regional Income Tax Agency (R.I.T.A.)
will be at the Greenhills Municipal Building,
11000 Winton Road to assist you
with 2011 Greenhills local income tax filing.
Servicing all of Greenhils and Springfield Twp.!
We repair all
and lawn
Page10March2012.qxp:Page6March08.qxd 3/1/12 2:39 PM Page 1
Page 11The Greenhills JournalFriday, March 2, 2012
Page11March2012.qxp:Page7March08.qxd 3/1/12 2:18 PM Page 1
guards, driveway sealing, wall-
papering, light moving and
hauling. Insured. Call Kevin
for an estimate.
Excellence wants to make your
next event special. I have 20
years experience. My music
library consists of songs from
1940–present. I also have
Karaoke, dance lighting, bub-
ble/smoke machines and music
video shows. If you are getting
married or having a party, then
call Jeff Bowling at 373–8602.
company do it all. I provide:
mowing, edging, gutter clean-
ing, mulching, general land-
scaping, leaf removal, snow
removal, fertilizing, aerations,
grass seeding, bush and tree
trimming, plus anything else. I
will also do small jobs around
your house. For 2012, I am
charging $25 a mow for new
customers. Call Jeff at
373–8602 or visit my website:
LOOkING FOR a dependable
lawn care company? Offerng
mowing, spring/fall cleanups,
mulching. Contact Mike at
LOST DOG – Found in Winton
Woods 1-27-12. Twelve
pounds, caramel color, poodle
mix. Very friendly, not spayed,
healthy. Call 314-6779.
FOR SALEMITER SAW – Craftsman 10”
Compound Miter Saw Model
#315.212100; new in original
box with manual. Parts include
set of table extensions. Never
used. $75. Call 476–7653.
power wheelchair. Manual and
charger included. Price can be
negotiated. Call
Amish made with all cherry wood
and dark cherry stain. 48” round
table with two extensions, 6 chairs
and buffet. Almost new condition.
Call 853–2855.
Page 12 The Greenhills Journal Friday, February 3, 2012
Todd Sexton
Personal Trainer
ACE certified PFT
Keep loved ones and Greenhills’
transplants informed!
only $10 for an entire year !
Send your check or
money order for $10 to:
The Greenhills Journal, 22
Endicott, Greenhills, Ohio
45218 or just drop it in the
Journal mailbox at the
Greenhills post office.
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Have your computer checked and cleaned!
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Serving the Greater cincinnati area since 1964
Classified AdsPlace your classified ads (no agents) prepaid with $3 for first 30 words ($0.20
for each additional word), in the Greenhills Post Office door or mail to:
Greenhills Journal, 22 Endicott, Greenhills, OH 45218. We regret that we
cannot accept ads by phone. The deadline for copy is 12 p.m. the Friday prior
to publication. (See the masthead on page 2 for publication dates.)
For information, call Kim Kuhlman, 851–0532.
Notice: If you have ever submitted photos to the Journal, they may be retrieved
from the Greenhills Branch Post Office at 22 Endicott St., Greenhills.
Peter Mayer
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Cincinnati, OH 45218
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Page12MARCH2012.qxp:Page12March08.qxd 3/1/12 2:35 PM Page 1