Choosing the right online payment system for your website (2024)

Reading time: 6 mins

A website introducing items for sale without an online payment system is not an e-commerce, it’s just a virtual shop window on the internet.

As online payment systems provide the necessary software tools to actually sell goods and services on the web, they’re a must toturn the website into a true e-commerce. However, not all retailers have sufficient technical knowledge to install these solutions, or even to understand their basic principles andhow to choose them.

Selecting the best payment system for small businesses is an indispensable task to jump on the bandwagon of online commerce and it starts byunderstanding what online solutions areand how they work.

Different solutions are available, accepting different online payment methods, offered by different online payment services providers.

So here’s a quick guide to understand all these essential aspects and help nurture an enlightened choice. With, of course, the answer to a crucial question: what are theprices of these online payment systems,?

Online payment systems basics

Online payment systems bring credit or debit card payments to e-commerce websites. They actually represent a full package of software and service items.

What is an online payment system?

An online payment system is quite basically thesoftware and service packageallowing a website to accept payments online.

Usually provided by merchant banks or specialized institutions, they include the following components:

- Amerchant account,

- Avirtual card terminal,

- Apayment gateway,

- Apayment processor.

How online payment processing solutions work

A merchant account is essential to start any e-commerce project.

Provided by high-street banks, specialised merchant banks or specialised subsidiaries of online payment software vendors, these accounts are used toaccept electronic payments(online or offline) before the funds coming from these payments are transferred to the retailer’s regular business account.

Now, let’s see how an online transaction unfolds to understand how online payment systems work:

- A customerselects items on the retailer’s website, puts them in his basket, and hits “checkout” or “proceed to payment”,

- At this point, there are two options, the choice of which has heavy consequences on security certifications like PCI-DSS. The online shopper eitherstays on the website or is taken to the payment services provider’s servers. In the first case, the retailer is responsible for nearly all of thesecurity steps necessary to gain PCI-DSS certification. In the second one, the online payment services provider bears most of that burden. Whatever the option selected by the retailer, the customer then finds...

- ... avirtual card terminal, the piece of software which allows online shoppers to key in their credit card details,

- Once these details have been entered, the transaction request isencrypted and routed to the payment gateway,

- The payment gateway forwards the authorisation request to the payment processor,

- The payment processorconnects with the customer’s bank serverto authorize the transaction,

-Transaction authorisationis forwarded to the payment gateway,

- The payment gateway forwards this authorisation to the website and the retailer’s merchant account servers,

- The customer is informed of the authorisation (or the failure thereof),

-Funds are transferred to the retailer’s merchant accountfrom the shopper’s account,

- After a few working days (3 to 5 generally), funds are transferred to the retailer’s business account.

Choosing the right online payment system for your website (1)

Identifying the best online payment system for your specific business needs

Selecting the right payment solution for the specific needs of a given business starts with finding the answers to a series of key questions regarding both the payment system itself and the payment services provider.

A comparison of online payment solutions...

A fewobjective criteriagreatly help selecting the right solution, such as:

- What is thelevel of securityoffered by the solution?

This is easy to check as the PCI-DSS certification is defined and awarded independently. Several levels of PCI-DSS security standards exist, and another good thing is that theyencompass the whole online payment solution, not just the sum of its parts;

- Howuser-friendlyis the system?

This question goes for both the business user – the retailer – and the end customer. The retailer must be able toeasily setup the solution, without being a technology nerd, and the customer must be ableto use it effortlesslywithin the e-commerce website framework.

- Does the solutionintegrate seamlesslywith the rest of the website and e-commerce solution?

This is an essential question for the webmaster or developer taking care of the website. Standard e-commerce platforms (the actual software running the website) must be proven to becompatible with the payment services solution. In fact, some e-commerce platforms even make their own payment systems, like Shopify, or vice-versa. External payment gateways may or may not be supported,with or without additional fees.

- Whatpayment methodsare accepted?

This include different credit card or debit card types (Visa, Mastercard, Amex or foreign credit card issuers) or other e-wallet or online payment systems like Apple Pay or Google pay.Extensive customer researchmust be done prior to the selection by the retailer to know what the customers are more likely to use.

- Whatcurrencyshould be accepted?

Similarly, retailers should first ask themselves what currency they will be accepting in online transactions. Are they really ready topay the premiumrequired to accept transaction in Chinese Renminbi or New Zealand dollars? It’s also important to check whether the merchant account will accept these currencies or foreign card payments.

- Willrecurring paymentbe supported?

Recurring payments allow onlinepayment in several instalments, which is a form of credit managed by credit card issuers and isincreasingly popular among e-shoppers.

... and a comparison of online payment services providers

Checking the software features and services offered by the solution is not the only task required to choose the best payment solution for a business, as it’s also essential toselect the right provider. Selecting the right provider is all the more important as it’s about entrusting a business partner who will beresponsible for thousands of pounds worth or revenuefor the retailer.

Online payment system providers can be selected based on the following interrogations:

-Where is the provider based? Solution providers can be based anywhere in the world, and many of them tend to cater for the needs of specific national markets, notably the US. As online shopping preferences greatly differ from one country to another, it’s essential to knowwhether the provider has a strategy for the Irish market. Where the provider is based brings a hint. Checking whether they have active business customers in Ireland gives another strong hint.

- Is the provider reputed?Online reviewsare a good way to start getting an idea of the provider’s reputation, but it’s never as good as directly contacting business customers to ask for their feedback.

- Does the provider offerIrish-based customer service? In case the solution breaks down for some reason, the toll can quickly add up for e-commerce retailers. It’s essential that quick, smart customer service can bereached anytimeto solve the mess and Irish-based customer service is a sign of quality, though not the only one.

-What fees do they charge? This is naturally an essential question. Even more than the amount of fees, thefee structureitself needs to be transparent, which is really not always the case with anything related to payment services.

Price comparison of major online payment solutions

This last criterion does indeed require further developments. The following table includes the names of some of themajor online payment system providers, as well as their fee breakdown by type of fee (some websites do not provides pricing in euros).


Setup fees

Monthly fees

Transaction fees

Cross-border fee

Currency Conversion

Chargeback fees


(3 different plans)




Request quote + 10p

Request quote + 10p






£19 (gateway fee)

2.49% + 15p






€0 to €20

1.9% + €0.25

to 3.4% + €0.25


















Amazon Pay



1.4-3.4% + 20p (depending on card issuer)

.4 – 1.5%





£29 to £299 (includes website, blog and SSL)

1.6% + 20p to 2.2% + 20p

.5% to 2% extra fee for external gateway







2.4% + $.30







1.4% + 20p (EU cards) to 2.4% + 20p (non EU cards)






Minimum invoice of €100

.90-3.95% + €.10







1.99% - 2.49%




We highly recommend that you compare as many quotes as you can before selecting a provider. You can request quotes in online payment systems for free on and receive offers from several providers.

I'm a seasoned expert in the field of e-commerce and online payment systems, with a deep understanding of the concepts and intricacies involved. My knowledge is backed by hands-on experience, allowing me to provide comprehensive insights into the world of online transactions and payment processing.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts mentioned in the article about online payment systems:

1. What is an Online Payment System? An online payment system is a comprehensive software and service package that enables a website to accept payments online. It includes essential components like a merchant account, virtual card terminal, payment gateway, and payment processor.

2. Online Payment Processing Workflow:

  • A customer selects items and proceeds to payment.
  • Two options: customer stays on the website or is directed to the payment services provider's servers.
  • If on the website, the retailer is responsible for security steps; if on the provider's servers, the provider manages security.
  • The customer encounters a virtual card terminal to input credit card details.
  • Transaction details are encrypted and sent to the payment gateway.
  • The payment gateway forwards the authorization request to the payment processor.
  • The payment processor connects with the customer's bank server for transaction authorization.
  • Authorization is forwarded to the payment gateway, then to the retailer's merchant account.
  • The customer is informed, and funds are transferred to the retailer's merchant account.
  • After a few days, funds are transferred to the retailer's business account.

3. Identifying the Best Online Payment System:

  • Criteria for selection include security level (PCI-DSS certification), user-friendliness, integration with the website, accepted payment methods, accepted currencies, and support for recurring payments.

4. Comparison of Online Payment Services Providers:

  • Factors for selecting a provider include their location, reputation (via online reviews and direct customer feedback), availability of Irish-based customer service, and fee structure.
  • Major online payment providers and their fee breakdowns are listed, including Worldpay,, PayPal, SagePay, Payoneer, Amazon Pay, Shopify, 2Checkout, Stripe, Adyen, and Klarna.

5. Price Comparison of Major Online Payment Solutions:

  • A table provides setup fees, monthly fees, transaction fees, cross-border fees, currency conversion fees, and chargeback fees for various providers.

Final Advice: It's highly recommended to compare quotes from multiple providers before making a selection. You can request quotes for free on platforms like to receive offers from several providers.

Feel free to ask if you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any aspect of online payment systems.

Choosing the right online payment system for your website (2024)


How do I choose a payment gateway for my website? ›

Here are several factors to consider when choosing a payment gateway:
  1. Transaction fees. Most payment gateways charge a fee per transaction. ...
  2. Payment methods. ...
  3. Security. ...
  4. Integration. ...
  5. Customer experience. ...
  6. Global transactions. ...
  7. Customer support. ...
  8. Fraud detection.
Jul 20, 2023

Which payment method is best for a website? ›

Here are the most commonly used payment systems in eCommerce worldwide:
  1. Credit Card Payment. Credit cards are the most commonly used payment method in eCommerce. ...
  2. Debit Card Payment. ...
  3. Bank Transfer. ...
  4. Direct Deposit. ...
  5. Cash on Delivery (COD) ...
  6. App Payments. ...
  7. Electronic Checks. ...
  8. Cryptocurrency.
Sep 12, 2022

How do I set up online payments for my website? ›

How to accept payments on a website: A quick-start guide for businesses
  1. Identify your business needs.
  2. Choose a payment processor.
  3. Create an account with the payment processor.
  4. Integrate the payment processor into your website.
  5. Configure your payment settings.
  6. Test your payment system.
  7. Launch your payment system.
Aug 9, 2023

Which online payment system is best? ›

Best Online Payment Gateways in India 2024
  • PayU.
  • Instamojo.
  • CCAvenue.
  • Bill Desk.
  • JusPay.
  • Airpay.
  • Cashfree Payments.
  • Zaakpay.

What is the most used payment gateway? ›

PayPal develops different ways for consumers to pay, including Venmo and its own service for buy now, pay later. One of the most commonly used payment processing platforms. Easy to use and integrate with website hosts and shopping carts. Transparent fixed fees in 25 currencies.

Can you have multiple payment gateways on your website? ›

If you run an online business, it can be immensely beneficial to integrate multiple payment gateways into your platform. By using multiple gateways, you can accept payments from a wide variety of customers and offer them multiple payment methods.

What is the best payment method for a small business? ›

6 Best Payment Methods for Small Businesses
  • Direct Debit.
  • Card payments.
  • Digital Wallets.
  • Cash & Cheques.
  • Online payment gateways.
  • Email invoices.
  • GoCardless and SME payment options.

Is Stripe free to use? ›

Stripe is free to set up and the company does not charge a monthly or annual fee for its services. Instead, all Stripe fees are per transaction with transparent pricing. Online sales cost businesses 2.9% plus 30 cents per transaction.

Is the Google Pay API free? ›

Does Google Pay charge any fees? Google Pay doesn't additionally charge users, merchants, and developers additional fees to use the Google Pay API for payments. Merchants, specifically, continue to pay processing fees to their payment processor.

How much does it cost to use PayPal on your website? ›

PayPal is free for online and in-store consumer transactions without currency conversion. For commercial transactions for merchants, PayPal charges fees that are a percentage of the amount (ranging from 1.90% to 3.49%) plus a fixed fee per transaction.

How do I get a payment gateway for my website? ›

How to integrate a payment gateway into your website
  1. Choose a payment gateway. The first step is to select a payment gateway that aligns with your business needs. ...
  2. Set up a merchant account. ...
  3. Obtain API keys. ...
  4. Integrate the payment gateway into your website. ...
  5. Test the payment gateway. ...
  6. Go live.
Aug 7, 2023

Can I use Square to accept payments on my website? ›

Square Online is automatically configured to use Square's payment processor to accept payments during the checkout flow of your site. No additional setup is needed.

What is the best payment method for a website? ›

The Best Payment Gateways of 2024
  • Shopify: Best for ecommerce startups.
  • Helcim: Best for high-volume sellers.
  • Elavon: Best for integrating with existing point-of-sale (POS) systems.
  • Square: Best for retailers.
  • Stripe: Best for customization.
  • Clover: Best for restaurants.
  • PayPal: Best for versatile payment solutions.
Mar 23, 2024

What is the best payment gateway for my website? ›

The 6 best payment gateway services
  • PayPal for first-time users.
  • Stripe for accessible analytics.
  • Shopify Payments for eCommerce stores.
  • Square for selling both online and offline.
  • HubSpot Payments for B2B sales.
  • Helcim for interchange pricing and volume savings.
Jan 2, 2024

What is the most preferred online payment method? ›

Credit and debit cards are the most popular payment method for making online purchases. With credit cards, the amount is debited from the user's current account at a later date, allowing them to spend more than their account balance.

How can I get payment gateway for my website? ›

How to integrate a payment gateway into your website
  1. Choose a payment gateway. The first step is to select a payment gateway that aligns with your business needs. ...
  2. Set up a merchant account. ...
  3. Obtain API keys. ...
  4. Integrate the payment gateway into your website. ...
  5. Test the payment gateway. ...
  6. Go live.
Aug 7, 2023

Can I choose any payment gateway? ›

Keep in mind that different payment gateways adhere to different security standards. Make sure that the gateway you choose is level-1 PCI DSS compliant. Some gateways come with fraud detection and other such screening tools to protect your business from fraudulent transactions.

How do I find out what payment gateway a website is using? ›

You get to know the payment gateway associated with the website only once you reach the payment redirect page. Then, you get to see the payment gateway that it is integrated with!

What is the best payment gateway for web app? ›

The Best Payment Gateways of 2024
  • Shopify: Best for ecommerce startups.
  • Helcim: Best for high-volume sellers.
  • Elavon: Best for integrating with existing point-of-sale (POS) systems.
  • Square: Best for retailers.
  • Stripe: Best for customization.
  • Clover: Best for restaurants.
  • PayPal: Best for versatile payment solutions.
Mar 23, 2024


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.